Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 137: Pure Land


Zhao Hai is standing on the northern line here, Shadow Clansman outside look at, Wen Wenhai. They are standing beside Zhao Hai. Now White Eyes they are still studying in Blood Slaughter Sect, but they are Wen Wenhai. Now they are all present in Black and White Battlefield here, these people They are very familiar with Shadow Clan and can help Zhao Hai better.

Shadow Clansman outside Zhao Hai look at, these several days Shadow Clansman although have several times launched attack to them, but it has not been successful, and the flower queen also does not have appears , which makes Zhao Hai very puzzled, now the northern line here, Shadow Clansman Still attacking every day, but the scale of the attack is very small, as if it was a deliberate waste of human life, it is very puzzling.

The Shadow Clansman, said solemnly of Zhao Hai look at are busy outside: “You guys, what are those Shadow Clansman doing? At this time of several days, they will send millions of people to attack us every day, but those of their clearly know were successful by is impossible, But still do it every day, what is the reason for this? I really miss don’t understand a bit. “

Wen Wenhai they also frowned, Chang Jun open the mouth and said: “Sect Master, I think there must be some conspiracy in Shadow Clansman, otherwise they would not do so, now Shadow Clansman already knows our identity, then they will definitely deal with us After all, when we were at Lower Realm, already had enemies with them, so we must be careful. “

Zhao Hai nodded, and then said solemnly: “I know that they must have a conspiracy, but it is because of don’t know that they have a conspiracy, which caused me a headache. By the way, in the name, are you analyzing here? Is there any change in the soil of occur? How do I feel that the soil of here after my Law Idol appears is like a huge change in occur? “

Wen Yuming nodded said: “Not only here, Sect Master, even if we earn the soil in Black Tortoise Space, at the moment of your Law Idol appears , occur changed, as if these soils were activated, they Full of activity and strong resistance to all things of Yin Attribute, this is really very strange. “

Zhao Hai for a while, after he changed the occur of discover here, he really hasn’t analyzed it with Universal Machine in Space. Now when I hear Wen Yuming say this, he is curious and really wants See what kind of change this occur has.

When I think of here, Zhao Hai immediately said: “Really?, this is interesting, so I have to take a good look. What about Refining? What happened to this soil after Refining? “Zhao Hai now prefers to hand over these things to Wen Yuming. Once he can stop worrying about it, the second is to let Wen Yuming let them pass these things to improve their strength, so he will now deal with this kind of soil. The change is not completely understand.

Wen Yuming deep voice: “The change of crafting is even bigger. This kind of soil originally requires a large amount of join into other materials in order to achieve it, but now it is different. Now this kind of soil only needs a small amount of join Among those materials, he can do what he did before, and as long as the material of join a little bit, the one type of characteristics of this soil will have the characteristics of the soil. Now our Black Tortoise Island outer layer protective armor, we simply do not need to go up Refining nails, that kind of soil will slowly assimilate all the Black Tortoise Island nails, so that those nails have his characteristics.

Zhao Hai changed for a while, then complexion changed, said solemnly: “How can this work? Is there any change in occur for the Black Tortoise Island nails?” Zhao Hai is really worried that the nails of Black Tortoise Island will change occur. After all, this kind of soil Refining The resulting thing is not as easy to use as the real Magical Artifact, and its strength and tenacious are not up to standard.

Wen Yuming shook his head said: “No, the characteristics of this soil seem to be some changes from occur. He seems to play a role of blessing/additional support. He can be mixed with any material combined together, without changing to those In the case of material characteristics, for those materials carry out additional support, let those materials have one type of characteristics, and this characteristic seems to be specifically used for restrain some Yin Attribute thing, but the strange thing is that this characteristic seems to be different from Curse Formation occur conflict, so very strange is very puzzling. “

Zhao Hai froze for a moment, then he could not help but frown, said solemnly: “Really? This is really weird, it seems that this kind of soil should be a good research, but anyway, this For us, it ’s a good thing. So, let ’s do a test today, take out two Magical Artifact, do n’t put that kind of soil on one Magical Artifact, and put that kind of soil on one type of Magical Artifact, just Put it on the Magical Artifact, and then put the Magical Artifact outside, and let the Magical Artifact drop Divine Light once to see what the consequences are. “

Wen Yuming immediately understand has the meaning of Zhao Hai, he immediately should be heard, and then go down to prepare to go, those Shadow Clansman outside Zhao Hai look at, said solemnly: “You said, those Shadow Clansman will already discover this kind of soil? Even if their discover has this kind of soil, they shouldn’t do it like this? Why is this? “

