Xiling Empire Chapter 1440: No one

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(Unconsciously, Xiling Empire has been four years from the opening of the book to the present. It is really time and time … I take this opportunity to take a day off to take a day =. = +)

A black red-coated Fallen Apostles reconnaissance ship suddenly tore space and broke into Heisenwood ’s atmosphere. The dramatic change in the situation made us a little bit stunned for a moment, but before I shot it, one from high altitude The dazzling white light suddenly cut through the night and pierced the spaceship. The white light with the color and prestige of pure and holy was obviously the Alaya who was shooting fireworks in outer space in time. When this white light penetrated the enemy ship, it caused a violent explosion. At this distance, we can clearly see that about one third of the middle section of the ship was almost exploded in two, and the streamlined hull was folded into At a weird angle, bright explosion sparks erupted throughout the tail power group. The Alaya’s attack accurately destroyed the ship’s energy stove location. This should be to prevent the spaceship from sending an alarm signal back in the first place.

The lights on the front of the reconnaissance ship and the red energy flow flickered violently twice, then gradually dimmed. The spaceship, which lost its power, began to fall slowly southeastward with the billowing smoke, and the smoke left a long trail in the sky. Long traces. A moment later, the explosion sound when spaceship was hit was transmitted here, and we waited for a while before we heard the second explosion: This is the movement when spaceship crashed.

Everyone saw this scene, and the crowd of surroundings took it for granted as goddess shot, so they cheered and boiled again, and I watched the twisted traces of the white light in the air slightly wipe the sweat: The stupid cat finally responded in time. However, this reaction is actually normal. How can Alaya be a general of Old Empire? Life intelligence is not high. Shouldn’t she delay her fighting intelligence?

Pandora, turn on full-band interference, Viska, you go outside World fragment(s) to see if there are more spaceship coming over, if there are … Leave them away, solve them elsewhere. Try not to expose your identity, use Your floating gun is done. “I specifically confessed a few words about Viska, because I know that this girl has the same violent impulse factor as her sister. When the little girl meets the enemy with a **** head, she may rush up to open the unparalleled. The new empire’s core generals appeared in the FireWire zone. This is true. As long as the intelligence of Fallen Apostles exceeds its feet, it should be wrong. They will definitely intercept all World fragment(s).

As soon as there was a fight, Viska happily set off on the spot, and Pandora released a large swarm of tiny probes like swarms from his portable space with wooden faces. These probes shimmered like a firefly. , All disappeared in front of our eyes in a blink of an eye: these are jamming transmitters, they can instantly jump to any location within a radius of 10,000 kilometers, and form a spherical jamming barrier. Now they have completely covered Heisenwood, No signal can be emitted from this planet.

This is to prevent the surviving Fallen Apostles on the reconnaissance ship. It ’s still unclear whether the spaceship just targeted or stepped in unexpectedly, but no matter what the situation is, cut it off and the enemy. The liaison of large forces is absolutely necessary.

Because most people ’s attention is in the sky, almost no one notices the strange movements on our side. The large firefly-like probe of Pandora has attracted the attention of a small group of mercenary recently, but They probably thought what is this mantra Magic, but just glanced at it and didn’t pay attention anymore. After Pandora and Viska worked hard, I called the two who were engaged in cultural propaganda through thoughts conversation: “Soa, Edwinsa, can you hear me?”

There was a little silence on the Spirit Channel. It should be that the two in the sky are not used to the situation where someone in their head suddenly talks to themselves, but after all, it ’s not average person, they reacted at once, and they knew what to say, The first one who responded to him was the voice of Sister Long, who was paralyzed: “Is Lord God?”

Then an elderly man said: “Oh! This is the first time I heard your voice, thank you for being here …”

“Okay, you do n’t have to do it,” I quickly interrupted them. “Did you see the situation just now?”

