Extraordinary Voyage English

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The indifferent gods look coldly at the mortal world from the clouds, the tailless reptiles whisper in the gap between winter and spring, and the eight-clawed demon god in a high hat plays his flute in the cold sea.

The steam engine had just ignited the light of civilization where swordplay and sorcery duels, alchemical guns and galleons orchestrate songs of perish, secret societies and the Church of the Righteous God are chasing and hiding against one another, and the curtain has been raised on the Great Age, the Great Voyage! The Great Exploration! Great geographic discoveries!

There are dramatic epics, and also sinister and deceitful schemes. Will Civilization conquer barbarism? No, there will only be barbarism and more barbarism! Alvin wakes up in the small seaside town, rises as a descendant of a fallen noble and enters the center of the vortex step by step, claiming the legendary crown at the peak of the path of the Extraordinary.

Deskripsi Novel Extraordinary Voyage

Associated Names
- 超凡大航海

Extraordinary Voyage Table of Contents

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