Xiling Empire Chapter 628: Long time no see

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Because of the leader, the next journey was a lot easier. Ten minutes later, we have left the library ’s outer area and entered its logical area, and the outer area is like decadent metal Compared with the dark and corroded corridors in the Gothic style, the road sections here are no different from the corridors in the normal Xiling buildings, and they are more spacious and bright. There are many more blue light on the silver-white alloy walls of surroundings. The pipe network and the entire logical area of ​​the channel maintain sufficient light, which shows that Sylvia has not had time to take the next step after shutting down the energy in the outer zone. Also, relying on the mechanical Idiot, even if she knows this in detail The secret of the ruins, it takes a while for successfully to shut down all the energy systems here.

“This is the direct route to the first core control room. There are two core control rooms in the documentation library, one of which is the main control, just at the end of this passage, but its second control room is a bit troublesome. “Tavel got the structure diagram of the literature library from the memory core of Ola, and is now analyzing our next direction of progress.” This shows that the second control room has no fixed position. It is always in semi-connection with the main substance plane. In the state, only the authorizer can enter that place, and the authorizer can let the second control room swim away immediately after entering, and its entrance will be randomly connected to any place in this document library, if Sylvia is in the second control room , We are wasting time now. “

“At least go to the first control room to try your luck.”

I casually said that the hundreds of leader bees are flying An’an quietly right behind us. go into action has almost no sound. Each of them holds a part of the keys of the document library. These keys not only have the outer area There are also logical areas and core areas. When the sometimes meets the door that is still locked, the librarians must also be responsible for opening the door. Pandora’s shelling and Qianqian’s flying kick can be saved.

To tell the truth, I will meet the **** of the pit father again, such as the sturdy gate and the falling wall, maybe I will just pass it …

Ola, what is this document library doing? Is there nothing more to tell us?”

On the way forward, I finally couldn’t help my thoughts and asked this question once again.

“Key data is locked, the librarians have no right to call,” Ola replied rigidly, “The full text of the public data is as follows: The document library is the final record, the ultimate watchman, the tomb, the tomb The monument, it originates from the end and ends from the beginning. World was born for this document library, and the document library was born for the sanctuary. When the sanctuary is started, the mission of the document library will be ushered in. The guards should always remember the mission , Even if Void ushered in the end, we must fight for the archives. “

“Another explanation for these gods,” I scratched my hair annoyedly, these things make people feel that they have not fallen after listening to it Ola I ’ve said it once, and it ’s still correct, ” God knows Who is the designer of the documentation library, but he must be a secondary two, even writing a product manual is so secondary. “

“The first storage area,” the sound of Tavel’s suddenly sounded, interrupting my complaint. It turned out that we had come to the end of the channel unconsciously. “There is a giant database that runs continuously, maybe I What can be found in its underlying data. “

“Hurry up, every minute is precious before figuring out what Sylvia is going to do.”

I reminded Tavel that the latter immediately nodded hard at me: “Please rest assured, my your majesty, my subordinates know their mission.”

The first storage area is a very wide hexagonal hall, shaped like a silver-white honeycomb grid. I am afraid that the radius is two or three hundred meters, and in the center, there is a huge hole with a radius of one hundred meters. The edge of the hole is a circle of blue and white halo, and the inside of the hole is dark. The so-called giant database floats above the hole. It is a large hole with a radius slightly smaller than the ground. The shape is like a pear lying upside down. The whole body is black. The lacquered metal gallbladder occasionally flashed red from the surface of the metal gallbladder, just like the blood that occasionally cracked in the dark heart.

When Tavel saw this database, she was obviously stunned, but she immediately came to the console in front of database, connected her probe and console to together, and started reading the underlying data.

“Looking at … a little bit of A’Jun, why is it still beating like a heart, does it have life?”

Slightly involuntarily clasped my arms. The huge black pear-shaped metal object in front of it is like life. It emits a strange atmosphere everywhere. This is the first time I have seen Xiling science and technology. Things, how is it different from my common database?

