Xiling Empire Chapter 819: Superstar

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“Yuanxing 18 Space Fortress, the last communication, the defense line has been broken, Vengeance Army is launching a general attack on the fortress armor, the data has been uploaded, and this base will self-destruct in ten minutes.”

“Jiaohang 15B Space Fortress, emergency communications, the mirror fleet has been annihilated, the host in base has been evacuated safely, Vengeance Army has just penetrated the main armor of the fortress, this is the production center! We need support!”

“The 47th Fleet of the Community of Civilizations calls the Integration Department! We are heading to the Sky Guardian 77, and we have encountered the Vengeance Army interception force … main force has safely exited, but the space implosion we shipped was lost! Please try again Put supplies on Sky Guardian 77! “

“EKT38 bright star cluster, we found a large number of Vengeance Army patrols, here is a signal transmitter! Request over-the-air firepower attack … what? There is no over-the-air firepower quota? Well, send a recycler over as soon as possible, maybe we There are people who can be resurrected … Long live the Empire !!! “


Shandora raised his hand to turn off the audio access near the officer ’s platform, and switched the star chart in front to the global mode. Her face was a little tired, but the depth of eyes still glowed with a bright sky blue brilliance. She opened a time event table, and a number on it was constantly beating.

“The celestial body fleet arrived two hours later, and the Phantom base has been demolished by half. I have to say that the situation is a little better than initially expected. The Vengeance Army ’s strength is not as much as expected, and more important, Their luck was really bad. Most of the Vengeance Army patrols were discovered when they appeared, and 80% of the space cracks they opened were eliminated in time. “

“You need to rest, you haven’t closed your eyes for almost two days and two nights.”

I watched Shandora with anxiety. For more than forty hours, while waiting for the celestial system fleet to jump into this Universe for more than forty hours, Shandora did not take a break for even a minute. She had been directing the overall situation personally, and she was also personally involved. An accidental encounter near the Mobrador galaxy a few hours ago. Although the Xiling Apostle‘s physique was there, I couldn’t help but have a little bit of pain.

“Whose of you have a rest?”

Shandora said, with a naughty smile on his face, looking around surroundings.

I looked around and I was walking from the channel. She just returned from base. There, she did her best to speed up the transmission of the celestial system fleet by nearly six hours. For two World, In terms of trans-World transmission with a transmission capacity reaching the size of the entire galaxy, this is almost a sensational force, so shallowly walking over and rubbing his forehead. Onee-sama still stood beside himself with the reassuring warm smile. Lily Na was lying next to her seat, yawning and drooling, but she was busy giving us a bad idea a few minutes ago-let’s just count this girl has been helping.

Lily Na is the only special case among us. Despite being a demigod, some of her body indicators seem to be made according to Human Race habits.

If you take a closer look, it seems that our group of people have n’t had much rest in the past forty hours. Of course, I ’m not too sleepy.

“Sleeping is just a habit, I firmly believe that you do n’t even go to bed for a month and then take the exam. It ’s a matter of 90.” Icetis seems to want to adjust the atmosphere, so he said in a consistent gag tone.

I had a lot of fun at that time: This guy obviously lacked understanding of us. If I talked to Shallow, then I would n’t get a score of 90% no matter if I slept or not … But this guy is indeed a living treasure to regulate the atmosphere, With Icetis in, I found the atmosphere really serious.

Nearly two days have passed since Vengeance Army was “raised” from the shadow space large scale. The long-term confrontation between the enemy and the enemy and the accumulation of a large number of troops have actually become gunpowder barrels. As the other party ’s comprehensive attack began, the battle immediately It becomes out of control. Shandora is right, our base will not be hidden under the Vengeance Army eyelid with Old Empire science and technology for a long time. After the last full-band to scan that affected the full Universe, basically all of the Battlestars were exposed, and Vengeance Army was broadcast in the full band. The main substance plane marked the location of these base, and then opened Space Crack everywhere in the whole Universe, the enemy fleet rushed out from these countless cracks, and like the wolves who smelled the food, they began to tacitly gather to each base.

But under the cover of these bases, several of our truly important military hurdles are still safe. One is base more than ten light years away, where the celestial system fleet is being guided into this Universe, so it must not be locked by the enemy. Bubble sent hundreds of mass production hosts in the past. Through information modification, almost the entire outpost was removed from the World system. Erase, if we don’t use our internal cracking code, even if Icetis went by herself, she can’t see anything there. The other is the Fossil Star defense line, which is the earliest exposed to the enemy, and is also the most defensive base. A large number of servant warships are constantly patrolling the periphery of the defense line. Once the enemy patrol team is found, it must be eliminated immediately. Then, with a blast of space implosion bombs, the local space was blown up like a typhoon, plus a large enough number of gravitational traps to circle the star system, the enemy could not “float” from the shadow space. Close to the fog gods, and if they attack here through regular space-time jumps or super-light speed voyages, they will inevitably be detected by the early warning system. The guns of Pandora and Viska are already hungry and thirsty. The wreckage of the battleship is their role model-I have to say that after two full days of high-intensity fighting, it was a miracle that these two little girls were still fighting. It was a miracle. Just two hours ago, I even had to use 20 brains to break down to two. little brat forcibly locked into the lounge.

