Xiling Empire Chapter 429: Live catching

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The battle has already become fierce.

Shandora said that the Universe war is empty, high-speed maneuvering and amazing firepower. In order to avoid accidental injuries, spaceship usually tries to separate their distances. As the science and technology upgrades, the battlefield becomes more and more “thin”, but This is just a kind of appearance. Standing in a higher position and looking at the entire battlefield, you will find that this World is even more cruel and shocking than the scene of the flesh and blood of the primitive era.

When the battlefield is huge to a certain extent, and you are deeply involved, you will feel that the entire World is full of flames and explosions. The Hologram projection of the bridge is everywhere in the real-time transmission of the scene of external firefights, violent flashes and Zerg when the spaceship explodes The flesh-and-blood viscera that fluttered in the sky at the time of death made me dizzy, and even made me have the illusion that the entire World would burn forever. Several novelty excitements of girl from the very beginning from Academy City have gradually felt fear now, perhaps Lily Na ’s words Still echoing:

“This is the battlefield, every firework here is the harvest of ten million life.”

Now, they can almost think so.

Tears and Mikoto are holding my arm tightly. I can clearly feel the trembling of the former body. It is said that the first recruits in space warfare will have such a fear: you are surrounded by a raging sea of ​​fire And death, every inch of space is flooded with deadly shells and beams again and again, and what makes you survive and appreciate this fear, there is only one layer of armor and shields that are not very strong in the face of gunfire Will hold your heart tightly, even if the armor beside you is heavy, it will not make you feel a little safe.

Of course, veterans will think of this too. Similar fears will never subside from the hearts of those fighting on the battlefield, but they have learned to be numb.

Despite these, the tense atmosphere that permeated the entire command center also made several girls who came to such places for the first time feel more pressure.

A few Little Girls who grew up in Academy City, where can you expect them to calm down when facing such a war?

“Seven billion, this is an iconic number.”

Lily Na smirked and suddenly came over and said in a voice that just happened to be heard by everyone.

“What?” I didn’t understand it at once. This girl’s way of thinking is always unexpected. From the perspective of BT, Shirai Kuroko is a pure girl compared with her.

Mikoto, tears, and several other people who have been completely stunned on the other side also turned their attention, waiting for Lily‘s following.

“The hostile life currently appearing in the crossfire area has historically broken through seven billion,” the green light in eyes flashed by, “beyond the mouth of earthling-they may not survive any of them, and this It ’s just the beginning. Enemies that are still in the air are entering the battlefield. This number may even reach several times now. “

I now have every reason to believe that this girl is psychopathic! Say you should be Priest of Goddess of Life, right? At least do n’t violate the doctrine yourself in this respect, okay?

Surprised by the words of Lily, the tour groups became more nervous. The 7 billion life and the entire population of Earth were just that. They would die on the battlefield in just two or three days. The feeling of powerlessness makes people feel uncomfortable. Those who have experienced before, the battle of Academy City, the darkness of society, the selfish desires and internal fighting of Human Race, everything you cherish, everything you hate, even everything you know , All of this is not enough to burn here for even a day …

“This is not for you.”

Lily finally said slowly in a strange tone, “Go back to rest, away from the cruel reality here, we will get everything done, your peaceful life will not be disturbed-there is a good one in the Admiral Playground, go crazy there, and go home to enjoy peace … “

“Brother Chen Jun …” Tears finally looked at me, and then let go of my hand, “Sorry … I want to go back to rest …”

Tapping the little heads of black hair girls, I also know that it is not suitable for them to continue to carry them in the command center, nodded, and then greeted Accelerator not far away: “What about you? Let It ’s not a good idea to experience the flames of war in your own Loli. “

“Cut …” Healer turned away, “Go away, imp!”

After these “irrelevant people” left, I was free to deal with Lily Na: “Well, what the **** is going on? Don’t tell me you are reviewing your psychology homework.”

“Some things are not good for them to know-do you think the common way to persuade these curious guys back?”

Lily Na shrugged and calmly faced my unhappy face.

Although I feel that this girl’s method is a little weird, my attention has been successfully diverted.

“The connection between me and Master goddess suddenly weakened a while ago,” Lily said with a solemn face. “And Master goddess just informed me that she was a little uncomfortable from the day before yesterday.” >

“This World is being affected.”

In the face of our somewhat confused look at the beginning, this chief goddess officer who occasionally would be more dedicated said slowly.

A perfect World will not be diseased under normal circumstances. Even if there is any serious dispute between the life carried in it, it should belong to the “normal evolution” of World, even if Kprosin All three races in the area are dead due to fighting. For Della, it is also an unusual situation equivalent to a chemical reaction. There is usually only one cause of World lesions: pathogen invasion.