“Lagerman database, something extremely rare,” Shandora whispered, his expression fluctuating, “This database is reshaped with the core of the dead Xiling Apostle memory, with its amazing capacity and read and write speed And, the soul marks left by Xiling Apostle that life has dissipated will actively protect the things in database, so that it has incredible reliability, even if the eternal years will not lose a byte of data, Qianqian’s intuition has not Wrong, Lagman database has life, and it deserves our respect. This structure represents the highest form of Xiling Apostle devotion to the empire: sacrifice the soul forever, but … there are very few things that make the soldiers uncomfortable. Emperor It will be ordered to build, even if the soldiers are willing to take the initiative, why is there such a huge … “

The Shandora had n’t finished speaking yet. Somehow, a bang “bang” interrupted her, and then the lighting system in the hall of the storage area suddenly dimmed twice, and suddenly all went out, even The Ragman database suspended in mid-air all made a loud noise, lost power and fell into the big hole below it, and a soft female voice echoed through our ears: “Attention, the energy in the spare storage area has been interrupted, all Lagman database enters an abnormal offline state … Continue to close the energy group, Warning, there is a dangerous option in your follow-up operation, which will make the document library never be repaired, please confirm your operation … Operation confirmation, the main storage area energy It will go offline after thirty minutes, and finally the core will enter the lowest power standby state. “

After the AI ​​broadcasted several Warning messages, it fell silent, and immediately afterwards, the walls of the hall also slowly glowed orange. These hardly energy-consuming things are the emergency lighting system here.

at this moment, I only saw that Tavel has fallen in front of the database platform, and the personnel is unknown.


Screaming hurriedly, I hurried over and completely forgot that this was just a quality projection. Even in the worst case, Tavel would not really hurt the fact, just rushing up and going into a comatose research girl Hold it and wait until you find that the soft touch you started with is a bit unnatural and realize that this is just an avatar.

“Subordinate … It ’s okay, the data is suddenly interrupted, which interferes with the projection signal.”

Tavel tried hard to stand up. The quality projection image was shaken twice in the air before it stabilized. “Sylvia is still moving. She is not slow, but this library will automatically set when it closes itself. A long delay, to give the operator a chance to repent, probably less than an hour, all the secrets here will be buried forever as the total energy is cut off, the subordinate has just cracked some Literature library, but maybe a little too sensational … “

Tavel very rarely showed a hesitant look, and seemed to be suspicious of her research for the first time, but in the end, she firmly said: “The Archives was established after the” catastrophe “of the empire, after the” catastrophe ” Within a year-theoretically is like this. “

The word Tavel is no less than the shock that can be caused by a frontal bombardment of the main gun of the Galaxy, and even the shallow girl with a weak brain exclaimed.

“Empire … after a deep sleep … established ?!” Shandora came directly to Tavel with Space jump, clutching the latter’s shoulder and shaking it, “Are you sure?”

“The timetable of the basic data records an event called” the catastrophe “that caused the entire Empire to collapse overnight, and the date of completion of the documentation library is recorded as” falling yen year “. These are unmistakable things. , Subordinates are extremely sure. “

This time I did n’t even say theoretically.

“The Empire is sleeping, the Empire is sleeping, is there any record ?! Is there a record of that disaster ?! How did everything happen? How many Xiling Apostle survived after the disaster? Where are they now !? You … “

Shandora, if you shake it down, Tavel will return to Shadow City.”

“No … I’m very sorry, Shandora your majesty, subordinate … I can’t find those records, they are not the main records in the documentation library, what the building records is not related to the disaster … cough cough “” It took a long time for the unlucky glasses mother who had been swayed into a phantom by Shandora to recover the entity, which was awkward to explain.

“Is … Sorry, Tavel, I’m so excited,” the lost expression on Shandora‘s face flashed away, and I originally wanted to comfort her, but this Her Majesty the Queen who has experienced some big winds and waves is not at all Needing that kind of thing, she instantly regained her usual calmness, “Go ahead, we are close to the truth. Even if there is no record in the archives, Sylvia will definitely know something, otherwise she will not try to destroy this place-Tavel With the information along the way, we go directly to the first control room. “

Knowing that your Her Majesty the Queen is really serious now, Sylvia immediately obeyed the order without hesitation: “Yes, my your majesty.”

The next journey was very smooth. As a librarian, Ola has direct monitoring authority over the real-time situation except the final core area. She helped us avoid internal monitoring and sentries, and was locked for unknown reasons. The dead passage, after walking for nearly thirty minutes in a complex labyrinthine corridor, we finally entered a special area.

The hallway with alloy walls has ended here. After crossing a light door, we found that we came to the edge of a metal cliff, in front of which was an endless chaos, the cliff underneath was not deep, only a blue and white The light bridge extends from the metal cliff and connects to a mysterious place on the other end of the thick fog of chaos.

Science stopped abruptly, and the front is the mysterious side of the field-this is what Tavel told me.

