Xiling Empire Chapter 913: Ecological dome

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Well, it seems that I finally faced the brutality of the Empire Army Academy for the first time today, and now we have every reason to believe that the prestigious ultimate academy in Hong World has been cultivating wild Ultraman, as well as various This type of Savior is a school on the surface. In fact, from the old man in the door to the uncle Zhao who cooks in the canteen, they are all members of the mysterious organization Blue Truth Society. They repair the lawn during the day and exchange it into the water of student. Soy milk, at night, they will lead the class representatives to discuss the M7 nebula. They have prepared three sets of clothes at any time. One set is the suit of the faculty, one set of underwear is worn outside, and one set The clothes are usually a big box when not in use, and need the blood of Athena to activate … Yes, the place named Empire Army thing school is actually very likely to enter the door and turn left for more than two hundred meters is shrine. The name is St. John …

A’Jun, you seem to be confused.”

Slightly dragged my arm and asked with concern, but looking at her expression, the girl was obviously not surprised at the ecological dome in front of her.

I admire Qianqian’s, it ’s so good to be careless. The nerves are so large that she is more calm than anyone else. Perhaps there are only two people on this World who are most at risk, one is Jing Ke, and the other is Shallow …

“To be honest, the concubine was a little shocked,” Icetis threw out his tongue, pointing to the steel fortress exterior wall of more than ten meters in front of us and the huge Hologram picture of the entrance fortress. It may be a bit larger. “

I feel that as a manual operation, this ecological dome covering an area equivalent to half of Shanghai can no longer be described as larger! In addition, the reason for the abandonment of this giant ecological dome is now self-evident. It seems that the reason why it stopped running is because the Misakas have started school …

Okay, okay, I ’m not calm. at this moment should n’t be so surprised. This should be the glorious tradition of Empire Army School of Affairs. After all, there is an honorary chairman named Shallow, and its The purpose of the school is to allow every young man over 14 years old to fight against the first machine freehand. Every young girl over 14 years old can fly in the stratosphere at Mach 3.5 and throw SLB out of the stick. Misakas are in that group Under the guidance of the severely fed tutors and the unlimited resources of the empire, it has rapidly evolved into more than 10,000 sister terminators. Compared with the hand-made communities of Iwan, an ecological dome seems to be relatively safe … …

“It looks like abandoned a period of time, but the internal structure is intact,” the mayor of Refuge, who accompanied us, did not know why the first family members were in a daze for thirty seconds in front of the gate. I thought we were dissatisfied with the abandoned plant on the wall covered with vines and moss, so I immediately stepped forward and explained, “Because all the plants on Mars are in an accelerated growth state, the degree of waste here is longer than its actual waste time. It ’s more serious. But according to one of the construction of this facility … Little Girl, there are still two units of self-discipline machinery in the ecological dome. These self-discipline machinery will be activated after the dome restores energy to clean the plantation and residential areas.

“It’s okay, I think those new immigrants will not care about this, their previous living environment is harder than you think.”

Onee-sama always had a warm smile, and the words she spoke made people relax involuntarily. She glanced at the entrance of the semi-open eco-dome. eyes bent even more, “They are really strong in ability, are they? “

“The hands-on ability is too strong, I really do n’t know where they applied for this pile of materials … No, I ’m more curious as to what kind of sacredness can make a group of underage girls learn this kind of cruel thing,” I grumbled, and then sent a few technicians to start the base energy system in the ecological dome. I just looked at it just before landing. Its main energy tower floats in the center of a huge hollow, and it is connected to the energy drain. The suspension bridge has been completely cut off. It should be the Misaka who turned off the energy supply of the dome when the school started-the school has regulations, and the lights and doors should be closed at the end of the class. Although this place is a bit bigger, I think it should still be followed Class rules.

The first batch of at this moment transport planes has landed on a small airport in front of the ecological dome. Some imperial soldiers are guiding immigrants off the plane to gather. From the ruin World to the colorful new home, the latter is greatly surprised, and even dizzy. They carried simple items rescued during the emergency evacuation and looked around each other, as if they had just come down from the steamer to face the first batch of American immigrants from the new Continent. The point came, it seemed very noisy, but the imperial soldiers did not intend to maintain order in this place, their task was only to bring immigrants to their destination safely, as to appease the immigrant emotions, explain to everyone the new World and the like The work of monks and Mars Refuge guides.

And at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly penetrated the layers of human walls and came from the immigrant group: “Uncle Oh!! I am here! We are here!”

With such a quick scream, I saw immigrants not far away rioting a little, the crowd was squeezed from the inside, a thin little boy pulled an Little Girl who looked only eight or nine years old from Adults got out between the legs.

It ’s Glick and Shuizhu brothers and sisters-this can only be explained by coincidence. The two brothers and sisters were not only selected as residents of this “initial city”, but also arrived at their first destinations. The place has reunited with us!