The Pandora sisters are not Apostle(s)s that are suitable for long battles. After repelling several raids against Fogstar base, their heat dissipation system has been severely overheated. I tried spreading an egg on Viska ’s face. Tuo claiming to be the carbide of fried eggs made me determined to tie the two little brats together.

A golden light flashed by, and the fully equipped eye-catching Ilson top helmet and armor appeared on the officer ’s platform. The golden giant sword also had the hot holy light floating on the surface, and Monina was like his shadow. Then came out from behind, with a kind of grudge after the battle.

“ENN5 Dark Star Cluster has been lost,” Ilson threw his heavy shield and giant sword to the ground, and a loud noise awakened Lily Na from her sleep. “Vengeance Army found that there is production base, The strength of the two of us can’t stop an army. “

“Procrastinating time is a victory. It is impossible for a war to lose nothing. One produces base.” Shandora shook his head, “This is the way Vengeance Army fights, as long as it is a selected target, unless there is an order, it is completely They will not stop until the other party is destroyed or the whole army is annihilated. This has nothing to do with whether they find the production base there. “

“Thank you anyway, anyway.”

Onee-sama suddenly said to the brother and sister Mona.

Since the start of the Vengeance Army attack, the God Clan squad has also spontaneously entered the battle, and it was not the same kind of help as the soy sauce on the battlefield. In fact, they have already undertaken main force on several battlefields.

The power of Ilson is almost equivalent to an entire frontier-level phalanx when fully exerted, and Monina is the only beheading character that can ignore any artillery and destroy the enemy ’s flagship, plus it is particularly good at assault ship formations. The rampant Lin and the uncle Kansas, an auxiliary **** like the storm Commander, and the four members of the Della team are basically equivalent to the addition of another main force fleet. They have dragged or even wiped out the Vengeance Army army on many battlefields. After the battle entered the stage of delaying time, the four of them split up to take the supporting role on the most critical fire line, which is another chore.

And Icetis is always on our side. She is the undoubted super DPS in the quintet. She can throw a brick from half a light year away to destroy the ruthless role of Eternal Level, so it has become the fog **** star defense line. The most reliable maneuvering power, when the enemy forcibly attacked the fog **** star defense line, she contributed a lot.

The help of the five-member group is not to be underestimated. Although I have always joked that they are rogue teams, I must admit that these are reliable friends who can help you open the blood at the critical time. Icetis said it well. Ah: there are two sayings about fighting jihad and smashing people with bricks. In the final analysis, it is a sport that puts the brain out of the human body. Only qi is the only thing that ca n’t be faked. Everywhere is willing to help you get anyone’s brain out.

Anyway, the guy said it was done.

The five-member group participated in the fight in the name of an individual. Since this is Old Empire territory, our enemy is Shandora’s old soldiers. This war is strictly a rebellious civil war, so the whole incident has A subtle place. For some political reasons that are meaningless to me, but in the opinion of a true empire leader such as Shandora, the military strength of God Clan’s is not good enough to directly participate in this kind of thing. The identity of Empire Mercenary entered the battlefield. Do n’t think that this kind of declaration is the kind of scene that Human Race often plays. You must know that God ca n’t lie when he speaks with the “declaration”-now the God Clan quintet really has no clergy.

Although it is temporary, it does not affect me being moved by an everything in disorder.

“I suggest that you and Qianyan and Chen Qian go back and rest first.”

Icetis suddenly turned his head and said to the two girl, and immediately shook his hands and shouted: “I am not tired! I am good at body!”

Onee-sama kept a slight smile and looked at Icetis with a searching eye.

“The strength of the two of you is best suited to turn the situation around in an emergency. The super fleet hasn’t come yet, you have to keep one or two trump cards?”

Slightly happy, obviously she was very satisfied with her being called the ace, so she went back to rest with Onee-sama.

My eyes are back on the star chart. The giant Hologram projection in the command hall is divided into two main image areas, one of which is the star chart of the Milky Way, and the other extends to the entire Universe. Because Vengeance Army was “raised” from the shadow space, the war that directly entered the white heat spread from countless Space Crack at the same time, just like a piece of white paper lying flat on the flame, and the burning of the stars above swept in a flash In the entire sky area, all developments are so rapid. Three days ago, we were still in the state of preparation for war. Three days later, the war has swept the entire Universe.