“Librarian has insufficient authority to enter the core of the library.”

Ola stopped at the edge of the cliff, and the six crystal wings on the back hung down to enter the standby mode. Due to the cover of the mask, I could n’t see the expression on her face, but somehow I always felt Changhua girl struggled slightly in tone.

Who did the order she received millions of years ago come from, so that she still has the obsession to protect the archives?

“Stay here with your sisters, we will be back soon.”

Let the devoted guard stand quietly here, and Shandora and I set foot on the light bridge that looked less reliable.

Due to the imbalance of the strength of the Empire Army under my hands, I do n’t have much contact with the mysterious side of Xi Ling, but they are definitely several times formidable more than any trick of the outsider mage. In many cases, even my ability, I ca n’t understand the principle of the Raven ’s Magic. The mysterious side of Xi Ling perfectly interprets the word “mystery”. Even if it is so uncovered in front of you, you ca n’t understand what is going to happen. thing.

This is the thick fog of chaos. When I walked into it, I didn’t even feel the energy change of surroundings at all, and found that everything around me had changed.

We came to a magnificent crystal hall.

Looking around, I do n’t know the geometry. This huge hall seems to be set with space properties, making it look endless. Only the dome with countless crystal clusters hanging above the head reminds us that this is still an indoor. space is not another world, this magnificent place is like a natural and artificial mixed cave, full of clusters of crystal clusters and crystal prisms up to a dozen meters, energy sparks between these crystal clear things Leap and jump, but there is no trace of sound. In the line of sight, there will be a crystal obelisk suspended in mid-air every 100 meters. There are more than third year in high school meters, and the faintly recognizable text symbols float on it. I am curious to the nearest square. Next to the minaret, the text above was strenuously read out:

“… everything … records … the destruction of the empire … rebirth … the archives start … World unfolds …”

Come all the way, all the information I learned, and the clues I met, kept combining in my mind. Something called the truth seems to have been thinned out, but because this truth is too sensational, so I ’m not sure yet, but the fragmentation that floats on the Obelisk … Well, the fragmentation without fragmentation is the fragmentation that I know—has the text confirmed all conjectures?

“This is the central control room?”

Slightly walking carefully in the magnificent crystal hall, the eyes is full of stars, “If you secretly knock down a piece, it should not cause the system to crash …”

Leading this girl always makes people feel happy no matter when and where.

We have arrived in the control room, but found that this is a boundless space, but the figure of Sylvia did not appear in front of us.

No … there is a figure.

When I looked closely, I finally found a little black shadow in the distance ahead, standing in front of a huge crystal obelisk, with his back to everyone, and the rapid approach to us as if nothing Known.

Until we came to a distance of less than 20 meters behind him, this man wearing a black cloak and wearing a middle grade figure slowly turned around. The one that appeared in front of me was an ordinary one, which almost made people look. The face of the middle-aged person who has forgotten is as ordinary as the neighbor uncle who has just moved in for two or three days, but it makes me instantly alert.

“I haven’t seen you in a long time, the newly crowned Emperor your majesty, and Shandora your majesty, ah, and you, the lovely 7535, it looks like you are very satisfied with your new life, this dress is really for you …” The middle-aged middle-aged people used the seemingly kind expression and kind words to say very uncomfortable words, but still bowed to us slightly, “It seems that you are just like me, looking for the stupid woman, but very Sorry, I am the only one here. “


This cunning Fallen Apostles, which once had a fate in the Black Sun, tossed Empire Army into a gray face and finally escaped, now appears in the core of the ancient ruins? ! Why is he here? Since when has he been here? Is it until now that our battle with the rebels, our actions in the Great Nebula, is this old fox’s conspiracy?

Huge doubts flowed into our hearts, but each of us had a calm expression on our faces-of course, it ’s hard to say whether it ’s calm or not, I ’m very calm anyway.

Even, there is a little rejoicing: the energy response of this Fallen Apostles body is clear and stable in front of him. His body has no sense of erratic quality projection, which shows that this guy is here!

Last time, you only sent a quality projection, but I could n’t kill you. I do n’t care what conspiracy or tricks you have. I ’ll beat the diarrhea first! The belly suffocation in the black sun is now easy to burn again! And listen to the other person’s tone just now, looking for “that stupid woman“? He is undoubtedly referring to the former Fallen Apostles Belavela now stupid silver hair Sylvia, although it is completely impossible to deny the definition of Sylvia by this guy, but Guangya’s unwelcome tone is enough for me to sentence him to death! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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