Xiling Empire Chapter 715: Futures

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When all the dust settled, the people of Atlantis began to clean up their homes devastated by the disaster. After the joy of victory, the grief for the war dead quickly came one after another. This catastrophic event was to the people of Atlantis. The scars caused are unimaginable. Since escaping from their homes 760,000 years ago, these remaining “descendants of the gods” have been fighting side by side like brothers and sisters, and have fought together to survive the darkest years, because of a near impossible impossible hope. Today, but this to drop out from the sky disaster has left nearly two-thirds of them forever. In the corner of the city, Atlantis civilians who are cleaning up corpses and aftermath can be seen everywhere. The sorrow in their eyes almost diluted the victory. Joy.

A large number of corpses were concentrated on the square in the middle of the city. Among them were the Human Race variants that were beheaded and the city guards who died in the counterattack. When the abyss retreated, these used their last effort to fight each other. Both the enemy and the enemy lay on the same ground again. There was no more hatred and fighting, and they shared the condolences from the people.

Before Atlantis set sail, Shandora and I left the carrier and came to the city again. There is a ceremony here that requires us to appear in person-this is what we asked for.

“Most of the people gathered in this square are the war dead who have no relative(s). Their entire family has been sacrificed, or they have been alone,” Ares said, leaning over my ear. “They are big Most people fail to persevere until the gods return. But your attention and concern can comfort the souls of these warriors, and they can go home with confidence. “

In the Ares speaking room, the crowd in the square also suddenly spread to both sides. The time had come, and the priest in charge of the requisition ceremony came out of the crowd passage. He wore a heavy black cloak that completely covered his face. He wore a sacred emblem of a crystal cross on his chest. He walked barefoot on the stone road of ice-cold with a tray containing crystal dust, followed by two white cloaks behind the priest. Assistant priest, who holds two old devices in his hand and looks like a small suitcase.

“The warrior who bleeds blood, the hero who fell on the battlefield, and the deceased who finally got rid of the curse of Demon and got a clean soul,” the priest stood in front of the huge corpse that people could hardly bear to look straight at. With a strange, not very loud voice that can be conveyed to the ears of every listener, read a short prayer, “You have gone through a difficult time, experienced a sinister fate, and now you can finally relax and welcome the moment Tranquility. The last battle in the course of life has ended, you have not backed up, you have not succumbed, no matter whether you win or lose, you are worthy of the name of Atlantis. Now, the other end of the journey is waiting for you, on the road where the living cannot travel , I hope you can continue to move forward with the glory of God. The crystal that God will appease your tired body, the pure blue holy light will heal your soul, children, go on the road, go forward lightly, let us be in Hometown Reunion … “

With the low recitation, the tray in the hands of the priest also exudes soft blue light, special crystal powder flutters out one after another, as if it has become a light and merges into the corpse on the square, two assistant priests are in the crystal After the powder was completely fused into the corpse, he took a step forward and opened the strange machine in his hand, but at this moment, a sudden riot came from outside the crowd and interrupted the ceremony that was about to be completed.

Two small figures squeezed in through the gaps between the tall figures around, struggling with a severe low pressure all the way, arousing excitement around them.

“Why are you two coming?”

I was surprised to see the two twins Lolita in front of me, and quickly pacified them with one hand on their heads: Della was on the top. These two gruesome Wannian Yimian just took a lot of psychological determination From a group of giants who are at least twice the height of their calves, they came to Oh! calmly

Pandora and Viska have always listened to my orders and stayed on the mothership obediently, even though they did n’t show up in the final battle (I ’m really afraid that the combat stance of Viska would cause a destructive blow to the morale of Atlantis soldiers), but now Why did they come out without saying a word?

I looked up and looked at the crowd around me. Apparently, the appearance of Viska triggered a very serious terror wave. Almost all civilians looked at us with horrified eyes. They retreated and murmured. Tweet, the buzzing like a swarm spread all over the square in an instant, “Blood red vertical pupil Demon” spread like a curse in the crowd, and did not retreat when facing the disaster caused by the star ring fragment(s) After seeing Viska, the people of Atlantis burst into a group of fears.

But the panic turned into panic, chaos and violence did not happen. Civilians and soldiers just retreated because of instinct, and then whispered whispered, no one took hostile behavior, obviously about “blood pupil Demon has been sealed into a “The **** within the body” has been spread by the mouth of Ares. Everyone looked at this Little Girl, which had brought them the fear of the end of World with doubtful eyes. Gradually, after discovering that the latter did not have any hostility, the crowd Only dare to get closer.

“The two of you are not afraid of causing confusion.”

I looked at Pandora and Viska with a headache. To be precise, this sentence was said to Viska. Pandora should just accompany her sister.

“Always have to face, I ca n’t never appear in front of Atlantis people, otherwise my elder brother will be distressed,” Viska shook his head, always like a childish Little Sister but she showed this moment Surprisingly mature, “Brother, let Viska be capricious once.”

