Xiling Empire Chapter 1478: Project

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This World sovereign hub is a man-made small galaxy. Since it is a man-made object, it is naturally not very conventional: this galaxy has no stars. It consists of a pair of dark Twin stars and they are deployed around the Twin star and are complex. A large number of space fortresses in orbit, not counting those that may be hidden in the folds of space and ready to shoot cold guns, there are currently thousands of large defensive stations that can be identified. These look like several stacked frisbees. Large space facilities are a circle larger than the Eternal Level mother ship, relying on massive drones and heavy fortress missile launchers to operate. They run on high orbits in the sovereign hub. Each space fort ’s fire coverage area is at least five more. The above fortresses cross directly, and they can be drilled without even using over-the-air firepower. These behemoths are the defense system of the sovereign hub itself. They are strong and durable, and they have great power-their drones can effectively deal with assault ships and the like. The rapid invasion troops, and the heavy fortress missiles can cause considerable damage to motherships such as Eternal Level. With this at the same time, there are some special models of to scan towers hidden in the concealed Force Field of these space fortresses. The stealth bombers we sent Almost lost because of this.

The Fallen Apostles ’s mobile units combined with these sturdy space bunkers formed an additional line of defense for the sovereign hub. The enemy fleets of the three integrated regiments all gathered on the star port orbit of the pair of Twin stars, and the hard skin and strong flesh space fort intercepted Almost all the Empire Army assault ships, so the enemy fleet can be shrunk behind the defense line and use the main gun to safely draw against us.

The dazzling beam of the main gun of the Galaxy will frequently illuminate the deep and dim space. The imperial fleet is facing the enemy ’s defense line at a distance of more than 1.2 million kilometers from the sovereign hub. I think I have to announce now Not so good news:

I underestimated the defense of Fallen Apostles ’s Battlestar ability. These stupid space facilities are almost as hard as the golden turtle shell of Ilson! In addition, Fallen Apostles also installed a large number of shield push towers and amplifiers around each Battlestar. These amplifiers have no other function, they are constantly manufacturing mothership-level shields, and they surround the together to produce similar joint shields. The effect is that each space fortress is equivalent to being protected by a joint shield. It is difficult for the Galaxy main gun to shake it. Only the fleet salvo can overload these fortresses in seconds.

However, the enemy has laid thousands of such fortresses over their sovereign hub. Even if Empire Army can clean them every second, Fallen Apostles should achieve the purpose of delaying time.

Not to mention that their main force fleet has now shrunk behind the defense line formed by these fortresses, and we have to deal with those guys after we have cleaned the fortresses on the high-level tracks-I am afraid that by then the quantity advantage of Empire Army will not be What’s left.

Our initial combat plan was as follows: rush into the abyss with sufficient troops, and then capture an World as soon as possible, and wait for the battlefield to stabilize before sending the celestial system fleet and the Shandora’s revenge fleet from the empire to use the celestial system The fleet began to expand the front for the outpost, and this last point is particularly important, otherwise how could the legions we are carrying now sweep across the abyss zone.

If you cannot get rid of this World sovereignty hub as soon as possible, the whole plan will be stuck.

“It seems that we picked a piece of bone that was not very good to eat, which is really bad luck,” Shandora whispered, frowning. “This Universe should be a fortress World. It must be an important node on the Fallen Apostles border, maybe even Defense headquarters of other Universe. “

“Think about the good side, we can open a bigger gap by knocking this place down,” I want to give Shandora some psychological comfort, “Look at the number of heartbreaking Battlestars, below Sovereignty hub is definitely an important node, maybe there is a key to other Universe-just like our key World that can directly lead to capital city, as long as this place is knocked down, how much time can we save … “

Before I finished talking, I saw a glare flashing on the Hologram projection in the center of the command hall, followed by a shock at the foot.

“What happened just now?” Shandora immediately asked, and the voice of Bubbles’ replied on the shipboard broadcast: “One third of the enemy’s fortress used a heavy missile to give us a round of salvo, but fortunately the joint shield is strong , Only some of the nodes are overloaded, no big problem. “

“Could those fortresses be special models?” Shandora looked at the space structures on the Hologram projections with a stack of discs. “In such a fierce exchange of fire, they can still save fire and secretly prepare a salvo … … “

“Attention, the drones are approaching!” The early warning radar issued Warning again. As soon as I looked up, I was seeing small aircraft flying over the enemy ’s space fortress. These aircraft were slightly smaller than the individual combat aircraft. Small, like a rugby with four pairs of swept wings, they rushed out of the upper catapult nests of each Battlestar, and looked like a swarm of bees preparing to go out for a carnival. They kept flying during the flight. Accelerating in a short-range jump, and immediately approached the Empire Fleet, and then began to bomb our joint shield in the same way.

