Xiling Empire Chapter 587: Great Nebula

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With the space disorientation started by the acceleration of the space-time, the starry sky on the outside projection turned into a blurry light band. The channel composed of red shift and blue shift became the only scene outside now, and the entire World looks like a monotonous The gradient channel is the same, and then the light band gradually dims, and spaceship has entered the state of overtime.

According to the super light speed propulsion engine power of this Protoss battleship, this process may last for several hours before we can arrive at the station.

Ten light years is really a tangled distance. For the Protoss battleship, this distance is a little too close with a high-dimensional jump, and a little too far with a space-time acceleration, but it is the same thing as the everything in disorder encounter on Jetas. Compared with the delayed so many days, a few hours is nothing.

It can be considered that the Lily Na Na crazy girl can be recovered—although she only knows her approximate location, but at that distance, with the help of Sakura ’s power amplifier, should n’t it be difficult to find her?

“So boring …”

What did you say? Just thinking of a Madonna who turned into a wireless router, behind him came a complaint of boredom from the other side, and a pleasant cry of crystal friction.

A few meters high crystal colossus is connected by more than a dozen gratings, half fixed at a bowl-shaped depression two meters above the sky. With the crystal resonance floating slightly up and down, the base of the inverted cone of the lower half of the colossus protrudes countless The blue and white crystal clusters, the dense energy sparks on it impacted the surroundings grating again and again-do n’t get me wrong, it ’s just communication, and in the first half of the colossus, the sky blue crystal girl sculpture is lying on its base boringly. On the occasion, she turned the entire upper body by 720 degrees very occasionally to show how well her yoga is in place. Sakura has been in this state for many days. After the freshness of the information relay at the beginning, she was bored.

“The battleship of Protoss is really boring, not even cartoons and the Internet.”

“… It is impossible for a normal warship to have that kind of thing? Don’t you take the evil fun of Bubble to the imperial warship as a matter of course?”

And you look at the heroic guards in your surroundings circle, although most of them are joined together, and almost 80% are now in “Fight the Landlord”, but at least none of them are boring? As a group employee, you must have a positive work mentality.

However, being shallow is not around, it is really a bit boring-there is no feeling of a happy little animal. Although there is a more joyful little in the pocket, in daily life, a pet that depends on acting cute and an offline The fun of a funny girlfriend can be very different.

Fearing that Jettas would be suddenly attacked by imperial rebels, we were not sure whether the shepherds would send more war teams, and we left the federal main force and some of the strongest forces to assist in defense. , Which includes ability ’s most reversible shallow and gold glitter just close to the high-end Apostle(s) in the power list, and the super killer Pandora, now only Onee-sama and Viska beside him, and a boring to sit on his base Rolling wireless routing and a group of “Fight the Landlord”‘s British Guards, this configuration is really boring.

Oh, I also forgot a person, Tavel, because of the appearance of quality projection on this Universe, the black long straight glasses mother needs to work beside Sakura-here the signal is better, so Tavel also passes us , By the way, what exactly is the nebulous Big Nebula, but even if it is a bit rude to say, I have to say that after this workaholic joins, the journey is more boring …

The Void cruiser is Protoss modeled on the high-speed voyage self-sustaining spaceship manufactured by the Xiling expedition-class warship, which is their highest science and technology achievement. In this regard, we can see how big the Kprou Human Race and their Protoss friends are There is a gap. Although I have received more science and technology guidance from the Empire, the multiple science and technology gaps on the foundation make the former still only passively use the ready-made technology that the Empire has given them. They even need to make every effort to understand how to operate them. The Protoss family has been able to make an analogy and create its own ghost warship according to our drawings.

This is the Void cruiser spaceship we are currently riding, a battleship full of energy, but the shape and overall structure are very different from the Imperial spaceship.

The Great Nebula zone is the most famous area of ​​this cage Universe. It is an interstellar dust cloud with a radius of three light years and gradually dense from the outside to the inside. Its composition has amazing order-uniformly combined heavy metal molecules, There is also a radioactive gas cloud isolation zone with a thickness that does not even have a deviation of one millimeter, and there will be no folds of material in the tens of millions of kilometers, and some strangely dense states appear under natural conditions. It is absolutely impossible to become a cluster of matter of that shape. Together, they form a large nebula with a radius of three light years, an absolute spherical shape, and a surface “smoothness” exceeding 99.99 percent.

Obviously, this is not what nature can produce.

spaceship traveling at super light speed will produce amazing mass (you can think of it as infinite, although it is still a calculable number in the psychic in the eyes), the gravitational disturbance has a tidal effect of destructive for nearby materials Even if the Void cruiser is equipped with the most advanced gravitational balance equipment that Protoss can develop to offset this damage to the surroundings environment, the gravitational disturbance effect still exists, but when we entered the Great Nebula, observing equipment found it impossible Phenomenon explained by conventional science: those fragile clouds that have no strength at all in local areas seem to ignore the spaceship that is passing by at a hundred times the speed of light, and their structure still remains when space is slightly warped The height is uniform.