“Well, you are my baby sister, you can do it several times.” I shrugged with a helpless expression, and understood in my heart that this is not the good or evil view of Viska or the guilt mentality that prompted her to stand at at this moment Come out-this girl doesn’t have that kind of thing at all, she is totally thinking about “can’t make my brother and sister feel embarrassed by this kind of thing in the future” and stood up, and in contrast, Viska‘s determination is more enthusiastic than Pandora. Determination is harder to dispel.

The girl was just able to calmly pull her sister, who was also one meter two, walking under the feet of a group of giants two or three meters high.

“This I understand, the second-frequency ghost diffuser,” Viska strode to the three clerics and pointed to the suitcase-shaped “sacred object” in the other’s hand. The latter saw the other party walking When I came, I was obviously trembling, but finally calmed down, two or three meters tall giant was scared by a one and two meter Lolita, but somehow I could not laugh at all, “You two can go down, I think , These fighters are still good to see off by real Xiling Apostle-sister. “

For the first time, Viska officially called Pandora as his sister. The latter ’s eyes was obviously bright, and then quickly walked to the black robe priest: “Continue.”

The priest was a little unclear, but after all he was ordered by the “god” he believed in. He just froze for a while and continued to recite the prayer which is very different from the general religion.

Viska and Pandora closed eyes slightly. After the quiet energy quickly brushed like a flame, their hair turned into ice blue in a flash.

The radiant energy of a specific frequency slowly diffuses with the action of two Lolitas, forming a circle of halo. These energies diffuse outward at an incredibly slow speed, as if the water surface ripples under a slow lens, And with the deep prayers of the black robe priests, I do n’t quite understand what the religious rituals derived from the Atlantis people based on their worship of Xiling Apostle, but it seems that Pandora and Viska know what to do now by other means do. When those halo contacted the corpses on the square, the latter immediately began to crystallize.

Perhaps the blue crystal dust sprinkled by the previous priest became a chain reaction primer. The energetic radiation released by Pandora and Viska caused subsequent crystallization changes. The corpses on the square were quickly irradiated by blue light Condensed, and gradually turned into crystal clear crystal sculptures, which reminded me that when she first saw Medusa, she was radiated by ghost energy and turned into a crystal hero. However, Atlantis people are not energy creatures. The corpse is reflected in that it must have turned into a crystal for another reason-well, it does n’t make sense to think about it now.

The corpses that turned into crystals did not stop changing. As the priest whispered, a faint blue flame was rising from these corpses. At first, I thought that I had been staring at the crystal and had hallucinations. But soon, these dreamy blue flames turned into a burning fire, silently began to devour every corpse in the square.

In the pure blue flames, the corpses that turned into crystal sculptures quickly dissolved. When the ceremony went to the end, they finally disappeared completely, leaving only a few blue light flying in the air, showing The deceased who had existed stayed here for the last time.

“They finally completed the final reincarnation of life and became part of their hometown, their bodies became energy and flowed in the energy pipe network below the city, and their spirit merged with the air of this city together , Their souls will burn forever in the years after Atlantis, “Ares with a look of pride and emotion,” the best of everything, this is the greatest virtue that God educated us to contribute his last value to race, these The soldiers will be proud. “

After hearing such an explanation, I finally understood what this religious ritual is all about. Although I knew I should not be blamed, I felt a little uncomfortable. Old Empire‘s distortion of this civilization is too serious. Although we can’t simply judge whether this distortion is good or bad, but watching Ares proudly call the burning of corpses of the same family in exchange for energy as a noble virtue …

A’Jun,” Shandora squeezed my hand. “If the deceased’s life can leave its value in this form, and it will always live in the gratitude and nostalgia of future generations, this may also be a good way back. “

Shandora’s may just be a consolation, but I can only nodded. After all, in the opinion of Atlantis, this ultimate dedication is the best way to commemorate the deceased. The sorrowful expression on the faces of the civilians of surroundings It may be the only way to make them feel that the people they cherish are still living in their hearts.

After the last religious festival in Atlantis city, Shandora and I pulled Pandora and Viska back to spaceship. The unauthorized actions of the two Lolita today were beyond my expectations, but they still seem to have achieved good results. As a member of the “God”, they walked among the mortals personally, and stood in the position of assistant priests to see off the dead soldiers. This behavior greatly won the favor of the people, and also made Atlantis people “red pupil Demon” His fear mentality has produced a lot of relief. At least from now on, Viska should be able to appear in front of these ancient people who were almost extinct.

The floating island ’s power system has been repaired, and World Teleportation System is also ready. I set its transmission target to Avalon, because Ares said after seeing the picture of Avalon, that place reminded him of his hometown. The scenery, lamenting that the Imperial Scientific Research Team attached great importance to the environmental protection of at the same time, we also finally determined the future settlement of Atlantis people. Fortunately, as a World with only a few heroes living in a wide range of people and still growing, Avalon has some empty places, and its sky is empty. If there is one more floating island, in addition to the possibility of affecting the unicorns in some places bask in the sun , There should be no other trouble.

And on the way back to spaceship, I called the girls of Yokai in Fantasy Township and started to discuss the issue of …, policy housing subsidies.

