Xiling Empire Chapter 709: Anubis

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The battle in the Atlantis city has been basically coming to an end. The most elite ground troops of the empire will occupy an ancient city. Even if there are a large number of fighting strength in this city, it will not be inferior to the Monster of the Imperial Army. Our gradual advancement, key functional buildings were restarted by the Xiling Host in the rear, and the haze over this ancient city also quickly subsided at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. Perhaps it will not take long before the entrenched abyss energy Will be dispelled by the city purification equipment.

The ground troops who entered the inner city together have separated into several roads and advanced to the key buildings pointed out by Ares. Shandora and I also led a team to start two defense system control centers, Icetis and Shandora. , The remaining two God Clan five-member living treasures were assigned to me-before Lin and Ilson “collaborative operations” broke into the inner city, and have not yet returned to the team, the IQ of the former has been reduced to not knowing to contact the big troops, The latter is estimated to be dizzy now.

But the two celestial bodies God Clan’s are posing there, and I believe they are still alive and kicking.

We have encountered several Valkyrie warrior attacks along the way, but with the experience of dealing with this type of warrior, the armored scorpion is already familiar with them. The Valkyrie raid did not have much impact on the advancement of Soldier. There are some Atlantis god servant who are familiar with the Valkyrie fighting style and fighting strength, such as ability‘s excellent fantasy town, such as Sixteen Nights.

It ’s just that the air here is full of disgusting confusion. The soldiers ca n’t rush forward quickly, plus they must always deal with the enemy from which corner God knows will jump out. The team ’s overall advancement speed always allows People are not very satisfied.

The detection of the Raven Magic and the life detector of the leader bee have little effect on units such as Valkyrie. The latter has no life response and has the same stealth assault equipment as the Empire agents. It ’s just too bad to be detected, and what ’s worse, they can still be resurrected. The Valkyrie manufacturing plant is in the most tightly defended area in the inner city. Before the team advances to that place, we have bother.

“What are you thinking?”

Seeing me for sixteen nights, I did n’t speak for a long time, and finally could n’t help asking. When the stranger was in front of a stranger, she seemed polite and well-educated. Although I did n’t know why, I always felt that she was a little alienated from outsiders. But in general, this is a follower who can give people a very reliable feeling, that is, if she meets with An Wei Na …

“About your arrangement, if there are too many Yokais whose houses were destroyed, you can go to the imperial capital to live first. It takes time to purify the radiation of Yokai mountain,” I said casually, “I also invited the Red Devils Hall All of you go to Shadow City to play, there is a person there who can also control the time, and there are others who always aim at World ’s first maid, perhaps you will have a common language together.

Sixteen nights looked at me puzzled, with a strange look in his eyes, but he smiled politely: “This is the best, maybe Ojou-sama can also be at ease. You are a very easy to get close to I expected the feeling of being so high. “

Oh, should I be moved? This time it turned out not to be a good card! It’s … passerby, what’s this sad feeling of happiness?

“Squeak pā pā …”

A burst of crackling from nowhere suddenly interrupted the dialogue between myself and Sixteen Nights. I looked around and found that blue and black electric sparks were condensing abnormally over the slate square 100 meters away. It was a phenomenon like a tip discharge, but I could n’t see where the power was placed. I just wanted to ask the Atlantis warrior next to him what was going on. The other party had already shown a serious look, holding the lightning spear tightly in his hand. The voice said, “Anubis is here! They will jump lightning!”

As soon as the voice fell, a series of dense lightning bursts suddenly burst out. Dozens of blue and black lightning struck from a height of 100 meters on the slate square not far away. Each beam of lightning will explode into a ball on the ground. The bright flame immediately formed a tall wolf-headed warrior.

The height of these alien warriors that are transmitted to the battlefield with lightning is abnormal. Although they cannot reach the exaggerated height of twelve meters of Hades, they are also five meters up and down. They have dark skin and muscle lines Obsidian-like luster, upper body ****, lower body wearing a white Atlantis short battle skirt, with Human Race body, but with a wolf-like head. Their upper body floated with a dark red Rune, and there were heavy circles between the necks. Those circles had an obvious Empire science and technology style with dark energy grids on their edges, indicating that these warriors were called Anubis. Similar to the previous Valkyrie, it is a powerful unit that uses real phantom energy instead of power.

Anubis ’s weapon is a black scepter that matches their height. The top of the scepter is shaped like a viper. According to the previous introduction of Ares, those things should be called “dusk scepter”-four or five meters long , A half-ton metal scepter, really a good partner Oh! for killing and smashing goods

As soon as the space transmission was completed, the wolf-head warrior launched an attack and waved the dark black stick in our hands. Suddenly, countless branching dazzling lightning burst from those extra-large staffs, covering the entire action team With the space hundreds of meters around, I saw it in just a moment-this is completely imitating the raven’s fork lightning!

