Xiling Empire Chapter 342: Evacuation

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There are no more survivors in this city.

In the evening of the same day, the detector we released to explore the rest of the city returned such information. In addition to the zombies patrolling in all corners, the entire city was completely surrounded by death.

This kind of situation was actually expected, but when the facts were really placed in front of my eyes, I could n’t help but sigh.

In order to search whether there are still surviving citizens in the city, we have stayed here for half a day, but now it is confirmed that all the survivors in the city are only more than one hundred people in the stadium, and there is no stay It is necessary, according to the plan, we will leave early next morning, first to the nearest Human Race Refuge, where the remaining government power of World should be accessible, after all, with more than a hundred refugees, we basically No need to do anything.

There are also many vacant rooms in the gymnasium, most of which are temporary dormitories for the staff here. Although the conditions are not bad, it is a pity that no one has taken care of it for a long time and has accumulated a thick layer of dust Fortunately, Zhao Leisong’s wife Song Yao is a housework expert, and with Viska‘s enthusiastic follow-up help, the two housework Idiot‘s Emperor your majesty don’t have to be embarrassed in this matter.

The city occupied by zombies will not be peaceful even at night. The suspicious sounds from the nearby blocks and the occasional roaring of zombies meaningless roar make the whole stadium haunted by a strange and horrible atmosphere, Even the so-called rest time, the survivors just spent another sleepless night in horror in the dark space, and those who took turns to guard outside did not give them much security because everyone knew that, Of those two old-fashioned rifles, there were only six bullets combined, which made no sense at all except that the gun was fired at the last minute.

No one can think that this seemingly fragile gymnasium is actually stationed with a military force equivalent to dozens of army groups-and it is the Xiling army group.

Several men who were beaten into cripples during the day have been moved to a corner of the gymnasium, and are now moaning whispered. Although they were angry about the intimidation and bullying of these people on weekdays, everybody did not throw them to the gymnasium. Outside, let the autogenesis self-extinguish. The only humanity left after the law collapsed is on the one hand, and more, the fear is that more zombies will be attracted by the taste of “food”, but it is foreseeable that these people It will be the undoubted fact that he will die first than everyone else.

Two of them were broken with several bones, the bone fragment(s) has been inserted into the internal organs, and six of them were broken into an arm by a “teeth bullet”. The simple hemostasis method could not prevent the life force from passing, the remaining one The middle-aged man who was originally the Refuge boss was kicked by a blonde girl as a serious internal injury. It is estimated that half of the organs are slowly bleeding, although some people gave them a simple treatment out of morality, but in this way Under serious injury, they can live for a few hours. It ’s not bad that we even owe interest to these guys. Since I have touched my bottom line, I have been classified as an “item” at that moment. In the ranks, it is already a humanitarian consideration not to kill him on the spot.

In such a strange and terrifying atmosphere, the survivors in the stadium spent the most difficult night.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhao Leisong summoned everyone under my direction. More than a hundred yellow-skinned and trembling refugees gathered in everything. In addition to the wood, there was a little Fear, it seems that the “non-Human Race” side of me and Viska yesterday has deeply stimulated these highly nervous survivors.

“Do n’t be nervous,” I scratched my hair a little bit depressed, and yesterday I was totally worried about my shot in anger, but now I feel that the strength shown at that time is a little scary, “We will not hurt you.”

Viska nodded beside: “En, I said the same when I invaded Chris!”

“Say less!” I tapped on Viska‘s head lightly, then said aloud, “In short, we will not take the initiative to harm any innocent people unless there is another stupid behavior like yesterday. “

My voice fell, but did not cause much response. The crowd in front just listened indifferently, as if there were not many abilitys who understood the words, and it was just like Shandora expected to stay in such a desperate situation. After a long time, everyone’s spirit has almost collapsed. Most of them can now think of only three things: living, eating, and escaping. This is not the same as the Zhao Leisong family. At least the latter must Relying on continuous efforts to survive, even if the pressure is greater, it has kept people’s sanity, and the survivors who died in this stadium middle grade, except for the middle-aged person led by him and several of his cronies In addition, the remaining people can only gradually numb under pressure.

“Brother, if you think it is okay, you still have to find something to eat for everyone first,” at this moment Zhao Leisong suddenly woke me up, “They look like this, I am afraid that the previous person did not let others eat Full … “

How to forget this stubble, these people are obviously trapped and do not know how many days, now for the latter, only eating a full stomach is the most important, even if you have to escape, then it must be Under the premise of not being starved to death?

