Xiling Empire Chapter 1570: Terrorism

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The power of the soul-stealer lurks in all wise thoughts, and when you sleep, it wakes up.

The man in black stepped slightly into the rock platform from the small door, and behind him, the metal door closed quietly, and a layer of optical camouflage covered the entrance and exit again.

There are no caves in the rock platform. In fact, this is a hidden stronghold that has been hollowed out. There are tens of meters of rock on the ground as a cover. There is also a very large space underground. The narrow passage underneath went a few meters and entered a small, cramped room. The four walls of the small room are carved with rocks, and the stone roof is pressed down low. If a slightly taller person comes in, they have to bow their heads. The four sides of the stone walls are inlaid with dim lights, not oil lamps, nor this World The common people are familiar with candlelights, but they are boxy crystalline boxes connected to each other by wires: a kind of light-emitting device driven by electrical energy, the product of science and technology!

There is a man sitting in the corner of the small room, also wearing a black hooded robe, exactly the same as the black man ’s robe. The robe looked a bit like the uniform of a lost clergy cleric at first, but all symbols related to religious symbols were removed from the surface, and the hood was wider, making the wearer look very gloomy. The man in black sitting in the corner saw the man rushing in and shook his head curiously. His voice was sharp: “Why is it so panic? Just now you saw you running from the monitor, as if Who is chased the same. “

An oval display device was placed on the small table in front of the man in black. It turned out that he was using this thing to monitor the scene outside the rock platform. It seems that this small room should be a place similar to a “gate”.

“Do n’t say so many, the underground mines in the south have been exposed,” the man in black said, looking back in a little fear, as if the “tracker” who thought he had been thrown away again. It appears again, in fact, he has been tortured by such occasional “illusions” all the way, and now there are signs of neuroticism. “You must tell the leader quickly that this place is no longer safe.”

“Exposed?” The sharp-sounded man in black suddenly shook his body. He quickly pressed a few buttons on the wall near his hand, and then asked in a hurry, “What the **** is going on? You are not going to arrange explosives to mine Is the road blocked? “

The chunky black man ’s voice was a little irritated: “I was originally planning to arrange explosives in the mine, and by the way, I restarted the antenna tower to prepare to burn the annoying town next to it, but I do n’t know what happened. The adventurer opened the gate of the underground facility by mistake … I have killed him, but the widow priest in the town has reacted. She takes the adventurer to check the situation. A strange adventurer discovered I … I should have discovered the secret of the underground mine now. “

The sharp-sounded man in black has a bad tone: “Burn the town with an antenna tower? Who told you to do these extra things? Do n’t you know there is a protective cover on the town?”

“I just wanted to cause confusion and trap adventurers in the town by the way. I didn’t plan to really succeed, but the widow priest was quite courageous and rushed out with the person in person. I thought she would talk to others The local pagans shrank under the protective cover and waited for support, “the man in black said in a tone of voice.” It is not the time to say this. I will find the leader to be punished after the matter subsides. Let me go in first. “

“The comrades in other strongholds have received an alarm. Next, let’s see how our chief handles you … he may report this to the chief, you … forget it, you go first.” Voice The sharp man in black said a few words, but seemed to realize that complaining was useless, so he could only shake his head and opened another heavy alloy door on the rock wall behind him.

“Thanks.” The black man mumbled walked into the alloy door. Behind him, the “gatekeeper” closed the door and cursed in a low voice to vent his dissatisfaction with the impending escape, but his curse. Suddenly stopped abruptly, replaced by a confused self-talk: “Why is Oh? suddenly a bit …”

The sleeplessness on the floor was unreasonable, and the gatekeeper wondered for a moment before lying on the table and sinking into a dream.

And the chunky man has now entered the stronghold and came underground. This is a large dungeon with a complicated structure and a gloomy and weird structure. The dungeon is supported by a mixture of rocks, giant wood, and steel beams. The building structure is nondescript. Walking inside it feels like a dungeon. The walls of the underground palace are inlaid with lights with insufficient brightness. I do n’t know whether it is to save energy or lighting technology is not enough, or it is simply caused by the bad taste of the owner of the underground palace. These dim yellow lights can only make the surroundings environment look more eerie.

“It’s really enough to stay in this ghost place … It might be better to change to a more spacious place.” The man in black muttered while walking quickly on the stone road, he didn’t worry much about the future Punishment, I do not know whether to believe in the benevolence of the “leader”, or believe that I really did not have such a big sin. In the underground palace, you can see some people dressed in black similar to his dress, and a small number of people who do not wear robes, but wear other weird uniforms. The latter’s clothes are obviously not like the World civilians, that white short robe It looks like a doctor or a scholar in some small country in the south. It is said that this is the dress of a “scientist” in ancient times. Men in black greet their colleagues in black robes, but show a more respectful attitude toward those in white robes. It seems that the latter has a special status in the “organization”.

