Xiling Empire Chapter 1481: Occupation and hunch

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I heard Vincent ’s exclamation and hurried over, but found out that he called up a system log-like thing.

what is this? Historical record?” I frowned, and I have been in contact with imperial affairs for some years. The professional part of this log cannot be seen, but the non-professional descriptive content is still easy to understand. It It seems that it is a military transfer order, as well as some sporadic orders from the interior of the abyss and the operation of the sovereign hub. It is basically a miscellaneous record. It can be seen that the security level of these miscellaneous items is not too high, otherwise it will not This simple summary into a database was also cracked by Vincent so simple.

Vincent quickly consulted these materials. Obviously he found some very important clues: “Here recorded several conflicts broke out in the abyss zone, so the military dispatch was once in chaos, and there are some frontline temporary troops here. The pass record is also very confusing. There are also some completely inconsistent orders, but the source of the issuance of the order is unified … Various things that cannot be explained. In addition, here are some important reports that are sent to the sovereign hub. …… It seems that there is still a secret in the sovereign hub. “

A burst of explosion came from a distance, followed by a variety of piercing screams from weapon shooting and metal tearing: The scorpion soldiers were in contact with a wave of fortress guards. I recovered from the logs in front of me and looked up at the entrance of the host room: “Copy these logs first, and quickly get the fortress defense network.”

“Follow the order!” Vincent nodded immediately and returned to work.

At the moment, the shield outside the fortress host has been lowered. Several experts are dismantling the protective plate on the fortress host. Some of them are the fortress Commander in the former Fallen Apostles camp, and some of them are the technical personnel brought by Harlan when they were collected. These People are very familiar with this big guy in front of them, and even know the location of each crystallized line in the host, but after ten seconds, the three protective plates on the shell of the fortress host were removed, and Vincent took his own The data terminal is connected to the console in the corner, and then ran to directly connect the other data terminal and the processing core in the bastion host to together. While he was busy with his hands and feet, he said to himself with a slight sigh: “We were This is done-this method of operation is still invented by me. Technical experts believe that this method of synchronization protocol will harm the system, but the front line Soldier wants higher efficiency. The design of the life of the host is one million years, but the actual How can there be an fortress that has survived for so long? “

The two former Fallen Apostles technicians standing on both sides of Vincent turned to look at him silently, and one of them couldn’t help but say: “It turns out that you took the lead in using external synchronization …”

Vincent stayed for a while, and suddenly a rather regretful pat on his head: “I forgot that both of you are also sincere … didn’t expect has changed their camp and will encounter creditors.”

They said so, but the work at hand did not slow down at all. It seems to be exactly the same as Vincent said: the entire operation process is not too difficult, they have been familiar with it even if Fallen Apostles has changed Recognizing the library, these former experts did not take it seriously.

The host room ’s emotionless broadcast sounded again in the host room: “Note that the local protocol has changed, and the new version of the protocol will take effect after thirty seconds. It is expected that this operation will have unknowable consequences. If it is a misoperation, please Cancel now. “

Vincent ’s face finally smiled with a sigh of relief: “Fixed, after 30 seconds, all Battlestar ’s attack commands will be locked, and then they will stop forwarding all information, which may last for about 30 minutes— —Enough to destroy all lines of defense. ”

There was another explosion outside at this moment, and there was a harsh metal tear in the middle. The sound of Vega came from the spiritual connection: “Senior Officer! All the guards of the whole fortress are coming here! How long will they resist !? “

“This is done, there are still twenty seconds left, you are playing and retreating to the host room to meet,” I quickly replied, and then shot the heads of Pandora and Viska, “You two will answer it.”

I then contacted other commandos: “The task is done, come to the host room quickly and prepare to evacuate!”

It seems to be specifically designed to make up for the excitement, and there is another broadcast in the host room. This time the broadcast is much faster than before: “Attention, when receiving the highest order, the machine will soon leave the network, repeat, the machine will soon leave Internet! “

“They realized what happened here,” Vincent quickly checked the operation status of the fortress host, but he didn’t seem to worry too much on his face, “The Defense Circle Command is forcibly blocking this through external commands. It ’s a fortress, but the blocking command takes 30 seconds to take effect, it ’s too late. “

“Boom!” A big bang that was more powerful than all the previous explosions. I do n’t know where it came from. The shock wave caused the entire host room to shake and shake. Several harsh alarms sounded at once. Gathering together roaring masterpieces, the lights in the computer room began to turn off. I quickly floated to the sky to prevent falling, and contacted other commandos: “Is this a bit too much?”

your majesty, the fortress is exploding!” The sound of a commando Commander sounded in the spiritual connection. Due to the violent energy interference, his voice sounded severely distorted. “Three teams and four teams are involved in the explosion and have all been sacrificed. … “

“Booming–” Continuous explosions came from all directions. One or two explosions sounded as if they were a few hundred meters away from the host room. The alarm and explosion sounds mixed with together Distracted, the violent shaking in front of my eyes was also dizzying. I saw a large group of splendid sparks bursting from the ceiling. Apparently the energy network of the fortress had begun to collapse: the enemy detonated the fortress ’reactor Within a few seconds, the big explosion had spread to the most tightly protected computer room.

