Xiling Empire Chapter 751: fragment(s) homing

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I do n’t know if this should be due to a coincidence. We found hundreds of star rings fragment(s), but they can only be used as research materials for the abyss. The fragment(s) that God Clan accidentally encountered has the largest volume and the most complete. Structure, and still maintain the basic operation of ability, it seems that God Clan is really a group of make one’s hair stand up in anger halo manufacturing machines, and even when I traveled to the map, I found that the ability with hidden bonus points are all EX-level.

After confirming that the abyss reaction of Xinghuan fragment(s) has been 100% terminated, I promised to let Viska go to fragment(s) to explore it first. She is familiar with the weapon ring remain fresh in one’s memory designed by herself and is familiar with every inch of the structure. After a few hours After a rough inspection, Viska confirmed that the facilities of this fragment(s) are basically complete, and even some of its functions are still preserved.

This is not normal.

The cause of the damage of the star ring fragment(s) is a huge explosion from the inside out. We guess that Fallen Apostles used some kind of resonance equipment to cause the energy pipeline in the star ring to run out of control, which tempted this thing. This way of damage is Clean and thorough, it is absolutely impossible to have intact equipment remaining due to the spontaneous explosion caused by the runaway energy. Even if the appearance looks intact, they should be complete mess. But this fragment(s) not only maintained the basic battle ability, when contacted with the God Clan advance team, the weapon system was suddenly activated to smash those God Clan soldiers, and it also maintained a certain system memory, which successfully recognized the control instructions of Viska and Responded to the latter’s manipulation.

“There are traces of people repairing it.”

Viska said in confusion, the cat pupil of blood red contracted into a narrow crack, “Backup system maintenance equipment is an unrecorded addition, the energy pipeline was refurbished, and a set of navigation equipment was added to replace The beacon of the star ring itself is locked to equipment. I found two sets of Void calibration engines at the bottom hanger. They are ‘younger’ than other devices and were recently installed. The core system memory also has traces of modifications, it seems I wrote something, but then it was deleted, and I can only find the deleted log, but I ca n’t find the deleted thing: very thorough processing. The person who does this must be familiar with Xilin encryption science and technology. . “

Me and Shandora look at each other in dismay, at the same time were surprised.

If Viska is used, we will not doubt whether it is true or false, then this star ring fragment(s) is indeed strange.

Fallen Apostles won’t do this,” I immediately came to this basic judgment, “Star Ring fragment(s) is used by them as bombs, and it takes time to fix this unless they eat it.”

Shandora was a bit confused, her subconsciously bent her index finger against her chin, thinking for half a minute: “Void calibration engine, this may be the reason why the star ring fragment(s) appeared in God Clan management World … not accidentally floating in , It was set by coordinate, the original destination is that WorldFather God, is there any special World attacked by fragment(s)? Oh, if it is confidential, then forget it. “

“No, it has nothing to do with confidentiality,” Father God said lightly. “A very ordinary World, in remote areas, small Universe, low energy level, and very young, there are currently only three planets with intelligent civilization, the most advanced The civilization has just developed to the stage of exploring the galaxy, the most backward one is still the hunting society. The star ring fragment(s) impacted the first civilization space station but did not cause a large number of casualties, and then the World management **** took action … Well, the World ’s World management system was not threatened. In short, it was a very minor incident that was very serious in nature but unexpected. ”

“Low energy level, low civilization density, preliminary evolution and no strategic value yet,” Shandora groaned a bit, frowning. “More importantly, fragment(s) did not cause a lot of casualties at that time? Didn’t the abyss energy burst out ? “

“It broke out, but the mortal outpost that was hit was unattended,” Goddess of Darkness, who had not spoken before, said, “Then this piece of fragment(s) rested on the planet with its own power until the manager there The team summoned the past and none of the fragment(s) hit the ground. The only casualty suffered by the mortal World was a group of exploration teams: they set off from the ground and were attacked by fragment(s) residual air defense weapons halfway along the way to the fragment(s) for investigation All out. “

“What did you think of?” Shandora turned to look at my eyes.

fragment(s) does n’t‘ want ’to destroy that World, it ’s in Warning, it ’s dangerous for others, and it ’s strictly forbidden to approach—I think someone wants to use this fragment(s) to convey any message, but it ’s a mystery.”

“Dumb mystery,” Shandora agrees with nodded, “Viska said that there are traces of deleted information in the system records, maybe that is the answer-Father God, it seems that the situation is really more complicated than expected.”

