Xiling Empire Chapter 1471: Toss

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Although God Clan is also monitoring the movement of Fallen Apostles, after all, it is quite difficult to perform remote detection in Void, and the abyss area is not bordered by the star field, so it is often the first to learn that Fallen Apostles is still moving. ——For example now.

Father God saw the expression on my face changed, and immediately guessed what was going on: “Why? Is it the situation in your hometown?”

Fallen Apostles seems to be moving, and this time it’s coming towards the Empire District,” I got up and flew towards the exit. “It seems that this time I have to go back in advance.”

Father God and I soon left the God’s Domain “base”, and then encountered Icetis in the central square of the magnificent shrine. It seemed that it was Lily who just woke up and was hanging out outside, and just from Della came out of the highest Goddess of Life hall. Of course, Bing Da Bing Ma also joined them in daughter|girl.

When I saw Icetis, I rushed up like a hungry tiger, grabbing my arm and swaying hard: “Chen! Hurry and take the concubine!”

My head was panicking, but when I was so shocked by Sister Bing, I suddenly forgot to panic. I looked at the ice dad and ice mom behind her, and then looked at a miserable female hooligan. A sweat came out: “I said you don’t need to use such exaggeration, but your parents …”

“The concubine would rather have bought it from their own furniture …” Icetis‘s tragic face, “nagging all night.”

Bing Da Bing Bing Ma looked at her daughter|girl and still smiling next to her, the old couple’s faces were all reassuring, Bing Mama also poked Bing Dad’s arm whispering, “I said that These two have a door, you can see that the girl is really under pressure … “

Ice Daddy nodded his head with great agreement, Icetis was flustered and finally jumped up: “I ca n’t pass this day! Mom and dad, you are dealing with you as a secret agent daughter|girl-I really buy furniture for you Did you give it? “

I put Icetis aside first, let her and her living treasure father and mother continue to make trouble, and then I turned to Lily Na. This black Loli is purely public travel. Since yesterday, she has been wandering between several shrine in the magnificent court, because Father God’s acquiesced and no one stopped her. As a result, I did n’t see this guy all night I don’t know where she spent the night yesterday.

“We have to go back in advance,” I patted Lily Na’s head, “Fallen Apostles has another movement, this time the goal seems to be the Empire District. This group of guys are holding a trick contest to death or what, I am afraid that the Empire and God Clan Won’t they work together against them … By the way, where did you go last night? “

Lily Na rubbed eyes, and then wiped her face on my pants: “Sometimes I came out to visit, I went to the dark shrine.”

I grabbed the girl ’s ear by the way: “You visit the dark shrine of a life **** system to visit and say who believe it! You might as well say you go to Radiant Temple, at least I can believe you are learning photosynthesis Of. “

Lily Na grabbed my ears and jumped there: “Boss Mingjian Boss Mingjian! I learned to cook in the past, I heard that the dark gods are all good craft …”

I: “… You might as well say that you are going to join in the fun!”

Fortunately, I have something to do now, and I do n’t have time to suppress this pseudo-Loli that does n’t have four or six, otherwise she will not be able to do anything for a long time in the basket. I squeezed Lily Na ’s face, and caught the Della flying over here, and then raised my head to the direction of the father shrine and looked around: “There is one less person, how about the small lamp? Not coming out? I called her for a long time. “

When Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, the little girl ran out of the gate of shrine as soon as the voice fell … It seems that it was n’t that it ran out, it came out riding a little black cat, and Nizi was still riding on the back of Cindy Ya In the past, the face of cold in manner was always ecstatic, and Cindy Ya, who turned into a black cat, carried a Doll girl and flew all the way to the side. The two bear children are considered a combination. It’s just that this combination is still a bit uncoordinated: Little Doll is even smaller than she is more than ninety centimeters tall. Even if she sits down, she is bigger than the little black cat that Cindy Ya turned into. She rides on the black cat, the Gothic dress Pulling down almost completely covered Cindy Ya, only a kitten’s head was exposed, so at first glance, I almost thought that Little Doll was sliding on the ground with her legs crossed, and there was a hair on her skirt. Plush cat toy …

The combination of two bears and children ran to the front of the blink of an eye. I stepped forward and grabbed the back collar of Little Doll and picked her up and hugged her in my arms: “Isn’t it that you can’t bully the younger sister.”

The little black cat on the spot on the ground turned into a humanoid figure, and his face was as cheerful as Little Doll: “Not bullying or bullying-I feel very fun. Katie always sleeps in the morning, at this moment always No one plays with me. “

Little Doll crawled cleverly onto my shoulder, and found that not far away was Uncle Kuvain, and quickly changed the shoulder a little further away, and finally held my head and shook it hard: “Fool, so soon I only stayed for two days after leaving Ah?! “

I patted the little girl ’s legs with a little surprise: “Aren’t you usually not interested in anything? How did you turn this time?”

