Xiling Empire Chapter 417: Uncle Z

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The endless sea of ​​insects is surging towards us like the silt of life. The layers of purple and black waves are rising higher and higher, and the ears are filled with endless roars of insects and carapace. Friction sound, the body looks like a small mammoth like a chopstick-jumping insect, the cockroaches mixed with the huge carapace heavy, and various other worms that mutate into strange shapes. They seem to have no timidity at all. Thousands of fellow races were fearlessly transformed into carrion because of some strange and inexplicable power. They rushed to us to launch a suicide charge, and Lily Na was still pale in my arms, Despite the pile of identities, she is just a normal girl. Despite the traversal and the scourge of the undead and natural disasters in Azeroth, she must have never met such an internal organ and flesh and blood Huraura of simultaneously fly, so She didn’t even realize it was being held by me Princess, but instead grasped my collar like a real Little Girl, curled her head in my arms as much as possible.

However, the fear is that the energy around life is still not weakened. Lily is doing quite well at this point. Even if she feels uncomfortable in her heart, she has not forgotten her mission-although it seems that now, In the Vega, the sweeping attack of autumn leaves and the brutal and ruthless time, we do n’t have to worry about injuries.

These Zergs are simply too fragile when facing the leader level Xiling Apostle, and the theory that the quantity of sometimes overwhelms the quality also needs an upper limit.

“Thunder Cut!”

Vega suddenly screamed during the assault, and the ship-cutting knife in his hand instantly floated a blue and white dazzling electric light, and then the ship-cutting knife more than two meters long suddenly waved into a residual image, a half-moon-shaped vacuum Blade and a bright arc She stretched nearly half a kilometer away, cut a large worm in front and cut it into two sections. Then she jumped high, and the two-ton steel body of the armored scorpion smashed heavily on her courage to wave her claws. On the thunder beast’s back, six mechanical articulations pierced into the thunder beast’s carapace. In the plasma splash, Vega‘s double knives used less than a millisecond to turn the enemies underneath into neat three pieces.

I can easily support the energy shield that can protect everyone, and I even have the spare time to appreciate the bone needles shot by the Hydra, which inspired a small concentric circle on the chaos. This attack I just tried it by hand with curiosity. Its kinetic energy is about equivalent to a Human Race anti-tank missile. It can easily penetrate the power armor made by Human Race or rely on the quantity to kill the Protoss God Clan’s plasma shield, but for us, it is about equivalent For a non-threatening target …

I think that my energy shield is strong enough to prevent all Hydralisks from spraying into calcium deficiency without any damage. As long as there is energy on this World, I will definitely be infinitely bluer than the Sunwell.

“I said, you watched the movie all the way in the past?”

Suddenly there was such a muffled voice on my chest. When I lowered my head, it turned out that Lily finally got her head out. Although her face was still ugly, it seemed to have almost recovered.

Is n’t this girl vomiting once in front of my chest?

Fortunately, a pure creature like Lily should not have such a physical defect. The little girl only had a bitter complexion, but the big eyes who was still open and stared at me from bottom to top. Justice condemnation of people who do not work.

“Anyway, they are enough to get all the bugs here.”

I do n’t carelessly whisper, I wo n’t say how powerful Vega ’s close combat ability is. Even with the most basic fighting alone, she can cut 100,000 springbirds without any worries and make sure her hairstyle is not messy. Looking at the arc that sister Scorpion is all over now, I have no doubt that she can play N to N in this wormy sea.

The rest is shallow … Is there much more to say than this specification? If she is willing, even as long as she is standing here in the time domain, she can make these tens of thousands of zergs commit suicide cleanly! I do n’t believe that the body of carbon-based creatures can evolve to the extent of fighting against time!

Do you still use my shot?

“It’s a lazy …” Lily Nawo was whispering in my arms, “Isn’t this the time when your big man is a hero and cheating a girl? Are you really a freak …” “

“What?” Because the movement of the insects around was too big, I only heard what Lily was whispering, but I didn’t know what the other party said.

“It’s okay … harem male …”

How did I mess with her?

The distance of tens of kilometers is not easy to cross under our almost supersonic charge. The fragile zerg is completely unable to fight back under the attack of the leader level Apostle(s). The Protoss building mentioned by Vega is close at hand. , I ca n’t see its effect, but according to the gorgeous multi-storey tower shape and the two tall sculptures made of crystal and mysterious alloy at the front entrance of the building, it should be the palace of ritual as Vega said Kind of stuff.

The “God Clan” building with a blue halo is surrounded by a very strong Arcane shield. Large arcs continue to splash out of the shield, burning the nearby Zerg like a flying blade Ashes, this high-end ability that combines two completely different Magics into one skill release may require a lifetime of study for Master Human Race, but it is a must-have skill for the Raven: their quantum computing core at the same time simulation A dozen sets of thinking are stress-free.