The footsteps of the man in black stopped at the end of a corridor, because he saw a tall figure with long hair in leather wearing beautiful woman in front of him, even though he was calm before, he was seeing this tall man woman I still couldn’t help but stepped back half a step, then lowered my head and respectfully said: “Boss … I messed up things.”

“I already know,” the woman, known as the leader, does not seem to have any expression on his face. “It’s not all your fault. The widow was an adventurer a few years ago. She and those who were raised from the school Pagans are different. They are a troublesome guy who dare to say and dare to do … You are right to burn down the town to delay time, but you have encountered a woman who does not eat this set. “

“Boss, what’s next? The underground mine has been exposed. The widow priest may soon suspect that there is a member of the” Enlightener “nearby. She may search this place. We better hurry …”

“No, now is not the time to evacuate,” the tall man woman waved vigorously, “here is far away from the diocese, and the widow has the ability to own herself, at best count the seven or eight in the town who are acting with adventurers. A trainee priest, they have so many manpower in a short time. They can only search the remains of the surroundings and the outer periphery of the forest. They ca n’t find it far away, and they will not be a threat before the support of the big parish. , Our at this moment evacuation will be blocked by outside pagans. “

The leader ’s analysis is well-founded, and that firm attitude also gives inexplicable confidence. The man in black bows respectfully: “The leader still thinks well. Then we can only be here waiting for? Pagans sooner or later. Will be entangled in the call. “

“First, it ’s not so easy to expose here. Has n’t there been two searches before? Is n’t it safe? Secondly … Colleagues in other regions will find ways to make access, even if we ca n’t get through, we can To ‘disperse’, this base is a big deal to give up, “the leader glanced at the man in black in front of him. Seeing that the other man seemed to have something to say, he finally waved his hands impatiently,” Well, just do it, there is no better way . You go to your room to rest now, and the rest is not something you can worry about. “

“… Yes, leader.”

The man in black retired respectfully, and then he felt exhausted, and he quickly returned to his room. He slept directly on the bed without changing his clothes.

nightmare began to spread like a tide.

He was standing alone on the desolate black ground in an empty gray and black mist. The man looked around blankly, wondering where he was, and even forgetting his name for a moment.

Some kind of inexplicable fear spread from the bottom of my heart. Although he didn’t know what it was for, he began to run away!

Flee fast, escape fast! No matter why, in a nutshell! In short, you must escape!

The endless fear enveloped my heart. The people in nightmare were desperately fleeing under the drive of pure terror. The mist around them was boundless. There was no familiar thing between the gray and black world. He did n’t know why he ran, he did n’t know he was escaping. What, he did n’t even know why he was scared. He felt that there was endless huge Monster in the thick fog, and he felt murmurs in his ears all the time. He felt his body was being rodent with some kind of chill The creatures devoured and felt that they were immersed in a **** mud, which was about to be topped and suffocated … However, surroundings had nothing, no matter whether it was visual or tactile, he was told that it was an illusion, but it was nothing. Function, all kinds of horror illusions spread in the mind, even if they were born out of thin air, it made him firmly believe that he was about to be swallowed!

The distorted thoughts are arbitrarily filled, and there is a ridiculous ridicule in the thick black fog. A thousand eyess are staring at the most vulnerable side of his heart. The people in nightmare feel that their minds are being “paraphytes” by some kind of parasite Occupy, the vine named “Fear of Disaster” drilled holes in the heart, and then spread frantically in his soul!

“Terrorism” is full of dreams, and then slowly penetrates and spreads to Real World

No one can see the “terror disaster” that is spreading in the air, but this underground base is being swallowed by a treacherous atmosphere. Some people who are resting in their dreams dream of the same horror scene. They are tortured in nightmare He began to moan in a low voice, trembling like mud squirting and insect swarming from the mouth of Human Race, while the sober ordinary person felt that he was in a strange place. They looked at the familiar scenery and familiar colleagues around them, and the whimsical conversation began to spread throughout the stronghold.