…… Well, there will be a lot of fork lightning on this World, but I think that the raven who learned to use the fork lightning barbecue tens of millions of years ago is absolutely qualified to declare himself as the founder of this Magic one.


A continuous explosion sounded in mid-air, and the ravens who followed the team launched a counterattack in time, and did not see what Magic they used. The lightning of Anubis collided with each other on the halfway and annihilated, This is the best technique of Sylvia or Belavela: elemental interference, Magic that has a single element attack has a magic effect, but because the user body quality requirements are too high, it can only be used once in a short time.

But only one successful intervention was enough. The skilled Ravens of Magic immediately organized a fruitful attack. They first arranged a fast Arcane shield over their own front, and then three Ravens were on the position. The shield was maintained inside, and the firepower of the other ravens was fully on. The overwhelming Magic attack hit the front of the Anubis. There were lightning fireballs, ice arrows, Austrian bullets, slippers, teddy bears and everything-there are two ravens because they can be seen. The opponent who used Magic was too excited, and threw out the things in space.

The armored scorpion also drew a long sword. After the raven’s Magic was issued, under the cover of those bright flames, these fast-moving slashers clung to the various Magic light groups and rushed to Anubis with lightning speed, so that even if the latter could be in They survived the first round of Magic attack, and they were absolutely unable to survive the attack of the armored scorpion.

With just this hand, it can be seen that despite the usual noisy between the armored scorpion and the raven, they really want to fight, but the cooperation between them is sisterly intimate. The armored scorpion accurately controlled the Magic flight speed of the raven, and the raven skillfully controlled the powerful Arcane fire and white heat to delay their energy release. Can a scorpion or a raven beaten with a bag full of heads be trained?

…… Okay, maybe this is purely the cooperative skills they developed during the fight.

“Crack-crack”, the continuous lightning sounded again, Anubis seemed to feel the power of the Magic storm in front of them, and they raised their scepters in their hands to the ground, and then disappeared with the lightning of to drop out from the sky In on the spot, flashes appeared in all directions. Armored scorpions and those Magic light groups lost their targets. The former quickly turned back to pursue the enemies that had moved out, and the latter burned the slate square into a melt.

Anubis ’s lightning teleport can be released indefinitely, and they can escape most of the long-range attacks by instinct,” the Atlantis warrior beside him said quickly, raising a lightning bolt in his hand, sending out a beam of thunder, forcing A Anubis teleported near the position had to use Lightning Teleport again, “This skill makes them difficult to deal with.”

“The Valkyrie with a full-band stealth raid ability, the Anubis that can short-range teleport Magic attack, it seems that the scientific research team was really pressed,” I said a little bit stunned, “Raven, do n’t play ! Quickly solve this group of unbeatable guys, the control center is ahead! “

Ravens who are throwing lightning chains in high spirits after being so screamed by Senior Officer can be considered serious. Raven 001 retrieved several Arcane cores floating beside him, and then raised his right hand high: “The Cloud of Charge. “

This is a spell that requires joint casting, and the more powerful the participants, the more amazing the power. After Raven 001 hands appeared guided Rune chain, more than a dozen Ravens of surroundings also began to cast spells in at the same time, a dense cloud As strangely as the camera switch, it suddenly appeared at high altitude. The already gloomy inner city was under the shadow of this cloud, and it fell into a state of almost night. The thunder of “rumbling” came out from this cloud. Even the entire body of hair is slightly electric, and the raven who did not participate in the coordinated casting immediately strengthened the Arcane shield on the position to prevent his own Senior Officer from injuring himself.

A Anubis turned a blind eye to the high-energy response above his head, but raised his evening scepter high against us, and a five-meter-tall giant held a four-meter-long iron stick in his hand. Needless to say, it was suddenly a “click” with a loud noise, all over the sky-Della was on! All over the sky! Anubis‘s body is made of black tempered crystals. I visually judged that the thing is the kind of material used as a porthole on the battleship. This super-strength insulator was even split into a sky of dust by a lightning, Raven 001, you confirm that this is still lightning ?

And what is even more amazing is that after an infinitely powerful thunder, except for the hapless Anubis, there was no accidental damage at all, and even the ground under the enemy ’s feet did not even have a black mark. The power of “Lightning” was 100% injected into the enemy within the body, and it was accurately turned into ashes with no residue. How cruel is the control of Magic? Ravens LV6Oh!

I do n’t know if it ’s not enough brains or what happened. The death of the first Anubis did n’t remind other people. More wolf heads “God” raised the scepter in their hands to attack us. As a result There was a crackling roar on the square, and dozens of lightning rods successfully satisfied the pile of hungry and impatient charged clouds. The Atlantis warrior just said that Anubis can dodge most long-range attacks by instinct, but apparently the thunder spreading at the speed of light is not among them. After dozens of dazzling blue and white thunder bombs, the square is still running except for a stall Beyond the ashes of smoke, there was nothing left.