But it seems to me that although the Arcane shields prevent the bugs from approaching here for half a step, it is an indisputable fact that the soldiers stationed here have fallen into a disadvantage, and hundreds of millions of zerg gather densely. In this almost expansive crypt, every inch of space is blocked from the sky to the ground, hundreds of fighters from the landing force, and most of them are ordinary Xiling soldiers and Human Race masters from Azeroth. fighting strength may be enough to be used as an exploration force, but it is absolutely impossible to break through surrounded by thousands of insect seas.

However, since they can’t break through … how did they come in, bastard!

“Blessed by the spirit of the ancestors! God’s Envoy is coming !!”

When we stormed into the safety zone formed by the Arcane shield, a tauren shaman who was busy hitting the titanium alloy totem with a power hammer immediately pulled up the mask excitedly, and the white gas in the nose was thin- -I must be thankful that the power armor made by Xiling’s oxygen environment is bound by the energy barrier near the helmet, otherwise the uncle Tau Tau will be the first Azeroth person to suffocate in the Alien ball.

“What is going on? Are the other fighters here?”

I asked Uncle Tauren nodded, by the way, helped him adjust the power hammer to “HIGH” mode, and then asked a Xiling Commander who was commanding the Soldier to arrange anti-proton turrets.

The unnamed Commander went on a standard military salute and reported to me with the steel voice unique to the soldiers: “Qi your majesty! The Third Raven Squad, the Seventeenth Marines, and the Nineteenth Marines all gathered here! We were sent directly to this unfamiliar Protoss shrine due to wrong transmission. When we arrived, it was surrounded by Zerg layers. A small group of Protoss soldiers were resisting with the energy field of shrine. Our communication with the outside world was interrupted. It has been a fierce battle here for an hour, and now the Marine Corps soldiers have sufficient backup energy, and the Magic troops are slightly fatigued. The Raven 003Senior Officer has arranged a stable shield Magic array, which can insist on fighting for more than 24 hours! The report is completed! “

I simply looked around. The building behind us occupies a few thousand square meters. It is not a large hall. The overall shape is a pentagonal prism divided into three floors. The walls are inlaid with a lot of The blue crystal that emits the halo, the curved door and the pillar have a very obvious Protoss style, the Arcane shield arranged by the Raven 003 completely wraps the whole building, and it has become safe without a worm within half a kilometer of surroundings Area, but the Zerg outside the shield are still committing suicide attacks on the temple regardless of casualties.

“What about those Protoss people?” I asked curiously, wouldn’t Ya already die? They do not have the BT-level individual combat power of Xiling Soldier.

“These Protoss people were badly damaged. When we entered the battle, the other party had only a dozen people left to stand. Now they are placed in shrine and treated by the blood Pixie/Elf pastor, but according to the spellcasters The mental energy in Protoss people will interfere with the Magic element, and regular treatment of Magic will not have much effect on them. “

My nodded, ordered Vega to lead the scorpion soldiers here to consolidate the defense line, and then took Shallow and Lily to the shrine of Protoss to see the hapless “God Clan” fighters.

The last time I had a brief conversation with the Protoss Commander named Duhan on the communicator, so this can be said to be my first formal contact with race, Protoss, and didn’t expect, we would actually be in Meet in this case.

After entering from the gate of shrine, it is a vast hall. The walls of the hall are inlaid with numerous oval ice blue crystals, which constantly emit a faint light, making the whole hall look very bright, thousands of square meters There is no pillar in the space, only the golden alloy wall with a slight arc “grows” from the seamless ground, supporting the dome covered with mysterious text on our head, and the whole hall is very weak. In the energy field, I suspect that it is Protoss‘s spiritual power spreading all around-their source is the blue-skinned Dray who are sitting in the center of the hall and meditating with closed eyes … uh, the Protoss family.

No matter how many times I watched, the tentacles on the chin of the Protoss male chin … the tentacles really make the tsukkomi/ridicule full of Oh!

Our entry naturally conceals these warriors who have spent hundreds of years tempering their fighting skills. I can clearly feel that there are more than a dozen weak mental powers already concentrated on themselves, but in the end, we stand up and greet us The only one is wearing a dark old cloak, and even the appearance is hidden under a mask, only revealing a pair of twinkling glorious eyes tall “God Clan“.

How does this look so familiar?

“So, you are the emperor and God’s Envoy honored by these mysterious powerful warriors,” this name has two Pandoras stacked up so high (say, should I use Pandora’s height as a common unit of measurement?) Protoss People said in a low and soft tone, “Maybe it is destiny that guides us to meet in this holy place of ancestors, strange friends, I have heard of your arrival.”

“Oh,” I am nodded, “There is not much nonsense, I am Emperor of Xiling Empire, Chen Jun, my warrior has consolidated the defense line here, now I want to know the course of things-well, and you Name. “

“You can call me Zeratul,” the tall Protoss man in front of him is amazing, he is really the uncle Z of great! I said why his shape is so familiar!

