Xiling Empire Chapter 739: Secret of Void

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The situation of Little Girl that I dubbed as the mixed element life is indeed rare. Now, she still has part of the body structure of Human Race, but the energy system of within the body is designed according to Xiling Apostle, but at the same time still has part of the power of God Clan’s. She can hardly be divided into any race-maybe the highest Goddess of Life can be considered to draw a line from the primates creature, and the name is Xiyan.

Originally according to the general logic of Xiling Apostle, she possesses the brand of the empire, which is the property of the empire. The girl called Xiyan has integrated the phantom energy, so she should have to obey the command of the empire, but this obviously does not take into account the other party. As a human rights issue of a free person, if it is Shandora’s, it may take for granted Xi Yan a Empire Army event number and order her to report to the army, but I thought about it and let girl choose how to live well.

Xi Yan was obviously a bit surprised by my decision. Until she said goodbye to each other, she was still looking at me and Onee-sama suspiciously, and unfortunately, until the end, I still could n’t reverse the bad boy. My “Uncle” is called.

Meeting with that girl is a small episode, but it made me think more. That is: Will this kind of thing be a special case?

After returning to the meeting room, I pushed the two Pandora sisters onto the chair, and then I mentioned the Little Girl with Xiyan to Shandora. The latter obviously did n’t care much about a stranger with phantom energy, but She is very concerned about the empire inheritance, and she also said what I was thinking about:

“After the collapse of Old Empire, there are obviously countless inheritance, battleships, outpost, colonial planets, and detectors in remote areas. The number of things that can be left by a cross-Void civilization is amazing. Empire The collapse could not wipe out all those relics, they are now wandering in some corners of Void and some remote World, some may even work-these inheritance may let a civilization enter the ranks of high-end by leaps and bounds, it is also possible Caused a great disaster. “

This is the new thinking brought to us by Xiyan’s thing. A brazen God Clan made an extra Xiling Apostle with an empire base. At least that outpost is controllable, but what about the rest? There are also countless outpost scattered in tens of millions of World, even if only one percent of them can still operate, it is a time bomb.

“I ’m afraid it ’s not that something similar happened,” Goddess of Darkness, who has never spoken, suddenly whispered, attracting everyone ’s attention, “My sentry once reported that an unprecedented war broke out in World, and the entire civilization was instantly Extinction. The fighting team that arrived later found something suspected of Xi Ling science and technology, but there were only two or three similar reports and no reference significance. “

“Probably which civilization discovered the ruins of the empire and mistakenly used the weapons in the civil war.” Shandora sighed. “This kind of thing is not unexpected. on the Earth has also happened like the Olympus organization. “

How to say, this is equivalent to giving each prince of the Warring States period more than 20 big Ivans, letting the young civilization master the doomsday weapons has always been the biggest group murder, and even the low-level civilization in the civil war stage refused Not to mention the mighty power and charm of the imperial weapons, there are always lunatics among them who will let the light of the cannon shine on their heads. At the age of five, it was a heavy lesson to learn how to use a fruit knife.

After a brief discussion, I and Shandora unanimously decided to add one to the day-to-day work of the Space and Time Administration: be alert to the abnormal science and technology explosion at any time in my World, once a country suddenly grasps the science and technology power that exceeds a certain threshold, To determine if someone has unearthed the ruins of the empire in the shortest time, the special forces of the Authority will be responsible for recycling those inheritance.

This is a reminder from Xiyan’s case, and it is one of the small inspirations that God’s Domain got. The main thing that Father God wants to communicate with us is the recent abnormal actions of Fallen. In this regard, we have reached a consensus. After finalizing some joint actions in the future, especially after the details of opening a God’s Domain portal in Shadow City, Shandora and I decided to leave, and let Pandora get the Lily and their little brat who have been crazy, but before leaving , Father God’s made me stay a word:

“Friend, follow me, there are some things you should tell you.”

It seems that the action of Fallen Apostles is just one of the reasons why Father God invited us to God’s Domain. His other purpose is to tell me something.

After Shandora led a large and small family away from his father shrine, Father God led me to the depths of shrine.