Wen Wenhai said solemnly: “Boss, if I look at this matter very simple, I will attack Shadow Clan directly and see what kind of reaction they will have. No matter what they are doing, as long as we attack them, we will definitely Slowly discover they are flawed, what do you think? “

Zhao Hai thought about it and nodded said: “OK, to attack them, but not now, when our various Magical Artifact, all of them do not need to be afraid to drop Divine Light, we are attacking them, I want to see See, what will Shadow Clansman do in the future, they are afraid that here will drop Divine Light, so they did not make too many Magical Artifact in here, this is their biggest mistake. “

Wen Wenhai They all nodded. Zhao Hai said solemnly: “All right, ordered that formation transform be performed on the entire region. The formation we built before was still too simple. No matter what, let ’s protect our own site. Then slowly deal with the enemy. “

Wen Wenhai all responded, Zhao Hai then waved, flashes already disappeared in original place, the next moment he already appears in internal space of Pegasus Space, Zhao Hai now wants research, here‘s earth to the end What is going on, how occur has changed so much.

After returned to learned Pegasus Space, he directly entered spiritual force into his Space, and then put the soil into Universal Analyzer for analysis. After this analysis, he was sure that discover was different, and he heard a sound from Universal Analyzer: speaking sounds: “Highly active, extremely residual soil with strong Great Buddha properties, suspected of Buddhist Sect Pure Land.”

As soon as this sentence came, Zhao Hai was caught in there. Then he couldn’t help two eyes shined, he immediately understand, why his Law Idol can be appears in Black and White Battlefield here, we must know that in Black and White Battlefield here, Law of the Heaven and Earth is not allowed Law Idol appears V At here, but when he was first formed in Law Idol, his Law Idol was appears in here. How could he not be surprised? Now when I hear the answer given by Analyzer, what’s going on with his immediately understand, Buddhist Sect Pure Land, this kind of soil in Space turned out to be Buddhist Sect Pure Land.

Zhao Hai used to think that Buddhist Sect Pure Land was a one type of legend, but after Cultivator, he slowly discover, the legendary thing, is possible is not just as simple as the legend, he has seen it before, let alone Buddhist Sect Pure Land, and if the soil of here is really Buddhist Sect Pure Land, then everything can be explained.

When thinking of here, Zhao Hai couldn’t help but be more excited. Then he carefully looked at Pure Land of Buddhist Sect, and then open the mouth and said: “Further analyze this soil and compare it with Buddhist Sect Jingshi.” This time he really was To take a closer look, is this soil Buddhist Sect Pure Land?

After a while, there was a sound speaking sounds on Universal Machine: “Analysis is complete, this soil is incomplete Buddhist Sect Pure Land, Buddhist Sect Pure Land can produce eight merit water, when there is Qibaochi, but this soil only has the characteristics of one type of in eight merit water. Net characteristics. “Then the sound disappeared.

When Zhao Hai heard this analysis, he nodded. He completely believed in the analysis of Universal Machine. That is also in other words. He can be sure of already. This is Pure Land of Buddhist Sect, and Pure Land of is no more than which is incomplete. in other words, and complete Pure Land? The thought of here, Zhao Hai could not help but two eyes shined, then he directly withdrew from Space, directly appears in Pegasus Space, then he came out from Pegasus Space, went directly to the outside, then he thought about it and wanted release‘s own Law Idol.

But this time he was unsuccessful. Zhao Hai was stunned. When he was first Law Idol, he could still succeed with release Law Idol. Why is it not successful now? This made him a little puzzled, but although and release Law Idol were unsuccessful, but he could feel that he could use all the abilities in Law Idol, which made Zhao Hai relieved. Then he also understand, and Law of the Heaven and Earth of here was still In the beginning, here Law Idol is still unusable. After all, here is incomplete Pure Land. At the same time, he also started to feel his power slowly.

although His Law Idol cannot be used, but as long as he uses his power through his Law Idol, then his immediately can feel that from the ground of here, there is a force pouring into his body, and His body is completely connected, this power is like blessing/additional support on his body, making his power even stronger.

This makes Zhao Hai more happy, he understand This is because his Law Idol already has been recognized by Pure Land, although here is not a complete Buddhist Sect Pure Land, but he is Buddhist Sect Pure Land after all, so this Buddhist Sect Pure Land is very good for his Law Idol Helping, this is definitely a good thing for him.

Zhao Hai can feel that with the power blessing/additional support in this land, he does n’t say that he is invincible in here. At least he protects himself absolutely no problem. If he adds all the abilities in Law Idol, there is formation. With the help of him, he can be sure, even if Shadow Clansman now sends Expert to deal with him, he doesn’t need to worry about anything, he can definitely protect himself, and protect everyone of Blood Slaughter Sect.


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