Suoya ’s voice sounded in his mind: “Ah, I saw that a beam of light knocked down the big flying thing-what is that? When I discussed with Master Alaya before, there was no such bridge Ah? Did you design it? “

“Of course not, that was an accident,” I said quickly. “Now let’s go over and check the situation. The crash site of that thing is very close to North fortress, its radiation … don’t ask what radiation is, in short As long as you know it ca n’t be touched, do n’t let anyone get close. ”

Soya and Edwinsa heard the urgent situation from my tone, and immediately agreed, and then I heard Edvinsa’s full voice from high altitude: “goddess destroyed the Demon refuge ship ! The place where the thing fell is very dangerous, please don’t come close! “

The old man really has a lot of talent: you can see this nonsense and open your mouth, what you say is true … oh, basically it is true.

“Let’s go and see the situation.” I pulled the light of outer space and led Lin Xue and Pandora to leave the mercenary camp quickly, and then sent directly to the place where the Fallen Apostles reconnaissance ship crashed.

The spaceship fell to a place less than ten kilometers away from the North fortress, but it did n’t fall on the human head after all: this is unfortunately unfortunate, I can hardly imagine such a super-radiant thing falling What is the result in the almost unprepared North fortress.

The spaceship crash zone is beside a sparse dry land forest. The whole terrain is a slightly sloping open land. Now the dry land forest has been destroyed by shock waves, and the surviving plants have also been blown into a semi-coke state by the hot wind. The second explosion that occurred during the fall of spaceship blew loose loose gravel and mud on the surface, forming a huge shallow pit with a radius of nearly 1,000 kilometers. The wreckage of the black red reconnaissance ship was inserted at the bottom of the pit at an oblique angle. Visually, about one-third of it has been buried underground. It fell to the ground from the head and toe, so the stern part almost blown up by a holy light of Alaya is still exposed in the air. That part of the wreckage is now pulled down in weakly and without strength (dispirited), and there is only one bend between the tail structure and the hull body. The metal beam is connected with the sparse main lines, and it looks as if the broken arm has only a few vascular nerves connected. Small-scale explosions in some parts of spaceship continued, thick smoke and sparks continuously spewed out from the huge crack in the stern, and the air of surroundings was filled with an unpleasant burning smell.

Fortunately, the reconnaissance ship is only a small spaceship with a length of three or four hundred meters (in the spaceship of the Xiling department, this is definitely ultra-small), if it is a larger spaceship, I am afraid that it is ten kilometers away. The North fortress simply cannot survive.

“External to scan has no life response.” Pandora looked at the spaceship wreckage with gray eyes and made a judgment.

“Are the crew dead …” I let out a little breath, but I still can’t carelessly. I have to dig in and see to understand that there is no future trouble. But when I just lifted my legs and just thought about it, I found that Lin Xue next to him was a little weird: “What’s the girl?”

“I didn’t see it,” Lin Xue’s brow furrowed, and his face was three points unwilling, but more confused. “I put the warning to the maximum, as long as it is a dangerous factor that will cause the action to fail, It will be predicted at least ten minutes before it happens, but I did not see the ship. “

Lin Xue said that I was also stunned. The raised leg was fixed in the air for two or three seconds before I remembered to put it down: Yes, we are followed by a Prophet! The biggest threat that I have to worry about in this plan is to be suddenly discovered by the Fallen Apostles reconnaissance unit. The in other words reconnaissance ship should be higher than anything in the Lin Xue’s early warning list, but until this spaceship broke into World fragment(s), Lin Xue did not Feeling threatened: Ojou-sama even froze for a while, just like us.

“Is it because of the recent irregular diet?” I touched the forehead of Ojou-sama with concern, but the other person grabbed my hand and stuffed it into his mouth: “You have eaten a bad stomach! Miss Ben Now I ’m so confused! My ability has never had this kind of failure! “

I know it ’s not a time to joke—but I did n’t joke just now. Apart from eating a bad stomach, I ca n’t think of anything else that can invalidate Lin Xue’s ability. Fallen Apostles does have a jamming device, but Lin Xue’s ability has a characteristic that is “self-diagnostic”. If she encounters interference or other forms of ability limited conditions, she can be aware of it for the first time, and obviously in the Fallen Apostles investigation Lin Xue didn’t feel any abnormality before the ship appeared.

