Xiling Empire Chapter 617: Rebels

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After the enemy ’s command ship was destroyed, their combat ability obviously decreased by one grade, became rigid and rigid, and the attack frequency also slowed down. Although the next battle is still very fierce, the balance of victory still has no surprises Back to our side, under the command of the super storm Commander and other field-tested Empire Military Officer of Sives, we gradually reversed our own disadvantages in quantity. The rigid square of the enemy was under the constant impact of a large number of mobile forces. It has shown a state of being full of loopholes, and was chased by the action Empire Army to the point of failure.

It is a matter of course to have perfect command + a few decisive elite powers + a bunch of buffs.

The Admiral’s Bridge, the empire seniors who haven’t had time to take a break, all gathered in together and are discussing the current situation.

The huge pressure was finally eased now, and the battle that was originally thought to be extremely difficult finally developed in the direction we hoped under the efforts of Sives, which greatly relieved everybody.

Except for Sieves himself-in any case, although we are returning smoothly after completing the task, it is almost a fact that there is almost a big gap in the middle. If it is not Qianqian’s that suddenly gives power, even if my Void Domain solves the crisis, I am afraid that everybody will be present The wounded in action came back, which made Sives, who was the frontline Commander, under great pressure, and also strengthened her conviction: surprise and tricks are evil ways, and letting the top leader go to the surprise attack is a evil way in the evil way. Don’t let the guys in the family who are excited to come up with nothing to go to the frontline.

This also reminds us that it is indeed not a wise decision to carry out surprise attacks on enemy command ships. They are not only amazingly defensive in nature, but also protected by a large guard team. They actually allow dozens of Eternal Level The mother ship is used as a frigate. This is due to the fact that the leader-level Apostle(s) personally entered the battle. If you sent an ordinary assault force-I am afraid that not only will not hurt those command ships, but will be frightened.

This time, I have no choice but to use surprise attacks to weaken the enemy ’s fighting strength as much as possible. In the future, if there is a similar situation … whoever loves who will go.

“In this way, the enemies in Dongtian District are basically wiped out. I believe that after such a long battle, they have no hidden troops here, and the enemies in the Great Nebula may have been consumed by us. In part, we should now focus our eyes on the west side, “I knocked on the table to attract everyone ’s attention, and then focused on shallow body,” Before that, let my baby girl talk about her huge discovery ——Don’t be happy, you see your back molars. ”

“Humph,” he glared at me briefly, and then forgot this little dissatisfaction, “Of course it was a huge discovery, people said that they are genius girls-A’Jun, and remember that we have lost Contact Youneng Death Star? “

“Nonsense, of course, remember,” I felt a sudden pain, “How much electricity is that.”

“It is not lost at all,” said lightly, “falling into Void, leaving this World or something, it is all wrong, Youneng Death Star is still in its original place, from beginning to end, it is all No move, just a few minutes ago, people have just been convinced of this conjecture. “

“What ?!” I screamed suddenly, and led Onee-sama to a knife, “A’Jun, what’s your name!”

“That’s it, it’s there, but you can’t see it.” She looked at me with a tangled expression on her face. She was familiar with the character of her boyfriend and knew what people in front of her were tangling: It ’s not tangled with her incredible speech, because no matter what the girl said, I would n’t question it — at most it ’s as if I did n’t hear it — what I ’m really tangled with is if Youneng Death Star is there If so, then we have devoted a lot of energy to Void Domain until now to find clues about that thing … what a shameful waste Oh!

As everyone knows, I am just like Qian Qian, a very proficient person.

As for whether Shallow is talking nonsense, that ’s no doubt, although in most cases she is very unreliable, but when the girl is serious and reliable, I know well, now what she said Things are absolutely credible.

“Okay, do n’t worry about A’Jun,” Onee-sama looked at his brother who was distressed because of the waste of these days. “Shallow, you know A’Jun will definitely believe any of your whimsical ideas, so You do n’t have to sell it anymore-where is it now? “

Slightly raised a finger and flicked before our eyes: “It was six seconds ago.”

“Another explanation, so troublesome …”

Seeing surroundings ’s unexpectedly confused eyes, she lay on her desk with her head in a hurry. She was the least good at this kind of intellectual things, but she could n’t use the phrase “This is professional knowledge, you do n’t need to “Know” to bring it over, so we organized the language for half a day, and our time Queen began to give a group of normal people a literacy lesson in “Traditional Time”.

“First of all, explain the problem of time misalignment in a way that is easier for everyone to understand-A’Jun, can you see me a second ago?”

“A second ago?” I was stunned. I didn’t understand the meaning of this sentence. “I’ve been watching you?”

