Xiling Empire Chapter 929: Copy?

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(Then it seems that I missed the middle of the month, but … I still need a monthly ticket !!)

The name of this Fallen Apostles is beyond our expectations. It is very common. Carter Carlo, referred to as Carter, is as simple as one of the most common Empire Military Personnels I encountered when I went around in base. It is difficult to remember. The only thing worth mentioning is that these four words are quite straightforward, leading me to almost think that he bit his tongue when he introduced himself. The structure of this name is really interesting, maybe it fully reflects Carter Dad pursues a unique attitude towards life in art, if this guy’s name is really given by his dad.

“It is really an incredible power that can actually change the nature of the abyss, which is impossible from theoretically, God Clan has never done it,” Carter was active because of the long **** and the previous For a while Void baptized and numb arm, although he has admitted that I and Shandora’s leader status, some habits left in the Fallen Apostles era still makes him not care about manners in front of us, this seems to be all infected by the abyss The common disease left by the recovered person, Icetis‘s rogue temperament became more serious after she was separated from the abyss. This is why Fallen Apostles will treat you as the enemy with the greatest threat, but never dare to act lightly. “

“I have known this for a long time,” I scratched my hair, “Your compatriots must pray three times a day in the morning, evening and night that I die of various accidents-but this topic is not discussed for the time being, I am more curious about you Status. “

“How do you reposition yourself as Xiling Apostle without changing memory,” Carter mused. “Maybe I ca n’t tell clearly. This process is incredible. My memory has n’t changed at all. I remember clearly Remember all the things I have experienced from walking out of the boot camp until today, remembering fighting with the abyss, remembering to join them, and remembering the recovery just now … All the memorys are there, and I have n’t been to now I think there is something wrong with the judgment at the time, these are complete and clear records, but they are still divided into three distinct paragraphs, just like observing the life of another person … I know that I was still more than an hour ago. A firm supporter of the abyss, and trying his best to destroy himself to prevent you from getting the information in my head, but now, this section of memory is still there, but it seems to have become a third-person view of the picture, there is no sense of substitution … … I ’m sorry, but I ’m afraid I ’m not too clear. This is a very complicated description problem. ”

“The transformation of world outlook?”

Shandora’s eyes shimmered a little. Although it was fleeting, she still saw something she seemed to think of, “The same memory, under the influence of different world outlook, will draw different conclusions and right and wrong judgments, but here The world outlook should be a more macro concept. It may include a whole set of processes for you to process external information. The abyss changed this set of processes, just like changing a set of algorithms. The same information is inputted in, after you think After the core processing became a very strange conclusion, and now the power of A’Jun is to reset this influence of the abyss and restore your information processing algorithm to its original state. “

Carter closed the eyes slightly and seemed to be retrieving his own thinking system. After a while, eyes shook his head and shook his head: “Perhaps what you said is correct, I did find signs of algorithm correction in my thinking core , But if this is the case, it should not have the illusion of observing yourself from the perspective of a third person, as if observing the life of another person … The abyss should not only change the rules of the infected person to judge things, but also change deeper. Level of things. “

The things Shandora and Carter said are getting more and more high-end. I listen to them gradually rising from pragmatism to philosophical level. Obviously, it wo n’t take long for me to understand it completely, so I quickly coughed. Suddenly: “Okay, it seems that the discussion of this issue alone can’t lead to results. You don’t know why Carter suddenly changed world outlook, Shandora, you haven’t experienced recovery from Fallen Apostles, we have similar experience here. Yes, one is a little lunatic, the other is severe brain insufficiency, and the other is not normal under normal circumstances … I think this problem is left to Tavel to study, I hope she can find Fallen Apostles and normal Xiling Apostle thinking The reason is different, so that we can reverse the other party in large numbers. “

The card nodded characteristically: “The landlord makes sense.”

I: “… Who taught you this sentence?”

Carter shrugged: “The Prison host here is the most difficult interrogator I have ever met, and it almost broke through my psychological defense line: The chattering host spends twenty-three hours discussing life with me every day, I have an hour left to study Earth culture. “

At this moment, both Shandora and I were shocked: What kind of Prison host does it intend to evolve into?

“In short, try not to contact the gourd in the future, it is 100% problematic,” I said, “I have to let someone take apart after two days to see if the thread is wrong.”

Carter takes it seriously. He also thinks that the gourd-shaped Prison host is a bit wrong. Of course, more importantly, in the past few days, he was really being a building that has been evolving and pulling himself together. AI has been exhausted by the tossing heart and soul, and now he feels a little bit of salty fish turning over.

Cate? Carlo, or the original prisoner A, has now got rid of the influence caused by the abyss. The next step for me and Shandora to consider is how to place this special Empire Military Personnel. First of all, Prison is definitely not suitable. In addition to the Fallen Apostles that was reversed, it still had no difference from the normal Empire Military Personnel in all aspects except that it still carried the abyss reaction. Perhaps he should return to the army.

