Skyroad English

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Crowned as the ‘Legendary Horseman of the Polaris’, the gifted player created his own tactics – Herding Calvary Assault Spread – and bested the number one archer in the nation, Bei Mingxue. He was thus praised as the number one knight on the rankings of Skywarp. However, he was pushed aside by bad people, and eventually left the Silverfox club he had served for a long time.

Will he sink, or will he rise again?

Coincidentally, Yueheng corporation’s fourth game, ‘Skyroad’, has been officially released. Perhaps—perhaps the world will be shaken into turmoil once again.

Deskripsi Novel Skyroad

Associated Names
Tian Xing - 天行

Skyroad Table of Contents

Everything here is translated by machine and edited with glossaries from members

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178 Monthly | 305 Weekly | 99 Daily
Retranslations Count
0 times
Latest retranslation at:
2021-07-05 23:17:02
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Top Glossator Tian Xing
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