Xiling Empire Chapter 803: Time difference

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Sieves took a longer time to organize this timetable than I expected, because this Universe has more empirical ruins than initially guessed. After Shandora provided an ancient star chart, We have discovered tens of thousands of Old Empire-era wreckage from many broken galaxies. The largest of them may be a colonial star that has been completely transformed into a mechanical body, and the smallest may be just a lost function of the digger. For this reason, Sives sent almost all the probes in stock to detect the timetable for these things to be destroyed, and finally calculated a timetable that matches the star chart, with an accuracy of even minutes.

Because the movement speed of the Empire Army team is terrifying, even if they encounter weak resistance, they can crush the position at a speed far faster than the speed of light. The deviation of the timetable by one hour, the Vengeance Army action record is possible. The deviation is several light years.

I connected this schedule to the Hologram projection, and everybody immediately gathered around, curiously observing the images marked at a lot of time in front of me. After the setting, the star map has been integrated with the timetable. This colorful bitmap is full of dense numbers, so that I have to delete a lot of small-scale wreckage data after distinguishing by color. See the general idea.

Sort by the time of the attack, mark this “doom map” with a transitional color, we immediately found an interesting phenomenon: the star chart in front of me is like a few drops of oil on the water, and many appeareds spread out concentrically. Colorful spots.

“The attack of Vengeance Army is carried out from a dozen points at the same time,” Shandora points on the star map, and from time to time, some of the color spots are enlarged or placed in the marked area below the star map, “Great house angle constellation, β5 constellation , Deep sea base … I can recognize these, they are the original Vengeance Army fortress, hoard a large number of troops, and bear the heavy responsibility of producing base, the status is equivalent to the current Kuiper with base, but the remaining few sites look It’s not this Universe, it should be that the World crossover was caused when the Old Empire was destroyed, and these spaces located in other Universe were also transferred in. “

“These colors are all uniform,” Qianqian also squeezed in under my creak, and although she did n’t understand it, her problem was still direct, “What does this mean Ah?

“Explain that Vengeance Army was not resisted when sweeping this Universe,” Onee-sama‘s tone is very serious, because many conjectures are now directly verified for the first time, “We initially thought that Vengeance Army split into two Partly, partly into madness, partly defending the remaining base to resist, and finally the mad army won and destroyed the Universe ’s Old Empire base, but the situation is not so optimistic now. All base are advancing at almost constant speed Destroyed … no signs of resistance at all. “

All Vengeance Armys are in a crazy state, and all Old Empire bases are evened out one by one under a planned situation. The so-called “Sober Vengeance Armyfrom the very beginning does not exist. They completed this under the condition of absolute unity and absolute synchronization. Doomsday plan.

Shandora’s‘s complexion became very ugly. With her mind, she knew the truth behind the schedule as soon as it appeared in front of her eyes, but she just bit her lip and said nothing more. I know she is not numb to all this, but put everything in her heart temporarily, no matter who is the culprit who caused it, main culprit, after all the truth is revealed, it will withstand the resurgence of the former tyrant Anger.

We adjusted the coordinate and size of the star map, set the center point to the Mobrador stellar system, and immediately found anomalies.

Onee-sama is right, I will be surprised.

The Mobrador star system is the only one in the entire Universe that has not been completely extinctly executed. Although Vengeance Army was crazy, although it was also attacked here, Vengeance Army suddenly withdrew its troops halfway through the attack. , My guess is that Mobrador may be at the end of the destruction schedule. When Vengeance Army brought the war here, the time was not enough, so Mobrador was not completely destroyed, but the bright colors on the schedule revealed a fact ——

Mobrador stellar galaxy is one of the first galaxies in the entire Universe to suffer the devastation!

“This … this is not quite right,” I simply called up the number that was initially troublesome and hidden, and the result can only prove once again that the relics in the Mobrador galaxy belonged to the first destroyed wreckage, “Vengeance Army After going crazy, the first attacked here. The Old Empire wreckage near Fossil was the first wave to finish … but the action after Vengeance Army is like a sudden brake! “

Yes, it ’s the emergency brake. Vengeance Army may have been entrenched in the Mobrador galaxy surroundings for up to ten years, but apart from almost destroying the Mobrador ecosystem at the beginning, they have been indifferent and have n’t launched one within the galaxy attack. In the past ten years or so, they have destroyed everything related to Old Empire in Universe, but they have not completely destroyed this small stellar system that is not very conspicuous in every way.

“It seems that our decision to protect Mobrador was correct in the beginning,” Shandora pressed his hands on the table with an inexplicable glow on his face, “There must be some secret in this galaxy, which prevented the original Vengeance Army Action. Intelligence officer! Notify Zagu immediately and put all their historical documents … “

The Shandora’s command was only half said. The image of Sives suddenly appeared in the tactical center, and the tone of the voice said quickly: “your majesty! Emergency! The 62nd Engineering Team was attacked!”