“Wrong, A’Jun, you can never see anything a second ago,” Shallow shook his head vehemently, negating the answer I took for granted, “Even if it was a millisecond ago, it is impossible for you You can see it directly, just like you ca n’t see anything after a millisecond. This is one of the absolute nature of the time course: the observer can only observe what is consistent with his time. In the entire World system, any individual Are in the same history.

This should be the basic rule established by World, which determines the entanglement relationship of in this world all things. Under the restriction of this rule, the premise of an object acting on another object is that the two are on a time axis. For example, That is, what Human Race sees must be what happened now relative to him. The information before this time is called memory, and the information after this time is called deduction, neither can It is directly observed that people can’t jump out of this iron rule, as if no one can hold their hair and fly. “

“Wait, if I use your ability to go back to the past, such as ten years ago to kill the second fat, isn’t this entering another timeline?” I immediately found a possible contradiction.

A’Jun, you still do n’t understand. This is basically two different situations. Using my ability to go back to the past, in essence, who can walk back for a while on the normal timeline, as if in a On the root rail, the bug can crawl forward or backward, but the root rail has not changed, the history recorded by the rail has not changed, and the time misalignment is different. You are not walking back along the time rail , But you personally have a guide rail that is not the same length or even the same direction as the normal timeline, is it covered? “

I was stunned, really.

Like anything that involves time, this is a very tangled theory. The absolute nature of the time course leads to Human Race can only see “now” and can only live in “now”, and what you see Any “past” is nothing more than “memory” presented by “now”, as if you were bitten by a rhubarb at the door two years ago. Today, two years later, you can only remember the bite of a dog. It is impossible to go through a human-dog battle again because Rhubarb let you cook it by yourself two years ago.

It took me a lot of effort to clarify these everything in disorder things, but it is quite balanced that Lily Na, who has always claimed to be a genius, responded slower than me.

“This stuff is more painful than the regular expression …”

Master goddess is lying on the table without any image, lamenting constantly.

I almost squinted her with a conditioned reflex: “You … egg hurts?”

Lily Na jumped on the spot: “The Pope Mimi itchy head office … Hey! what kind of eyes! People spent three or four decades to cultivate such a pair of rare resources, you think it is easy to Oh!

I suddenly felt like Lily Na’s daily conversation is almost formidable It’s not enough, and the next pair of general sisters who haven’t developed in millions of years at the same time Looked down at each other and looked at each other, then sighed collectively, ready to punch when free Lily Na meal.

Hey! listen to me!” Shallowly pā pā patted the table, like a child playing with temper, “Where did I say … Ah, the absolute nature of time, this absolute nature is Universe can be run in an orderly manner One of the cornerstones-there must be other cornerstones in creation. If the Della score can be slightly better, she may explain it to us in more detail. In short, every existence of Universe includes molecular atoms and their Everything derived can be coordinated with each other to form World, it is thanks to this absolute nature. Then, here is a very interesting paradox of appeared: if one thing, its time is not synchronized with the time of the entire World, what will happen Like? “

everybody immediately became serious and said to listen to the ears: do n’t sell it, we can understand it until now is not easy.

“Compared to this historical system of World, this thing disappeared.” Shallow talked out the final pole, and said the simplest answer, “Take our ghost death star as an example, that is : It stayed for six seconds, and the gap of six seconds makes you never see it, and anything in the normal timeline ca n’t react with it, such as our radar. “

Quiet, surroundings is quiet, everyone is slowly digesting this paradox that seems to be a fantasy, and Suigintou, who always sits on my shoulder as a decoration without saying a word, is also mobilized at this moment. The small face of cold in manner is always slightly red now, and she raised her small hand: “Elder Sister Qianqian, in this case, can we not see it in six seconds?”

“You know, there is a story called tomorrow, you do n’t need money to eat,” the explanation is Onee-sama, she understood the Qianqian’s theory faster than we all said, “There is a hotel, and the sign on the door says ‘Don’t eat money tomorrow’, a passerby saw it and found it very affordable, so he stayed in and waited for the next day to prepare a free breakfast, but the shop owner still asked him to pay for the meal, because the sign on the door reads’ Tomorrow ‘don’t need money to eat, and now, it is’ today’, and passers-by waited for the third day. As a result, he still had to pay to eat, because-people will always live today, I think, the lightly proposed seconds The gap paradox should refer to the reverse version of this story. “

