Xiling Empire Chapter 885: We only have this

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Barnard is the most prestigious old man in the town, and can be said to be the most knowledgeable elder in this area. This can be judged from his glance that we are not tourists from the big city, but said In the end, his knowledge can only stay at the level of ordinary people.

Even considering the overall status quo of World ’s obscurity, I ’m afraid that Mr. Barnard ’s savvy world is still no match for on the Earth. Whichever uncle in the corridor-I have always believed that there is a king in every residential building and alley of on the Earth Uncle, as firm as faith.

After all, Barnard has been dealing with metal stations all his life. In this backcountry, all members of the society have only metal sorters. There is nothing to think about except working and going to food synthesizers to get quotas every day. As a matter of fact, there are few chances of intrigue in a person’s life. He can see the real Ayutthaya and high-level spaceship. It is purely because he has lived long enough, but it has nothing to do with shrewdness. So Barnard made a big mistake when judging our identity:

He was frightened by his own speculation, and then he took everything for granted, did not think twice about whether it was necessary to be so open to the strangers of our group, and said what he should and should not say— Of course, he may have considered it. Everything he said can be found with a little care. I am afraid that more than one person in the town knows that the old Glick is on the “Hope”, and Barnard has not To say more, there is naturally nothing to say.

In fact, strictly in accordance with the rules of this World, Barnard is not careless when he thinks of us as a special agent from Ayutthaya. After all, our people do n’t look like they live on the garbage dump.

It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to walk around in the garbage wearing such bright and expensive clothes. All the resources of this World are hard-won. The output of each synthesis plant is capped, and luxury such as gorgeous clothes can only be Give priority to the residents of Ayutthaya. In other places of World, it is impossible to find the same thing, just as you can never find a nuclear plant in a place called Dawangzhuang Village. In this way, it is an undoubted fact that we came from Ayutthaya, and then Onee-sama gave generously to Glick a self-discipline machine: Glick is a child who may not even realize it, but Barnard, a well-informed old man, is very clear. What a precious thing is the ancient machine that is fault-free, and it is a treasure that needs to be closely protected for any collective in any place, not to mention that the self-regulatory machine looks so brand new, and its smooth surface is just like it just started from the production line. Just walk down, you can carry such things with you, and have the right to decide to give it to a civilian child privately. Only officials in Ayutthaya can do it, just like in on the Earth, even if you do n’t bring ID Card, you can see it on the street People just put half a catty and more than one hundred yuan bills. Needless to say, everyone knows that you are a rich person, no matter whether you can walk a half street or not, you are a rich person. This is the most powerful thing to prove your identity. On this World Ordinary people cannot be the same as ours, as if a working class at on the Earth said nothing and threw more than half a kilo of banknotes when they saw someone. Even if you throw a steel Beng year’s income is not enough I’m afraid you out of the two hundred meters ……

Master Barnard ’s judgment is correct, the only mistake is that he overestimates the attention that senior Glick might attract.

A pipe repairer at the bottom of the spaceship, and a metal sorter who was only able to pick up waste parts in the garbage a few years ago. Such a small character is destined to be impossible to attract the attention of any special agents. The latter is concerned about big roles, such as the captain of a warship or the second officer of the first officer. How could it be difficult to find a son of a pipeline repairman after a long journey? Cao Cao asked Zhou Yu to burn half of his family’s home. He went back and chopped up Jiang Gan at most. Do you think he would trouble the soldiers who nailed the chain at the time? Not to mention that the soldiers burned to death nine out of ten …

Shandora casually persevered, and with a little psychological hint, succeeded to relax Barnard who seemed nervous, and believed that we would not take away the little boy named Glick. Then out of curiosity, Onee-sama asked the other party about Glick and water drops. After all, the two of them have now become orphan (now we only know this for sure), and we have a chance to get the spaceship that their father life worked in the last time. Even, we may have seen the old Glick, the pipeline repairman with ambition to find the new Continent may be one of the bodies I saw when Viska and I entered the wreckage of Hope, so everyone thinks that the two children are related to us. Out of this fate, I also want to know more about them.

“Little Glick is the oldest child in town. In a few months, he should have 14 years old,” Barnard knew that we would not take Glick, and he seemed relieved that this one had spent a lifetime in the backcountry, honestly There is also a kind of honest old man who really cares about Glick as a little grandson. “He is not the same as other children. It may be influenced by his father. That child always likes to wander around the mechanical stacking area of ​​the metal station. Where children work, children rarely go there at this age. Little Glick usually likes to pick up some weird parts and go home, and then assemble themselves into all kinds of weird gadgets, such as a projector that can play images, churches and even He specially sent people to copy some video materials from him to study things in the era of the gods. He was also a little cranky, but not as serious as his father, but some of the child’s ideas were indeed very sensational: He was even particularly worried that those ancient synthetic machines would break down one day, and even worry about the material that was continuously generated from underground factories Material will one day be exhausted, whimsical thing this dilemma, it is fortunate that he is only a child, an adult if there is this idea, that’s a very, very sins.