I and Shandora looked at each other immediately, and almost shouted in unison: “So fast!?”

We have long expected that Vengeance Army will prevent us from expanding base outside. Once they discover those engineering ships, they will definitely launch an attack, but it is incredible that they will appear so early!

The engineering ship itself is a specially modified special service ship. It is also an irreplaceable advanced spaceship in the Old Empire era. Although they do not have strong firepower, they have strong defense performance and invisible ability. They are designed for Xiling Host Ships for the latter to rush to build the base in the dangerous frontline environment, their own matching space shielding equipment is enough to hide the spherical space with a radius of nearly ten thousand kilometers, plus those Xiling Host itself are experts in control information, although Can’t reach the weird talent of Little Bubbles that can arbitrarily distort information in front of the true God, but it is still very easy to hide a base under the eyelids of the to scan probe. The effect of adding the two is not as simple as one plus one . I even suspected that a mass-produced bubble with an engineering ship on it would be able to repair the highway to Void Node without knowing it-but why was it that the engineering ship was attacked in less than a day?

“How about the loss?”

The first thing I asked about was the loss, and the bubble next to it stood up with a worried look on his face. Although mass production hosts are strictly computing machines with no independent thinking, they are, after all, individuals separated from their own within the body, although I always feel that when Bubble calls those hosts, he always said with a sullen expression “My daughter “It’s a little funny, but this little otaku girl really takes those replicas as his own children. This kind of feeling may not be the true mother-daughter affection, and it’s not much worse than that.”

“The convoy formation lost seven expedition-class battleships, and the two accompanying Eternal Level motherships were all hit hard. They are currently being repaired. The engineering ship is slightly damaged and safe to return. Several armored scorpions of Vengeance Army have successfully invaded the battleship, but were The host guards besieged, a host was slightly damaged in the battle, and is currently being tested. “

“Children and dad, please chat slowly, I will go over and see!”

As soon as I heard that the host was injured, the words “Bubble Blowing” were like a retreat … Bubbles rumbling and ran out.

“What happened to the attack?” Onee-sama asked, “How did you get exposed?”

The look of trouble appeared on Seves ’face. It seemed that this simple question made her do not know how to answer. After hesitating, she barely said a sentence:” It seems that it may be a coincidence … “

“As a soldier, you should not use coincidence to explain when you are attacked.” Shandora frowned.

“I am very sorry, your majesty, but there is no other explanation. The hidden system of the engineering ship has been working well, and the information interference function of all the mainframes has been normally turned on. At that time, the engineering team has begun to reconstruct and expand the target remains. With the Xiling Base and to scan towers, it can be confirmed that there is no Vengeance Army probe near the 62nd Battlestar, and in general, Vengeance Army cannot find the trace of this engineering team. And the enemies encountered by the 62nd engineering team are also Unlike the preparation, the opponent is a mixed formation consisting of frontier-level fortress ships and a large number of expedition-level battleships. This configuration is not suitable for sneak attacks … “

Sieves I understood this. In fact, when a borderline warship appeared in the enemy’s fleet, it could be judged that it was really an accidental encounter. Because people with normal brains will not use frontier-level warships for sneak attacks, the slow-moving behemoths are not suitable for such rapid encounters, just like the ancient assassin go into action carried at least the dagger, who you see carrying it Did Fang Tian draw the halberd to prick? Can’t get stuck on the skylight!

“It seems to be really an encounter,” Shandora showed a thoughtful expression, “didn’t expect they started to patrol the main substance plane so quickly, and with the fortress ship, this may be the intention to implement the blockade. Fight … How about the other base connected to the Sixty-two Battlestar? “

“The plan has been urgently revised, and the four adjacent engineering teams are now moving to a safe alternate route to continue working. The fleet of Vengeance Army has disappeared after the battle, and no other engineering team has reported an attack.”

“Let them be more vigilant. It seems that now Vengeance Army has begun patrolling in Universe. After this contact, I am afraid they will soon increase the patrol density. It is not impossible to come back to the full-band to scan.”

I gave a command. After the image of Seves went to military salute, he left the tactical center and set about countering the Vengeance Army patrol. Onee-sama frowned and stood beside, with the same expression as Shandora: thoughtful.

“What’s wrong? Any questions?”

I know that these two are war-experienced, and the other is Innate. They are thoughtful, and they may have thought of something that can be easily overlooked, so I quickly asked.

“This is third time,” Onee-sama and Shandora glanced at each other, “Come and go without a trace.”

