Xiling Empire Chapter 262: Fighting …

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A violent collision, with a dazzling spark, then immediately separated.

Pandora is not good at close combat, this is a fact, but it is relative to her terrible remote suppression of ability. The super high agility and huge power of body itself determine that Pandora has a good close combat ability, but only in its own In the case of extreme long-range firepower, she rarely uses the close combat attack that is “too ordinary” in her opinion. The same is true of the Viska that belongs to the same series as Pandora.

But now, the two long-range leader-level Xiling Apostle are slashing each other with a ship-slashing knife.

The petite body and the huge two-meter-long weapon combination together have a strong sense of violation, which is different from the fixed-launched guns. Such weapons must be worthy of their body when they are wielded-good Well, it’s actually height-there are certain requirements, so Pandora and Viska all took the same air battle, at least, so as to avoid the embarrassing scene of dragging the long knife to the ground, two Lolita wielding almost half the height of the weapon The scene of a huge ship-slashing knife hacking in the air is strange, but no one can deny the enormous power of such a strange combination.

The petite body is encased with huge kinetic energy. The ultra-high-strength alloy chopper sword produces a hot white light in the friction with the air. During the collision of Blade, the dazzling sparks illuminate the two pretty but ice-cold faces, The huge sonic boom made the explosions that were ringing all around gradually disappear, and there was only a piercing popping sound that seemed to stop. It was not a sound, but the loud noise produced by the collision of countless long swords was too dense. And with the sound of together, in the place where two girls are fighting, the ground of a half-kilometer radius has been caused by the violent burst of air and has huge scars crisscrossing, and with this at the same time, the dense floating artillery floating in the air is also temporarily They did n’t disappear, they lost the control of their masters, they automatically executed the original instructions, and launched uninterrupted shelling on the last locked target. In the dense fire net, the two small figures were as harmless as ghosts. Instead, the Vietnam War became braver.

Pandora and Viska move fast in the death grating woven by each other ’s minions, always keeping themselves accurately in the gap of the laser beam, and cutting the deadly long knife to the opponent again and again. The battle definitely exceeds the limit that any conventional life can reach. The energy consumed by such ultra-high speed and extremely accurate calculations can even make ordinary human brain cells instantly ashes, and only the leader-level Xiling Apostle has such formidable data. Handle ability.

The energy is being consumed quickly, and the body structure that is already somewhat overloaded has issued an alarm message everywhere. The main energy pipeline is collapsing, and the auxiliary energy system is also experiencing frequent failures at high temperatures. The small body is really not suitable for this. High-strength protracted battle …

Since the beginning of the battle, Pandora and Viska have not left any hands. Both of them have adjusted their output to the maximum, energy-saving combat mode, high endurance output scheme, energy recharging system, all left behind, maximum killing, maximum Speed, maximum power, all approaching the limit, everyone knows that this battle can not be hesitated, and in such a desperate way of fighting, the two little girls’ body at the same time entered a serious overload.

There is no time difference of one second.

The result of such a battle is terrifying. Although the two men have limited the fighting range as much as possible, they have become a basin of thousands of kilometers under the cover of various artillery fired at will.

The violent collision again, the Pandora and Viska, which had been transformed into two black phantoms, paused for less than a millisecond, then suddenly separated.

The metal roar that lasted for more than ten minutes quieted down instantly, and the group of plankton guns also ran out of power in an instant and fell from the sky one after another.

It is no longer known how many times the frontal impact of the ultra-high-strength alloy cutting ship knife is also covered with dense cracks, although the impact angle has been accurately calculated every time, the force of the blade is limited to the most A reasonable state, but in the hands of the two leader-level Xiling officers, this can only delay the collapse of the weapon.

The last violent collision finally broke the limit of the long knife. With the crisp “Kara”, the two ship-cutting knife at the same time turned into a sky-filled metal powder.

The body is overloaded … Is it too serious to continue to supply energy?

It feels that all the energy flowing through within the body has melted …

The previously forcibly closed alarm system actively broke through the lock, and began to frantically issue the most high-level alarm. All components in body have produced serious energy leakage. The heat dissipation system has already been paralyzed. It is now completely dependent on emergency cooling equipment Sustained, both the Pandora and Viska‘s body transpired at an alarmingly high temperature. The air of surroundings showed a slight red under the influence of high heat. Pandora tried to mobilize the armed system, but found that the already paralyzed energy line even had a common The rifle could not be started.