Ojou-sama looked around a little anxiously, and then eyes suddenly fell on the wrecked spaceship wreckage, silently counting: “Three, two, one …” At the moment when her voice fell, the spaceship wreckage Suddenly there was another explosion in the abdomen, an armor plate was blown off by the explosion, and the dazzling energy spark wrapped around the broken crystallization pipeline and the molten floc spewing out of the bursting hole.

“It is no problem to predict ability, and the accuracy and sharpness are all normal.” Lin Xue whispered, it turned out that she was just doing experiments: Ojou-sama also doubted that her strength was malfunctioning.

Therefore, an irrefutable fact is placed in front of everybody: in the big pit in front is a reconnaissance ship that bypassed the Prophet warning.

“I do n’t want that much,” I thought a little, then waved my hand hard, “Girl, you continue to warn, since ability is fine, take this as a special case. Shallow, Pandora, you two go with me Look inside that boat. “

Ojou-sama flat and flat mouth, it seems a little unwilling, but still honestly stayed on the edge of the crash pit, while walking, he was still nagging: “Miss Ben has obsessive-compulsive disorder … Miss OCD … what the **** is going on? “

A few of us quickly came to the wreckage of the reconnaissance ship plunging into the ground. This thing was really struck by Alaya, the beam detonated the spaceship power furnace, and the energetic surge that followed destroyed the entire ship ’s equipment along the energy supply network, and detonated the spaceship belly weapon array, Fortunately, the part where it stores the Youneng Crystal has a perfect insurance equipment, it seems that those things have not exploded-otherwise the deadly radiation dust may trigger the ecological disaster of large scale.

The air of the wreckage surroundings was hot and had a pungent odor. The splendid sparks bursting from the broken pipe network and the particles in the air caused a continuous and complicated reaction, which caused a large area in spaceship surroundings. In an electric field-like environment, I feel that my hair is standing upright. Pandora checked the spaceship model, and quickly found its entrance-in fact, it didn’t make sense to find the entrance. The armor belt of this thing was torn apart by myself. I watched people everywhere.

The spaceship pestle that is more than three hundred meters long is actually quite large in front of it, especially when it suddenly bursts in unexpected places from time to time. If you do n’t pay attention, you will be shocked. If the energy of any high-energy equipment was not released, the explosion may further contaminate the area, so I first used my ability to calm down the surging energy of the entire ship, and the explosions around spaceship were greatly alleviated suddenly. Its charged armor also swallowed the last breath. Pandora pulled a few pieces of armor on the spaceship‘s abdomen in a very violent way: this is the passage of the person who was stuck.

We got into spaceship and followed a twisted and crooked alloy corridor all the way to the depths of the wreckage, but it was surprising that no body was found. Slightly scratched his face: “No one is looking inside.”

“Control room.” Pandora said succinctly, pointing to the last door not far in front.

I just noticed that the original corridor has reached the end. The space inside the Void reconnaissance ship is not large, and the road from the entrance to the control room is a straight line. The front is the gate of the spaceship control room. The hexagonal modular alloy door has been stuck, and the remaining energy in the locked equipment supports the Hologram image in the center of the gate. The image shows the Warning of “emergency closure / severe failure”. The door, the latter directly turned into a pile of dust and silently collapsed.

The hexagonal control room was a mess, and the explosion caused by the surging energy surge also seemed to patronize this place. Smoke and scrapped equipment and alloy fragments falling from the ceiling were everywhere. The central lighting system is offline, and there are only three or four spare lights lingering in the corner of the control room, making the scene look even more miserable. We looked around this small place. There were no corpses next to the broken and dumped seats, and the scene was weirder than expected.