A dazzling white light suddenly lit up not far away, a large hole was blasted on the side of the host room, and a high-temperature metal jet mixed with erosive ghost energy splashed into the hole: the host with a special shell The room finally began to disintegrate, and the place seemed to be over in a flash.

It seems that Fallen Apostles has realized that conventional methods cannot prevent this contaminated fortress from distributing virus broadcasts to the entire network, so they decided to use self-destruction to destroy this place, but thanks to the original “reliable design” of Occam, this host The room seems to be stronger than expected, and the fortress host definitely uses an unusual power supply line: when the entire fortress energy network is out of control, the huge host is still functioning!

There are only ten seconds left in the countdown. I quickly ordered the other commandos: “on the spot upload soul! Let’s withdraw!”

The artificial gravity in the fortress has stopped, and a gust of wind swept through the large hole above the host room with flames. Although I ca n’t see the outside scene in the center of the explosion, I can also judge that the fortress has been Start to disintegrate, the shell is peeled off, basic functions are shut down, and the atmospheric environment is leaking-the countdown is only five seconds!

A large hole appeared again on the ceiling of the at this moment main room. From the hole, it was sisters Pandora and a group of armored scorpions. Vega waved at us: “Senior Officer, this road leads to the outside!”

“What are you running in five seconds,” I directly changed to the Void form, “all leaned over and went to hide in Void for a while.”

Void Domain opened instantly, the substance World was replaced by “origin”, everyone was hidden in a safe Void barrier, and the explosions and noisy alarms all disappeared instantly-this World is really clean.

Thanks to the promotion and changes brought about by the “divine deification of the whole family”, each Apostle(s) of the new empire is gradually gaining an affinity for the Void environment from top to bottom, even if it is too late to open the order field. Ordinary imperial soldiers can also survive in Void for a long time, and our commando is all elite. I can safely cover everyone in my Void Domain, and the outside of waiting for is calm.

Some moments later, Void Domain was withdrawn, and we returned to the material plane from the border of World. There was only a large piece of wreckage floating in space.

The fortress has completely disintegrated, and the unprecedented power generated by the self-detonation tore this tens of kilometers of behemoth into fragment(s) in a blink of an eye. These fragment(s)s that exploded in a gravity-free environment are rapidly spreading, and now they have become a mass of hundreds of kilometers “Ruin ball”, in this desolate World with no other celestial bodies and interstellar dust, probably those fragment(s) will continue to spread.

There are still huge sparks of secluded energy jumping between the wreckage of the fortress. The energy remaining in the crystallizing pipe network is slowly being released. I looked up into the distance. From here, I can see that the closer angle is also suitable. Several space fortresses.

They are dead.

Shandora, have you seen the situation here?” I contacted the Admiral, “their fortresses have been dumb.”

“Are you all right?” The Shandora’s voice immediately sounded in my mind, “I just received the signal from the souls of the commando, you were involved in self-explosion?”

“It did blow up,” my mood is very happy, “but people in the vicinity are protected by me with Void Domain, the commando Soldier is too far away, so they can only upload their souls in advance, in the resurrection factory It ’s better to lie there for a while than to die. We ’ll go back now, and you ’re ready to take it. ”

There are no more twists and turns on the way back, and all the Battlestar at the same time offline has made Fallen Apostles chaotic, plus the most important near-defense force near the sovereign hub: the drone group is also commanded by the fortress network. The paralysis caused the appeared‘s temporary defense gap here. Before the enemy fleet’s carrier aircraft came out to make trouble, we rushed across the blockade and transferred back to the Empire Admiral as soon as we broke away from the powerful gravitational trap near the sovereign hub.

There is no suspense in the next battle. Those non-resisting Battlestars are quickly cleaned (these things must be cleaned first, after all, they will restart after 30 minutes), although the enemy fleet that is stuck above the sovereign hub Fighting desperately, but the huge number of disadvantages and the chaos caused by the destruction of the fortress system made them no chance at all. The Empire Army fleet was fully fired, and the enemy’s shields were destroyed layer by layer. The Radiance Light Ring, which had been holding back for a long time, finally showed great power: nearly half of the enemy ships were irradiated to death by their “name”.

In combat, I saw how the Radiance Light Ring cooperates with other ships, and how powerful this cooperation will be once formed: other types of spaceship artillery are fully opened, only to deal with the enemy ’s shield, once the enemy shield is extinguished Immediately turn the fire, and no longer waste extra firepower on those annoying charged armor, and Radiance Light Ring is the last link of the “fire chain”, they do not fire at all times, only waiting for reap those enemies who have lost their shields. Originally, a Greek spaceship can still rely on charged armor to continue fighting after losing its shield, but in the face of such unreasonable things as the “terrorist mirror system”, the spaceship that originally had fighting strength is as vulnerable as paper.

