After Becoming the Stand-in for the White Moonlight English

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After becoming the stand-in for the ‘White Moonlight’, the real ‘White Moonlight’ has returned.

Qiao Wan has always understood that she is the substitute for Mu Xiaoxiao, the younger martial sister of the Kunshan Sect, whom they found as a replacement after Mu Xiaoxiao passed away.

Her martial uncle, elder brother, and elder martial sisters cared for her mainly due to her resemblance to Mu Xiaoxiao.

Despite how others said she wasn’t as brave, adorable, or smart as Mu Xiaoxiao, Qiao Wan didn’t mind that her own worth was erased. She doubled her efforts, hoping not to disappoint the expectations of her sect.

One day, the dearly beloved and long-gone Mu Xiaoxiao, the true younger martial sister of the Kunshan Sect, returned, reclaiming everything that belonged to her.

As the stand-in for ‘White Moonlight’, the counterfeit Qiao Wan felt embarrassed, indignant, emotionally broken down, she angrily flipped the table and ‘left the mountain’, declaring that she wouldn’t continue this substitute role.

For so many years, she had been living for others. Now, Qiao Wan just wanted to live her life in a dignified manner for once, and not to forget, to crush those foolish people who tried to manipulate her.

Content Tags: Time-traveling, Xianxia cultivation, Book-traveling, Leveling-up
One-sentence: After becoming the stand-in for the ‘White Moonlight’, the real ‘White Moonlight’ has returned.

After Becoming the Stand-in for the White Moonlight Table of Contents

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