Of course, I did n’t even think about leaving them alone from now on. I ’m planning to find these two siblings after everything is arranged, because there are some special arrangements for them, but now we are meeting again in advance Too.

“Yo, Glick, and water drops,” so many days before living together, our family loves these brothers and sisters very much, not waiting for Glick and water drops to come to the front, I have stepped forward Two skinny little children gathered around, patted Glick‘s shoulders vigorously, and then rubbed the hair of the beads, “How are you satisfied with the new World?”

Shuizhu lowered her head shyly. She still didn’t like to talk, and she was nervous when she answered the question. Glick yelled exaggeratedly: “This is incredible!”

After yelling, Glick seemed to remember something. He rubbed his hands a little, looked at me and Shandora carefully, and asked in a low voice: “That … I heard the adults say that you are very very Great big guys, they all call you and Shandora sister Emperor, and even the grandpa grandpa listens to you … is it true? “

“Ha, look at it with your own eyes,” I knew this kid would definitely ask this, and it ’s no surprise, just nodded, pointing Soldier of surroundings for Glick, “I am their Emperor, of course, from now on It should be yours later. “

“But you can think of him as non-existent, this guy basically doesn’t matter,” Icetis carefree squeezed over and hugged my shoulders, “I am the **** of this World, you can believe me in the future, rest assured , There will be an old lady covering you in the future, which has a boundless future. “

Glick crashed at the time.

I explained to the brothers and sisters again and again that they told the guy who was full of gun trains that he really did n’t need to care, but then again, it seemed that Icetis was really the management **** of World-I still took her from this World Earth It ’s inside the core.

Whether it ’s an empire thing, our identity, or the **** of the Icetis balabala, the siblings in Glick should sound like fantastic things, and the two children listened to me for a long time. , I do n’t know how much I understand.

For them, these should be incredible, whether to believe it or not, even understanding is a problem, but the fact is that they have personally experienced the crossing of two World, and now they have seen it with their own eyes An unprecedented new World, in this case, in addition to hard to accept, in fact, there is no other choice. However, after all, Glick and Waterdrop are still children. Even if the environment is so upheaval, they will not have much worry except for novelty. They are not like adults. Even if they are about to settle in such a place with excellent environment, they will inevitably have to Worried about future life and full of confusion about the new environment.

“It feels that you have become too powerful all at once, a little nervous, hehe,” Glick listened to me with a stunned head to explain what is an empire, what is immigration, what is a god, and what is the danger of a female rogue. Please worship carefully, and then Scratched her hair at a loss, “Yes, what is Emperor doing?”

everybody: “…”

“Probably the same as the mayor? Or is there a particularly large town like the archbishop,” Shuizhu thought for a while and whispered in the ear of Glick, but unfortunately Little Girl could n’t grasp his own volume, basically On surroundings, there were people with ears and thieves, and we all heard, “It must be amazing!”

Glick looked up to us immediately.

“Whatever you understand, it doesn’t make much sense to you anyway,” Onee-sama serene smiled, perhaps also the infection of her smile, so that the two children who were still at a loss were quickly recovered and we had just recovered. Recognizing the relaxed and intimate attitude of that time, she pointed to surroundings, the huge forest surrounding the ecological dome and the magnificent high wall not far away. “How do you feel here?”


When referring to the new environment here, Glick screamed in excitement, and he danced with his hands, but he did n’t have so many adjectives, he blushed for a long time, and just shouted again: “Really too Great! “

“It seems like the video I saw on the big ship,” Shuizhu holding Glick‘s arm, although still a little timid, but also very happy, “It was very curious at that time, the real scene of didn’t expect is like this, Very very beautiful! And surroundings has a good smell, these … trees? It ’s also very nice, because the ground under the feet is soft, and I ’m a little worried about stepping on it, wo n’t the armor plate below suddenly collapse? “

“There is no armor plate underneath,” I laughed suddenly. The waterdrop refers to the land at the foot of everybody. The ecological dome surroundings is a plant cover area. The land is very soft. These slightly reddish brown soil are The nano-Robot with amazing efficiency is transformed and piled up one by one, and as the first ecological base of the entire planet, the nutrients and physical and chemical properties of these customized soils have been adjusted to the optimal state, and it is said that those nano-Robot will need to be Continue to work for more than 150 years until it is confirmed that the new Mars ecosystem can break away from monitoring and self-balancing, and the transformation depth reaches ten kilometers. “The planet is built up of soil, rock and metal, and the deep layer is magma and the like. The ruined planet where the steel wreckage is piled up is just a special case. The land under your feet is what most planets really look like. “

“Soil and rocks? What’s that?” Suddenly, eyes blinked curiously, and then crouched down and grabbed a handful of reddish brown soil. “Is this? Um, this has a taste, good Strange. “