Yakumo Yukari, Hakurei Reimu, Yakumo Ran, Yuyuko, Sixteen Nights Sakuya, Ojou-sama … The big characters of Fantasy Township gathered in the spacious lounge, whispering melon seeds, the atmosphere was very harmonious and lively, which fully met us The atmosphere of this group of high-level empire every time they meet to discuss issues. In this case, drinking tea to preside over the meeting, both Shandora and I feel very cordial.

cough cough, let me say a few words-blue, what are you doing?”

I coughed twice to attract the attention of everybody, and then looked at Yakumo Ran with dissatisfaction. This fox lady has been playing with her ears just now, and now she is starting to practice the two ears on the spot in the opposite direction by willpower The trick of rotating 180 degrees, although this did not affect other people listening, but it seriously interfered with my concentration: I really want to help the guy to tie his ears in the past.

“Ah, sorry,” the hair on the fox maiden’s tail exploded in an instant, as if I was taken aback, “There is still a tinnitus, you don’t have to worry about me, please continue.”

Is it because Atlantis people cheered for half an hour before? Unlucky egg with sensitive ears?

After a serious reminder to let Yakumo Ran pay attention to the impact, Shandora and I complement each other and talk about the arrangement of Fantasy Township …

Before departure, we have designed a lot of solutions to deal with the possible damage degree of Fantasy Township, from the worst World mass extinction to the slightest Atlantis Continent70 yard light scratches have detailed solutions .

The current situation is much better than the worst expected at the beginning of Shandora. Atlantis did not smash a World in Fantasy Township like a bombshell, but the disaster situation is not too light. At least Yokai mountain is very damaged. Severe: Half of the high mountain where a large number of gregarious Yokais lived was exposed to the strong radiation of the Atlantis energy vent for a long time, and it has no grass. It is expected that the Chernobyl ruins can be regarded as a national level compared with that place. Scenic spots, and along with the spread of water in the mountains, highly toxic radiation also appeared in the foothills area. The Yokais can not be afraid of radiation for a short time, but they cannot bear it for a long time.

Obviously, before the radiation dissipated, it was temporarily unable to live.

This is the most serious disaster point. The slightly lighter area is the surrounding area of ​​Yokai mountain. Due to the rupture of the main energy pipeline of Atlantis, the leakage of the energetic residue has caused several forest fires, although they were all the first time I extinguished, but the power of Youneng is too powerful after all. Basically, in a moment, a few kilometers of forest can be turned into steam by high temperature. There will be a place for the net to extinguish quickly, so there are many people who live on the plains below the mountain. Yokai lost her home, except for Lingmo’s unruly declaration that she had 27 properties in the forest that needed compensation, and we had to place a large number of people because of those fires.

The above two points are all the problems to be solved. The situation is not complicated and the loss is not serious, but it is an inescapable responsibility in any case. Of course, Fantasy Township has ability to rebuild damaged houses and villages in time after such an incident. However, several severely radiated places are not easy to recover in a short time, and there are ghosts everywhere, even with imperial technology. It takes time to deal with quiet radiation, which is not a concept with nuclear radiation. Although it looks like a harmony in Fantasy Township, it also has a complicated division of forces. These divisions of power are different from the borders of Human Race where the swordsmen and soldiers meet each other, but they are distinguished according to the common group habits and geographical concepts of Yokai, although This area of ​​influence is not as serious as the national borders, but it also shows that different Yokais have their own sites. The residents of the Yokai mountain cannot register in the forest, and the individual households on the plains cannot get a visa to the lake. Short-term It’s not a big problem to stay for a day or two. I’m afraid the problem will come when the time is long: everyone knows that Yokai is usually the most trouble-making.

So the idea of ​​letting the guys on the Yokai mountain to rent house to relatives ’houses and give them a severance payment of a hundred would not work.

The best solution now is to temporarily move the batch of Yokais that have lost their homes to Avalon. I fully believe that the environment in that place can make any guy with normal aesthetics linger on and return, and can be fooled in a short time. They took out all the compensation for demolition and bought a house on the local mortgage, but the only resistance at the moment is Hakurei Reimu: In order to get more compensation for demolition, the unruly red and white have been spared no effort to promote themselves and Yakumo Yukari to make cattle in Shadow City Working as a horse, suffering from bullying, hunger, cold and cold, working hard to redeem her time, striving to make all the residents of Fantasia Town afraid of Shadow City and all the living facilities attached to it, so that she can “convert all residents’ compensatory living area into cash to quickly get rich.” I have always hated the criminal purpose of digging imperialist corners to fill the pockets of individualism, defrauding the lawful urban relocation of residents in rural areas, and seeking private gains with unequal information, so I urged Al Themis took the time to organize Ying Ling to start writing a set of Avalon residence guide, and was also preparing to set up 20 A non-profit travel agency, with the 20 most famous Avalon heroes who are good at using spears as the president of the travel agency, to ensure that the residents of the fantasy townships on the spot will have a perfect travel experience (believe me, all accidents will be the president Attracted away), on this basis, quickly established a new generation of Avalon real estate development and promotion leadership group guided by imperialist values. Earn money for the demolition compensation of Ya by using various tourism projects, at least vow to die that it can’t be cheaper. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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