As for the water drops … that is a normal little girl, but she usually does n’t like to talk. sometimes is so quiet that people will ignore it. She is Glick ’s sister, but it is very different from Glick Her temperament is just like her pair of light blue eyes, which is different from her brother. Water drops are a special case of the Glick family. Perhaps God has seen that there are two generations of young and old uneasy guys in the Glick family, so let the water drops be born to balance it, Haha. “

Senior Barnard said, he could n’t help but laugh, and I also have a deep understanding of Onee-sama and Glick is a bear child with constant passion, and his sister is another extreme, quiet and tranquil Without further ado, when we were a guest at her home, the child could even be so quiet that people could n’t help but ignore its existence. In this respect, I ’m afraid even Pandora is no match for her: after all, although Pandora is a faceless three No, but at least there will be a drop in the girl’s belly occasionally …

When we said goodbye to Barnard, we said that we might stay here for another two days. As for the reason, we did n’t say much, just to let the old man rest assured that we definitely do n’t plan to hurt two ordinary children.

The party in the town is over. The boring daily life makes this World even the only entertainment activity so boring and short-lived, but these are for us, the residents of the town are satisfied. It seems that poly together blows out cowhide and eats inferior snacks with the same taste as cement is enough to make them praise World so beautiful, and the children are more happy, they are holding inferior desserts in their hands, rolling around on the dirty steel streets It was dirty, but no adult came out to scold them, and that was enough to make them cheer.

In any World, children are much closer to happiness than adults.

The artificial Light source in the sky has been dim, leaving only a blurry orange red ring, just like a solar eclipse, that is, the nuclear fusion sun is using the residual heat and light radiation of the reactor to provide night illumination for the ground, we returned to Glick ‘S hut and found that the orange light was warm in the hut, and both children had returned home.

They are really different from ordinary children. The sister Shuizhu is too quiet. After ending the game with her peers early, she went home and sat in a daze. Glick is thinking about the broken parts he collected: named The self-discipline machinery of Dudu stayed at home to repair those things, and Glick couldn’t wait to come back to see what his baby had looked like.

Okay, the answer is very overwhelming for Glick. When we came back, the super-efficient self-discipline machine was calmly wiping the front armor of a brand-new individual combat aircraft, so the big thing is of course It’s impossible to put it in the house, so “Tou Du” also took down a wall of the Glick home so that the fighter’s head can be extended from outside, but Glick himself didn’t seem to care about his house being demolished …

I firmly believe that the self-discipline machine did not assemble an Optimus Prime completely because it did not dare to dismantle the town.

Of course I am curious about what materials it used to assemble such a big guy. Anyway, I do n’t believe that the Glick parts stacked in the room and the back of the house are just enough to assemble a fighter. I am afraid that all these things will become water. Not enough to cast a fighter plane with a deck. Regarding our question, Dudu pointed his metal arm to the metal sorting station not far from the town, so everyone knew the source of the material.

Facts have proved that it takes a long time for this self-discipline machine that still maintains the Empire Army factory idea to understand this World.

Things like extremely dangerous civilians that do n’t move, such as individual warplanes, of course, ca n’t let children like Glick move around casually, but everyone is really reluctant to let this cute kid disappointed, so Shandora has to know what Glick does not know. The fire start module of the aircraft was removed, but that’s how I still feel that it is not safe. In this poor and remote place, a clear and bright Imperial fighter is just as conspicuous as the Della on the bald head. I think it makes a small It is not fun for a child to take such a thing as a toy.

“It doesn’t matter!” Glick was anxious when he heard my statement, shouting loudly and waving his hand vigorously, “I will protect this! And no one dares to **** other people’s supplies, which is the church’s regulation , Grabbing resource quotas is a felony … “

Lin Xue squinted at each other: “The question is will you drive this thing? Do n’t say anything else, do you know how to get into the cockpit? Do you know how to recharge it? How long do you know its brake pads? Last oil? “

Slightly dragged my arm: “A’Jun, is the brake pad of the fighter jet oiled?”

My face is black: “Does the fighter have brake pads?”

Glick bowed his head in frustration. Lin Xue said all the problems he heard were divine.

