Xiling Empire Chapter 419: Gun gun escapes

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Two huge fleets are facing each other in the cold Universe space. Although the distance between the two parties is hundreds of thousands of kilometers, the tension has permeated everyone’s in the bones.

Zeratul, are these your people?”

Despite my basic understanding of the situation, I asked the Dark Templar beside me.

“If they are my people from the perspective of Protoss,” Zeratul‘s voice sounded low and slow, “but perhaps Tadalim would not admit us exiles as our own compatriots. “

It ’s really an xenophobic spirit. After listening to Zeratul, I sighed in my heart.

The internal division of Protoss has been repaired by the joint efforts of Zeratul and Tassada, but the branch tribe of Tadalim seems to have returned to the dark Templars who are regarded as “heretics”. The arms of the tribes are unacceptable. These secrets, which were difficult to know in the original “plot”, are really eye-opening-just like a sentence I heard a long time ago, the people who hate you most are often your fellow .

“What are your requirements?”

I already had a decision in my heart. I just took the time to set up a sentence with the other party, but Pross took this kind of inquiry as a sign of weakness, and immediately said in a rising tone: “Leave our holy place immediately, surrender us Divine Artifact, and you, as the leader of this unit, must come to our warship in person and express confession for your reckless behavior! “

“Ground forces, continue operations.”

I shrugged my shoulders and gave me an indifferent expression. Immediately, several research ships that had ceased to operate again started the to scan analysis of those Protoss palaces.

I am naturally not the kind of person who will blaspheme the beliefs and cherished things of others at will, so even if Tadalim does not appear, I will not rashly destroy the remains of Protoss, but just do these mysterious buildings. May be careful to explore, even Zeratul himself, have no opinion on this harmless investigation we conducted, but in the eyes of the fanatical and exclusive Tadalim, perhaps we “interracial people” are just standing on their The ancestral holy ground is already a great blasphemy. I do n’t think it is the best way to deal with this unreasonable theory.

Your sister! If it were n’t for Uncle Z ’s face, I ordered at this moment to unilaterally freeze the Human Rights Act against Protoss, and it would take a long time for the genocide!

The actions of our ground troops immediately angered the Tadalim fleet, which faced the Imperial fleet far away hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, and the enemy Commander named Pros sent us a similar final voice with a harsh tone. The ultimatum’s declaration: “Stupid and savage aliens! You must pay for your ignorance! Your fragile spaceship must be transformed into a flame of atonement against the ancestors of Protoss to purify the crimes you have committed!”

After Prose completed such an ultimatum ultimatum, our mothership host immediately issued a high-energy response alert. The didn’t expect ’s patience was less than I thought. The total video was decisive in less than three or two sentences. It’s offline!

As this star zone holds the strongest race with the highest science and technology, the fleet of Protoss is naturally not comparable to those of Human Race spaceship, not to mention the number of opponents. There are nearly 10,000 ships. When the opponent ’s main gun is charged, In an instant, the main engine of the mothership issued a rapid alarm.

Warning! Warning! high energy reaction in front! high energy reaction in front! Shield power of the warship is increased! Artillery fire is ready.”

The more than 1,000 shuttle-shaped warships that followed the “God Clan” mother ship were not what I expected. It was the Void ship named great-of course, there is another name called Quguang ship, I think The second name is more appropriate, because after knowing the real meaning of the word “Void“, I feel that these warships are called Void, which is not true.

Through the Hologram projection in front of me, I can see that the mechanical arms at the front end of those shuttle-shaped warships are slowly spreading out, and a series of focusing prisms on the inside are floating bright blue and white light, hundreds of thousands of kilometers away. It started to charge outside, and this energy has not been launched for a long time. This proves that in the real interstellar World, the early charge of the light ship does not need to continue to attack a specific target-this is huge in the game setting. The difference makes this kind of concentrated photon cannon that can increase the power of the attack more amazingly threatening, just like those Zergs who can make mobile hatcheries and one-time wyvern on the front line. It seems to exist in the real World It is always better than on the Earth‘s information projection.

Zeratul, I ’m sorry, it seems that I have to fight with your countrymen.”

The turbulent situation makes this battle-hardened warrior feel a little struggling. He has some contact with the imperial warrior. He almost knows our strength, especially Lily Na ’s two stunning shots make him He is in awe of our mysterious power. Although this understanding is still superficial, it is enough to make him understand that the Protoss fleet that is hundreds of thousands of kilometers away does not necessarily have any advantage in this confrontation. Once the battle begins, I am afraid the result will be very bad, but in the end, he still sighed.

At this point, no one can stop the battle.

“The Imperial Fleet, the overall anti-phase! The auxiliary unit enters the mothership to protect the Force Field! The main gun of the battleship is charged, the target of the energy skimmer, all the Energy Attack equipment of the enemy!”

After obtaining my combat permission, the captain of the mothership immediately proficiently issued a series of precise commands, always quiet as the lurking beast in the shadows. The Imperial Fleet faced Tadalim ’s active provocation and finally revealed Its horror fangs.