Only when external forces try to disturb the order, World will produce “lesions”, and the first reaction to this is naturally the management **** of WorldDella sneezes. We all have to worry about whether there will be Apostle(s) invasion. The new Tokyo is such a reason.

“The situation has not been ascertained. There is no damage on the World barrier. Lord goddess retrieved the existence record of the Kepru area and found no abnormal information. However, the discoloring branches in the life tree are indeed this galaxy. So I ’m afraid we still have to investigate the situation-after all, Master goddess is a fool. “

… Did you just say idiot? Say what your piety is built on, bastard! !

“If this is the case, it’s okay for Misaka to hear them, they don’t understand anyway.” Qian Qian said unhappily on the side, how to say …

Sometimes it is rare for this girl to find a few children who can play with herself-her mentality is really awkward to the state of being speechless.

Lily Na looked at the time master who was much taller than herself, but her mentality should be reversed. She shrugged: “The problem is in the solution, if you ca n’t solve it in two months. Disease, we must completely destroy the entire Kaplu star zone, any life in this star zone, or even an ant, a bacterium can not be forgiven, so innocent people who die may have hundreds of billions, although it is because of special In the circumstances, Master goddess can also bear the heavy responsibility for the death of these hundreds of billions of innocent people, but … you think let Misaka know this … wait! “

As we were shocked by this sudden emergency, Lily suddenly frowned and turned sharply, looking in one direction.

“Over there, appeared is a very powerful life body, approaching Pandora at high speed!”

The sudden strong energy response has naturally been sensed by the Pandora’s energy radar. The power of this enemy made the little girl who is the leader level Apostle(s) take it seriously. She slightly adjusted her army formation and quietly. Separated from the Firepower Group jointly formed with Viska.

“What are you doing !?” Viska‘s unwelcome voice immediately sounded in the spiritual connection. “It’s hard to achieve this warm-up exercise and drain your energy?”

Sister who does n’t understand politeness …

Pandora sighed slightly, such emotional behavior she would only show in a few cases, such as when her awkward sister made a bad speech.

“Brother, I’m ready to fight.”

Pandora completed the preparation, and then looked over the layers of enemies and criss-crossing artillery. Because of the terrifying destructive power of the leader-level Apostle(s), the enemy forces with tens of thousands of kilometers around the world were far away from this death sky, but there was A strong presence has thrown its goal to the most dangerous place in this battlefield.

The conventional anti-ship turret has already been recovered. The different space has now been rolled up and down around Pandora. A large group of eye-shaped floating guns are flying up and down. Hundreds of strange big eyes are closely watching each of the battlefields. The corner is as vigilant as the Hundred Eyed Giant in the mythical legend.

Then a squeaky spark burst out of a “eyeball”, and a translucent energy field with a radius of nearly half a kilometer suddenly covered the alert floating gun, and the violent chaotic energy frantically ripped this The mechanical shield’s splendid shield and outer armor were scarred in less than a few seconds.

Pandora decisively abandoned the floating gun that had been caught in an energy storm. The automatic ground-locking system instantly locked the direction of the attack, and then the gray energy beam erupted from the at the same time at the front of hundreds of “eyeballs”. The net covered all the places in front of her.

A large group of enemy soldiers who played soy sauce in the distance tragically transformed into a sky fragment(s) under this indiscriminate attack firepower network, but the high energy reaction did not dissipate. Obviously, although under this dead-end attack Takes damage, but the powerful energy control saves TA.

“Very powerful … race!”

A sound suddenly sounded, which surprised us both Pandora and those watching the battle on the bridge: it is impossible to transmit sound in a vacuum, the other party …

“It’s mental power,” Bubbles’ sounded in the broadcast, answering our doubts, “The enemy is broadcasting with mental power, I reversed the position of the other party … The other party’s invisible Force Field frequency is a little special, I am Crack … crack complete, data transfer! “

The latest anti-stealth energy frequency was transmitted to the core of Pandora’s thinking, and the latter released anti-stealth energy interference. Only a few kilometers away in front of her, a figure gradually became clear.

It’s a woman-or at least it looks like a woman, she has a female face and posture, but her body is covered with insect-like carapace, and her hair is also a large deformation of her tentacles. Arthropods, a pair of splayed bone wings about three or four meters long, are emitting a sneering energy spark.

This “woman” standing in a vacuum in a Universe vacuum cannot of course be Human Race, but it cannot be simply classified as a Zerg. She is Kerrigan Gan, Blade Queen, the most powerful Human Race ghost agent in the past, Zerg today The highest ruler.

The most powerful carbon-based creature in Kepru Star District-some even speculate that her power has reached the point where she can destroy the entire Human Race fleet by one person.