This is a very deep promenade, and there are twice as many guards guarding the entrance, perhaps explaining its unusualness. Only the footsteps of me and Father God echoed in the corridor, neither Icetis nor Della followed.

We have been walking in this gradually extending downward corridor for ten minutes, Father God is still leading the way without saying a word ahead, I do n’t know if I should open my mouth to break the silence, so I ’m behind Followed silently. Behind him, the entrance of the corridor has disappeared, and even a light spot cannot be seen, which shows that this corridor may be slightly curved, and in front, the long passageway can not see the end. On the walls on both sides of the corridor, you can still see the fine murals and reliefs everywhere on the father shrine, but the deeper you go in, the less things are on the walls. Now there are only bare white stone walls and torches with white flames rising I feel that I may have left the core area of ​​the father shrine. Now as this corridor enters a special place, the architectural features of shrine gradually disappeared-as if walking into an ancient tomb.

“Do you know what an abyss is?”

A peaceful voice suddenly sounded in my ear, and I realized that Father God finally spoke.

“Destroy consciousness?” I recalled the knowledge I got from Shandora, “something that is neither material nor energy, the essence of existence is destruction, which leads all ordered things to the end, similar to will, But it is more pure than the will. The most dangerous thing of multiverse is invisible and immaterial, it spreads quickly, and its source is unknown, but it seems to be related to Void. “

“Well, this answer is enough for you.”

Father God whispered, and at this time, we finally reached the end of the corridor: still the kind of distance that I do n’t know how to describe, as if it was the destination at once, we came to a vast black space , And the corridor behind was no longer visible.

eyes struggled to adapt to the dim light of surroundings, but still could not see clearly, and even his own proficient mental power exploration was not obtained. This piece may be a “hall” to prevent outsiders from observing it in any way The true face, sight and mental power have been shielded.

“Let there be light.”

Father God said, so I finally saw the situation here.

This is not a hall at all, not even an indoor space. We are now standing on the edge of a circular terrace with a radius of hundreds of meters. This huge circular site is slightly recessed in the center, and it is more than ten meters wide at the first level The ladder-shaped platform of each floor has a drop of about one meter, which makes it look like an ancient arena. On the edge of the circular site is a circle of neatly arranged giant stone pillar. The distance between each giant stone pillar is equal, and the height is about 100 meters. Above stone pillar is a section of broken and randomly floating curved stones. These huge The stones occasionally drifted and combined to form a giant ring with a radius similar to the “Arena” below, but that was only a moment. In the few minutes I observed, they spent most of their time wandering aimlessly at high altitude The space debris looks like it has lost gravity.

The whole venue floats in a desolate space. Except for the circular “Arena” at our feet, there is nothing around it, only ice-cold is still like the darkness of space, covering this platform.

I looked at this quirky place curiously. I did n’t understand how Father God wanted to bring me here. It seemed to be an independent space. The boundless darkness around it interfered with my perception, making me unable to accurately understand my current space coordinate, However, the link to the spiritual link is still smooth, and the feedback information tells me that it is still in space of God’s Domain.

“Look at those things,”

Father God said with a smile, reaching for the huge stone pillar, “They form a barrier, so that the outside Void and the order here do not interfere with each other. It is absolutely safe in this platform, but leaving this layer of barrier, Just go directly to Void. “

I was surprised that the dark and deep space outside was not Universe, but Void, but it did n’t look like the Void that I had ever seen. It was too calm. Father God may have been suppressed by some means. they.

“How do you feel here?”

Father God said this suddenly, and I scratched my hair inexplicably, “What’s the matter? This place looks pretty desolate, the space is empty, and the things suspended in Void always make me feel unreliable-one Remember to bring me Oh! when you go back “

The Father God expression subtly stiffened, but still smiled indifferently: “It is indeed desolate, but it is a very difficult thing to create order in Void without creating an abyss. My can do nothing about it is like a World Make this more grand. This Void throne took me a long time, but it did succeed. In this place that will never be eroded, we can do many things safely. “

I was a little dazed for a moment, and did n’t wake up until a few seconds later: the other party was about to mention the real secret of the abyss!

“Come up-here is my test bed.”

