Xiling Empire Chapter 1453: Message

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“This is a blank spaceship,” Shandora looked at the dim and slanted abandoned corridor, and said in a low voice that was almost self-talking, “There is no place of ownership, no number, even no military emblem … Who made this thing? “

Under the reminder of Shandora’s, I also noticed the weirdness of the details of this spaceship: we have been advancing in its outer corridor for more than ten minutes, and we have not seen any information along the way that explains where this spaceship belongs. , Did not even see anything with the device model and device code. There is no attribution information to explain one or two, maybe this spaceship is a multi-day area joint manufacturing, or its attribution is marked elsewhere, but even those devices embedded in the corridor have no model information, which is not normal Now,

“Don’t think about so many first, move on.” Shandora shook his head and put this question aside for the time being. After all, we only explored a small corridor of this ghost ship. It is too early to draw any conclusions. Too.

A group of people continued to walk along the corridor leading to the inner layer of spaceship. surroundings is still free of gravity and air, and there is no light. The alloy walls that should have been shining brightly now look lifeless. The quiet energy flow and the flashing equipment have been completely silent. Because the age is old, a light layer of dust is suspended in the corridor. This should be the result of weathering and crushing of something. I don’t know how long the dust has floated in a gravity-free environment. Alaya released a soft halo around herself, and the dust floating in a vacuum looked more conspicuous under the light. Lily Na looked at the dust thoughtfully and she wiped it on the wall next to it Put, then gently rub your fingers: “Organic, but it has completely denatured.”

I did n’t understand it all at once: “What do you mean?”

“Nothing, it may be that the weathering of the carbon-based biological corpse produced these ‘ashes,” Lily Na replied indifferently. “There is nothing to weather on the Empire spaceship. The shelf life of those devices is in units of 100,000 years. So the weathered can only be the crew of spaceship. The body of Xiling Apostle is as immortal as this spaceship. After being eliminated, the rest can only be the servant army. The ‘ash’ in the corridor should come from the body, there should be still here when they are weathered Air, but now the gas has run out. “

I quickly opened the shield to isolate the dust from the outside, Lily Na saw me shrugging like this: “Boss, don’t care so much, these dusts have been completely weathered and degenerated, and now basically a bunch of large molecules Now. “

I think about it too, but my face is still uncomfortable: “Why does this association make people feel uncomfortable?”

“Boss, you are hypocritical.”

Me: “…”

This corridor is longer than the previous one, and it may be because it is located in the damaged part of spaceship. It looks a little skewed, and even has an abnormal curvature in the middle, but it is always intact. The cracking did not break, which did not cause us more trouble. A group of people moved quickly along the passage, and this time they paid attention to any potentially useful markers, but it was exactly the same as Shandora said, and they could not see anything that could indicate the information of spaceship, and the equipment installed in the corridor There is no sign on it.

We stopped before the second fork. The fork was T-shaped, and there was a clearly openable embedded device cover on the alloy wall facing everybody when it came, about half a meter square, I judge from experience that it should be the prosecution point of these corridors. Lily Na stepped forward and knocked on the silver-gray metal plate. Of course, the embedded device that lost energy supply could no longer respond to this external stimulus, so Shandora stepped directly into the edge of the metal plate and pulled it hard. Unloaded.

After removing the cover plate, a dim crystallized grid and two hexagonal crystal panels that look no different from black quartz are displayed. The original interactive display will be automatically displayed after the cover is opened. Of course, there is no way to talk about Hologram images: this thing has completely lost its energy supply.

Shandora put her hand on one of the crystal panels. After she input energy from the outside, the panel finally released the pico blue light. Then we saw that the three corridors of surroundings also began to have a glimmer of light, as if flowing The blue light spot quickly flows into the distance in the dark channel, followed by the second and third wave spots: Shandora is using the most primitive but most effective method to detect the line of this corridor.

“The line is complete, but the energy supply is interrupted,” Shandora withdrew his hand, and the blue light spot swimming in the corridor soon disappeared. “I ca n’t find a response to the backup energy. That part may have been missing with spaceship. Have been thrown in the Void together. “

I looked at this lifeless place. The biggest difference between it and the Imperial Relic we have seen before is that it is completely “dead” and there is no sign of operation. The empire relics we found in the past often run with limited energy in limited operations, but this place ca n’t even see the sign of “limited operation”, which makes me unable to hold my breath in the spiritual connection: “It ’s really one A ‘ghost’ ship, it’s completely dead. “

