Xiling Empire Chapter 221: The Avengers

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At this time, the entire island of gods has been surrounded by layers of undead and flying Demon, although the anti-aircraft turret on the island can countless gargoyles into the sky of dross every second, in the island four The diffusive fortress cannon of the horn even put the frost dragon into the endless meat grinder, but the death rate of these guys really exceeded our expectations. It can even be said that even if it is bombed into fragment(s), they must let His corpse smashed on the protective cover of God’s Island.

And the number of these chaotic miscellaneous troops has reached a terrible level. The enemy targets shown on the radar have changed from a pile of dense red dots to large red plaques. The area is still expanding, I even suspect that the Fallen Apostles side has put all their cannon fodder accumulated in the Azeroth and the twisted Void over the past ten years into this battle, although I am well aware that the cunning enemy Commander is not Will take such a dangerous tactic.

As long as the first frost dragon broke through the fire blockade and came over the island of Gods, the various ethnic embassies and the guards they brought into the battle, these indigenous people of Azeroth World, although impossible and Compared with the leader level Apostle(s) like Pandora, but they also have at least high-level Apostle(s) power, and some of the mages have shown almost the same fierce firepower as a frigate after full attack, which makes me feel right. These Azeroth people who did not have high hopes were impressed. Among the strong men of these races, several Dragon Clan representatives particularly attracted our attention. Perhaps it was the result of seeing a frost dragon that severely challenged the dignity of Dragon Clan. The result was stimulated. These noble creatures are fighting in a crazy way, dragon breath, Dragon language Magic, claw strike, flying slam, almost all the attack methods I can think of that can be used by Dragon Clan, they all performed one by one, The enemies dying under their hands are almost the sum of representatives of other races, and among them, the frost dragons occupy nearly 80% of the number. Victories so I could not help exclaiming: Sure enough, even if it is not life, but also afraid of mad ……

However, after deciding to dispatch the Avengers, I quickly summoned these violent men from various races who have entered into a state of hyperactivity, and once they came back, they fought against such a large army in a single-handed situation. It does n’t play a big role. Secondly, these are important people of all ethnic groups. In case of any shortcomings in at this moment, I am afraid that it will be a big blow to the newly established Salvation Army with various internal problems. , Three times … Avengers are really unique …

As the various combat units returned to their mothership protection Force Field, the chaotic sky suddenly became a lot empty. Of course, these spaces were soon filled with to be full of by those enemies who thought victory was in sight, but There is a strong protection Force Field, these crazy attack guys will not cause us much damage for a while, but soon, they will be greeted by the most terrifying arms of Xi Ling.

The island of God ’s originally closed upper armor opened a large number of launch ports, which were filled with brightly-lit transportation channels, and the buzzing anti-gravity engine sounded in one piece, indicating that a large number of flying Soldiers are coming to the exit. .

The first to protrude is the muzzle of two heavy-weight individual soldiers cannon guns. This large individual soldier cannon with the same power and energy consumption as make one’s hair stand up in anger is rarely equipped even with those big waisted Xiling soldiers. , But they are the standard configuration of the Avengers, and what is surprising is that these big killers appear in the launch port, not the big men who are bigger than the Terminator, but they are all wearing one by one. Blood red alloy Battle Armor … slim female soldier.

Yes, female soldiers. At the exit of the launch channel are groups of women Xiling Apostle. They are not only equipped with the same weapons and armor, they even have the same blood red long hair, and they have a uniform height. , And the same look as if carved in a mold. In short, these heroic female soldiers called Avengers are simply a clone army, and you ca n’t even find a hair difference from them.

To be honest, when I first saw these girls, I was also taken aback by the fact that “Vengeance Army of Daimyo great turned out to be a girl soldier.”

I have been wondering why the most famous legion under Shandora is called Vengeance Army, and now the answer has been revealed.

The reason is that these special Xiling Apostle called Avengers, they are Shandora‘s favorite intermediate combat unit, and also the most terrible unit of the former “War Song Princess” who made the enemy become terror-stricken at the news, because this unit is more powerful than ordinary Xiling soldiers There are a lot of intermediate soldiers in high-level, so Shandora has not allowed Bubbles to produce this expensive war weapon, and I just recently learned that this kind of thing still exists in the Xiling military system.

Perhaps from the appearance, you ca n’t see how terrible the Avengers are—cough cough, drag out the guy who shouted and asked tens of thousands of female soldiers to perform ** surgery—after all, they are still equipped Imagine “conventional weapons” within the range, and seeing their skinny appearance really makes people feel little oppression, but the scary of these guys is not in appearance.

They have two very special skills. These two skills will become very strange even if they are Pandora.

The first one is “Fanatical Revenge”. Within ten minutes, at the cost of overloading all the parts of the body, the two cannons in their hands were driven to extend their attack range by 300% and increase the chance of hit by 100. Two hundredths, the attack power is increased by 300%, the attack speed is increased by 500%, and in this state, the Avengers will destroy all the energy safety valves of within the body, so that their own energy furnace is uncontrolled The crazy output of the way, so that each attack they carry will add 30% of the proliferation damage, and this damage value will also increase rapidly with the gradual collapse of these crazy warriors within the body reactor!

Horrible? Two individual soldiers cannon guns, in this case can exert the power not weaker than the main gun of the frigate, in other words, from the attack power, the avenger who has entered the state of “fanatic revenge” can even turn a warship alone. !

However, any bug is a signify system error, any plug-in is signify blocked account, any gold finger is a huge price for signify.

I just said that the state of fanatic vengeance is “within ten minutes”. This is not to say that the effect of fanatic vengeance will stop after ten minutes, but … ten minutes later, the avenger itself will be completely burned due to full body overload. Melt into a pile of energy residue …

This is a skill that will definitely die once activated.

Their second skill is even more crazy than the first one-“Glory and Glory”

In short, it is self-detonation, rushing to the most dense place of the enemy, and then destroying the control center of within the body, detonating all the specially-designed super-capacity Youneng reactor and their full load of explosive substances, weapons and ammunition, A runaway Spectral Energy Reactor, the power of the explosion can almost tear a light Xiling driving out ship into fragment(s), and the outer armor of these Avengers is made of Nokstone’s special explosive shell. When it exploded, this layer of not-so-strong armor would turn into a deadly shrapnel in the sky. An avenger rushing into the crowd is definitely more terrifying than the craziest terrorists!

And the most commonly used tactics of the Avengers are also very simple, that is, to start “Fanatical Revenge” as soon as you play, and after ten minutes of crazy killing, you will rush up to a “gloom and blast”, using the craziest and terrible Ways to defeat the physical and spiritual of the enemy.

Everyone should see it now. The Avengers are a one-off weapon and an extremely alternative one-off weapon.

When I first learned about this class of arms, I was really shocked. Such a crazy and … abnormal way of fighting really made it difficult for me, a person who stayed in a peaceful environment for so many years, Moreover, the ordinary Soldier life is used as consumables …

Fortunately, Xiling Apostle is not a life-threatening madman. Although the Avengers are intermediate combat units, they are different from ordinary intermediate Xiling Apostle-they are all unintentional mechanical puppets. Do n’t say basic thinking about ability and independence Personality, these simple Robots do n’t even have a complete memory circuit. After activation, they can only record up to ten clear commands to fight under the action of a simple reflective control system, except for a pair of Human Race appearances, these “Female soldiers” are just Robot with no thoughts. Although the original intention of this design is to reduce the cost of this one-time product, for me, the greater significance is to avoid the humanitarian mark.

Of course, I still insist that making a special semi-intelligent bomb into the appearance of Human Race is too fun …

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