Xiling Empire Chapter 582: This **** World

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“Anduin? Fina? Oviga? Poprus? Sadone Vannidi? Ma Savi? Lan Luolan La? Miol Jia Shi? Turenso ……” echoed in the air The mechanized female voice seems to be using this repetition to strengthen one’s memories. The girl sitting on the throne like a sculpture with long yellow hair and gray-blue pupils simply forgets us. Wu Zi repeated this super-long name several times (the Kung Fu Viska has finished eating a lollipop) before saying with certainty, “It is indeed so pronounced, the name I used to be, but if you are not used to it, Call me Fina. In the impression, it seems that someone has called me like this for a long time. “

… I ’ll call you Fina. I am afraid that the person I know who does n’t have to gasp can read it in one breath …

Okay, I know that it ’s almost a matter of fated to pit one day a day. You just need to get used to all kinds of rampage settings, at least she ’s not called Cleopatra VII, right?

“This name gives you a clear mood swing, a powerful stranger,” the air echoed from the other’s calm voice, “I’m curious.”

But your voice has a little curiosity! You even owe Oh! even blinking

It ’s too weird to talk to each other. We all know that talking to ourselves is the **** the throne in front of us, but the voice is coming from all directions. The main leader on the throne does not seem to have the activity ability, even not With the expression ability, it is a sculpture, a sculpture that allows visitors to focus their attention so that there is a support. If you do n’t know in advance, you will even produce yourself talking to the room instead of the throne. The illusion of girl dialogue.

“Okay, okay, the super-long name Fina Her Majesty the Queen, we do n’t discuss the sensitive issues of word count,” for the time being, the urge to ask the other person ’s family tree for the roots was depressed, and I changed a comfortable posture on Maza The next time I have the opportunity to find Young Lady Lin to grab her velvet seat that is gorgeous and unreasonable, “Well, it does n’t need to explain to you how we came, it should be a natural phenomenon in this Universe-we are from another World , Trek to this point, the process is omitted, and now you are not familiar with the place, if you can bear the burden of leading the NPC, please tell us about the situation here, about the war here, shepherd, everything in disorder science and technology and culture, um, And your old man ’s plan, if you have time. “

“I have endless time,” I do n’t know if it ’s an illusion, the **** the throne suddenly blinked eyes, “I once thought you were shepherds, which led me to take a series of wrong actions so far. … then the first thing to explain, shepherd. “

I thought that such a big man would at least get used to selling customs, but the girl Queen in front of this machine was unexpectedly refreshing. She was like a data finder that was ready. Pressing a button, the information began to scroll and broadcast.

“Shepherds, a powerful presence, is called Empire Army in some places in this Universe, has unimaginable power, and advanced technology that has been unable to be classified as science, regarding their past, purpose of action, social form, No one knows whether they can communicate. The shepherd may be the only native inhabitant of this Universe. At least, in the records so far, no trace of the shepherd entering here from outside Universe has been found. “

“The shepherd has a mysterious territory in this Universe. This territory may be hidden inside the stars, inside the black hole, or even in the folds of space. No force claims to know where the shepherd ’s territory is and was destroyed by the shepherd. Half of the civilizations have rashly explored those mysterious areas and violated taboos. These civilizations destroyed by the wrath of the shepherds were destroyed by the huge imperial fleet, or collapsed due to the collapse of the star system on which they depended, or Mysteriously evaporated overnight, there is currently no evidence that the civilization after angering the shepherd can survive, so the territory of the shepherd is a taboo topic recognized by all civilizations of this Universe. Any force has an obligation to enter here. Warning Trek, do n’t explore what you should n’t explore, otherwise, you will be hanged by all Universe civilizations before the shepherds act-this is just self-preservation. “

Obviously such a creepy topic, “Her Majesty the Queen” named Fina is really indifferent, is she not emotional?

“I remembered the story of the monkey in the cage,” Onee-sama said through a spiritual connection. “Several monkeys are kept in the cage. No matter which of them tries to move the banana on top of the cage, the breeder will punish with a water gun. Every monkey, in the end, all monkeys have learned one thing: when they have new members, the monkeys will take the initiative to take over the responsibility of supervision. Once the new ‘people’ conspiracy against bananas, before the breeder starts , The monkeys will first beat the new ‘people’. “

I sympathetically nodded: “And this” tradition “will be passed on from generation to generation among monkeys, even if no monkey knows why he can’t move that banana at the end, I have heard this story.”

Shallowly, happily pulling the arm of Onee-sama, swaying with Viska: “Let ’s talk one more, talk about another one ~~”

The brain nerve of this girl has no intersection with Real World.

