Xiling Empire Chapter 198: Zacken ’s story

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In this underground city with no entertainment and lifelessness and full of flavor of preservatives, An Wei and I spent two days together eating and waiting for death, although mixing and waiting for death has always been my biggest life Goal, but now I am sad to find that if there is really nothing left in life to eat, sleep, wake up and eat all the way into the coffin, it is really too bad.

Avena and I are now sitting in a cave in the Undercity—although the owner here calls it a living room, I still insist that there is not even a basic beam excavated underground. The only place where the furniture is the stone table in the center should be called a cave rather than a living room. On the opposite side of us, sitting two looks exactly the same except for the size and finish, but in fact it is a pair of husband and wife Skeletons, and in front of the bizarre combination of two ghosts, one ghost and one living person, we piled a small pile of papers with twisted and crooked symbols.

Okay, my original plan was to make a deck of playing cards, but it turns out that my drawing technique is not much better than my sister, so that this copy of the playing card was made by An Wei almost by An Wei. Na is thrown away as a kind of Rune fragment(s) created by the magician and contains the power of the ancient curse. If these small pieces of paper were made by the sister, then the Anveena’s guess is amazingly consistent with the facts.

While playing cards like this only relieves me of the terrible boredom a bit, for the pair of skeletons husband and wife in front of us, this is simple and novel, and even the undead can indulge in it. The game is simply a great invention that has overturned the entire entertainment industry. Although it is impossible to understand the meaning of the weird symbols on the paper, and the rules of the entire poker game are mixed up, this pair of skeletons husband and wife is still playing with us with great interest Almost one morning, and now their ribs were covered with small pieces of paper by An Weina and me, and the breeze was blowing like a spring field. The punishment method we agreed at the beginning was It’s wise to stick small notes instead of drinking cold water. Although these bone racks have zero stomach capacity, they have at least a large enough body “surface” area. Such a unique body structure is really a boon for the majority of poker enthusiasts …

“To be honest, your love is really touching. I thought Forsaken was all cold-blooded and dark guys.” When successfully finally buried the opposite skeleton brother with a small note, I clapped my hands. Stand up and say so.

Then the brother opposite the paper basket proudly raised his head, and his chin click click expressed his pride to me, and then the skeleton sister sitting next to him was just a glance to see that he was extremely skilled in his application. After his death, he was also familiar with the hand-knife hitting on the skull of the gods, and the everything in disorder note flew all over the place.

I really ca n’t understand the meaning of a bunch of rhythmic click sounds, so I had to ask for help from the human-shaped searchlight beside the undead who could understand each other ’s thoughts: “An Wei Na, translate.”

Small ghost immediately stopped the small action of secretly changing my card, flashing all over his body, said one by one: “He said: Gina will always be my love, even if I even smash this skeleton, I will use it All my soul comes to accompany her. “

Hearing this sentence, the Skeleton Sister in front of me immediately shyly and infinitely lay down in the arms of the Skeleton Brother, and the latter also came with a long hug in coordination-not soon, because the ribs of the girl are not together Too.

Watching the two skeletons stage a love blockbuster in front of my eyes, I just feel chilly. This scene is going to be placed in a movie theater. I have to cry in a minute. I do n’t know how many children Oh! can be. The film can only be released from the two-hour full version to a half-hour trailer. Basically, there is nothing left after the cast and theme song are put out.

So how did my thoughts get here?

Through these two days of contact, my impression of Forsaken has basically turned upside down. Although they have a dark side, they also have the warmth of tears like the skull husband and wife in front of us. Guys, this is completely different from the undead kingdom I remember, but it ’s right to think about it, even the evil and crazy race must have its bright side, if the entire race is caught in hatred and fanaticism, even in addition to revenge Nothing else is considered at all, then the future of race is probably really dark, and Sylvanas will also become the most failed leader of throughout history, because such race has fundamentally lost its development and growth. possibility.

Okay, again.

