Xiling Empire Chapter 1607: Void big crash

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The tide of information is a very broad statement, and many phenomena can be called this way. We must first understand Xiling Apostle‘s “information unity” theory and the concept that everything all things is information, and then it is easy to understand what an information tide is. In Void, the information tides are those with sharp fluctuations and a wide range of information fluctuations, Void is zero, then any information appears “non-zero” (this is why all things is lower than Void), this kind of non-zero information The violent turbulence is the tide of information, the creation or collapse of the order field of Genesis, World, large scale, and the World fragments that are evaporating. All the above phenomena can be classified as such.

We are now on the edge of the wave of destruction, so the natural situation is the last one: there is an extra large and “evaporating” World fragment(s) appearing in the fleet ’s early warning radar, and it is about to collide visually Too.

“Wow, the first Universe wreckage we discovered in really didn’t expect turned out in such a high-profile way,” Shandora and I immediately sent back to the command hall of the Admiral of the Empire, watching the Hologram projection in the center showing World fragment(s) scale, I immediately exclaimed, “… almost the size of a galaxy, and it is a material enrichment zone, there may be celestial bodies in it, are we hiding or …”

“Come on,” Shandora made the decision happily, “The fleet has strong protection, so the large scale joint shield is on, and the collision of World fragment(s) is not a problem at all. Just take this opportunity to study closely, Maybe you can know what the body of Destruction Wave is. Tavel, let your team be ready, all kinds of equipment are online, we are ready to engage in scientific research. “

Icetis at this moment just fell out of the portal (I do n’t know in what state she was sent here, anyway, she fell from the air), and she jumped up when she heard Shandora’s: , Your research spirit is really Nima crazy! “

“Xi Ling characteristics, Xi Ling characteristics,” I can only wipe the forehead cold sweat and Icetis giggling, “If you are also coming Ah?

“Nonsense, the concubine is also a high-level leading cadre,” Icetis has a chest, “How many people are behind, all come to see what the World fragment(s) that hit this time looks like, Lin Xue said the scale is quite large, and Very interesting. “

Icetis ’s face is still so incredible, this guy who has been wandering in the ecological zone and the ship ’s city all day, and the guy who has not come to the post for ten days so far can say “high-level leading cadre in front of me and Shandora’s “Six words. However, I’m quite used to this female hooligan. When I enter the left ear and exit the right ear, I can’t hear it, effectively control the secretion of adrenaline. In the at the same time where the Icetis voice fell, several portals were also launched on the officer ’s platform. Qian and her sisters got out of the portal one after another, and finally there were the remaining four of the God Clan quintet five … here are a few. The idlers who have been bored in the sky have finally found something to do, right?

“Finally, it’s fun! Finally, it’s fun!” Shallow walked around me twice like a reel, and finally hung on my arm, “These are really boring dead, A’Jun You have been here all day long and do not stay with others … “

Shallow shallow these days is really stuffy, I quite understand it. It has been ten days since the Royal Fleet left the imperial zone. During this period, there was not even a single stop. We were on the most desolate section of Void. So far, we have only encountered a dysfunctional chaos Universe, and it has evolved to the dusk stage. The boring World, in the words of the little Raven, is “too narrow even to drag back to the nest”. The basic activity of the Imperial Fleet during these ten days was to set up outposts while walking, occasionally slow down some detectors, and then all experts and scholars stared at the noise returned by the detectors for half an hour, and then continued to hurry. Can you say that this is not a problem?

The shallow ones can only be purely lively, but others still have to do the right thing. One of the Tavel’s quality projections stands on the officer platform. This is a task that combines scientific research and exploration. Therefore, Tavel, as the chief scientist, should also stand here as a consultant. She again proofread the signals from various early warning radars and reported confidently: “The course has been confirmed. The fleet will collide head-on with World fragment(s). The impact time is expected to be in ten minutes. This is an exciting research opportunity, thank you very much your majesty‘s wise decision at the moment. “

Shandora smiled slightly: “I am also looking forward to it.”

Only Icetis is still thinking about it: “Mommy, your research style has not changed for hundreds of millions of years. Is it possible to get off the boat now?”

“If you can still catch up with the big army, it’s okay to jump now,” I patted the shoulder of this female gangster (who is already a girlfriend, is it a bit bad to continue to describe it as such?), then looked up With the countdown on the big projection, “Let the small Raven go to the outside of the order field to watch, maybe it can be tracked from what ‘direction’ World fragment(s) came.”

Little Raven is lying on the side railing and stretching her neck to look out. This girl has the habit of wild birds, and is a character who likes to fly around and is not willing to be stuffed in a cage. Now I heard that there is a “fresh” “Funny gadgets” is about to appear, she has been eager to try, and naturally I heard to get agitated immediately. At the sound of “Ga”, the bird was about to rush out, but I pressed her head at the last moment: “Don’t be busy, go to the Engineering Academy and put on your armor.”