Um … This is a tragedy. The Human Race fleet has become the calculation unit of fighting strength, such as killing a Virgin fighting strength plus 5 …

With this at the same time, my spiritual connection quickly intervened in the mind of the little lunatic Pandora: “Girl! Don’t kill me! Catch her alive … Raynor? Get me back! Makeup artist, audio, and clothing Item prepare quickly! Let him be ready to pick up girls … “

What a fool … brother …

Pandora sighed again, feeling bigger than when facing her rude sister.

She then ordered her subordinate troops to return to their respective positions and emptied the battlefield.

A large piece of carapace on Blade Queen showed a scorched gray-black, and her phantom energy did not let her be harmless under the attack of Pandora’s range, but it seemed that she did not care about it. The “skin” was also healing at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. Within a few seconds, it was as clean as new, slightly looking at the energy sparks on his bone wings, and Kerrigan smiled sarcastically.

“I said that,” the mental power broadcast was received by us again, “The equipment increase that those Protoss people researched is all waste … They are too dependent on their science and technology, and they are not even aware of their science and technology Not even babies in front of the enemy. “

Pandora ignored the **** of the other party, lifted his right hand gently, a huge blue and white laser beam spewed out from the opposing ship’s ghost cannon, although not charged, but the attack power is still considerable. A semi-transparent energy cloud hit the road, and after a short period of violent reaction, both of them dissipated in a vacuum.

“It ’s really little brat with impatience,” Blade Queen has a solemn expression on his face, and the tone is very easy to hear, “Then let me see, the powerful aggressor who suddenly appeared in this star area can be so powerful To what degree. “

A violent psionic storm erupted again from Void. The target is still the floating artillery beside Pandora. This strange weapon has wiped out thousands of battle cruisers and “God Clan” in previous battles. The aircraft carrier, as for those Zerg units that died under high pollution energy, is an amazing number. Of course, Blade Queen regards it as the most threatening target. In her view, the fighting strength of Little Girl is fully reflected in these huge turrets. As long as you can destroy them, you will have a good chance of success.

As the most powerful creature in the entire Kepru district, with the psychic power that Protoss people ca n’t imagine and the Zerg ’s evolutionary physical strength, Blade Queen is almost considered to be a perfect form of life, although it still cannot be The Greeks contend, but her tactics have achieved great results.

Several mechanical eyeballs are fragmented under the action of a sudden psionic storm. Despite their Space jump ability, the Blade Queen ’s splendid attack seems to be an instant attack that ignores space. At least the Pandora’s radar system has not been able to accurately predict The energy trajectory when the other party launched the attack, but in the face of the continuous fall of her floating gun, Pandora didn’t seem to care at all, she was just having a headache.

Brother’s request is to catch each other alive …

This requirement seems inconceivable to Pandora: The only tactic little brat knows is to bombard multiple turrets to completely tear the enemy into fragment(s). She has never considered the option of keeping the enemy alive, even if the other party ’s strength No matter how weak, Pandora can’t see a tactic that makes the other party unable to resist and will not hang up-the brother will be really embarrassing.

Forget it, as long as it does n’t die, right?

little brat thought hard for a long time without fruit, and at the end some thoughts came to him.

at this moment, under the negative response of Pandora’s, those 300 mechanical eyeballs have already lost most of them under the attack of Blade Queen. The other party ’s spiritual strength is amazing. Continuous use of such a powerful psionic storm is easy, and Pandora is free to move. Although several counterattacks were made, they also hit the target, but because they did not dare to attack with all their strength, and there was always a layer of non-destructive psionic storm as a shield around them, Blade Queen itself only suffered less serious damage. Replying to ability, these skin traumas are recovering at an alarming rate.

“Your strength is nothing more than that.”

Blade Queen looked at the floating artillery around the Little Girl in the distance, and the other party did n’t seem to have much effective offensive means, and could not help but scornfully, but just after her voice fell, the scene that appeared in the next second let this The Zerg ruler almost lost demeanor shout abuse.

Pandora recovered all floating guns without hesitation, and then summoned …

More than three thousand reshaped vector impact guns …

Compared to the fact that only three hundred “Sadoira” pan-energy cannons can appear at the same time, the only advantage of this conventionally mounted vector turret is the large number-the low-level original turret does not need to be too much The complicated energy channeling module, the processor bandwidth occupied by the hundred of these things is a mechanical “eyeball” of no match for, but Blade Queen does not know this. She only knows that she has lost half her strength and even almost injured herself before destroying the other party. More than 100 “eyeball turrets”. As a result, the enemy even waved 3,000 larger trumpets without blinking!

“Are you teasing me!?”

Blade Queen opened his hands angrily, the energy ripple can be turbulent in Void, and then the speechless scene will be appeared.

The Thousand Gates made of super alloys have huge tails erupting with strong tail flames, meteors in general … snapping at Blade Queen.

If you are smashed, you should be able to catch it alive-the little general Loli thinks so with very simple logic.

(Near the end of the year, decisively ask for votes !!!) (Unfinished to be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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