“About the shepherd’s situation, so far,” we are lively and lively, “Queen” that seems to have lost Human Race‘s emotions and ways of thinking is still described in a machine-like way, “in this Universe , The civilization from Trek, you, us, and the entire Universe except the shepherd, no matter what form of life, regardless of strength or weakness, are lambs. “

“We are the lambs grazed by the shepherds, we are the livestock kept by the shepherds. In this boundless cage and pasture where no one can escape, the flocks of sheep are trembling, like walking on thin ice. , This is a banquet, or it may just be a game they are accustomed to, starting from the ages of ancient times, and never ending … “Her Majesty the Queen, who has lost the heart of Human Race on the throne, uses the tone of statement to say this strange , As if some kind of obscure ancient prophecy said, “This is a verse that has been handed down from a very ancient time. The civilization that summarizes these verses is no longer known, maybe they are just a group of countless generations of Universe. At that time, it has been too long … but this World has never changed in the long years. We are lost here, and then strive to make our civilization survive longer. This is all, all you need to know. “

“So … there is no complete science and technology system, there is no systematic civilization, everything is pieced together, everything seems to have never been considered for long-term use …”

Onee-sama double in the eyes flashes a silvery light, but I do n’t know who this curse should be released to, “All are passers-by trapped here, this Universe itself has never bred any civilization-remove those Empire Army , Is that true? “

theoretically, this is the case.”

Tavel, you are on the wrong set.

The words of Fina Queen have made a huge impact on our hearts. Who would be the case with didn’t expect? Combined with the information currently available, the other party ’s words should be true, but this is just confusing and holding World? Wanton killing innocent passers-by? Is this something Xiling Apostle can do?

I ca n’t imagine what the World Heroic people are doing, and I do n’t know when this World was established. Until now, the more Fina said, the more the fog around the truth surroundings became thicker, but Knowing that none of these fogs can be broken now, I still suppressed the tumultuous thoughts in my heart to see what secret this Her Majesty the Queen like Robot has to say.

“Is the Empire … the purpose of the shepherds, is it to kill the life here? Your fleet is also attacked by the shepherds …”

Even the shallowness of her brain leaving Real World at any time stopped her troubles. She grabbed my arm tightly and asked Queen in front of her.

“No, the behavior of the shepherds is unpredictable. There is little communication between them and normal life. We generally believe that the shepherds do not have generally understandable logical thinking,” the voice in the air simply negates neatly Qianqian’s guesses, cough cough, and the content is a bit embarrassing, “Meeting the shepherds is a terrible thing, but it does not necessarily bring death, they sometimes are just wandering around the lambs, as if really grazing, But their sometimes will attack any security and self-preservation without warning, and may even have just arrived in this Universe civilization. No one knows what laws the shepherds will act on, and their judgment criteria do not exist. The actions are random and unpredictable. Without logic, all actions are based on sudden decisions. This is the nature of the shepherd ’s actions, the only law that comes after the end of countless civilizations. “

Silently for two or three seconds in the air, Shallow suddenly gently pulled my arm: “A’Jun, those people just seemed to have heard those words ~~”

… Yes, that’s what I often use to describe you. Did you remember didn’t expect once?

The other party ’s explanation made me wonder again, that is why I was kept in such a cage and enemies with Empire Army. The various countries of this Universe can still support that it is not destroyed now. It turns out that it is Is it because of the weird behavior of the Empire Army?

Onee-sama has been sitting on the high-back chair that he took out from the portable space just now-words at this moment can tell the personal preference, I love Mazar, Onee-sama is elegant and steady high back Cushion, just follow me with a virtue, and Pandora Viska is a small person who sits in a cannonball shell lying horizontally, you say I am bored to analyze this-in short, Onee-sama always sit on the chair, bring Looking thinking, it was clear that the **** the throne caused her confusion, at this moment, she threw a question lightly: “So, now the countries or forces in Universe come from various World Trek fleets or their The future generations are assembled, so everything here will show such a big fusion, right? “


“So—Since it is always in the shadow of the shepherds, and civilizations from different Worlds can also unite into one country, why do n’t you all unite?” Onee-sama ’s eyes are fixed on the front, “ We have also seen the current status of Universe. Various countries are fighting constantly and fighting everywhere. If there are really beasts in the wilderness who choose to eat, then as the weaker party, it should be united. If it is from a stranger World You should not have Innate hostility. In the face of life and death, the minimum joint resistance, or simply a truce with each other, is not a problem at all. Even if they cannot be fully integrated into one, they should not be as weak as the current race. , But it must be divided into countless forces … “

“Good idea,” the calm narrative interrupted Onee-sama‘s words, “This is also what I am curious about, why you have not received the shepherd’s message until now, if you receive it like other Trekkers If you get the information, you might understand it. “

“It’s not that we don’t want to unite, but this is not allowed.”