Slightly nodded: “Yes, in the second gap phenomenon, an individual is derailed from the entire historical system of World due to an accident. It exists before a certain time in the entire timeline. For example, you want to know A person, and this person lived on yesterday. On the first day, of course, you do n’t know him, because yesterday this is the zeroth day, this person has not appeared in front of you. The next day, you still ca n’t know him, Because on the first day you do n’t know this person, on the third day, you still ca n’t make contact with this person, because on the second day you do n’t know him, the fourth day, the fifth day … infinite extension, never ending, this life Yesterday ’s person could never be touched by us guys who live today, and even the perception of his existence is impossible. This person who lived yesterday was called absolute loner by me because he from the very beginning was doomed not Perceived by anyone. “

“Second Gap Paradox, that ’s it, our ghostly death star disappeared six seconds before the current history, so all the individuals of this World must establish a relationship with it six seconds ago. Based on the relationship: It is impossible at all. You cannot know each other with a person who has not yet been born, and it is impossible to have contact with this thing six seconds before it intersects with it. “

“Then the moment the Eternal Level main gun fired and fired …”

Onee-sama looks shallow, his eyes are clear.

“There is always an exception in all things, and the absoluteness of time can still be broken,” shallowly smugly stunned, “If I can accurately change the time lapse of an individual with from the very beginning, then the second difference is to me Controllable, of course, this is difficult. In fact, at the moment we were attacked, I tried my best to create a second gap of less than tens of milliseconds, but for a paradox built on the level of law In other words, as long as the conditions for its establishment are met, the second gap is no different from one femtosecond to one hundred million years. This is the most powerful invincible skill, not to mention Holy Shield, even if it is reversed In contrast, because the second gap is negligible even with regular attacks, its only drawback is that its duration is a little short … Amount, the longest is only a few minutes. The reason why the paradox is a paradox is because they are all overhead Something, this cannot happen in Real World, it is too difficult to rely on the individual mental power to build an overhead paradox without destroying the integrity of World. “

“Baby … it really … is the most powerful invincible skill.”

For the first time, looking at Shallow ’s smug but innocent smile, I was convinced for the first time.

Lily Na whispered happily: “The strongest resistance to beat …”

You see, many people find themselves when they are unlucky. Do n’t eat this evening!

It took a very long time to explain and understand, we finally understood the Qianqian’s theory, and after Della froze her mountainous textbook back and forth for a long time, it was finally determined that according to the general World basic rules, this The theory of “live before the current time” is established. We asked Sieves to organize this theory to Tavel. As a result, the glasses mother jumped up directly and immediately applied for the most stable upper-level communication channel. This knowledge is recorded in the empire database that we are rebuilding. Although it feels that a royal sister was stimulated by a theory to jump and jump, I ca n’t understand her excitement: this can almost be said to be in the process of empire recovery The new knowledge that appeared for the first time in China is of great significance to a researcher, and it is simply not the same as the work that she has been doing to repair the ancient database.

In fact, Tavel has put the study “Second Gap Based on Time Dislocation Theory defense system” on its work schedule. Although it is known that once this historical equipment is researched, the anti-phase defense system can be eliminated. ……

Tavel! I am now letting you quickly find a way to find our ghostly death star instead of drilling into Research Institute to develop a new project Oh!

In the Qianqian’s inference, the Phantom Death Star should have fallen out of the timeline because of its sudden collapse of huge energy, resulting in a sudden shortening of its history by six seconds, resulting in a continuous relationship with World There is a second gap, but the Youneng Death Star has once again resumed contact with the outside world after the core disappeared for six seconds, which shows that this second gap is unstable, and the Death Star itself may jump out of the broken timeline at any time to return. To the normal World, now shallow has mastered the skill of controlling the second gap. The task of Tavel’s is to transform this magical paradox that can only be realized by abilities into something that can be simulated by machines and equipment, and then put our death star It sounds difficult to pull from the error history, but it is not difficult for the super genius glasses mother who has successfully developed the “sweeper” based on my ability.

at the same time, while we are vigorously unfolding the timeline reversal plan, another big event that erupted between this Universe ordinary race is also impacting.

The Gotak Free Kingdom in the West Heaven District, the Kemitre Empire in the South Heaven District, the Holy Kingdom in the North Heaven District, and the Rolangel Consortium in the East Heaven District. The leader of the Quartet forces, at the same time, announced that the World resistance front was established. Unite to form a cooperative community of resistance and fight against the brutal imperial rebels. The resistance line is led by the strongest forces in their respective areas. The commander-in-chief is the free kingdom Queen Fina, which originally raised the banner, and the Rolangel consortium. Since the rebels in Dongtian District have been completely annihilated, they are now the only rebel forces that do not need to stick, but have the ability to take the initiative to attack, and because they have the longest confrontation with the former “Shepherd”, they have become the most rebels. main force troops of formidable.

So, Zhen Tian ’s drums were heard throughout Universe. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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