It seems that the ruin tribes really have to go a long way to understand World.

at this moment, a burst of electronic sound synthesis suddenly came across from the alloy high wall not far away, interrupting our conversation: “All people pay attention, all people pay attention, the ecological dome energy system has been back online, ecological The dome energy system has been back online! The dome gate has detected a fault and has been forced to open the order to confirm … A88 section of the barrier will be lowered as a whole. Please stay away from the red area. Persons in the danger zone please follow the green guide arrow to exit the descent zone … Repeat again, all Attention … “

It seems that the technicians have successfully restarted the energy center of the ecological dome. I have to say that although it is a manual work of the winter and summer vacation interest group (maybe it should be called a community in a professional way?), Misaka did this ecological dome. The attitude is still very professional. It not only uses Nether Energy Tower to power the entire facility, but also has a set of intelligent control system. Now look at it, Ya actually has the function of deformation. I ca n’t help but wonder if there will be another one under this thing. The same size underground hole is called the third new Tokyo City

As the radio sounded, the surrounding earth quaked slightly. This should be the vibration caused by the reconnection of the energy group. The vibration continued to weaken for half a minute, and then the half-opened door of the dome began to creak The sound of the sound, according to the situation reported by the technicians from the information link, this gate has been stuck because of a program error-the little girls are not professional technicians after all, and the dome startup program they designed is a little bit wrong, but this has no major impact. When the dome gate cannot be opened, its outer wall can also be sunk in sections to open the passage.

The A88 barrier section where the gate is installed has taken such action. The connection between it and the nearby wall node burst out a bright series of sparks, the fixed locks have been released, and a relatively large piece of ground near this at the same time has also been The red light curtain is covered with a large exclamation mark indicating danger, and between the exclamation marks is a green safe passage-of course, no one is standing in the settlement area of ​​the barrier, and this safe passage can be ignored.

“Wow !! This is too powerful !!!” Glick is a mechanical mystery. When I saw the magnificent scene before me, I jumped up in shock. When the barrier that was more than ten meters high and hundreds of meters long sank to the ground After exposing the wide alloy road inside, the lush plantation, the forested buildings and the energy tower with bright blue light floating in the distance, he yelled and became a child in excitement.

Under the guidance of the Empire Soldier and the team of monks, immigrants began to walk into this huge ecological dome with excitement and novelty, and we led Glick to choose a route slightly away from the main team. Wandering in the plantation, anyway, the route in the dome has been uploaded to the information link, and the new residence arrangements of Glick and waterdrops are also available at any time. No one is afraid of getting lost here.

It just ended a big war. Taking advantage of this opportunity, it seems good to relax and walk here for a while, anyway, it will take some time for the other 22 transport ships to finish unloading.

“It feels like you are walking in the ancient ruins of the science and technology civilization,” Shallow swayed in the air next to me, sitting under her **** with a self-discipline machine just grabbed by hand, these The self-discipline machine is a civilian model made by Misaka. It is incomparable to the Empire Army self-discipline machine. It can only be used to maintain the buildings in the plantation and dome. A few minutes ago, a self-discipline machine that was busy building branches passed by us It turned out that I got caught on the wrong mind and was now forced to use it as the girl ’s mount, “A’Jun A’Jun, I used to seem to have seen an anime that resembles here. It is also a lost ancient city, high science and technology , There are a lot of Robot and flower terrace … yes, and finally it broke … “

When I heard it, I quickly waved my hand: “cough cough, that’s the city of the sky, let’s not say this, it’s unlucky.”

“From now on, Mars can also become lively.”

Saeko walks with her hands behind her back, dangling like a spring girl, showing that she is in a really happy mood now, “I heard that Shizuka Teacher also signed up for the Refuge foreign exploration team, she was always in the mail Complained that after leaving Refuge, she entered a desolate World, now she does not have to worry so much. “

“Yes, yes, you have talked about this topic many times.” I waved my hand, and Saeko didn’t take it seriously, anyway, she would have to say it again after a while.

at this moment suddenly jumped from the self-discipline machine, ran to the nearby bushes for a while, and then drilled out with a lot of colorful things: “A’Jun A’Jun! There are fruits!”

When I looked at the pile of red and green berries in my shallow hands, my face changed. They said that the more beautiful the fruit, the more toxic, but the fruit collected by this girl looks like a rainbow.

As a result, I have n’t had time to speak. Shandora rushed out like a gust of wind. After everybody responded to Her Majesty the Queen, he licked his finger and walked back. While walking, he commented: “Gang Bian crisp, chicken smell, very good Eat. “

Lily Na gently pulled my clothes corner: “… The boss is assured that the thing is not poisonous, and the poisonous thing will not appear on the plantation.”

I patted Lily Na’s head: “I’m not worried because there is nothing toxic on the Shandora’s recipe anyway.”

Lily Na: “…” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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