“It seems that you are right to see you face to face,” Father God smiled nodded, “We do have a headache for your science and technology. But whether this fragment(s) is hostile or not, I doubted it from the beginning. …… Well, what are you going to do next? “

Shandora replied: “More information can only be analyzed by returning to Shadow City. We have set up special departments and facilities there to analyze these fragment(s)s. This is the most special piece, and it may also be the Viska inner ring. Take the last piece of fragment(s). “

Including this piece of fragment(s), about 80% of the inner ring of the Viska star ring has been collected. Less than 20% of the star ring fragment(s) is still missing. It ’s slim. Recently, we have fewer and fewer large star rings fragment(s). Many of them are just a set of deformed mechanical structures or one or two “little gadgets” such as a severely leaked isolation compartment. The huge fragment(s) should be It is the last piece we can find. Tavel once deduced what a star ring of comparable strength would break into after it was imploded by a phantom energy-the collection of the star ring fragment(s) can be came to the end of a phase.

“Another 20% of fragment(s) may have been assimilated by Void because of its small size. After all, although it is Glory Star Warship and component, but because it is a pendant added later, their material can still be gradually eroded by VoidShandora added to explain.

God’s Domain Xiling ’s direct passage has been established, and it is now in use. A transport barge that has been newly modified and put into service since the appearance of the first star ring fragment(s) arrived from Shadow City and transported the empire inheritance, the kind of barge has only been in service for about two years. Its task is to transport the star ring fragment(s) found in each World. Tavel has improved its space pod and internal protection equipment. Now several barges of the same model have been successfully completed Hundreds of transportation missions, by now, this should be the last transportation.

We also picked up other people who stayed at Icetis‘s house and left God’s Domain with the barge. In addition to the Icetis, there are four wonderful team members of the Della team … I really want to ask them four, regardless of their work in God’s Domain, they are eating, drinking, playing and smashing and burning with a female gangster all day long. Is it really okay?

123 brothers and sisters are just a pair of unthoughtful ones, are n’t you very good-hearted? Are you very dedicated? And Uncle Kansas, you are Radiant God of XXWorld, OK? It’s really okay to leave my job and let my believer solve the lighting problem at night?

I feel that the God Clan quintet quintuple may become the lingering scourge of Shadow City in the long a period of time in the future. I have a lot of pressure in my heart and tsukkomi/ridicule is full of desires.

But after throwing these questions out gently, Monina defeated me with a hexagonal crystal plate.

“Remote prayer acceptance system, the latest solution for mobile office!”

A Goddess of Darkness who was determined to become a cook but was a civil servant in the end, so she often showed a wonderful gadget to everybody in the lounge of the barge with a smile. As mentioned above, it was a crystal clear crystal The plate, the radius is only the size of an ordinary dish, with bright Rune floating on it, and with her movements, 123, Lin and Uncle Kansas also took out the same thing from their pockets one by one.

Thinking about the anomalies of this last star ring fragment(s) and being a little wandering outer space Shandora has been attracted attention, not to mention other people who are just a little bored because they just left God’s Domain, suddenly, a circle of people All surrounded.

Mo Nina tapped on the crystal panel in her hand and said with a smile: “I found something from a novelty store, where such interesting stuff often appears. It is a remote control World management system and updates believer prayers in real time. The terminal can span any conceptual distance for timeless mobile office, and integrates the well-designed prayer classification function, useless prayer filtering function and World management common parameters. at the same time supports multiple terminal information sharing and online games. Well, I ’m not afraid of a decline in performance when I travel outside on public funds all day long! “

I stared at Mona holding the crystal panel in her hand, and suddenly found that even after leaving God’s Domain, some joy seemed to have followed.

“And it also supports the automatic recording function,” Ilson touched his crystal plate with his finger, and the thing suddenly gave out a soft light, “Prayers that failed to be accepted in time will be recorded, the whole process Recording, you can process it when you have time, such as this — “

Just after the words of Ilson fell, a recorded prayer rang and began to be a man ’s voice:

“The flames surging above the thirty-three heavens, burning my long sword! Sacrifice the most humble sacrifice, and welcome your coming! War God Ilson, please give me strength! God descending !! “

“Sorry, the **** you called cannot be connected for the time being, please dial later or leave a message after a click.”

The second sentence should be that the very smart system in legend automatically responded.

I immediately looked very seriously at the Ilson, which was instantly pale and broken into pieces.

“… this situation is generally handled by god servant … ah Haha, the response is only the automatic behavior of the system …”

Despite this, I was suddenly pessimistic about believer to be full of of Ilson.

Suddenly remembered one thing I heard about it, saying that the Della team is well-known throughout the God’s Domain, yes, very famous: the famous God Clan problem child concentration camp, four problem child, one responsible for their au pair, this is Della The real inside story of the team!

at this moment, I also looked at Icetis holding the magic mirror next to subconsciously, and said that there is also the strongest problem child from the previous generation … wait, God Clan sliver quintet plus Della, which is six points The fifth one is the problem child or the previous generation problem child that made God Clan parents have a headache, and now they are all concentrated-is it my destiny in the middle of the world to arrange me to become a generation unique youth and child behavior correction expert?