The armor I ’m talking about is the little Raven plug-in equipment. Before this stupid bird cures its astigmatism, it is still necessary to have an external radar. She can carry several workstations to order aerial photography outside the field. The unprecedented spectacular crash scene.

Little Raven grunted reluctantly, but the excitement of being able to “fly out to play” was still overwhelmed by her heart. She was nodded to me, and then disappeared on the officer platform in the blink of an eye.

A few minutes later, a frigate ejection channel at the end of the empire ’s transverse arm was opened, covered with super equipment, and watching the little Raven, which was like a Komo mixed final BOSS, sprang from the ejection channel with a glimmer of purple light. Go out. The girl really shot herself like spaceship. When she rushed out of the catapult channel, she made a glare behind the tail, pretending to be the afterimage left by the spaceship light. It is optimistic to estimate that this bird’s cognitive impairment cannot be cured in this life. She has broken through the boundary between biological and non-biological. Now she thinks that she is a boat …

And less than a minute after the small Raven left the order field, the carrier broadcast issued the last warning before the impact: “Attention, confirm that the large scale information contacts the order field of this fleet, the fusion impact process has begun, all staff do Be prepared for impact. “

A radiant brilliance first broke out from the front of the order field.

World fragment(s) is different from normal space fragments, it is not a simple matter or energy cluster. For a World fragment(s) that is large enough and has not been completely evaporated, its structure is like this: its core is a normal area that is long and persistent, and the residual energy and matter of a certain Universe are temporarily maintained in a small stable area Stable; further away is a turbulent transition zone, the laws that have collapsed and the material, energy, and space that are violently degenerating are entangled with together, forming a chaotic storm surrounding fragment(s); the outermost layer is the “evaporation layer”, Universe after the destruction It is assimilated at high speed in Void, just like the dry ice sublimating rapidly at room temperature, but we are still used to calling this process “evaporation”. This “evaporative layer” no longer has any solid information structure. It is not matter or energy. sometimes is not even chaotic. It is just a mass of meaningless information. Shadow-This group of information is a transient intermediate state of non-zero-to-zero drop, and it cannot enter the order field.

The bright light erupting at the front of the order field is caused by the evaporation layer. World fragment(s) impacts on the order field, and the mathematical environment of the evaporation layer and the order field produces a violent hedge, resulting in brilliant visual effects. However, this visual effect is mainly caused by the stress response of the order field itself. The evaporation layer itself is actually invisible to the naked eye in the order field. The light can be said to be the last star candle that proves its existence.

“Although your research methods are crazy, it is indeed spectacular.” Icetis took a pergola and looked at the scene on the Hologram projection. The splendid light curtain is now spreading rapidly, and this oncoming feeling is really thrilling. The order field is an oval-shaped giant space, just like an elliptical bubble floating in Void, and now the ellipse Bubbles’ is rippling with a circle of colorful patterns in front of it, and the indescribable colors quickly move along the margin of the order field Spreading over, as if the entire fleet was falling into an incomparably large colored vortex. But this kind of scene did not last long. After World fragment(s) and the order field contact, the evaporation layer will be consumed quickly. After only a few minutes, some ghost-like things will appear in front of us.

They look like huge meteorites, but their structure and shape are obviously more complicated than that of meteorites. These phantoms that are constantly pouring in are only a few hundred meters, and the big ones are a few kilometers or even a hundred kilometers. They are in the order field. Appeared out of thin air and faced the direction of the fleet, and soon I saw what happened to these things: they were actually fragments of astral objects that had been shattered.

A planet was torn apart by the aftermath of World and turned into a large group of new meteorite groups, and this group of meteorites has been swallowed up by the years and has been swallowed by the torrent of information disorder. , Becomes like a phantom, this phantom records the last moment of a certain World-but they are still only phantoms.

“Something exciting?” Shandora suddenly remembered something, and showed a mischievous smile to me, and then ordered the following command seat, “Do n’t filter these phantoms, let them hit them directly.”

So in the next second I knew what Shandora meant by “something exciting”, and the huge space boulder really hit the Empire Fleet without hindrance! Although they did not have any entity after all, they could not cause any damage to the fleet, but these phantom shadows directly penetrated the shields and armor of spaceship and swept over without hindrance. They passed through spaceship, and naturally passed through each of us body-well, this scene can be really powerful, I feel like I am rushing to the Kuiper belt at sub-light speed, and the brake fails to turn, and a straight line hits Hundreds of small planet!

In a short period of time, a huge phantom meteorite was swept over and over again in the command hall of the Admiral, and we were surrounded by shadowy boulders flying fast. We were far away so I did n’t see them. Is it so dense?