“Well, but maybe …” I glanced at Glick and thought that he is now a orphan. It is not easy for such a young child to take his sister to live with each other, and naturally he has some ideas in his heart. So the words changed, “Maybe this can be left for you … cough cough, don’t be busy, I just say it is possible, you will know after two days.”

I think it ’s very simple. Glick and Shuizhu brothers and sisters are also destined to everyone. If it ’s not the old Glick ride spaceship that crashed on Mars, we will not find this World that grew in the grave, and arrived here The first person we met happened to be the son of one of the members of the spaceship. Maybe there is really a fixed number in it. In this case, I think I may have left can do nothing about it and left. I will not say how to deal with this World. At least Glick and Shuizhu brothers and sisters should arrange for themselves.

Even if they are treated as the orphans of the fallen soldiers-although the old Glick is just a plumber, a World in such a blocked hunger still wants to be a new Continent plumber is enough to be called a warrior, this is Shandora and my consensus.

Glick is very excited. Although we unknown guys have only met him for a long time, they have made this child who has no experience in the world completely become a friend or even a savior, bringing him from boring and boring daily life. The savior came out, so he began to invite us to dinner at home very enthusiastically: the hymn party is not a dinner party, and the dinner can only be eaten after the party.

“Because there are guests from Ayutthaya, Grandpa Barnard gave us a lot to eat, this is to entertain the guests,” Glick asked sister Shuizhu to quickly prepare food, and said happily to us, “Yes, Grandpa Barnard said that guests from Ayutthaya cannot live in shantytowns. He said he would let you rest in the best house in town … “

“No need, we have a place to rest,” Lin Xue quickly waved his hand, “You forgot, we have space equipment, so when you travel outside, the transportation and even accommodation utensils are carried with you. . “

Glick, who has limited knowledge of space equipment, was immediately fascinated by this.

Water drops brought her what she allocated from the food synthesizer. This silent Little Girl laboriously put a large metal box on the table, and the sound of Shandora ’s teeth grinding sounded almost instantly at the same time, and We also looked at it curiously and looked at it. It was not what we expected from the World food. It was just a little curious, what was the food for the guests here.

But at a glance, everyone sighed in disappointment: What appeared in front of us were dozens of simultaneously gray and white squares placed in yards, just like the ones that were gnawing before.

In this place, is this compressed organic matter the only thing you can eat?

“What’s wrong?” Glick gave us a strange look, then took a long square from the box and stuffed it into his mouth, biting it crunchyly, “In addition to the soft gel for especially small children, these food It ’s the staple food, is n’t that the case in Ayutthaya? “

Slightly spit out her tongue, curiously picked up a piece of food and sniffed it under her nose, and found that there was no smell at all, then put it in her mouth and took a bite—then she stuffed it decisively For Shandora.

I also tried it out of curiosity, and the result was that the unknown food was added to the Shandora.

The taste is rough, tasteless, and even has a slightly salty mechanical smell. It tastes like a piece of chalk mixed with rust in the mouth, if this is all the food of this World

Busujima Saeko took a bite of this plaster-like food and spit out my tongue mischievously, and said with a spiritual connection: “Brother, I think the cities where zombies are rampant are much better than this World.”

Obviously, no one at home can adapt to this kind of food, they are simply too bad!

Okay, in this case Shandora is an unquestionable exception. She is a magical girl who can eat several tons of reinforced concrete precast plates with tomato sauce, not to mention the plaster food in her hand, when all Everyone said that when they could not accept this thing, she took on the role of a rice bucket again without delay, but another person who could also eat these things without changing his face was surprising: Lily, she even He ate a piece of “chalk pastry” with a big slap as usual.

“Are you surprised?” Lily Na looked at us with a “white ash” licking the corner of her mouth, “I have eaten the dirt.”

I could n’t help but lightly press the other person ’s small head, the latter squinted comfortably at eyes: “Well, it ’s over, now it ’s time to remember bitterness …”

The “guest” in front of him does n’t like these foods. Even if Glick is just a child, he can easily see this, so he suddenly showed a very restrained and embarrassed look, his face is not good, even The water beads that looked a little dull lowered their heads: “Sorry, but we only have this …”

At this moment, I really felt guilty. I believe everyone had this idea, so Onee-sama immediately patted the shoulders of the two children one by one and said with apology: “Do n’t do this, it ’s us Wrong, but … “

“We are guests, and there are many interruptions, so in this case we should take out the food”

Lin Xue deserves to be a high intelligence IQ Ojou-sama. The excuse to find it is a fast one. As soon as the voice fell, she took out her own space and she could not help but want to take it out from Earth All kinds of snacks brought … (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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