“Thunder Sky held a big iron stick, I do n’t know how to conduct electricity, a group of Idiot.”

The Raven 001 made a contribution, and his mouth was unkindly poisonous, but I appraised her deeply, but then again, even the most powerful lightning is impossible to kill the warship crystal Make the Anubis of body with the shell? This group of unlucky children died badly.

As the spellcasting guidance ceases, the sky ’s energetic clouds dissipate, and the light of the stars rises from the square. The Anubis that has been reduced to ashes is the same as the Valkyrie that was cut by the armored scorpion It was recovered under the influence of some mysterious technology. Obviously, a few hours later this was a group of thundering men who were living and watching tigers. As they watched the enemy resurrection countdown before their eyes, even Raven 001 sighed: ” Alas, if you are killed, you will be resurrected. You might as well fight with the scorpions. “

Vega this is not there. If she is there, Raven 001’s broken mouth will have to give her a full bag.

“Let ’s find their recycling factory quickly and let these soldiers regain control,” I sighed, and I took the lead, “These are heroes who died for the empire many years ago, they should not be in this kind of Appeared on this battlefield. “

After eliminating the wandering Anubis, we were more cautious in our march. It turned out that these Atlantis ultimate troops that were once used to fight against the Viska Chaos Legion were not vulnerable even when they faced the Empire Heroes combat soldiers. Special combat methods and targeted tactics can suddenly pose a great threat to us. What we have just appeared is dozens of Anubis. Their attack is not enough to instantaneously cover the entire unit, but if it is an equal number of enemies If we attacked us just now, maybe the at this moment might even lose battle with the Raven and the Armored Scorpion. At least, we wo n’t be able to win so easily. The accompanying Atlantis warriors knew the terrifying power of Anubis and Valkyrie from the beginning, and they always maintained a high degree of vigilance, but Yokai at this moment in several fantasy towns was just serious and nervous. In the previous journey, because there were scorpions Raven bees To get everything done, enemies like Valkyrie have no means of long-range attacks, they just need to throw out the barrage under the strict protection, so there is no sense of urgency, and some people even eat snacks while walking-Yuyuko says you! Don’t hug the companion spirit of Youmu-but after the emergence of Anubis, which can be infinitely teleported and long-range attacks, this group of hairy girl films can be considered afraid.

Without him, I did n’t know whether it was intentional or what happened just now. An armored scorpion responded “accidentally” a little bit slower, and a Anubis was sent directly to Youmu. The bigfoot almost stepped on Youmu. Cake dream.

After occupying the last small hall along the way, and successfully repairing the various devices that have been physically offline, the control of Xiling Host has finally been effectively expanded in the inner city, although it is still impossible to restart the inner city ’s energy management. Internet, but at least the gray and black clouds on the street are much darker, and the actions of Anubis and Valkyrie are not known whether they are affected by the abyss. The chance of occurrence is greatly reduced, so we can move forward smoothly, and finally in half an hour Then came the last goal: Twin shrine Day Hall.

Strictly speaking, this is one of the two “real” shrines in Atlantis.

There are countless large and small temples and temples in this city. They are Zeus , Poseidon and many more Atlantis The residences of the leaders, I call them shrine , Actually just out of habit, Atlantis People dare not call it that.

For Atlantis people, even if they are their most beloved leaders, they have never dared to directly promote Zeus to the height of “God”. Ares called the “God” who has a place on Mount Olympus including himself It is god servant, because they think they were born under the power of “Great God” (undoubtedly, Xiling Apostle), the real gods on World are only “Great God”, and these powerful powerful people are only created by the Great God Servant, so strictly speaking, the Zeus hall and Poseidon hall in this city are not shrine, Atlantis dare to admit that there are only two shrine: Twin shrine.

legend a long time ago, the great **** led the gods … well, probably hundreds of thousands of years ago, led a group of scientists to Atlantis to do an ecological survey of two high-level Apostle(s), according to Ares Hades and so on The nagging description, I judge that the two so-called great gods should be two Xiling Hosts that are one level lower than the bubble (that is, not directly subordinate to Emperor, but owned by the research team of a general in a certain area), they dominated the original Research, and built its own mother nest in the place where Atlantis was originally established. The existence of these two mother nests has continued throughout the Atlantis civilization. The latter never dared to make any changes to these “buildings of gods”. It was after the outbreak of the war that the city of Atlantis was built around the two mother nests under the guidance of the “God” to swear to defend their gods. When the end came, the Xiling Bases of the two extremely importants rose into the sky together, into the alien world, and were venerated by the Atlantis as Twin shrine.

Two shrine, or mother nests, are located at both ends of the inner city. Shandora has already started one of them, and we are now seeing one of them.

And … the raging flames of war near the mother nest. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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