However, Uncle Z, who has always appeared as a lone man, will lead his clan to appear in this pimple-free star mine, which makes me feel curious: what are they doing here?

“I heard many days ago that a mysterious civilization similar to Human Race arrived in this constellation and waged a war against the Zerg,” Zeratul continued to speak slowly in a low tone, “for this reason , I came to find out, but found this long-forgotten Protoss sanctuary, I killed the mother worm, and then went deep into the planet ’s underground with followers … We found this sacred temple, but in After activating shrine, almost all the remaining Zergs on the planet were attracted to it by the energy emitted by it. We were trapped by this amount. We fought for several days and were exhausted. Then those powerful mysterious warriors suddenly appeared in shrine surroundings to build A strong line of defense has been built, they have saved my people from being destroyed, and they claim that the strongest emperor among Universe will solve the dilemma here. This is how things go. “

Hearing these, I am uncle Z filled with deep veneration.

Here are tens of millions of Zerg Oh! who led so many Templars and resisted for a few days in this shrine!

This fighting strength is almost comparable to the general Empire Military Officer!

And what I admire him more is that he clearly has the opportunity to leave-yes, as the most powerful assassin of Protoss, his permanent disappearance and various shadow transmission skills make this powerful “God Clan” “The warrior can easily escape from this crypt, but he did not leave, just to not abandon his followers!

In the ensuing enquiries, I finally figured out why our soldiers are all concentrated in this place: this Protoss shrine holds an ancient “Divine Artifact“, which was activated by Zeratul accidentally They have been disseminating energy fluctuations. Although the science and technology level of the Protoss family cannot be compared with Xiling Empire, they at least have the qualification to talk to the Empire in the science and technology field (especially now the science and technology tree still has a largely incomplete Xiling Empire). The mysterious Divine Artifact interfered with the space positioning system of the three teams. When the latter’s team leader found that the communication was interrupted and planned to return to the surface temporarily through space transmission, it was transmitted to this ghost place because it misjudged coordinate.

Of course, it may also be related to the intentions of the three team captains themselves. They are basically didn’t expect. The transmitter installed in body from their birth will be disturbed, so no small errors of space coordinate have been found.

After listening to the description of Zeratul, I naturally became very interested in that “Divine Artifact“, but it seems that Zeratul attaches great importance to the treasure that belongs to Protoss. At least, it is a strange “Emperor” that suddenly emerged like me. “He doesn’t have too much trust, even if my fighter is helping him guard this shrine, I understand this.

“These fighters are seriously injured.”

When I asked Zeratul about their situation, the latter said this in a heavy tone, and then led me to a dozen templars who were sitting in meditation.

“They do n’t have enough medical treatment, they can only use meditation to suppress their injuries. The magical power of your Soldier called” priest “can also greatly relieve the pain caused by the zerg poisonous poison. But these warriors, their souls have returned to Shakura, I wish them all peace … “

Zeratul refers to the remains of more than ten Protoss soldiers lying quietly in the corner of shrine.

“Sarkuras is probably a few light years away from here,” Lily Na shrugged and walked forward, “even if the soul of your Protoss is dual-core, you can’t run at that speed.”

Lily Na said so, and then slowly raised her hands in the bewildered gaze of Zeratul, the serene expression of the Virgin appeared on her face, and the green light gradually filled the hall.

“So I do n’t want the souls who ran to death halfway back to me and stayed in your body! In the name of goddess, I have worked for the old lady !!”

Dare you dare to be more aggressive?

However, Zeratul ca n’t care about expressing surprise or protest at Lily ’s remarks at the moment, because some powerful energy beyond his cognition is gradually gathering, and then turns into a huge green light beam, accompanied by a subtle soft voice Coming to those Protoss warriors who were already killed.

“You Neng can resist Magic, but no one can refuse the will of goddess.”

Lily finished playing handsome, maintaining the attitude of floating in midair when casting the spell just now, and invited me triumphantly.

Cut, the sad reminder guy who is half a head down in the sky.

“Shakuras is up! What am I witnessing !? The return of life!”

Zeratul screamed in shock, because those Protoss warriors who were still ice-cold ’s body a second ago had already sat up like nothing else, and looked around with a confused expression, and through that familiar breath that reappeared Zeratul can completely rule out the possibility that the bodies of these compatriots are being subjected to some kind of control.

life is precious, so I would like to patronize this settlement for 68,880 yuan ~~~”

Lily Na continued to carry forward her unreliable spirit, and hurryed up in front of Zeratul. With a bad smile, Uncle Z, who had been very calm, showed a very embarrassed expression.

(Monthly ticket shows a weak trend, do n’t let me fall off Oh!!) (Unfinished, if you want to know the future, please log in, more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

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