Those space fortresses have high-speed processing plants. They can manufacture a batch of such suicide drones every ten minutes. The suicide drones are not equipped with any weapons. They only have a group of amazingly efficient equipment and full stomachs. The cheap and annoying little devil is very fragile. Basically, any type of anti-aircraft firepower can kill them, but its huge number and wave of birth speed are very headaches.

Not to mention that their power to explode on the combined shield is not weak at all.

The frontier-class fortress ships located outside the fleet opened their air defense armor belts. The dense anti-aircraft guns began to fire crazy at these little devil. The expedition-class warships deployed a large number of alert turrets on the flanks, in order to intercept these as much as possible. Endless self-explosive drones, at the same time various mother ships also opened their carrier hangars, assault ships and individual fighters began to rush out in groups to clean these dangerous self-explosive, these overwhelming small explosions Thousands of surges were spurred on the united shield, so that the external monitors became blurred under strong interference. However, although the self-explosive drones are annoying, they are too fragile. In addition, the Empire Army‘s air defense firepower is abundant, and this wave of attacks has not caused us much damage after all.

However, after this batch of self-explosive drones were cleaned up, those Battlestars had already produced the second batch of drones … so they circulated again, endlessly.

It is likely that the second round of heavy bastion missiles came with the second batch of drones.

“It ’s not a way to pull a saw like this,” Empire Army, whose didn’t expect has a numerical advantage, will be dragged down by Fallen Apostles ’s tower defense tactics, and its brows are almost as similar as those in China. If it ’s time for the reinforcements to arrive, we should have arrived … We still have several fleets to send here in the Imperial District waiting for. What if the bridgehead ca n’t be beaten? “

“You must find a way to take those fortresses offline … Fallen Apostles‘s biggest reliance is now on those things,” Shandora also frowned. She looked at those fortresses and quickly queried on her data terminal, Then suddenly connected to the Sixth Fleet, “Vincent, do you know any weaknesses in those fortresses?”

At the beginning of the formation of the Sixth Fleet, it was an “expert force” dedicated to combating Fallen Apostles. A considerable part of its high-level Commander and combat advisors were Fallen Apostles, and Vincent Carlo was naturally among them.

“This type of fortress was designed by the original chief technician Occam personally. It is very different from the Old Empire model, and after Occam ’s death, these forts were improved many times by his successor, so now We do n’t know what aspects they have evolved in, ”Vincent ’s face appeared on the communicator.“ However, their general framework should not be improved much. The most significant change between these fortresses and the Old Empire model is the cancellation. In addition to all the Youneng artillery, the empty gun seats were changed into heavy missile silos. In addition, Occam also restructured them internally. The extra effective space is equipped with new models of UAV production lines and Missile assembly line … “

“Missile assembly line?” Shandora raised an eyebrow, “Even the heavy missiles it launched were processed on site in the fortress?”

“Yes,” Vincent nodded, “It has two sets of ammunition supply methods, one is a conventional over-the-air bomb chain, and the ammunition is transferred from the ammunition repository through space-time transmission, and the second set is production. The facility continuously assembles missiles on-site at a relatively low speed, so even if they are shielded from their over-the-air supply, these fortresses will always have ammunition available-just to reduce the launch efficiency a little bit. “

“No wonder they can save the firepower of the missile volley in addition to the fierce battle, more launchers, more ammunition supply, cancel the artillery design, comprehensively enhance the power of the missile … that Occam is really dead No one is safe, “Shandora’s‘s mouth twitched slightly,” This must be available, there is no perfect weapon on World … Vincent, you said these fortresses have no artillery, in other words their attack speed and close defense ability Will it be low? “

“The attack speed is indeed affected. Without high-speed turrets, it is difficult to attack quickly by relying on heavy missile launchers,” Vincent nodded, “but the near-defense ability has not dropped much. Occam used massive drones to make up. Due to the lack of high-speed turrets, the defense ability of these drones is also very strong. Now those fortresses are actively attacking with drones, but if the Empire Army assault troops are close to those forts, these drones will instantly switch to the defense state They are not weaker than anti-aircraft artillery positions. We have tried this just now, and the assault troops cannot get close to the Battlestar. “

“Those drones require a 10-minute production cycle,” Shandora raised an eyebrow. “As long as you can clean up all the drones produced in a round in ten minutes, those forts will have defense gaps. “

“It’s a” near defense gap “, your majesty.” Vincent corrected it very carefully, and everyone must have forgotten that the Carlos are language obsessive-compulsive disorder.