Strictly speaking, although there has been a crossfire with the independent federal fleet before, it is only a personal crushing game for two people, Pandora and Viska. Thousands of Human Race warships are for two strategic-level little girls. Not even toys are counted. Today is the real battle between the Imperial Fleet and the Alien Fleet, so I have no reservations at the beginning, and ordered that all the equipment that sounds incomparable to the Cow X will be activated one by one.

Amazing energy flows through every pipeline of a huge battleship. The sound of energy flow rises like a train whistle approaching fast, led by the flagship Eternal Level battlecruiser, and the heat dissipation under and behind each Hirsch spaceship The grid instantly changed from the dark red to a dazzling white. The galaxy main gun of the Eternal Level bow gradually emerged under the joint supply of three different space Youneng wells, and this unprecedented strong energy gathering The cannon recharging even caused the bridge we were in to tremble slightly-or this is my illusion. To be honest, even just looking at the Hologram projection, the galactic recharging process is too burning.

In the eyes of Zeratul, there is a complex light flashing. On the one hand, the daring pagans of Tadalim are the enemies of the Dark Templars. They have even launched the Protoss of Shakura more than once. They have made unreasonable attacks, and in many cases, they always “purify” each dark templar they met as heretics, but on the other hand, even if it is an enemy, the current situation It was also a group of unknown “Empire Army” who was shooting at his fellow racers, so Uncle Z was very tangled.

At this time, the recharge of the enemy ’s more than a thousand warships has finally ended. Our non-evasive response may have caused Pross a little doubt, but this did not prevent him from attacking us. .

The distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers is instantaneous for the speed of light cannon, and the core computer loaded in Eternal Level, which can be called a metamorphosis in any central computer of an imperial battleship, is faster than the speed of light. At the moment when thousands of huge photon jets were about to touch the imperial fleet forward, a composite female voice resounded through the bridge: “Reverse phase start!”

As if the reflection in the water was suddenly disturbed, the huge imperial fleet jerked in an instant, as if it had become a picture without substance.

The opponent ’s torrent of photons took a long time to hold back. The torrent of photons penetrated the imperial fleet that had been transformed into images, and even the maintenance of Robot, which was responsible for polishing and oiling the army ’s flagship, was changed. Hurt one.

But this is only the beginning of the terror of the Tadalim fleet.

“Turn on the grammer.”

I nodded to the captain beside me.

Let me see how powerful Tavel’s ’s latest achievements are-the energy-scraping device. Tavel researched and developed according to my special ability. It took a lot of manpower and resources to trial-produce the first generation of experimental Energy Attack special equipment, although I can’t completely simulate my ability, but it is enough to invalidate the regular Energy Attack.

The imperial fleet that has entered the nihility has adjusted the queue slightly. Instead of avoiding the huge photon torrents, it has faced the enemy’s attacks one by one, and then gradually re-entered the physicalization.

“The reverse phase effect is about to end, the gradiator is successfully activated, and the target energy sample has been obtained … The energy channel is being established … The channel is being established … The energy of the gradiator is being increased … The test data is ready to be recorded.”

A blue halo was swiped from every Xiling spaceship under the attack of the curved light ship. The entire Empire fleet also lifted the void state in at the same time. Thousands of photon torrents that reached the extreme point finally hit The substantive target instantly ignited a dazzling white light on our spaceship. The Tadalim fleet, which was just in shock, saw that its attack worked and immediately increased its output power more hard. ——Until they found that all the energy of spaceship has been out of control.

The beam connected between the curved light ship’s power crystal and the Xiling spaceship grows at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. Within a few seconds, it has exceeded the maximum power attack that a normal curved light ship can release, dazzling. The blue-and-white energy sparks began to burst out of pā pā on the shaped crystal of the bow of the curved light ship, and then gradually spread to their entire hull. Protoss is proud of it because it is out of control from the inside out. ‘S plasma shields didn’t play a role at all, and within ten seconds, the plasma shields on those curved ships were already crumbling-their last remaining energy was drying up under the siphon of the energy-sweeping device.

The captains of the curved light ships tried to cut off the energy supply of the focused crystal, but the energy channels established by the energy grabbers have spread throughout their entire hull. As long as they can conduct energy, they have been used by the Eternal Level ’s host. Accurately included in the energy channel, their resistance is completely in vain.

Soon, more than a thousand curved ships that had been floating with light blue halo gradually dimmed, and the dense energy sparks filled their streamlined hulls. These completely dried Protoss warships began to twist and deform. That was the crystal energy in the structure of the energy grabbers squeezing them. Pross tried to contact the warriors in the warships, but he only got a scream of screams. Thirteen seconds later, the energy grabbers had begun to absorb Protoss The spiritual energy in the body is gone.

Finally, when the soul of the last Captain Quguang was completely squeezed out, and even the chemical energy of every cell of his within the body was not left, the energy grabber finally completed this gluttonous meal. More than a thousand light curved ships that turned into dim and twisted metal wreckage were released from Force Field, letting them crash crookedly to the surface of the pimple star.