It gave me the feeling that the typhoon did not blow a burst of smoke, and the floods could not wash away two fallen leaves. We threw the thunder into the cloud and rushed into the clouds. The lighter latter seemed to be watching us coldly from another World.

Yes, I just rhyme.

Tavel began her research work after spaceship entered the Great Nebula. She occupied the intelligence officer ’s seat as a temporary workbench: “We have just passed through the thin area of ​​the Great Nebula at 0.1 light years thick, one On the way, the density of surroundings‘s material density fluctuated no more than one-hundredth of a million. The front was the radiation layer in the mouth of Gotak Queen. The density of the Great Nebula suddenly increased threefold after the radiation layer, and then the next cloud zone of material cloud with infinite density Another layer of radiation, another band of matter … just like layers of shells, the density of matter in each layer is very uniform, and it suddenly increases in the next layer. My your majesty, the inside of the Great Nebula may be solid, Are we really not going to take a look? This should be no danger-theoretically is like this. “

Scientists are very dangerous, especially the Shilling scientists. These lunatics with no lower limit will do any sensational things for research, for example-suggest that our solitary ship spaceship rushes Go into the core of the Great Nebula suspected of being a shepherd fortress.

Yes, the core area of ​​the Great Nebula is one of the well-known forbidden places in this Universe, and compared to other locations that can only be guessed, the central part of the Great Nebula can be almost 100% convinced of the base of the shepherd, at least It is the place where they often stay. It has been listed as our key monitoring target. The 137 large star ports in the red giant fortress are working overtime to build a fleet to attack the place first after the full battle. With such a few people, the purpose is to pick up Lily Na, who wants to promise Tavel to go crazy, it ’s definitely a brain flood.

“Okay, my subordinates understand the concerns of your majesty. I will try my best to let the plane fly in the outer layer of the Great Nebula. However, there is not much information we can analyze at the speed of light. If we can stay a little longer …”

“Talk back when you come back.”

I rolled my eyes at the sky, and you do n’t have to be polite with this research maniac, because when you are polite, she will climb straight to make you irreversible.

“This area must have been made by the rebels,” Viska stood on his chair, trying to establish the feeling of looking down in this way. “The natural laws of Universe do not form this area.”

The tone is rather serious, and the expression is also in line with the majesty of the general, but if you are on tiptoe just to be in line with Tavel … you should go on.

“It is said that this is the most tragic battlefield after the Universe melee cycle started,” Onee-sama looked at the Hologram projection in front of him. Although there was only a blurry light band on the outside scene, after the compensation calculation, the simulation of the Great Nebula was still clearly displayed in everybody Right now, “races that have lost their territory in the war or have just arrived here and have n’t had time to establish their territory will be driven to the outer area of ​​the Great Nebula, where they will fight melee, and the surviving race can only leave, otherwise they will be killed by the shepherd The war teams are wiped out. “

“Well, the lunatics also made rules.” Viska tone sarcastically, jumped off the chair lightly, his face flushed, and if he did the silly act just now, Pandora was responsible for it The girl was knocked down with a hand knife or inch fist, but now “Sister Fool” is not there. She can only jump down after she feels embarrassed. In addition, if you are talking about a lunatic, it seems that you are almost the same, Lord General 1.2 meters.

“It ’s really unfair,” Onee-sama sighed. “Many of the races who just came to this Universe are so inexplicably thrown into the battlefield, but it ’s also strange that the accumulation of war in so many years, even if the Big Nebula has three light years Radius, should there still be some wreckage of battleships here? “

“They should all become the material of the Great Nebula, or the energy of the radiation zone,” Tavel turned his head and pushed his glasses. “The rebels must have established this zone not only to make it a battlefield, this huge Cloud zone has obvious planning traces, its operating mechanism is not yet clear, but it definitely has a certain function, if … “

“Talk back when you come back.”

“… Okay, your majesty.”

It’s not yet time to launch a positive impact on the Great Nebula. Our spaceship walked a huge arc inside it, bypassing the first radiation layer of the Great Nebula. It is said that this is the shepherd’s setting in the balance cycle. The borderline of ordinary race and spaceship will be attacked by them once they cross that radiation zone, which makes our voyage flat and doubled, but after six hours, spaceship still crossed this huge “interstellar dust”, After the spaceship gradually slowed down into the light-capturing speed, the first ray of light in the eastern part of the Great Nebula shone on the smooth shuttle-shaped ship of the Void cruiser, just like the silver tailed barracuda. ​​The EFF spaceship entered this quiet Space.