If the protection of an spaceship is regarded as consisting of shield and armor, then as soon as Radiance Light Ring appears on the battlefield, the armor protection of the signify enemy has been cleared.

What is it called: big move, no heads left, no blood left head dogs … I know there is a problem with the grammar of this sentence, but it is mainly for rhyme.

The defensive fleet over the Sovereignty Hub was swept away. Fallen Apostles ’s last line of defense on the Universe also collapsed. Of course, the two black artificial planets were also equipped with anti-aircraft guns, but these weak anti-aircraft firepower obviously are Enough to read.

The enemy is still trying to find a way to send reinforcements to this World. The fighting will and stubborn spirit of Fallen Apostles are really in the same vein as Xiling Apostle, but the troops we stayed outside the World barrier have done their job well: they are deployed around this Universe The powerful interference environment prevented the enemy ’s reinforcements from being delivered over time. Now that the dust has settled, they will never come over.

Shandora looks at the picture of the sovereign hub from the external monitor. The two dark man-made planets are still quietly operating in their own orbits. Although the surroundings ’s space fortress and defense fleet have been cleared, the planet itself is equipped with It ’s a powerful shield, so it ’s still intact, but no matter how powerful the shield is, it ca n’t bear the imperial volley of the imperial fleet, destroying them is just a matter of moments, and as long as these two artificial planets are destroyed, the enemy ’s World The door will stop.

We are still not sure where Fallen Apostles hid the World gate. The gate seems to have been hidden by some powerful hiding technology, but we can be sure that the gate ’s control center is on those two planets. Above-this is determined by the sensor to scan.

“It really is a damage definition system … All secondary guns and assault fleets are ready to make volleys and push EOP03 onto the projected orbit,” Shandora ordered without much thought. “This World is ours.”

at this moment I suddenly remembered something and hurriedly shouted aside: “Wait! There is something on the sovereign hub!”

Shandora looked at me puzzled: “What’s going on?”

“We found some very strange logs in the fortress host. The log mentioned that there is more information on the independent database of the sovereign hub,” I quickly told Shandora of the situation I found before, “About the internal disturbance of Fallen Apostles this time ——The civil strife has affected the border defense. The things recorded here should be able to calculate the situation of the abyss sideways. ”

“Planet bombing saves time, the enemy will soon connect the gate of World,” Shandora frowned, “at this moment will have no time to slowly occupy two planets …”

“It’s not easy? Leave it to me.” Xiao Xue’s voice came from behind. As soon as I turned my head, I saw the bear kid pointing on the Hologram image in front of me. She was in the sovereignty hub. A small place is marked on a planet, “Do n’t use EOP03, just use Xinghe to plow the land, do n’t blow this place.”

…… This kid is quite flexible with his ability application.

Shandora nodded, delivered the coordinate marked by Xiao Xue to the fleet, and then issued an orbital bombing order.

Because the damage definition system is used over the Sovereignty Hub, the powerful mighty galaxy main gun is very weak against this shield. Our first round of bombing was done by each fleet of secondary guns and a large number of small warships. The powerful planetary shield shone violently for a moment in the face of an amazing number of artillery bombardments, and then quickly disintegrated and disintegrated, followed by the galaxy ploughing: the fully charged Xinghe main gun was swept on the earth’s crust, and a stroke was enough to cut the plate Although the two man-made planets were built according to the military fortress standard, with a sturdy structure and high-resistance shell, after all, they ca n’t carry such an astonishing number of Eternal Level ravages. After a while, there is only one piece of molten surface The ocean of liquid metal and storm clouds filled with ghost energy.

All facilities at the Sovereignty Hub were destroyed, and Fallen Apostles ’s final control over this World also vanished.

The early warning radar confirms to point to this World Of information sources have been temporarily cut off World The fleet on the barrier also sent World The good news of the “stop barriers”, this defense is exceptionally strong World Now finally falls Empire Army In his hand, in the command hall of the Admiral to be full of Invigorating breath. Although I think the battle has just begun, there are still tough battles waiting for Myself, but still can’t help feeling a rush of excitement-but I didn’t forget the business.

“The environment below is not very friendly,” Shandora looked at the image of the sovereign hub on the Hologram projection. The two planets are now two semi-melted slags, wrapped in a layer of strong energy storm, and the galaxy plows Turning the planet into a purgatory, only the database marked by Xiao Xue survived in the form of an island, “Send two engineering ships to salvage database, assemble the space laboratory on the spot, and see the inside of Fallen Apostles What’s wrong? “

Two Heavy Armored engineering ships specially designed to operate on the battlefield were released from the empire ’s transverse arm hanger and went to the **** ocean to salvage the extremely important ’s database, a type commonly known as The special operation ship as a “beacon ship” directly launched the coordinate guide tower nearby: this set of equipment can amplify the navigation signal across Void, and now this World has been temporarily stabilized, it is also time to send the celestial system fleet and the vengeance fleet to The front line is up.

But I do n’t know if it ’s an illusion, I always feel …

This war seems to be very, very wrong, the rhythm is not right, and I have no feeling that I am about to win a big victory.

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