“The energy-sweeping device is fully charged, the energy form is changing … The first attack of the main gun of the galaxy …”

With such a bland machine female voice, the unprecedented triple charge of the “Xinghe” main gun released a huge torrent of energy of several kilometers in diameter. With my instruction, it avoided Tadalim ’s The three aircraft carriers made an “S” cut in the square of their frigates.

Plasma shields seem to be absent in the face of this star-filled version of the “galaxy” that can cut small planets in half. In Tadalim ’s square, a series of explosions shine on the dark and cold starry sky .

Just after the completion of the first attack, at the same time, the mechanical female voice resounded through the bridge again: “… in the form of energy conversion … The second attack of the main gun of the Galaxy …

“… third time main gun attack …”

“… the fourth attack on the main gun of the galaxy …”

Huge light cuts across the enemy’s fleet, one will cut an S, the other will cut a B …

Until the entire energy pipeline of the Xinghe main gun is severely overloaded-this strategic-level weapon is used to fire like a machine gun, really thanks to the fact that we installed a second buffer system in advance.

After the start of our attack, the Protoss fleet, which was caught in a brief mess due to the fact that a thousand curved ships were all drained and crashed in 20 seconds, quickly organized an effective counterattack, but such counterattack It seems that it is a bit weak, maybe it is already used to bullying Human Race in this star area with its own powerful science and technology. When facing the strange army of Xiling Empire, it was the first time that it was hit by this, which made the opponent ’s attack slightly hesitant. A moment of hesitation, let our assault ship and gravitational trap effect ship successfully completely block the entire battlefield through Space jump, completely preventing the other party from escaping with the best space transmission-although I am not sure what their space technology has achieved To the point.

The counterattack fire from the Tadalim Fleet finally finally landed on the Empire Fleet. At first, it was just some climatic tentative attacks. Obviously, they absorbed a thousand curved lights on the energy skimmer just now. The ship’s scene was full of fear, fearing that it would be the next sacrificial victim of this terrible weapon, but soon they found out that the vicious weapon was no longer working.

After all, it is a test product. It absorbs such a huge amount of energy at one time, and then it must be conducted to the main gun of the mother ship through Void conduction. It is also inevitable that it needs cooling.

“The strength of the shield of the third formation is decreasing … Space Jump … The formation adjustment is completed … The mothership is fully fired …”

The electronically-synthesized machine female voice reported the situation without delay. Although the attacks of these Protoss warships can cause some damage to the imperial fleet, unless they can surround us with human sea tactics, otherwise they rely on such firepower. The shield that can defeat us is a miracle-in the space bombardment, the Imperial fleet has one of the most tactics, that is, “jump maneuver”, every unit of the entire Empire fleet, even if it is responsible for changing the filter for the engine The automatic Robot of the net is equipped with Space jump ability. In the interstellar battlefield, our entire fleet can use the Space jump to instantaneously change the entire formation. The troops attacked by the enemy ’s firepower can communicate with each other within a millisecond. The position of the intact units in the rear is reversed. We are always fighting with the enemy’s warships at full height-and this is based on the premise that our warships are far more powerful than their opponents.

Bright laser beams are interleaved in Universe space. Each flash of light is signify enough to kill countless declared energy bursts. The Imperial Fleet formed a huge joint shield that blocked most enemy attacks from the shield. Except for some fragile unmanned ships and cannon fodder units driven by Combat Puppet that were destroyed while blocking the enemy ’s deadliest attack, the damage we suffered was almost negligible, and the Protoss battleship started after its plasma shield was consumed A large number of battle losses.

In fact, I was surprised that their plasma shield could withstand the first round of the Imperial Fleet.

“What are their aircraft carriers doing?”

As we were flirting with … cough cough, facing the enemy, Lily suddenly sounded to remind me that at this moment I suddenly found out that the three Protoss aircraft carriers that had not shown a little offensive intention since the beginning of the battle were really Suspicious-are they watching their fleets setting off fireworks calmly?

“Those halos just appeared,” frowned shallowly, pointing to the layers of halo objects that suddenly appeared under the enemy aircraft carrier shown on the Hologram projection. The way is analyzed, “They have not attacked, they may be accumulating energy to launch a surprise attack, and the main gun of the Galaxy can be fired again in a few minutes. We better kill one of their aircraft carriers to keep these guys quiet.”

However, it seems that the enemy does not intend to wait a few more minutes. With the sudden sound of the mothership ’s main engine, we instantly detected a large-scale anomaly in the surrounding space gravity.

The next second, the position of the Eternal Level ’s bow main gun has been surrounded by thousands of small fighters suddenly popping up.

Protoss‘s aircraft carrier … even relying on Space Jump to deploy carrier aircraft? !

I am completely didn’t expect. This is too far away from the “setting information” in my impression. If I knew that the enemy still had this trick, I should keep a gravitational trap effect ship near Eternal Level!

Just when I was surprised, the thousands of fighters that used the space technology to directly transmit to our main gun position were already squeaking electric sparks, and they were fiercely charged to the “galaxy” that was just beginning to recharge. Hit it!

They are going to detonate our main gun! (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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