“Okay, it’s close to the defense gap,” Shandora waved indifferently, “Now we have found a breakthrough point, Vincent, talk about your suggestions, if you can break through the fort’s near defense circle, how can you make these Big guy temporarily abolished? “

Vincent thought about it very seriously, and only then came lifts the head: “your majesty, we can consider temporarily taking these fortresses offline. This planetary defense facility is running automatically, controlled by the fortress host, and these hosts use It is a distributed network. Each fortress host can be regarded as the host of the planetary defense circle. at the same time is also a terminal. All fortress hosts are all level in the entire defense system-that is, the highest command host is canceled. This design was originally designed to improve the survival of the planetary defense circle ability, because there is no highest command host, so it will not cause all the fortresses to get out of control due to the destruction of the control center, no matter how many distributed hosts we destroy, its remaining calculations are all It can always guarantee the operation of the planetary defense circle, but this distributed network has a flaw: although it cancels the highest command host, it still needs a ‘source’ that can issue the highest command. This ‘source’ can be polluted. ”

Shandora showed an interesting look: “This‘ source ’does not actually exist, right?”

“Yes, it is something like a protocol package, which is widespread in the entire planetary defense system network,” Vincent nodded, “Each bastion host has this protocol installed. When the bastion group needs to fight externally At the time, they use a random host as the highest command source and rely on a series of complex forwarding methods to achieve coordinated action of the entire network. When the bastion where the random host is located is destroyed, the network will immediately generate a new host to make up Vacancy. This process is also designed by Occam, theoretically is foolproof. “

theoretically,” Shandora smiled. “Most of theoretically‘s things can be broken through. So, do you have a way to terminate these fortress forwarding attack plans?”

Vincent pointed to his chest: “high-level general under Harlan your majesty, and Harlan your majesty was one of the great warlords in the abyss area. We used to have many such fortresses, and we know that it ’s stop secret. Spoon. “

I was suddenly surprised: “Is these things still equipped with brakes?”

“It’s not a brake, it’s a stop key,” Vincent corrected me particularly seriously. “Every weapon should be insured. Of course, this kind of automatic and powerful defensive bunker must also have it. Stop key. You can shut down all bastion hosts for maintenance systems or upgrade the network protocol. “

At this time, another violent shock came from below: the enemy’s Battlestar once again bombarded the Empire Army‘s joint shield with heavy missiles. As in the previous case, the enemy ’s attack cannot break the Empire Army, and in turn, it is difficult for us to destroy the sovereign hub in a short time. This shock once again made everyone aware that the current sawing situation must be broken. Shandora sees A look at Vincent on the communicator: “Then there is one last question-you have left the Fallen Apostles camp for a long time, how can you ensure that this key can still be used? If I am the chief of defense of Fallen Apostles, once a key officer like you In the hands of the enemy, the first thing to do is to reset all the host passwords on the defense line. “

Vincent smiled confidently: “Of course they will reset these keys, but the subordinates are sure to crack it. The subordinates have worked with Occam for many years, and were originally responsible for managing these space fortresses. Know the calculation rules of this set of keys. And cracking the key is not the hardest part-the most difficult thing is to know which part of the defense system this key works in, and it is clear to the subordinates. “

“It’s not difficult to match keys, but to find keyholes …” Shandora nodded, “You have to sneak into those fortresses to hack them out, right?”

“There is no other way,” Vincent replied. “We have lost the ability that controls the equipment in the abyss zone through the mental network. The only feasible solution is to enter the inside of the space fortress. Just crack one, distributed The network will take care of the rest. “

“Okay, this plan is feasible,” Shandora stood up, and then frowned at the space fortresses that had begun to release the UAV group. “The trouble is those drones … The big spaceship ca n’t bear the fortress. Missiles, the small spaceship can’t withstand the drone group, and all drones must be eliminated within ten minutes to find the neutral gear to send people in. Vincent, if you rush, I am afraid that your people will not be able to get through. “

I heard next to it. Now, I ca n’t find the opportunity to intervene in those professional things before. at this moment finally talked about the part where he threw his arms up and desperately. I knew that it was time for me to go out. My big Void family did not have it. Is this a motto: open a big one in case of trouble, or send a tower indefinitely … should this be considered a tower now?

Oh, this statement does n’t seem very lucky …

“I **** the expert over,” I took a step forward and patted the shoulder of Shandora’s. “You certainly can’t find a bodyguard that is more resistant to beating than you. In the first few minutes, you desperately wiped out the drone, waiting for those little ones. When the number of gadgets was about the same, I personally escorted Vincent ’s people in the past. Such a big battlefield, such a big space, I do n’t believe what it can be difficult to send people to the past. “

Shandora glanced at me, and she was trying to persuade something, but she quickly remembered my usual habit of dumping herself, and in the end, she said nothing, but squeezed my hand hard: “Thousands Be careful, as soon as you do n’t make a breakthrough, you will immediately withdraw, and we ca n’t use this conventional method to break this line of defense … It ’s just a long time. I do n’t want to go out of your way, let me go back and watch tens of thousands of years waiting for you Article Resurrection … “

I patted Shandora’s hands with a smile: “Relax, I am a miracle man, give it to me here, I will definitely come back alive, after the battle is over, we will …”

I just said halfway, and Xiao Xueteng skipped next to her, and she jumped up and down with my mouth pressed hard: “Dad, can you be so bad! Void Creature can’t be dead … “

Me: “…”

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