My eyes turned to Shandora’s all at once, and nothing else, anyway, this girl only has food that is absolutely indispensable, even if the snacks stored in her carry-on space are said to be legion-level strategic food reserve estimates Everyone believes.

A’Jun …” Seeing my sight, Shandora certainly knew what I was paying attention to, so the girl who ate for the sky immediately burst into tears, “You will not want to put the last food in the hands of lovers Take it away … “

Sorry expression was immediately put on my face, and I firmly grasped the Shandora‘s soft and boneless hands: “Be good, don’t mix together with the guy who runs the train full of Lily Na …”

Shandora: “…”

“Okay, okay, but okay, this is the only time! But,” Shandora finally chose to be obedient and contribute a small portion of his food reserves after coquettish tactics failed. Then she added an additional condition, “but as compensation, you have to let the Commander called Kai Kyles under Pandora be reopened to open a food factory!”

“… Can I ask what that Commander is doing now?”

“He seems to be opening a bank in Europe!”

This price is too great, **** girl! Does your thinking organ turn into the stomach decisively as soon as it involves food?

In short, under my soft and hard foam, Shandora finally agreed to contribute part of my snack reserve. When the piles of food appeared out of thin air, everyone was obviously shocked, and the woody expression also It finally disappeared, but surprise and curiosity are only temporary. With this life becoming the first element, not many people will have extra energy to pay attention to the problem of logic and common sense. Since zombies, such as Sci-Fi, can appear What else is unacceptable?

The crowd that surrounded them commotioned for a moment, and then came forward in unison, all the previous fears and worries gave way at this moment, they have only left alive food for in the eyes, it looks like Zhao Leisong said, The middle-aged man did not allow these people who gathered around him to beg for asylum.

At the sight of the crowd, the crowd will lose control, but there is a big bang in the gymnasium, which makes people who have lost their senses suddenly calm down.

Viska took a single-handed cannon that was walking around in the dark red light, sweeping this amazing weapon in the crowd, and behind the crowd, half of the roof of the stadium was already in the handgun Diffusion shot was taken off.

“In order to support, rob, swindle, and grab others’ shares, they will participate in the next distribution as food. Those who do not obey, will be sentenced to death, and show the public for seven days. “

The red-eyed Loli has an inexplicable smile on its face, but uses such a chilling tone as if talking about the weather. Some kind of suppressed madness is emitted from the **** double in the eyes of girl When he came out, the commotion of the commotion crowd suddenly shuddered, and said sensational things like “will participate in the next distribution as food” to this Little Girl, they couldn’t find the other party’s joke.

Order was quickly established under the high-pressure deterrence of Viska. The trembling crowd consciously formed a long line and then received food in order. The Shandora next to me maintained a peaceful smile while twirling behind My loin.

After the distribution was completed, there was only a sound of gorging on food in the entire stadium, and Viska patrolled among them with a pistol: “Very good, everyone saves their share, we have enough food , But patience is limited, so any violation of the order will be punished immediately … “

I clapped my hands to make everybody, who was eating madly, focus on it, and then announced a message: “We will take you out of the city after full, and then go to the nearest Refuge.”

As soon as the voice fell, the scene immediately fell silent.

Everyone turned their gaze to this side, and then woman, who was full of biscuits in his mouth, tried to swallow the food in his mouth and asked carefully, “You said … Can you take us away?”

“Of course, this is the purpose of our coming here,” I nodded, “we came here to solve the unexpected situation of this World …”

People are silently strangely, and they can see that they are not disbelieving in my words, but they are uneasy and hesitant to escape from the siege of the zombies, but at this moment, a quiet voice Suddenly broke the silence: “Ah! Della wakes up!”

Along with such a voice appeared, it was a magical creature covered in light green halo.

Our great Della goddess, finally woke up … Say how much this little thing has continued to stay in the night to complete the experiment that is said to be extremely important Oh!!

As Della awakening explores origin son from my pocket, a strange energy field quickly spreads around her in the center of the stadium, and people have no time to be curious about this dreamy Little Elf, and instantly Indulge in the indescribable serene atmosphere.

It is the divinity of Della’s. After this little thing awakening, I felt the desperate sorrow that permeated all around. As a result, subconsciously exhaled its own power.

How powerful can Goddess of Life‘s blessings be? It is said that this is what can make the fallen Demon into the abyss instantly become Angel. Of course, in view of the fact that the person who said this is Della, we can completely ignore its credibility, but when Della’s power sweeps the entire stadium After that, I could obviously feel that a emotion called “hope” was taking root in the hearts of more than 100 survivors.