The Milky Way where Mobrador is located is the main battlefield, because this is the ruling center of Old Empire (according to Shandora’s memory, here is the capital city galaxy of the former Mobrador colony), so there are enough Old Empire remains to blur Vengeance Army coordinate. According to the star chart, 70% of the enemy’s strength is gathering towards the galaxy of war. In some sky areas, they even gathered thousands of Eternal Level motherships. This is the essence of Old Empire. In the past two years, how did we violent soldiers work overtime to build a fleet? We could n’t keep up with a stock fleet of ruling region in Old Empire. I really do n’t know where the Shandora poor soldiers were.

The flames of the main gun of the galaxy have burned out dozens of stars and more space fortresses, and it is now spreading to every inch of the galaxy. Outside of this galaxy, although the scale is not so concentrated, there are sporadic battles. That is the outpost established by the forward troops we sent when we first explored this Universe in deep space. The farthest outpost is even above the galaxy. Ten billion light-years ago, these places were only attacked a few hours ago. Apparently, the random “floating” of Vengeance Army did not find these sporadic targets until recently.

After considering the strategic value, Shandora decided to abandon these outposts. Without reinforcements, these outpost automatic turrets may all be extinguished after shining for a few minutes.

Due to the huge disparity in numbers, Empire Army simply does not have the capital to fight frontal attrition with the enemy, so we are now more like fighting guerrillas. Your own main force fleet keeps jumping between the more than one hundred fortresses, only attacking the places where the number of enemies is weak, and except for the few fortresses that are fully producing armaments, other base can be abandoned, so for those Fortresses that were violently attacked but of little value, we unified the explosion art of sisters Pandora. Perhaps Vengeance Army will be very depressed, they can’t tell which fortress is useful and which fortress is just a bomb. At the beginning of the war, they lost a lot because of this super self-detonation.

This is the plan that Shandora made from the beginning. Everything is going on in her plan. Although our military strength is insufficient, Vengeance Army still advances step by step according to the script assigned to them by War Song Princess. Regardless of the character of the enemy’s “Great Warlord”, in terms of tactics, it really still can’t play the former military strategist of the empire.

But now the enemy seems to have learned well, and they no longer try to occupy any space fortress, even if there are really huge military cities in it. Vengeance Army began bombing those suspicious targets with super-range firepower, and even did not engage our fleet before destroying the targets. The threat to them from the self-destruction of the fortress was reduced by half.

But it does n’t matter, the purpose of delaying time has basically been achieved. The celestial system fleet is an ace, an ace that is difficult to win with conventional fleets. We have a ghost death star and dozens of planet fortresses, these things Enough to allow Empire Army to gain an overwhelming advantage locally, while with Shandora, the local advantage equals half of the victory.

“It’s a bit like killing me.”

Icetis at this moment is still in a mood to joke. Although generally no one takes care of her, it ca n’t stop the broken mouth of this female rogue. “In the end, what happened in the past, Vengeance Army can have such a vendetta against his fellow race?”

So we continued to ignore her.

your majesty, former outpost communication.”

Sieves suddenly reported.

After connecting this communication earlier than expected, the Hologram projection on the officer ’s platform immediately switched from the blazing red star chart of the Battle of the Galaxy to a vast space, a dark and deep Universe background, a grand The huge silver-gray diamond-shaped building appeared in front of everybody, and in the distant view, you can vaguely see a huge ring-shaped structure slowly rotating in the diamond-shaped building surroundings.

What appears in the communication window below is not Commander in Sentinel, but Gaia.

your majesty, the celestial body fleet will arrive in three minutes.”

Gaia? So fast?”

I looked at each other in surprise, didn’t expect she would appear here.

“Yes, my your majesty, this is a long-distance communication from the parent star,” the translucent image of light blue of Gaia trembles slightly, and seems to be a bit disturbing. Body effect accelerator, now the “information volume” of the celestial body fleet has been compressed to the point that it can be transmitted immediately, and the parent star will serve as a springboard. “

Old Empire science and technology, amend a limited number of data for a target, such as the mass and volume of the World system, so that some things that can not meet the conditions can happen, which is one of the mathematical laws equipment, originally Not too superb equipment, but didn’t expect will have such high power on your home planet. “

Facing my eyes, Shandora explained so.

“Announce all Empire Army!” I suddenly stood up, “Except for the Third Army, all return, ready to be incorporated into the celestial system fleet! They are here!”

The Galaxy of War is still burning, but Empire Army has begun to leave the battle, because a real war machine has come to this World, and now, it is time to let it play.

Look, we can occasionally say Te Wenqing!

“There is one more thing,” Shandora thought about it, adding, “Our propaganda machine on the three main stars of Mobrador is time for the event. Let those cowards see the real legion.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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