I took Della out of my pocket and tapped the head of the little thing with my index finger: “Is there a life reaction here?”

Before Pandora probed once, it turned out that there were no living people in spaceship, but this time I asked Della to check again, but asked her to check if there were corpses here: the induction standards of Goddess of Life and ordinary life detectors are different. of.

Della twisted body in my hand with his head in his hands. After looking around, he shook his head: “Della did not find it, whether it was alive or once alive, it was not found.”

No driver … in other words Is this an unmanned reconnaissance ship? But the model looks different.

Although I ca n’t fully understand the model of the Empire Starship, although it is still difficult for me to see a pre-made part like Pandora or Shandora, I can tell which type of spaceship it comes from, although I do n’t know this What type of Fallen Apostles reconnaissance ship is in the armament sequence, but I can see at a glance that this is not an unmanned model-nonsense, so many chair in the control room.

Pandora looked around with gray eyes. She was using her unknown number of to scan devices to check the equipment here, and then suddenly found: “This, can be used.”

As always, a few words were spoken concisely, and she ran to a console that seemed to be completely scrapped not far away. The crystal panel of the console had burst, and a sharp metal fragment spurted from ceiling After entering the upper protective cover, Pandora removed the cover under the console and found that the thing is still good: there is no trace of scorch in the crystallization line, indicating that this device is lucky to escape the surging surge .

Pandora was tinkering there for a while, and I could n’t understand how she did it. Those dim crystal lines light up again, and then she turned her fingers into long thorns and probed into the core of the console to connect externally. Way to restart this tattered device.

The appeared severely shaken Hologram screen above the console. It took half a day to adjust the poor working equipment to focus the screen. I saw this is the interactive interface of the spaceship host. There is a row at the bottom of a red device self-test list Greek characters, I think these characters are already as proficient as their mother tongue, the content is: automatic navigation host fully autonomous mode.

“Conventional model, but unmanned.” Pandora retracted the puncture needle, and the console flashed a few times before being completely scrapped.

“What is Fallen Apostles sending an unmanned reconnaissance ship to do?” I was relieved but puzzled, “And the special drone should also be sent. The conventional unmanned mode of spaceship is just Used for navigation. “

As soon as I finished asking, I found that what I asked was really wasteful: now there are two people around me, one is Pandora who only knows how to maintain the World nuclear level with the cannon barrel, and the other is not doing business except to write about this tour Superficial, who do you think is a strategist?

In short, after checking it again, we confirmed that there was really no one in the ship, and even the operating system was locked in a simple automatic navigation mode. The communication recorder of the reconnaissance ship was also found later, and Pandora read it. There is no record of any returned information in the storage unit, which means that the reconnaissance ship has not reported the police to the Fallen Apostles base camp. Everything seems to be a false alarm. Our plan is not exposed. However, we only know that it does not work. I am now I just want to know what this ship is for … I am also obsessive-compulsive disorder!

We came out with fog all over our heads, and Lin Xue immediately ran happily: “Yo, you guys come out, what’s inside?”

“There is no ghost shadow,” I sighed a long time, “spaceship is automatically navigated in, there is no communication record.”

Lin Xue exhaled: “Well … as I predicted, I just sorted out the whole operation just now, and decided that it was a great success in the end. This boat has zero impact on the whole operation … … what is going on here? “

“You ask me who do I ask?” I shrugged and then contacted Viska, “Viska, how is your situation?”

Viska is still waiting for a fight in the Void transition zone on the edge of World fragment(s). at this moment grumbled regretfully: “Brother, there is nothing here, no enemies are chasing, no detectors, no suspicious targets There is only a small group of shredded stones. It may be that when the World was torn, a small planet band was sucked in and shredded. So boring, I am using stones to build house. “

I: “… come back, let’s go home.”

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