Hearing my suggestion, Carter did n’t have any surprises, and nodded rightfully: “I ’m a soldier, and I can only be a soldier. Any arrangement you make is okay. I adapt to high-speed assault combat and can arrange The front line is perfect. “

“But this is a bit wasteful,” Shandora blinked. She considered how to maximize the value of each Soldier. “Your identity is special, although it seems that you are serving in the Fallen Apostles camp. Experience can’t bring us the value of reporting, but what should this special identity say is a little special value … A’Jun, what is your opinion? “

Shandora tossed the question over, but I ’m not totally unsure about it.

Carter is a former Fallen Apostles. At the beginning, this particular identity means the most to us because he may know who pushed behind the ambush battle of the World ruins and the value of the wreckage of those battleships, but now the information is gone. Yes, Belavela brought us more detailed information, but this made Carter, a former Fallen Apostles, into a regular army and became an ordinary little officer on the front line …

“Perhaps we should set up a military organization dedicated to Fallen Apostles.”

After thinking for a while, I tried to express my opinion, “Carter, although you may not have much information on military secrets, you must be familiar with the fighting style of Fallen Apostles and the various characteristics of their army. , Especially the armament they transformed with Abyss power. “

The other party nodded for granted.

Belavela was a leader in Fallen Apostles at that time. She may know what Fallen Apostles is doing from the overall situation, but in the most basic Soldier battle, her understanding of Fallen Apostles may be an ordinary captain of no match for,” I watched. Shandora’s eyes, “The headquarters has always had a group dedicated to the analysis of Fallen Apostles‘s actions, but this group is always composed of normal Xiling Apostle, they lack a real expert or core-I think Carter is suitable for this role.”

“Absolutely good idea,” Shandora said with a faint smile, “Carter, how about you serving in the headquarters first?”

“I’m just a front-line officer with a middle-level authority,” Carter did not accept or refuse, but objectively informed us of his situation, “Am I eligible to enter the headquarters?”

“You can regard this as a special appointment.” Shandora said lightly, “At least in the original a period of time, you have no actual military positions in the headquarters, nor any establishment, just exist as a foreign aid expert of a military team . “

When Shandora told the other party that this was an appointment, Carter said nothing more and immediately went to military salute: “Accept the order!”

In an instant, I suddenly felt a huge sense of violation: the tall and thin man in front of us was our enemy a few hours ago, standing firmly on the side of the abyss camp, thinking thoughtfully If I want to make Shandora’s and I plan to go bankrupt, and after a short time, the other party will be released from the influence of the abyss, and even become a member of Empire Army. Such a sharp contrast, a huge change, really makes people very It’s hard not to feel weird.

Fallen Apostles is the same as normal Xiling Apostlememory. It ’s clear-minded. What is the difference between them?

I think this question may be difficult to figure out before I completely defeat the opponent.

With absolute control of the spiritual link, Carter ’s loyalty should not be doubted, but after all, he was an enemy of Empire Army before, plus we are using “Void to reverse” for the first time (please let us forget Some off-line girl gave the name of “Emperor‘s Bo ♂Love” to purify an abyss infected person. The effect of this treatment has yet to be verified, so Shandora did not rashly loosen Carter completely, he It is still under close monitoring, the spiritual connection is open to us 24 hours, and except for the right of movement in the headquarters, there is no Empire Military Personnel authority, the use of arms is prohibited, and you are not allowed to leave the headquarters at will. It can be said that it is A free prisoner, under house arrest. This state should not last long. After passing a series of rigorous examinations, he will be able to return to his normal middle-level Commander status, but before that, it is difficult to say that Carter has been completely regarded as himself.

I think this kind of treatment may be a little bit depressing, but the didn’t expect opponent even looked calm. He gladly accepted the order to continue to be “watched”, as if taken for granted.

“Be careful of the abyss at all times, they are permeable.”

Carter said so, “After all, I still have an abyssal reaction in my body, and it only takes a few hours to complete the reversal.”

“Of course, you can understand the best, and you do n’t have to worry, just partly restrict freedom, I hope you can get used to it,” I contacted the Prison chief who was on standby at the external space through a spiritual connection, and asked him to cancel Carter ’s prisoner number, at the same time Let Sieves prepare to add an unauthorized serial code to the command and bind it to Carter together, “Now you can leave Prison, Shandora and I will take you to the command personally.”

wait a moment, one more thing!”

The other party seemed to suddenly think of something, and suddenly shouted, “I just remembered … There is an information, you absolutely don’t know!”

Shandora’s‘s eyes focused on Carter all at once, with a serious expression: “What information?”

Carter is also very serious: “I have no right to know the details, but because Harlan your majesty has participated in this project, I have come into contact with some relevant materials. This project is about you.”