“It looks calm, the introduction also said that this is the most chaotic pirate region in the entire Universe, and it is in war every day,” Cú Chulainn carried his magic gun with a sad look, “I see everything black Not seen. “

“You think the population density of Universe space is the same as that of the food market that fights all day long,” I slanted this guy who does n’t know what Universe civilization is at all, “Adjutant, connect the transmission controller.”

“Zizi”, after a slight burst of energy, the crystal panel in front of the Commander seat disappeared like a phantom, and a handle-like controller that looked weird looked up. This is what we gave to the new Eden Federation. Gadgets, it is possible to concentrate the scattered troops within the galaxy into a base in a very short time and with minimal consumption. Instant transmission of equipment is considered to give them the initial provision of the ability of the army of the regular army of Xilin in any situation. , The Protoss advance team we sent here should have established base nearby. If we use the conventional Space jump, we have to wait for the spaceship macro engine to cool down, but as long as there are coordinate, it is not necessary to send it many times. Cooled.

I think about it, what is the activation code for calibration transmission …

Yeah, go down and go to the front square and back to the front triangle.

…… Let ’s laugh if you want to. This thing is designed by Bubble. The return code of the Empire Admiral is still up, down, left, right, A + B.

White light flashes–Although it is very popular, the ultra-advanced Imperial Teleporter is indeed much faster than the Protoss transition engine that is a few minutes better to start. Just after the white light flashes, we entered a small planet belt.

In the front is a semi-fixed base with a prototype, a typical small planet with a fortification template, a dozen large small planets connected to together by a high-strength interstellar alloy skeleton, and formed by relying on their original relative positions. The three-dimensional defense line, each small planet has a trace of being hollowed out. The metallic luster has covered almost 80% of their internal and external areas. Various golden buildings with Protoss characteristics are fixed on the surface of these small planet, and the interior It should be a place such as a warehouse. The alloy skeleton that fixes this piece of small planet extends outward, connecting several Xinggang and landing platforms. It seems that it can be used.

However, the whole base is silent.

After the communication call, what responded to us was a noisy background sound. The interstellar alloy skeleton of base glowed with the metallic luster of ice-cold, but only the streamer of energy flow was reduced. Only a few buildings in the entire small planet system still maintain Lights, other places are as dark as the loss of energy, messy supply containers are stacked on the landing platform, half of them have been damaged, and the contents are scattered everywhere-the artificial gravity of base has been turned off.

This is all we see after we complete the transmission.

spaceship stop pushing, let the detective machine pass by, and pass the picture back.”

Onee-sama immediately said cautiously that now she is a bit of a regular legion Commander.

“They were attacked,” when the picture was sent back and zoomed in on every detail, I immediately came to this obvious conclusion, “No one is.”

The newly built base seems to have been abandoned in an emergency operation. When the screen was enlarged, we found that one-third of the interstellar alloy skeletons that constitute the entire base architecture have been broken, and two of them have a phantom response. The metal small planet of the furnace was thrown out of the building cluster because of the broken skeleton and some kind of shock wave. It floated alone behind the base and spun quickly. The entire base lost its energy supply. Two of the three landing platforms carried The obvious melting traces, the surface of the metal bubbles covered with potholes, should be the result of continuous bombing by high-intensity energy weapons. The small planet in the center of the base, which may be used to install the Phantom Shield Generator, is now torn apart and appears to be destroyed. A serious overload, and in base surroundings, we only found some wreckage of sentry guns and photon cannons.

In the more distant space, there are still some humble metal fragment(s) floating, which seems to be the fragment(s) of the battleship, but the main part of those fragment(s) is obviously salvaged by others, and the rest of the bits and pieces are abandoned here. .

“The whole frequency band is silent, and the mothership channel of the exploration unit is not in the broadcast domain,” an Protoss officer shook his head. “Great mentor, there is no life response in base, are we close?”

“Well, stay alert.”

The spaceship reflecting the silver light slowly approached the abandoned base and landed on its only fully preserved landing platform. Most of the heroes and Protoss soldiers were ordered to stay on spaceship to protect Void cruisers and more importantly Our Lady of the Crystal, Onee-sama and Viska led several high-powered heroes on this silent outpost.

“All artificial gravity has failed.”

Wandering lightly on the landing platform, looking at the mechanical equipment and broken stone pieces suspended in mid-air, I said through spiritual connection.

“This … this is a very difficult combat environment …”

A very trouble sound sounded in my mind. As I turned my head, Saber was tilting his head down 35 degrees and dangling slowly.

“Saber, just use a magic jet. You ca n’t use the same speed as a propeller even if your hair is turning fast.”

“… too rude! As you, please do n’t say such rudeness !!”

You have the ability to come and bite me Oh!

“Okay, okay, and there are business matters,” Onee-sama is still an eternal peacemaker. In one sentence, the indignant Lion King and the evil Empire Chief of state will be quiet. Are there any corpses … “(To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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