Shandora added: “It was the same in previous encounters. They always appeared suddenly, and our early warning radar was useless. The other party will only have a mass response when it enters the main substance plane, so we simply do not track Jumping path to the other party. “

“Is this Vengeance Army‘s unique science and technology?” Shallow came over and asked.

Shandora immediately shook his head: “Of course not, otherwise I would not be so confused.”

As I said that, I understand it, but then I can only be confused with Onee-sama and Shandora. The two of them didn’t understand the problem. Of course, you didn’t understand it even if you put it on me, and it should be a headache for the officers of the intelligence department. Our only function is to complain. Speaking of which, I really feel a bit unbalanced. To say that Shandora is far more profound than I thought. can do nothing about it, after all, people have come to the world tens of millions of years ago, but Onee-sama is always thinking more than everyone. It ’s really weird. , To know that my lovely sister is a single-threaded head, from small to large, only at the same time can think about one thing, how can this be so talented in the way of the talents-is this the manifestation of concentration?

After coming out of the tactical center, it was almost night till the outside. Because the “Day and Night” cycle of Fossil was half a month long, we simulated the day and night alternation of Earth in General City. The artificial dome over the sky is adjusted to a dark state, and a bright moon is simulated. A large smiling face is drawn on the moon, and the current Beijing time is marked with floating bubbles next to it …

It seems to be using a lightly designed theme package today.

After the night, the Empire base will not calm down. At the sight of it, all the arsenals and assembly barracks are still brightly lit. From time to time, war puppets and light vehicles that have just been assembled are lined up from these factories. At the command of the city host, they completed the final to scan at the nearest inspection point, and then boarded a large carrier in a formation to drive to their respective outpost to find Senior Officer reports. The blue faint light flows slowly in the night sky, everything is orderly in silence. The fully-powered Empire base is an astonishingly efficient war machine. It is continuously producing new Soldier and fighter planes like a pipeline. at the same time is also recycling waste parts collected from the battlefield. Xiling Apostle‘s “field filling technology” and “information materialization” technology has made their arsenals no longer have the problem of insufficient raw materials for trouble, but they can still save energy consumption to a certain extent by recycling waste parts in the battlefield. The efficiency improvement of one-hundredth of a point is not to be overlooked, and such careful calculations are indispensable in the daily calculations of Xiling Host in those factories.

After connecting to the information link, the progress of the arsenal is also clear. In the last ambush battle, we lost a lot of light warships when intercepting the Vengeance Army **** formation, but now these battle losses have been supplemented by seven or seven. Eight-in less than forty-eight hours, we filled these war losses.

This is a production speed that can be described in horror, and I have every reason to believe that the production efficiency of base of Vengeance Army is probably several times the sum of General City and base. This is still an optimistic estimate, although a mothership like Eternal Level It can’t be compared with the mass-produced puppets and fighters in production, but the speed of their army replenishment is still unmatched by us.

If you play a war of attrition, Empire Army loses before the start of the war. No wonder Shandora will choose the “Phantom Project”, a seemingly dangerous move. The Phantom Project seems to use a lot of fake base to confuse Vengeance Army and cover our real base, but also has a role as a large amount of bait, so as to attract the main force outcrop of Vengeance Army, and fight head-to-head under the safest conditions Reduce the number of enemies. Each plan of Shandora’s contains more than ten steps of planning. I can see that there are often less than three or four steps-so under normal circumstances, I simply do n’t read it, and I feel inferior …


A whisper of light and meaninglessness came into my ears. I felt the pocket on my chest move a little, so I put my hand on the top of the jacket pocket lightly and looked like the line military salute. After a few seconds, His hand sank slightly, and his thumb was hugged.

“Awake? The jet lag hasn’t turned upside down yet?” I looked a little funny at the little goddess who was rubbing the eyes in my palm, the latter’s dress and wings were crumpled, it seems that the sleeping phase I’m afraid it’s not much better than Suigintou. Della has a very troublesome cry, that is, it often fails to get jet lag. When we follow the mission, as long as the target World timeline is different, she will have to jet lag, from the beginning of the mission to the end of the mission, wait for Earth. Turn it upside down, and then up again …

Della raised my wings and let me help to level it, while muttering confusedly: “Well, I slept for twenty-four hours and fell …”

Me: “…”

The first time I heard that there was a jet lag and there was a direct one. This is moving closer to Alaya Oh!

As soon as I thought of Alaya, I felt a warm breeze blowing around me, the white holy light to drop out from the sky, the silver-haired girl with her back wings, rubbing eyes and standing in front of me, she looked at the sky and grumbled Get up: “Elder Brother Monarch, it’s not yet dawn Ah?

Della is suddenly happy, holding my index finger and shaking vigorously: “Haha! Another one is not reversed!” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) Referrals, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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