However, before asking, Father God walked forward on his own, explaining this place, and I could only follow, “Many World templates and orders that did not exist were born here. , I am considered to be omnipotent and omnipotent, but this is not signify. As Father God, there is no need to think and try. Now I want to show you the truth in Void. “

The voice fell, and the appeared suddenly twisted indistinctly in the center of the huge circle, like a strange soap bubble. appeared was an unclear sphere a few meters high above the platform. Father God stood beside this sphere , Apparently he is in control.

what is this?”

Being exposed to the huge mystery makes me feel a little emotional, but I still try to calm down and look at the sphere with a diameter of more than ten meters at the top. I feel that it contains huge energy, but that is not what I have seen. Of any kind of energy, and even such vague feelings are occasional and impossible to grasp. The huge sphere looks like a soap bubble with a very light color, and the turbid color inside is slowly distorted, and there are weak, I am not sure if there is a real flash of light, it looks like a big scene The static Hologram diagram at the moment of explosion is the same.

“This is just a simulation, but it already contains all the details. What you see is the ultimate moment of the birth of World,” Father God explained lightly. The sphere in the air suddenly disappeared and appeared suddenly, “This is An information bubble is in the middle of the birth of time. Before an instant you ca n’t understand, it was chaos, information is complex, all things is not stored, it is a humble point in Void, and it is as big as it was just now. The disappeared state is the same, and after that moment, the order is born, the information is suddenly released, organized, clearly identifiable, everything enters a state that can be described, and matter will be born after another instant, forming the most The basic entity, after crossing the boundary of nothingness, produces quality, and time also starts to tick at that moment, the first cry of the new Universe — “

The dim sphere suddenly burst out with colorful colors, and expanded violently at an indescribable moment. The brilliant flame swept through like an oncoming wave. The big explosion born by World enveloped itself with its eyes and eyes. There is only an endless color torrent, the first light of World, the first matter of World, the first order and description of World, these tangible or intangible things surround themselves … In a daze, I suddenly found that I have already It has become a turbulent lonely boat in this stormy sea. Everything in surroundings is madly evolving, undergoing a glorious journey from zero to one. The founding flash is dazzling, and the slow and slow self is at a loss in this amazing project. .

A hand was suddenly shot on my shoulder, Father God reappeared beside me, and the evolving picture of the surrounding wind and waves also instantly stopped, as if someone pressed the pause when the Hologram movie was halfway. The keys are the same.

The dazzling clouds formed the initial prototype clumps around them. The bright flashes were like countless broken diamonds embedded in these clumps. The initial nebula and giant stars shone in this chaotic Universe. Although this is just a model for demonstration, they still release their due diligence that may only be enough to maintain a flash of light for a moment.

The first second of Universe has just passed.

World is born.”

Father God whispered, as if afraid of waking up the sleeping child.

“It’s spectacular.”

I sincerely sigh, trying to grab something from the scene just now, Father God let himself see such a scene is definitely not just to show guests a Hologram movie, he is showing himself a secret, It will only be revealed at the moment of the birth of World, but it is regrettable that in the end I have nothing didn’t expect.

“It is indeed spectacular,” Father God nodded, “No matter what form of Genesis, it must go through this process, it may be expressed in various forms, but in the end, it should be attributed to a qualitative change of the information bubble, Xiling Apostle also masters With the Genesis technology, they created artificial singularities, and could allow the new Universe to evolve roughly according to their own design, but that technology still shares the same path-well, we are not discussing this. I want to ask Yes, did you find that at the moment of Genesis, from the moment of zero to one, something disappeared? Or, with the birth of World, something … was excluded? ”

I thought hard, thought hard, and stroked my hair down one by one, and finally I could only show my hand and admit defeat: “You tell me, I ca n’t think of it.”

Father God seems to have smiled (?!) long ago: “It’s honest, you didn’t take a plausible answer to save face. This involves the essence of Void. We all know that Void is inclusive, It is the starting point and ending point of all things all things. Various explorations of Void have shown that this is an absolutely ‘no’ state. It has no length, size, weight, weight, coldness or hotness. There is no quantity that can be described. It will always be The state before the concept was born … but if Void is really like this, where did World come from? “

“Creating from zero to one, this sentence itself reveals something: we need at least a‘ zero ’to create one.”