Little Doll pointed at Cindy awkwardly: “This guy is funny, why didn’t I find it before …”

“Few people can usually play with Cindy Ya,” Father God smiled gently beside him. “Except for Katie, there is no child like Cindy Ya on the Glorious God Court, the two little brat of really didn’t expect The tempers are pretty much the same. “

I shrugged my shoulders half as much as Parkinson ’s late period (the other side was sitting on Little Doll, not daring to move): “There are not many people who can usually play with this girl, her temper is full of thorns, didn’t expect finally found a playmate today. ”Then I slightly asked my little **** my shoulder:“ Will you stay? Anyway, God’s Domain and shadow space are directly connected. Once space gate is opened, it will be enough to prepare for an hour. , Then you can go home by yourself. “

Little Doll really thought about it for a while, then shook my head by pulling my hair: “No.”

I noticed that she said “no” instead of “unwilling”. I realized that this little brat is actually very delicate and curious: “What’s wrong?”

“This portal is connected to the capital and God’s Domain. It is a special channel for official business. You ca n’t just open the door just to come over and play,” Little Doll said very seriously. “I heard Xiao Xue said that I will build one in the future. More convenient public access, I will use it again at that time. “

I was particularly surprised and turned my head hard to look at the little brat on my shoulder: “…… When are you so sensible?”

As soon as I said this, I felt terrible. Sure enough, the little **** her shoulder was suddenly furious. She hugged my head and pulled it out. The whole square with a loud voice was heard: “How come I do n’t Be sensible! I wo n’t be sensible anymore! What if I do n’t get sensible! “

I was shouting while holding Doll ’s younger sister ’s arm: “The meaning of your last sentence has completely changed.”

Little Doll squeezed the last sentence and continued to draw my head: “What do you care about grammar! What do you care about grammar! What do you care about grammar!”

This little girl’s three-stage tsukkomi/ridicule is really becoming more and more perfect.

It took me a long time to calm down the little **** my shoulders, and I said that everyone has been growing up in these years. At that time, the self-willed bad temper Doll has now become general, and then I looked up and embarrassed Father God He smiled and smiled: “I laughed and laughed.”

Father God looked at us happily and nodded with an expression of “I understand” on his face: “It’s okay, I think of Katie when I was a kid … Then that’s it, you go back and deal with your own affairs If the situation is serious, let me know here immediately. If Fallen Apostles really intends to hit hard now … I ’m afraid we ’ll have to do it in advance. “

I took a look at Father God: “It stands to reason that they should n’t die like this … In short, you ’re prepared first. I know that the expedition ca n’t be delayed, but if the situation really gets worse, you ’re also a little bit mentally prepared: the lunatics It ’s never logical to act. ”

“I naturally understand it.” Father God nodded, and the portal on the at the same time square has also been debugged, and a direct channel to Shadow City has been opened. I took the Icetis that I had just been trained by my father and mother and now I am full of bitterness and hatred. I also picked up the Lily and clipped it to the armpit, and walked into the portal like a personal coat rack. .

Shandora has indeed led people to wait on the square outside the World tree shrine. As soon as I came out, I saw her and Seves standing side by side, with Onee-sama and many headquarters behind her. high-level officers, of course, there are other people in the family. I took off the two little girls hanging on my body and put them on the ground, quickly walked to Shandora: “What’s the situation?”

“I still do n’t know if it ’s an enemy attack. The movement of Fallen Apostles is very, very weird.” The expression on Shandora ’s face is something I ’ve never seen before, and it ’s a little serious and a little confused, but it ’s more Can’t laugh or cry, “They seem to be … drawing wind.”

“Drawing wind?” When I first saw such a serious topic on Shandora‘s face, it looked like he was crying and laughing. “How is the drawing wind? Are they dancing with a horoscope?”

“Can’t you bear the tsukkomi/ridicule for such a serious matter?” Lin Xuehu walked by the side and gave me a small punch, “Fallen Apostles has taken the wind, and some future clips I have seen are also taking the wind, this The situation seems to be related to something with a huge time span. In short, it is can do nothing about it accurate prediction. Are you tired? If you are not tired, let ’s go directly to the headquarters. You can see what ’s going on if you look at it yourself. ”

Before I even spoke, the next Icetis shouted with his arms outstretched: “I’m tired, I’m tired, and I’m in a marathon. I can’t get a long way from God’s Domain …”

“The body is sluggish,” I turned my head and glared at Icetis. “It took a total of three and a half seconds to send it over. Three of these seconds are still wasted when you have to tidy up your hairstyle at the door. Hurry up and do n’t forget You are also named Empire Military Officer. “

“This Nima is wearing a patriarch’s polished name, and the concubine is really selling her body to the empire.” Icetis mumbled, but still kept up with the big army honestly.

An Weina went home with Little Doll first, and the group quickly came to the headquarters.

In the largest warfare conference room, everything is ready: high-level staff and the lieutenant generals above in Shadow City are all present. Bubble serves as the host of the warfare meeting to provide data support online online, and the multi-ring conference table A small Hologram equipment is prepared in front of each seat. The above shows complex charts and a visualized Void color chart. We waited for everyone to be in place, and Shandora told Syvis nodded standing in the middle of the room: “You talk about the situation first.”