“Not yet,” Shandora shook his head slightly. “Its core area should still be running. The part that provides power to the engine module and the automatic navigation system are probably working as usual, otherwise how this thing jumps in each World Jumping around? Just don’t know how long we have to go forward to find the energy-provided cabin. This spaceship has a very unusual design. I haven’t seen the architecture on which it was built until now. ”

“I still ca n’t feel the life,” Lily stared at the dark corridor next to him, muttering in the spiritual connection, “The intuition is getting stronger and stronger, there must be some interference deep in this ship. Source, that thing should always be supplied with energy. “

My at this moment is busy focusing on the whole spaceship of to scan, but I do n’t have the trick to distinguish life like Lily and Della, so what I am looking for is energy focus. After a while of to scan, I really found that there was a faint energy response more than ten kilometers away, but this response was subtle and weak, and I almost ignored them at first.

everybody has accelerated the advancement speed with spaceship core area as the target. These dead cabins on the periphery are of little exploration value, so it is left to the follow-up scouts and scientific researchers to study. We passed through a long and deep alloy passageway, over the twisted and flipped connection section, sometimes even had to use violent means to cut a hole in those passageway control gates: the ship automatically closed most of the interior in case of emergency Gates, and now these gates are stuck without exception, even if Shandora powers them externally, these gates are also difficult to start due to component failure and deformation, so we can only advance while drilling holes: Shandora’s claws are really good, she Even scratching and scratching looks like a mole, but I dared not say it in front of her.

It ’s been a long time. We passed through the dark and dead function cabins, and even crossed a large group of buildings-this tens of kilometers of spaceship, there are some large space inside. It ’s built according to the town method, but the buildings are now looking like ghost towns – finally slowly approaching the core area of ​​spaceship, I can feel the weak energy flow in the surrounding facilities, this good phenomenon makes myself feel It also made me happy: some devices are still operating normally with signify, and the Empire devices basically have self-recording function. An old device that has been operating since the Old Empire era can often reveal many secrets, so it is always found that this old antique It makes people happy.

Small Raven seems to have sensed my good mood, or it is purely fun for this novel “adventure game”, she flew happily in front of the team, and I called it in the spiritual connection. The girl had limited effect slowly. As a result, after passing through a gate, the little Raven was finally tragic: her body floating in the air suddenly sank, and then fell firmly on the ground, sliding forward in a dog-nibbling posture. 6-7 rice ……

I saw this scene in the back. Of course, I quickly flew over to rescue. As a result, when I passed the “small Raven landing point”, I also felt a sinking body. The long-lost gravity suddenly struck. Fortunately, I responded quickly. When I felt my body sinking, I adjusted my posture and stood steadily on the ground, then Shandora also fell to the ground next to us. We both watched Lily lying on the ground side by side, sliding in the same posture as the silly bird just now. Go out …

Lily Na was just busy looking for the life reaction. She did n’t even notice that the artificial gravity in front had recovered, otherwise how could the girl ’s flexibility make the same mistake as the silly bird-of course she is not ruled out It is malicious acting cute.

I stepped up and slid the Loli duo who had finished sliding, one by one, and said to Shandora in the spiritual connection: “There is artificial gravity in this place, it seems that the energy is restored here.”

“Do n’t connect with spirit,” Shandora suddenly said, “Did you find that there is air here?”

I was taken aback for a moment, and I noticed that this place can not only walk upright, but also open your mouth to breathe, and the temperature of surroundings has also rebounded: it should still be around zero degrees, which is very cold for earthling, but obviously it is The temperature for carbon-based organisms to survive. Apart from being still dark, the living environment here seems to be completely normal.

I looked at the last gate that I had just passed through. It was open and there was no obstruction, but one side of the gate maintained air pressure and temperature, and the other side was a space environment, which obviously used an invisible environment. Circle technology, this technology is very common in imperial facilities, but in most cases it is applied to the open platform exposed outside the facility, I still saw it for the first time used in spaceship: Is this The designer of the ship thought from the beginning that spaceship would be fragmented one day, so it was designed with the function of subdivision section to generate a living area?

“The layout of this place does not look like a warship, but it looks like a long-distance immigrant ship.” Shandora didn’t pay attention to the problem of the living area. She just observed the pattern here through holy light released by Alaya. everybody is now It is a large hall with no effect, but it is definitely not a place such as a strategic center and command post. There are not so many terminals and large Hologram equipment. All the seats in the hall are far apart. Decentralized distribution, this is obviously not the layout of the military command post, but more like …

An activity center for civilians to relax.