However, this thing just looks spectacular. All of you were trained by guns and bullets. The nerves are strong and almost reinforced with iron. The visual impact of the area can only relieve us. Of course, Shandora knows this too. She just wants this glorious impact to clear the dull atmosphere that has accumulated over the past half a month. Facts have proved that her simple and rough method of adjusting the atmosphere is quite effective-Icetis is a meteor hammer tiger. Hu Fengfeng prepared to pounce on Shandora: “It’s fun to scare people with your Oh! neuropathy!”

In fact, there is no scared expression on the face of this female gangster. Her movement just proves that she has regained vitality.

The female man takes too much medicine and feels fierce! fierce! Da!

That’s almost what it means.

However, after these phantoms are gone, you ca n’t continue to play like this, because the impact has entered the middle, and the core part of World fragment(s) is touching the order field of the Imperial fleet.

The core part is still a normal time and space, where there are a large number of celestial fragments and mad initial energy, and the great power of the end of the Universe is often partly bound in this area-they are only It is the really dangerous part of the collision process. Many cross-border civilizations regard “encounter World fragment(s)” as the greatest danger when exploring in Void. The main reason is that they may collide with these early energies. However, the joint shield of the Imperial Fleet is not even afraid of the end of World. Naturally, it is not afraid of such a degree of impact. Shandora orders to increase the shield reading and orders each warship to make independent judgments to clean up the celestial fragments or energy that hit them. The regiment, and the Tavel’s expert group is closely watching the various induction equipment, ready to analyze the impact.

Icetis stared at the scene on the Hologram projection and suddenly whispered, “Come!”

As her voice fell, a storm appeared out of nowhere in the order field.

This is a fierce storm formed by the condensation of light and high temperature. The dazzling yellow-white “fire” light expands from one point, and a round of dazzling nova is formed in front of the imperial fleet In the light of the mass, huge fragments of celestial bodies began to hit us like a rainstorm.

Light and heat are probably the power accumulated at the end of the Universe, or the star that was destroyed, or even the aftermath of the big explosion at the beginning of the Universe. In short, anything is possible, because the end will destroy an World The structure of time and space has caused all the “events” since its birth to be mixed with together, regardless of the order, location, and it is not surprising that what happened in the end. Although the broken pieces of stars seem to be only ordinary matter, they have also mutated in the torrent of information of World. They may be extremely fragile, or may have the strength and unparalleled strength of World origin, or even become a certain A kind of extraordinary matter: In fact, this is how the original extraordinary matter came from the empire. In the ancient times, Xiling Apostle scientists discovered some super-strong products from the random combination of information from the end of Universe. They were inspired to continue to create a mathematical level. This kind of perfect information structure finally creates extraordinary alloys, extraordinary crystals and extraordinary XX that are widely used in various devices today. This is why Tavel will be so excited to study this big collision, World doomsday is a disaster, but World fragments after the doomsday can often surprise people, huge amounts of information are entangled by the doomsday together, macro parameters are random The mutated results produced by the combination often amazed Imperial scientists.

However, besides studying the structure of World fragment(s), Tavel also has a more important purpose, that is to determine whether the World pieces come from the hometown World-this is an absolutely desolate area, we have confirmed that it is better than other exploration teams The desolate area found is 100 times more desolate. I ca n’t see much Universe here, and my hometown World is in this “direction”. at this moment is facing a piece of Universe wreck … Actually everyone ’s heart is raised, but no one said it clearly. That’s it.

I hope this piece of fragment(s) does not come from my hometown World.

A group of work boats rushed out to intercept a part of the material fragments. The energy grabber mounted on the top of the Empire was able to easily collect samples of those primitive energy, while other impactors exploded in the fire of the convoy fleet. The scene is spectacular.

Looking at this scene, my sister couldn’t help but mumble: “Well, is this the wreckage group reported by the exploration team? It’s so spectacular.”

“Yeah, in fact, we should only have encountered such a spectacular scene,” Shandora was next to it, the tone was a little subtle, “The probability of head-on collision with an World fragment(s) in Void … hehe, the previous exploration team It was the to scan that reached the wreckage when the radar was fully on, but we bumped into one piece at a time. This rule is very low and cannot be used as a reference. “

Void Creature is present anyway, any probability event may happen,” Icetis patted me on the shoulder, “Event vortex, probability beacon, walking halo launcher, a deadly magical species … “

I glared at the female rogue: “No one will treat you as a dumb if you don’t speak.”

It seems that even if the relationship changes no matter how, I ca n’t count on the demeanor and character of Big Ice Master.

The impact process lasted a whole number of hours, and the World fragment(s) we encountered really had a huge scale. However, no civilization remains were found in World fragment(s), and no other scientifically valuable objects appeared, so after collecting a part of the samples, the fleet discharged all the remaining wreckage from the order field. The Tavel team of scientists completed the test of the sample after some intense work.

When Tavel sent the test report to me and Shandora, there was a trace of excitement on his face: “It has been confirmed that this World fragment is not from the hometown World, but the weak information residue of the hometown World was found in the fragment, our There is nothing wrong with the course! “

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