Sieves activated the Hologram device located in the center of the room, and immediately appeared in the air a large picture like a floating color block: this is a schematic diagram of the Void pattern, I have seen it many times, it ca n’t Really describe the appearance of Void (because Void has no appearance at all), but it is still very convenient to use it to visually display the pattern of Void.

“This is the Empire District,” Sieves pointed to the light blue area on the schematic, and then to the large dark red patches outside the light blue area and the slightly paler gold area, “This is the abyss area, Finally, this is God’s Domain. This schematic is based on the latest update of Void to scan. Except for a slight offset of individual Universe, it is basically quite accurate. “

The screen on the Hologram projection flashed afterwards. The “distance” section of the Empire and Abyss areas was enlarged, and there were a lot of dense footnotes and small color marks. Sieves pointed to the part located in the abyss area. : “This is the first anomalous assembly of the frontline troops of the Abyss Independence Regiment to death to scan, and the Fallen Apostles fleet of about four to six regiments suddenly assembled in the border area.”

I owe my body forward: “Heavy soldiers hold the edge, isn’t this the preparation for war?”

“I thought the same way at first,” Shandora shook his head next to him, “but I just wanted to deploy the army to prepare for the fight, and the enemy suddenly ran to other places.”

My tone couldn’t help rising: “Running somewhere else?”

“The specific situation is yet to be ascertained,” Sieves explained. “Our spy force cannot be too close to the abyss zone, so even if there is a detached garden system to assist them from the side, it is difficult to fully see the abyss zone What is happening. Now it can only be determined that this group of enemy forces that are gathering at the border suddenly shifted to … a number of different information deviation directions, and at the beginning they were also determined that they were going to withdraw to the hinterland of the abyss zone, but these fleets soon signaled Just spread out, chaotic. “

The movement in Void is measured by “information offset”, modify its own information index, and approach other orderly targets by increasing the similarity of information characteristics between itself and the destination, which is what Void ” The only way to move. The information offset can be regarded as the “moving distance”, and the information offset direction is a little more complicated. It has nothing to do with the real “direction”. This is a visual statement, and only if there is a reference system. Established. If the target’s transition in Void is a group behavior (that is, it and all the units that are transitioning at at the same time are moving towards the same target), then it does not have any “information offset direction”.

These concepts are for easy understanding of what Sieves said-of course, I guess many people should be more dizzy after seeing them.

The fleet of Fallen Apostles was inexplicably assembled, and then scattered inexplicably. Such unusual behavior naturally reminds people of the fact that they stormed the territory of God Clan a few days ago-the common point is that the nerves are abnormal.

“Did you just change the action plan just before the war and found that the death was too serious so it was withdrawn?” Onee-sama tried to say his own ideas, but Shandora did not agree with it: “It is unlikely Let ’s not talk about whether such a battle plan of this scale can be such a joke, even if it is a troop withdrawal, they should not be so messy. Harlan, you have experience, talk about your views, this time the sudden assembly and the sudden withdrawal of troops to the end What’s going on? “

Harlan is one of the three genuine Emperors of the empire who is in charge of the empire (not to mention whoever is not in the office and who ca n’t do anything, right?), Nowadays more and more important affairs are undertaken, except for leading the empire on the abyss side In addition to the army, building the Abyss Independent Regiment, and assisting all research projects related to the Abyss and Fallen Apostles, he is also responsible for serving as the most senior Fallen Apostles consultant and the highest staff for various military operations in the abyss zone. What is there to meet Fallen Apostles For the weird behavior, it is definitely the most wise to consult with Harlan.

But this time even the expression on Harlan ’s face was extremely confused: “To be honest, I ’m really puzzled this time … I ca n’t see what they want to do, and ca n’t remember which one in Abyss Empire. The behavior of Emperor is such a non-adjustable style. First of all, I can be sure that this is definitely not a normal military transfer: there is no problem with the initial army assembly, but the later army is obviously messy when it is withdrawn. Several large troops are retreating crosswise, and some troops still retreat. It may have been mixed in the process of withdrawing inland, not to mention Xiling Apostle, even the ordinary race Commander should not make the situation like this? And according to the telemetry information sent back by the front-line investigators, there are two small troops at the border The area ran back and forth several times, neither patrolling nor serving any military purpose, but completely without head flies. “

Xiao Xue also sat in the military officer ’s seat under the name “How many will be an high-level Commander in the future”, and she mumbled at at this moment: “On the scene of the operation, the person responsible for dispatching was put in the military court enough to kill two weeks of worship. . “

I glanced at Xiaoxue on the officer ’s bench. The other party spit out his tongue at this side, and I glanced at Lin Xue outside a seat beside me, and asked in a small voice, “How about these troops? Can’t you see things clearly? “

“This interference is too strong, don’t expect it,” Lin Xue spread his hands, “You don’t look at Void, I want to be able to see it, what’s the use of the world garden.”

“Apart from this assembly and withdrawal, does Fallen Apostles have any other weird behaviors?” I looked up at Seves.

“Yes,” Sieves pressed nodded, “They repeated this process again after thirty minutes …”

I was suddenly stunned, and after a while I scolded: “I’m relying on! Is this the Chinese New Year?”

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