Void is this so-called ‘zero’, and its nihility is the raw material for the birth of World.”

After the other party said these difficult and difficult things, I was given a few minutes to understand, and then I continued to explain: “World was born from zero, in fact, it is breaking a ‘balanced’ state, in the actual World, This kind of equilibrium can be seen everywhere. Matter appeared will have antimatter, energy appeared, there will be dark energy, time is rolling forward, ‘now’ will continue to become history, everything follows the only balance when Genesis, that is all things return to zero This trend initially promoted the evolution of World to complexity, and finally made Universe come to an end naturally. It can be said that this zero tendency reduces the “pain” when World was born in Void, but there is only a balance since the beginning of World. Doomed to be irreparable, this fatal balance loophole is the abyss. “

Father God said, bending down and reaching into a still nebula. The latter immediately continued to evolve and quickly had a chain reaction. The glorious torrent surged around again, and countless galaxies were thriving in front of them.

“I know that the philosophers of Human Race had such a statement when thinking about World: in this world all things is divided into two parts, one part is known by the person, the other part is unknown by the person, in the baby ’s age, the unknown circle Occupy the entire World, but slowly, what people know will grow up … So for a truly omnipotent person, he does n’t know anything? “

Father God suddenly threw a question and caught myself off guard. The surrounding scene was already shining with the galaxy, but I was more at a loss.

“The question he didn’t know is: he still doesn’t know anything.” Father God said with a very serious expression.

I suddenly laughed dumbly: “This is not a problem …”

I couldn’t say anything more than half of the words. I seemed to think of Father God’s.

“That’s it. When everything becomes known, whether there is still an unknown becomes the ultimate question. This question will always be in a paradox that cannot be answered. The same is true of World, when Universe all things has all evolved. When all things enters a balanced state, something that breaks the balance will inevitably appear. This broken balance is actually the residue after the birth of World.

Void is balanced, all things corresponds, so all things is empty. When the concept of long is born, there will be a corresponding short, when the heat is born, there will be a definition of cold, this mutual cancellation is the highest rule followed by Void: all things will eventually return to zero. The paradox just now is the same. For the words “omniscience and almighty”, “finding an unsolved problem” is what makes the word “omniscience and almighty” zero. “

Maybe I can call this the theory of relativity at the law level?

The surroundings splendid Universe starry sky has evolved over a period of time. The stars are significantly rarer, the nebula is dim, and no new stars appeared can be seen. Large holes appear in this short Universe of life, indicating that The evening has arrived.

God’s Domain has a toy called a balance tower. It ’s a very simple gadget. It ’s actually a series of scales that are stacked to form a complex structure. Two of the same weights are placed on the smallest scale. , A slightly larger balance puts a small balance on one side, a large weight on the other side, and then a larger balance … World is a small balance with all the material and energy on World at both ends , And this allows its pointer to always point to zero, and Void is a larger scale, with World on one end, and … on the abyss.

Of course, in terms of the amount of information, the abyss cannot be compared with an entire World, but in terms of power, a little abyss is enough to destroy the entire ordered Universe, when they are placed on the Void balance with this concept. , The pointer stops at zero.

The residue of World, this is the abyss. “

The Universe stars around them are gradually extinguishing, turning into dim yellows like colored lights with insufficient power, and then cooling down.

“Every World is born, there will be an abyss enough to destroy an World. Normally, this destruction power is hidden in the depth of Void, when its corresponding World dies (such as Universe because the entropy increases to the limit After the heat, this abyss will also die together due to the return to zero rule of Void, so that the orderly World and the abyss will maintain a balanced state. “

The last star in front of her is also declared to be extinguished, and the glorious moment of Universe has turned into a quiet soup of ice-cold.

“But occasionally, they will leak out and contaminate a normal World, just like the ultimate problem that breaks the” omniscience and omnipotence “, although the amount of information in the abyss itself is pitiful compared to the entire World, it is enough Destroy the entire World and make everything into chaos. “

The evolution of Universe around has finally ended completely, and the surrounding scene has turned into an empty and silent circular terrace.

“A problem can destroy the” omnipotent omnipotence “, a residue is enough to destroy the balance of the whole World.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to recommend Tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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