When I began to wonder if Father God had some ulterior motives that made me the guardian of the scourge, the barge finally traversed the God’s Domain channel, which took much longer than the usual World gate, and appeared At the exit of the passage-Shadow City World Tree.

The Chief of state family who have been eating, drinking and playing for a few days at God’s Domain is back.

In addition to Avena and Seves, there was Tavel who would normally not be a receptionist besides World Tree shrine. She apparently ran over after she could n’t hold back after knowing a certain news. Sure enough, As soon as we landed, a scientific spectacled lady ran over and kicked: “your majesty, I hope your journey is going smoothly. The facility to study the Star Ring fragment(s) is ready.”

Although it is a very important thing and the tone is quite solemn, but under the decorative flat glasses, what shines is the excitement of the child who finds a new toy. The scientists are really a group of people who will not hide. What about my own guy.

Xinghuan fragment(s) was inerted by Goddess of Darkness. The above abyss activity has been terminated, and the most in-depth research can be conducted directly. Tavel is very excited about this and immediately took his own research team happily after receiving the confirmation order After taking over that big pile of unburnable garbage, went to research center and put it into work. She will first disassemble fragment(s) there, and then transfer them to Kuiper with Empire base. The star ring fragment(s) collected so far will be sent to the Kuiper belt after the completion of the abyss stripping and structural analysis. The vast small planet belt hides a series of giant base, gathered a lot of production and research and development centers, star ring fragment(s) was Concentrated in a space system dubbed the “garbage pond” and placed together with some previously discovered fragmented abyssal empire equipment.

Send away the joyous Tavel and have nothing to tell Sives: As the presidential leader of Shadow City while we were away, she was basically in contact with us who are far away from God’s Domain every day A conscientious female officer must know that all Senior Officers are not at home. It is not easy to support the daily operation of the Empire capital city by yourself.

“Actually nothing,” Sieves smiled. “It feels the same as usual workload.”

I thought about it for a long time, but I do n’t think I should go deeper on this topic.

An Weina has been standing aside quietly, her hands folded in front of the maid ’s skirt, her head slightly lowered and waiting for her master to arrange the official business before she comes up, and she salutes in the standard way of the Azeroth noble family: “Welcome Go home, host, and hostess No.1, No.2, No.3 … “

I quickly covered the ghost maid ’s mouth: “cough cough is no longer counted-is the house okay?”

“It is the mission of the qualified maid to guarantee the perfect house when the owner is not home.” An Weina whispered with a standard textbook-like smile, but I do n’t know if it is an illusion. I always feel that this little ghost There is a little bit of ethereal voice with a slight sense of resonance … not happy?

“That, what happened?” I looked at Anveena’s eyes with concern and tried to ask, “Also, why didn’t I see Saeko? Is she at home?”

Saeko has already gone to Imperial College to study according to the owner’s suggestion-because it is boring at home.”

An Wei Na seems to inadvertently add a few sentences to make me understand what is going on.

All the family members went out, and even a few small ones did not stay. Does n’t that mean leaving Anwina and Poison Island at home?

Little Ghost feels lonely-but she is unable to complain directly to the owner because of the dogma of the so-called perfect maid, only to show a little grievance. This ghost is really a headache.

Poison Island is bored at home, so I followed my suggestion to study at Imperial College, but An Weina would not do this. She is a squat at home who would rather be bored at home than walk out, which has been alone for almost ten days. Throwing, no wonder she will be depressed.

“Take you to God’s Domain to see next time?”

Looking at An Wei Na’s face with nothing happening, I deliberately suggested very seriously, as if as soon as she nodded, she would immediately return to God’s Domain.

Sure enough, this proposal shocked An Wei Na, she almost jumped up: “Master … Master! An Wei Na is just a maid, it is enough to take care of the house at home! God’s Domain like that … An Wei Na is a ghost … “

Oh, I forgot this crop …

“Hoo … Then I should almost go home.”

After returning to the table World, Lin Xue said goodbye to us, this guy who did n’t know how many days did not know how many days the news had been heard for almost ten days, just scratching his hair a little trouble, “Go back again A nonsense … It’s clearly said to Grandpa that he will not help. “

You are not afraid to run outside all day long, and your dad will forget your daughter|girl just like her father Icetis!

“Hah, it ’s okay. Anyway, I know what they ’re going to say. In the past, when I was in trouble when performing tasks outside, I was so confused, so big family, I do n’t show anything to me. Then go. Wood, at home I will stare at things related to that fragment(s), and I will tell you about new discoveries as soon as possible. “

After bidding farewell to Lin Xue, the God Clan squad of five didn’t need to be managed. They found their room familiarly. I carried the Suigintou box back to the room and threw myself on the bed.

Sure enough, the bed at home is comfortable Oh! (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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