It ’s just as expected … the battle is invincible … the two people are basically the same, and they are determined not to fail …

The ominous sparks flash in the vertical pupils of Viska blood red, and the semi-melted protection line destroys the last energy pipeline. Then, that person is the same …

After all, I ’m your copy …

But the ending is not what I want to see, the person is still alive, she is still standing there … so … must kill her … and prove that I am the one that should exist, then … brother Will belong to me …

Weapon systems ca n’t be used … It does n’t matter, if the weapons are … Is n’t every Xiling Apostle a humanoid weapon?

Viska showed a smile of coldly, and then suddenly accelerated under his feet, turned into a residual image, and rushed towards Little Girl in front …

I know this battle from the very beginning must be thrilling, Pandora’s gorgeous barrage is always synonymous with violent aesthetics.

But unfortunately, when my sister and I arrived, the gorgeous scene was already over.

We only saw two Lolitas that were scrambling together in huge craters, pulling each other ’s hair, pulling their ears, biting their teeth with their hands, and pinching them like a child fighting for candy …

Really, looking at the surroundings as a group of craters on the surface of Mars, I can guess how shocking they were at the beginning of the battle, but when I saw that the two overloaded bodies could only be pinched in this way After the girl, I left a basket of words in my heart …

Crying, no matter which of your subordinates sees this scene, they will desperately cry.

Just looked at it for a long time, and the two little brats who were fighting did not notice my arrival. I had to jump off the edge of the crater, and then one by one …

It’s so hot!

No contact at all, just close to their body, the amazing heat prevented my next move.

No wonder they entered this mode while playing. How far are the two of them overloaded? Oh!?

After mobilizing mental power and isolating the high temperature, I arrogantly lifted the Lolita in the “Duel” one by one by grasping the collar. Since the energy system can only maintain the most basic operation, the two powerful Heavy Armored Loli is like an ordinary child at this moment. He can’t resist at all. He can only dance and protest in vain while trying to continue attacking the other party until he is screamed: “You two, give me your obey!”

Until this moment, my existence was finally discovered …

Pandora dumbly lifts the head, some malfunctioning cerebellums are not too aura-like. Under my psychological action, it seems to be “squeaky” thinking for a while, and then came out a sentence: “Brother …”

The Viska next to him immediately and decisively stopped: “Shut up! He is my brother! You lousy counterfeit!” Then he changed his face instantly, shining with star eyes trying to rub against me, and said with emotion: “Brother , You finally came to me … “

“I’m Pandora, you are a copy.” Pandora said calmly in a tone of fact, and at the same time‘s head was still breathing white gas.

Seeing that Viska is about to lose its mind under the stimulus of Pandora‘s “replica”, I decisively stop again: “Quiet!”

Then two Lolitas shut up instantly and started killing you with each other’s eyes.

Why do I think this development method is a bit weird?

Should n’t this battle be grand? Should n’t it be bloody? Shouldn’t it be epic? Shouldn’t it be …?

But why did the story turn into a funny scene Oh! when I appeared! !

If you do n’t look at the same environment as surroundings World doomsday, who would have thought that these two little brats, which are like sisters with bad luck, just had a duel? !

Viska is nothing more, her spirit is not normal, plus my appearance, her reaction is still in the “rational”, but Pandora how can you join in the fun! ?

In other words, in fact, what I have is that legend can bring all kinds of events such as blood, seriousness, sorrow, grandness, etc. into a nonchalant state … Funny halo?

This is really a tragic fact.

“I will kill you!” Viska, who had just been quiet, suddenly burst out, and at the same time stared fiercely at Pandora.

“You are now a captive,” Pandora‘s expression faintly proud, “You are captured by your brother!”

“I don’t have it! My elder brother is here to pick me up! My elder brother will chase you away soon!”

…… Although I do n’t want to say that, you girl is indeed a captive now. You should be quiet at least in at this moment, OK!

Just as the two flamboyant little brat were about to pinch again, a white flash of light burst from the sky interrupted us.

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