Shandora is obviously the same view. She wandered around the hall looking for any sign that could explain the origin and function of this quirky spaceship, Lily Na put Della on top of her head, the two formed a combination and started Looking for a nearby life reaction, Alaya continues to serve as a lighting device with due diligence, and I am adjusting the brightness for Alaya.

At this moment, a low voice of “Bang!Bang!Bang!” suddenly sounded from all directions, and I haven’t responded yet. What happened is that the lights in the hall suddenly turned on: The lighting in this place is restored? !

As the lighting recovers, the energy supply naturally returns to normal as well. The equipment and facilities around the hall are activated as if they were awakening from hibernation. In the low hum, the Hologram image of the appeared flashing next to the seats emerges in mid-air. The virtual information screen being started, the data terminal in the center of the hall also lights up and starts to display the standby screen. A low-pitched soft sound is heard from all directions. This sound is not like the sound of the device starting, but I do n’t know what it means to simply play the audio.

We were taken aback by the device that was suddenly activated here. Lily quickly looked around: “Where is it, where is the ghost on the ghost ship?”

I pressed this nonsense little girl ’s head, but I was also puzzled, wondering if there was any sleeping equipment in this hall that sensed our arrival and started up, but I just thought about it and listened A call came from afar, “Oh”, and looked around. It turned out that Medyvh didn’t know when it ran to a gate at the end of the hall. The little girl was waving her hand happily at this side while shouting: “Master Ga! It ’s really bright when I press this button! ”

I quickly ran over and saw that a hand of Raven was pressing on a crystal panel beside the gate, and a large amount of data was quickly swam on the wall beside the panel. After a rough scan, I found that it was all displayed. The report of the status of each section of spaceship is just like the self-check report of the ship that is automatically made after the spaceship host restarts. After a long time, the small Raven activated this place.

Shandora at this moment also rushed over to hear the sound. She saw the situation here and suddenly appeared confused: “How do you start these things, little bird?”

“Put the claws … just press it up!” Little Raven knew she had made a contribution, and she was very elated. She pointed at the crystal panel with a gesture, “I saw so many things in the city, Is n’t it just a claw … you can use it by pressing your hand on it? “

It turns out that the little Raven confuses this spaceship with the civil facilities she saw in Shadow City. The bird does n’t quite understand what the authority system is, but I can see that something is wrong: Empire The manufactured starships are all controlled by a strict permission system. The person who can start this hall must be the original master of spaceship. Why is the small Raven putting his hand on the recognizer, and this place has just started?

Know that this crystal panel is not a simple light switch, it has just fully activated the energy supply of all the equipment here, and it is now displaying the spaceship self-test report! This thing is obviously connected to the ship’s host!

When both Shandora and I are look at each other in dismay, thinking that the permission system here has failed, Lily suddenly pointed to the side and yelled: “Boss, there are words here!”

I looked in the direction of Lily Na ’s finger and found that there was a sign hanging on the gate next to it. The sign was written in the Greek language:

“The last tip: you have come to the event hall, you can rest and relax here, and follow the light instructions to find your workshop. Now press your hand on the fluorescent panel next to the door, the system has been unlocked, any wake up Anyone who comes can turn on the device here. Do n’t worry about the confusion in your mind, it ’s a normal sequelae, it will dissipate soon after the audio broadcast. ”

This brand emits a constant brilliance, it seems that it is still on even when it was completely dark, but our attention is placed elsewhere so no one can see, only the small Raven noticed and was this The brand’s light attracted me: Raven always likes shiny things.

“Someone knows we’re coming to Ga?” Little Raven shook my arm. “Leave us a ga ga?”

“No, it’s not for us,” Shandora can see at a glance what these words mean, “It’s for some people on this spaceship, ‘Anyone who wakes up’, this is for Tips for these people who wake up. Think about it, we entered this spaceship from the outside, then the messages we saw should be the last one for those who go outside from spaceship … according to this. Things, there should be other comments. “

“This is simple,” I vaguely had some thoughts, “It’s just looking backwards.”

Slightly reverse the reasoning based on the content of the sign. If someone comes out from somewhere and sees the words on the sign, and then activates the equipment in the hall, then this person may only enter the hall through the gate in front of us.

Shandora reached out and pressed the alloy door, and the alloy door slid away silently: the thing worked, and there were no restrictions.

Behind the alloy door is a bright corridor, but I do n’t know whether the light of this corridor has been on before or just activated by the small Raven, Lily has sharp eyes, she will soon look on the wall of the corridor When we arrived at another sign, it read:

“New tip: You have crossed the second corridor, in front of the event hall, press the handle on the automatic door.”

Sure enough.

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