“Not allowed?” I glanced at Onee-sama and repeated involuntarily.

“Shepherds are killing their lives, shepherds wantonly playing, not only hunting us when they rise up, but also designing them all, they are not in close contact with any ‘lower race‘ , But will use your actions to give you instructions, it may be a vague signal, or it may be directly to drive your warship, their purpose is usually only one … order you to fight. “

“This Universe war pattern was designed by them. We must fight endlessly, and fight against strange civilizations that have no hatred at all, and have never even met. Whenever the period of peace ends, the warship of the shepherds It will appear over every colonial star of the Universe civilization. The battle is unfavorable, not brave enough, procrastinating, negative, any small mistakes are not allowed, they plan a lot of things, if we want to survive, we must carefully guess their Orders, and then executed exactly, many civilizations have paid a price in this speculation … “


Suddenly there was such a sudden loud noise in the empty room, the narrative of “Queen” was suddenly interrupted, and I looked at my two sisters in surprise.

Pandora and Viska have already stood up from the shell shells they are sitting on. In their hands is a huge anti-ship artillery.

The two Little Girl are facing away from us, I can’t see their expressions, but I can feel the amazing anger and killing intention from the spiritual connection.

“What are you two doing?”

One person pulled the two of them and turned their heads to rush out one meter two. Onee-sama and I asked in unison.

“Kill all those rebels !!!” Viska lifts the head came, double in the eyes flashed unknown turbid red light, “Kill them all!”

“Those rebels do not deserve the name of Empire Military Personnel.” This is the same passionate Pandora, this girl is really powerful.

“Nonsense, calm me down!” I forcibly pressed the two little brats, “Of course I want to kill them, the question is who of you knows where the enemy is? Go out and shoot guns into space?”

Then two little lunatics who apparently did not have any plans wilted.

“I can’t understand their behavior,” the statement continued in the air, “but your words carry a lot of targeted information, and I came to a bad conclusion …”

“That’s your illusion!” I quickly diverted the other person’s attention, “Okay, we roughly know the situation of World … Although there are still a lot of doubts, the biggest question is: you are a Queen, why Want to personally meet a group of Trek fleets like us? “

“Because, I suddenly learned that there are shepherds among you.”

In a word, I’m all cold and sweaty. It’s not scared. The other party hasn’t scared my capital. It’s just shocked. This Her Majesty the Queen, wouldn’t you be a winged Zhuge Kongming in your last life?

“But after observing your fleet and combat methods, I ruled out this possibility. I over-relied on the induction equipment of the Star Ring of Stars. Now it seems that the ancient device that was injured by the shepherd is not worth it. Trust, it made me make the wrong judgment. “

Jetas’ starring judgment?

“Jettas, the first star of a powerful kingdom that confronted the shepherds in ancient times, the Jettas star ring is a planetary protection equipment created by the country after the shepherds science and technology. After the kingdom was destroyed by the shepherds, the first The star was also destroyed by energy radiation. In the last battle, a shepherd ’s spaceship was destroyed and exploded when it fell over the Jetus shield. This explosion destroyed the energy balancer of the Jetus star ring. The spaceship energy core fell on Jayce Andur Crater, and the planetary shield became a star ring that no one knew its principle. Except for a few people, most citizens of the Free Kingdom thought it was just an ancient energy station , But there are still some hidden functions in this star ring, it can detect the high level combat unit of the shepherd. “

“The Shepherd high level unit appeared above the colonial star of the Free Kingdom. This is a signal of the beginning of a new round of power war. As a power leader, I must personally be present to rectify the army in order to make an order to be sent out. Otherwise, The kingdom will be destroyed. That ’s why I came here personally. Major General Jayne is not a very good general. He was promoted to the colony star chief only because of the death of his seniority and colleagues, but he lacked in intelligence. To prevent the people who have not recovered from the last power war from panicking in advance, I concealed part of the facts from him. “

… Uncle Jayne, do n’t worry, I wo n’t let you know anything about that, but after all, I guessed it last time. You really became a major general because your colleagues died. !

“Really, I need to digest some information carefully,” I suppressed the general thoughts in my heart, and my expression tried to calm down and stood up. “There is still a question, of course, it ’s nothing if you do n’t want to answer: why are you? Would you tell us so many? It ’s enough to introduce the background of World, but those things involving secrets are not appropriate for you to say? ”

“Because,” unexpectedly silent for nearly ten seconds, the other party slowly spoke, “You are hope.” (Unfinished, if you want to know the future, please log in, more chapters, support Author, support genuine reading!)

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