“Hello … do you feel … is there someone else here?” “Don’t scare … scare yourself, surroundings so many people. I feel a little cold …” “What is it looking at?” “It “Who is it?” “Someone is talking, someone is listening …” “Who are you talking about, who are you talking to, have you seen a pair of eyes?” “Cold, everywhere, I know, you, Someone is watching … “

People started chatting restlessly, and at first they all understood each other, but soon they became fragmented sentences, and then these fragmented sentences became strange and inexplicable pronunciations. It became a sharp noise like a metal tear. People looked around in horror, listening to the “language” of the former compatriots who did not belong to Human Race, and listening to the same strange and weird voice in their mouths. Their hearts began to shake, and their fears found fertile soil. When the entire underground palace was flooded with whispers of “terror disaster” that did not belong to Human Race, everyone’s thoughts no longer belong to themselves, and their souls became abstract symbols, slowly , Spelling a name over and over again: Shandora Celvi Eulasis ……

However, what happened to the soul World is unknowable to ordinary people. They only know that they are being overwhelmed by growing fears for no reason. They can only hear themselves and their comrades Understanding and chaotic and grotesque noise, finally, after accumulating to a certain extent, the “fear of disaster” broke out.

The sudden accumulation of terror deep inside my heart has nothing to do with the strength of the individual ’s will. The more strong-minded people will be subjected to more intense fear oppression, this is a process of soul self-betrayal and scaring yourself to death : The first person collapsed and began to roar frantically, and the roar that was not human voice instantly flooded the entire underground stronghold.

The fear of Human Race turns into a source of energy. From the depth of everyone ’s heart, the shadows of the soul-slayers are filled. These shadows gradually enter Real World from the unreal World, and slowly form a … ball.

I held the Shandora ball and appeared in a gloomy underground palace. Looking at the chaotic scene in front of me, listening to the harsh noise in all directions, I felt that the whole person was not good: “Your skill is slightly evil … spiritual pollution Something. “

“It is better than mental pollution, because I can send myself through the infected person ’s nightmare or thoughts, appearing at any time they desperately want to hide,” the Shandora ball shook gently, and the underground stronghold quieted down instantly : Everyone was scared and fainted, “How is it, how does it feel to be born out of fear?”

“Uh … a little dizzy, it feels like there are 10,000 people yelling in their ears.” I scratched my hair to tell the truth.

In the past a period of time, I experienced a very … novel “journey”.

Cross the boundary between reality and illusion, and transfer from the dream World together with the soul grabber. Shandora just left a seed on the man in black, but the seed quickly spread through the other ’s thoughts and his communication with other people, and even spread through their “understanding” and “knowledge” between each other, In the end, a huge fear erupted, and Shandora and I were “born” out of fear.

It sounds incredible. Fear seems to be something that ca n’t be elusive without substance, but the power of the spirit-slayer can challenge this common sense. For Shandora, nightmare really seems to be a door-and yet She doesn’t have to push away by herself.

“This time is just a small-scale application. In fact, I used to solve a troublesome hostile race with horror dreams,” Shandora slowly drifted forward, looking for a valuable place, and said his own while floating. “History”, “The technical strength of race is very strong, and I have also studied mysticism, and even made me have a headache. So after careful preparation, I said a word to them, and I poured some of my strength into this sentence. In the words, sent into the soul of the enemy. Later that race went extinct within a month, and all were alive and scared to death. “

“… Did anyone say that your trick is scary?”

“I know, this trick was originally scary.”

I feel like I ’m not compatible with Shandora on world outlook

Shandora carefully controlled his power this time. In addition, “Terrorist Disaster” is not a direct attack, but a passive attack using the enemy ’s own soul, so there are no casualties. The people in this underground stronghold are still alive , And the huge panic made their hearts extremely fragile, and it became easier to ask things.

We are now eager to know what this organization is doing: According to the information obtained by “Mind Monitoring”, this organization is still quite large, they have more than one stronghold, and brazenly is working against the lost gods.

What do they call the clerics of the lost religions as “pagans”?

Is this organization itself also a sect?

I looked at the facilities in the underground palace, there is electricity, there is lighting equipment with a sense of science and technology, there is a closed-circuit monitor system, and even everyone is equipped with advanced firearms. I also found magic in some people. Crystal or something similar to the staff, this shows that they not only have science and technology equipment, but also advanced Magic technology.

“This organization is probably the so-called” technical revivalism “, and it is against the” technical sealism “of the lost gods,” I said my guess. “It ’s just that this technical revivalism does n’t seem to be doing well. To gratify, kill the arson and just do it. In order to divert attention and delay the time, I even want to slaughter the whole town. No matter whether it is unsuccessful or not, it is a bit of a killing. Although I did n’t like the conservative way of losing the gods at first … But to be honest, these guys seem to be more ruthless. “

“Deviant people are always accustomed to calling their actions” the justice of the minority “, which allows them to use violence against the majority with peace of mind, and they can always use” vision “and” enlightenment ” Come and exonerate yourself, “Shandora sees through very clearly.” Actually, it is a terrorist? Oh, I found it, this so-called leader. “

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