“Well, it’s much better now.”

Noticing that most of the negative power around him has dissipated, Della was satisfied with nodded, and then fluttered his wings to the palm of my hand, and began to smooth out the wings that became crumpled due to sleeping posture, which just caused myself What kind of attention is unconscious.

“This … This is …”

Zhao Leisong looked intently at the little dots that were rolling on my hands and squeezing his wings, stuttering, and the everybody around him was no less shocked than him.

Compared with zombies, superpower Human Race, although bizarre but at least acceptable in appearance, an Little Elf with a third year in high school size and dragonfly wings is obviously more than people ’s common sense, even I have didn’t expect, and finally I have these The numbness of the survivors who just waited for death to wake up turned out to be the little thing Della.

The appearance of Little goddess not only calmed the negative emotions in everybody ’s hearts, but also rekindled their hopes for life, and more importantly, let these survivors finally trust me enough. With no words, we made everyone ready to leave—in fact, there was nothing to prepare, just let everyone carry three days’ worth of food.

Because “Goddess of Life” is already awakening, when we got the biggest cheater, we naturally have a lot of trouble when we leave. If you do n’t click on the divine power, how dare zombies, such low-grade life bodies, come close? In less time, we led the only more than one hundred survivors to leave this dangerous city.

As for transportation … it ’s still a magical 700 billion yuan. When you see that there are sixty rows of seats and a separate coffee shop in a small private car, the survivors do n’t need to exclaim. Say, and they are more exclaimed that such a magical vehicle, there will be so many patches outside it …

Now, these people have almost regarded us as the Savior from the different World. The reason is that the Della, which seems impossible at first glance, is produced by the Human World. They have such a thought. I have to say that this is A very precise insight.

After leaving the city unimpeded all the way, we parked our car on a nearby highland. The physical body of ordinary people is too fragile, and 700 billion yuan had not considered the possibility of letting average person ride at the beginning of the design. The energy of its transition is not something that these frail refugees can bear, so we are using ordinary speeds to get on the road all the time We can see from a distance.

“The samples have been passed back?”

I came to Shandora who was looking into the distance and said.

Shandora leaned over his head, and then came over and rubbed it intimately on my face: “It has been sent back with a space-time transmitter. Bubbles are stepping up to analyze the reason for their mutation. It should be possible within a few days. Created a genetic weapon that can stop this biochemical crisis. “

“If you say that the thing was shipped back, you shouldn’t have caused a crisis in on the Earth?” I said without worrying, and I turned back to the girl next to me with a white eye: “You are too small to see Xiling science and technology Is it right? This kind of ecological disaster is no different from studying a cold medicine! “

Me: “…”

“Speaking of that, it ’s better to destroy that city,” after quietly leaned in my arms for a while, Shandora suddenly remembered something like, “Before the decompiled gene sequence was made, It is best to eliminate such sources of pollution as much as possible … “

“It makes sense,” I agree with the Shandora’s statement, where it is now a place where viruses are rampant, and preservation has no meaning, but it may be possible for the latter to evolve due to the gathering of zombies inside, although this happened The probability of this kind of thing is very low, but as the saying goes, there is no end to no borders. Since Lin Xue handed it to me indirectly, I have to treat every sneeze here as the end of World. “Viska ! “

After hearing my greetings, Viska, who was originally walking around in the refugee heap but was only satisfying his distorted interest, immediately agreed happily, and then ran over: “Brother! Viska is here!”

I can hear a sigh of relief coming from behind, Viska, do you confirm that your state of mind is really in the normal position now?

“Girl, can you destroy that city?”

I do n’t know if it ’s the bad interest in Viska because of the aftermath of the abyss. tsukkomi/ridicule, I rubbed the hair of the latter and asked.

As for the headache of this disturbing younger sister ’s psychological distortion when facing outsiders, I ’m not indifferent, but I do n’t have to worry too much, this girl is much normal now, and even occasionally falls into extreme psychological state She can also control her own position, so I ’m not worried about the bad situation of this girl ’s sudden runaway result in Human World tragedy.

Viska squinted at eyes and looked at the silhouette of the city where only a few tall buildings could be seen in the distance, and suddenly a smile of excitement appeared on his face, and then forced nodded: “Of course! Is your brother going to destroy it completely? “

“Well, completely destroyed, no life reaction can be left behind.”

“Understood, that is to reorganize all the target substances from the molecular level,” the little cat eye Loli was inexplicably excited, and then took a deep breath, “Viska likes to destroy!” (To be continued, if you want to know What’s the matter, please log in, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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