The first half of the other party’s answer was Shandora, but the second half of the conversation turned my attention to me. I pointed my nose in confusion: “It’s about me? If you talk, can’t you be the same as passing the train?” Section by section … “

Carter did not respond to the encounter with tsukkomi/ridicule, but said one by one: “They may be trying to copy you.”


Silent, surroundings was silent for a moment, even his own breath was missing a few beats.

“Copy me?” After a long time, I laughed dumbly, and shook his shoulders while smiling at Shandora. “How do they copy? Is it so easy? And they know my true situation?”

There is a reason for this kind of dumb smile, even I do n’t even believe that this kind of thing may be done. Although Carter said a sensational intelligence, the gimmick effect of this intelligence is obviously far beyond its real possibility. Fallen Apostles is in Try to copy me? Is this possible?

If copying Xiling Emperor is such a simple thing, they have long been invincible, and still use it as low-key as they are now?

Thousands of empire Emperor rolled over horizontally. I believe that any fleet will be exploded. What should be known is that in the heyday of the empire, Emperor was only one hundred and thirty-five. This is still a million-year development. You can see how difficult it is to produce a Emperor, not only hard power, but also great luck, and Fallen Apostles is now thinking about mass production of Emperor?

This is still one of them, more importantly-can Void Creature be copied?

The whole Void has only three Void Creature! It is impossible for us to talk about an object within the family. Father God and his wife still developed it through the implementation of the Light source plan. Could it be that Fallen Apostles still plans to make an Void Creature by himself?

This is almost as distraught as the Void manufacturing plan of the Old Empire era.

“I know this sounds incredibly incredible. In fact, I don’t dare to be sure that this guess is true,” Carter’s reaction to me was not unexpected, just took a breath. “But I am 100% sure. They found a ‘primitive’ somewhere that can be used to copy part of your strength. I have been in contact with an independent database, database‘s footnote mentions your name, and this name and some are called ‘blank containers ‘The original body is together, and as far as I know, they have successfully collected your energy sample a long time ago: it is easy, as long as you are on the battlefield, your energy sample is completely public. Now these elements are complete It ’s hard to say whether they intend to make a copy similar to yours by copying your energy sample and pouring it into a blank body … “

“If what he said is true, then this is really a serious situation,” Shandora was silent for a few seconds, and whispered to me, “they ca n’t copy Emperor grade Apostle(s) exactly like you, let alone It may be possible to make Void Creature, but if they find a “body” that can hold the power of Void, then use your energy samples to mass-produce imitations similar to yours … “

“That is definitely a disaster,” I know what my power is signify, at this moment can not help but frown, “As long as they discover the secret of Void Domain, they can easily make all of our top fighting power Become ordinary people, and even God Clan will be affected by this power. “

“This is just the worst guess,” Shandora finally shook his head. “I do n’t think Fallen Apostles can achieve results in a short time. You need to know that Tavel from the very beginning is studying your power. Until now, her only mature results are also But it ’s a superficial thing like an energy grabber, which is still the result of the fact that she can directly contact you, the “original body”, and Fallen Apostles has at most your energy sample, even if they find one that can hold Void The body of power should not be able to master the method of multiplying your energy samples. “

Shandora’s analysis is not unreasonable. Although Carter ’s intelligence is sensational, it may not be necessary to worry about Fallen Apostles ’s plan so early: In fact, there are too many metamorphic plans for the lunatics. None of them are fuel-efficient lamps. Worrying ca n’t come, and even if they are really successful-no one will worry about it, it ’s just a fake, is it going to make me this genuine helpless?

But …

“I don’t know what happened, I suddenly thought of Sicaro.” I glanced at Shandora depressively. The latter was stunned and looked strange. “You don’t really say, I also thought He’s gone. “

Shandora and I will put Fallen Apostles‘s “replication plan” aside for a while. It’s not that this plan doesn’t need to worry. It’s just that in this situation, we can’t effectively prevent Fallen Apostles from proceeding in their old nest. Any research, so since I ’m worried that it ’s useless, I ’d rather be happy to think about how to quickly strengthen my own strength, no matter when absolute hard power is the most effective means of defensive counterattack, even if the enemy really copied hundreds of them ” “Lord Void“, I firmly believe that if there are tens of thousands of Star Warships in Empire Army‘s hands, those replicas also have to kneel. It’s very simple. Tens of thousands of Star Warships, my genuine product has already kneeled …

“This is the capital city of the new empire … It’s a completely different place than expected.” Carter, who became a semi-free body, followed me and Shandora and left Prison. We did not choose a portal, but walked to it. Headquarters, on the road, the former Fallen Apostles who first saw the scenery of Shadow City exclaimed loudly, and then his eyes fell on a Hologram publicity curtain wall not far away, suddenly a strange cry, and then jumped out a full dozen meters, “Wow! How can you put such a dangerous ring on the square?”

I quickly stepped forward and comforted him: “Do n’t be nervous, that ’s the London Olympics …” Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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