After pulling their ribs out of each other ’s bones, the skull in front of me showed an embarrassing smile to me-I guess it was an embarrassing smile-and then continued the chin click click, An Wei Na Without my command, I translated it side by side: “The advent of the Undead Scourge destroyed many families, and many of them stood up again and became members of the Destructive Legion. When the rule of Lich King was over, Lordaeron was 100%. Seventy percent of Human Race has been turned into Tirisfal soil, and the remaining 30% will be difficult to find their relatives and friends and become lonely living dead people. I am lucky to have found Gina, although it has become It looks like this, but at least we are together again. “

Forsaken is very lonely, and the entire World has excluded them. Many of them can only seek the little sense of belonging that they have left, and more people crouch lonely in this dark In the underground city, or anesthetize yourself with fighting and aimless wandering, and let the dark thoughts that are constantly growing in your heart grow stronger. This is a very bad situation. If you go on like this, sooner or later, the entire Forsaken race will Completely mad, swallowed by resentment and loneliness, I am afraid that they will really become the grievance of Sylvanas.

Maybe Sylvanas thought about this long ago, so she also regarded our Salvation Army plan as a silver lining, a hope that would prevent Forsaken from becoming a crazy wraith in isolation and hatred.

Although I know that even if we do n’t show up, Sylvanas has a way to solve this problem.

Just when boredom struck again, and An Weina also started to entertain herself on the side of be occupied with nothing, I decided to find a topic to break the now dull atmosphere. I remembered the skeleton soldier who always brought us to the dark city with a silly little zombie.

“Do you know Zakyn? He always seems to wander around the Undercity with a small zombie.”

I threw the card in my hand and asked with a stretched waist.

“Of course I know, we used to be neighbors, and the little zombie who was always brought by him was his daughter.”

I stretched out half of the lazy waist and stopped suddenly, and then at least six sphincter muscles on the back and shoulders of the waist expressed a strong desire to continue to the lazy waist that was not fully shown. Unfortunately, there is no central nervous coordination. The muscles became chaotic after the battle, and the chaos of the situation was like the Second Ring Road at 5:30 in the afternoon.

“Nana … almost … I’m getting angry …”

After an anxious rescue by An Wei Na, I regained my breath with a lingering fear. It was really funny. I was so impressed that an imperial Chief of state was almost killed by his own lazy waist.

Well, another Empire Chief of state was almost killed by a piece of cake.

When I came back, the skeleton brother in front immediately took the sister’s hand, pointed at me, and chin chin click click.

“Honey, you see, having meat is not necessarily a good thing.”

“An Wei Na, there is no need to translate this.”

Zacken ’s story is very simple. It ’s as simple as the story I can imagine in a moment before the otaku, a poisoned by various novels. Zacken ’s story is also very sad, just behind every Forsaken The story is just as sad.

Zacken was a common scout in Lordaeron ’s army. Although he did not have a high rank, with his rich experience and one or two neither too big nor too small achievements, he also had a good life. , Just like the young man who used to act as minor character in most novels but was unexpectedly popular with a young and strong career, he has a wife who loves himself and a lively cute daughter-so simple and happy Life continued until the advent of the undead.

After the war started, Zacken was ordered to participate in the Human Race battle against the Scourge, and was put on the front line. His luck was bad. Only in the battle of the next day, he was pierced by the claw of a ghoul Lost heart …

After waking up again as an Forsaken, Zakken discovered that his former homeland had become a ruined ruin in the ravages of the plague.

This kind of blow almost made Zakken completely collapsed, and almost reduced to a crazy undead creature. In fact, nearly half of the Forsaken will become dominated by revenge and killing because of this shock after returning to free will. The walking corpse was eventually wiped out by Sylvanas, and Zakken was almost on this path.

Probably God ’s will. When Zucken, who was in a trance, was thrown into the cellar and slowly died, he saw a little zombie who had no mind and looked demented.

On the neck of this little zombie, there is a delicate little pendant with small characters that he will never forget and engraved by his own hands-to Nina, my favorite daughter.

Little Girl ’s mental power is too weak. Even though the power of Lich King has left, her consciousness has long since dissipated under the strong mental power invasion, and the rest is just the instinct behind Zakken.

Since then, behind the silent skeleton soldier Zakyn, there has been a little zombie who is always silly and used to communicate.

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