Xiling Empire Chapter 1391: Second detector

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Since entering the energy zone of this huge platform, I have kept moving in a generally upward direction, and now I have crossed the unrecognizable two-thirds of the journey, and finally found a clue that may be related to the accident: a Appearing inconspicuously broken holes in the isolation gate of the energy compartment.

This gate is a spare exit to the connecting passage in the middle section. According to the platform structure diagram, it should be a huge vertical corridor behind it. in other words is actually installed on the “ceiling”, but the original one There are independent heavy Force Field everywhere in the platform, and now this area is not heavy Force Field at all, it is of course meaningless whether a door is installed on the roof. I walked through the hole in the gate, and the opposite view was completely unpredictable: the corridor had been torn into a tattered look, and through the fierce cracks, the huge mechanical structure that was originally encapsulated could be directly seen. The equipment and pipe network immersed in the sea of ​​quiet energy are “burning” silently, and the “lightning cluster” with a span of tens of meters continuously shoots from the nearest crystallized cables. In this place where I live, there will be constant energy sparks that just pass through the cracks in the corridor, so a large flashing thunder net is formed in front. It looks terrible, but fortunately, my number ca n’t be beaten to death—the body flew forward as soon as it leaned, and those charged “electric” nets did n’t hurt at all … it was a little itchy.

I have some limited high-level knowledge in my mind, and I instinctively feel that this place is not logical: theoretically himself has left the explosion center, which is the old site of the Youneng Reactor, and I should go forward to the energy intensity. It’s getting lower and lower, but why does the energy intensity here increase?

I suddenly remembered what Shandora said was “wrong”: the energy accumulated in the platform seemed to have a stable supplementary source, and it dissipated very slowly. At first we thought that there was still a phantom energy reactor still in operation, but after confirming that the old site of the reactor was empty, I forgot about it. Now the situation around me reminds me of the Shandora’s words again. Is it an abnormal energy source in front of me?

Although I still remember the broken hole in the gate, solving the energy accumulation in this place is also a big task. I moved forward quickly according to the energy focus in my feelings. Finally, this time I did n’t have luck. After a hundred meters or so, and pushing away a collapsed metal plate, I saw that all the energetic lightning in front of it appeared to be condensed like a vortex. In this vortex, surroundings is a blue light with a substantial concentration: The place where the energy response is the strongest, the focus of the energy accumulation in the platform, is in such a position that the eight poles can’t hit?

The direction of this vortex is intriguing. It is parallel to the corridor. in other words is perpendicular to the entire platform. I faced the center of it directly and saw a twisting and rotating pipe-I suddenly reacted. This is actually a ghostly tornado. s things. The shape of this “tornado” makes one can’t help but think of a high-speed rotating warhead that shoots vertically into the control center from directly below the platform, after passing through four layers of armor and two sets of shields The corridor, and it still leaves such a vortex of energy in the air-is this not the “ballistics” it is looking for? !

I approached the huge “tornado” in surprise, and found that the end of the corridor had been shredded by it. The alloy floor under my feet protruded a large section in the air, like a suspended bridge; surroundings was empty, and there were countless The huge blue “lightning” and the torrent of quiet energy are concentrated into the vortex like a streamer dancing in the wind, this scene is just like hell!

And opposite the vortex is the energy center shield: that thing is the last physical barrier between the lower zone and the buffer unit, and through the giant dome, it can merge with Shandora. The Della is on the top, the strength of the protective cover is quite high, it seems that it is not damaged too seriously, maybe the shock wave of the explosion has weakened here, maybe.

“You have to stop this‘ tornado ’first.” I muttered to myself, while observing what special structure of the devastating energy vortex could allow it to continuously produce splendid energy. The inexplicable energy focus in front of me has caused great trouble for all work. Although it may be an important “ballistic clue”, but I have seen the direction it indicates, this clue value is naturally useless. Solve early trouble.

I quickly found the extraordinary part of this vortex, but this “unusual” is a bit inexplicable: its inner wall is covered with very fine cracks-Void cracks.

Those tiny black cracks look like crooked thin lines, they rest strangely on the inner wall of the whirlpool, no matter how stormy the outside is, they are still in motion, and there is a strong contrast between extreme motion and extreme silence. Is like a ridiculous movie, but the endless phantom energy is leaked from these thin lines: no matter how detailed they look, they did create two super huge giants in this huge space building that is several kilometers long. Nun field.

With Void Creature‘s talent ability, I can see at a glance that these cracks are Real World‘s “wounds” leading to Endless Void, but with my knowledge of science and technology, I can’t understand what is happening to the magical energy it releases, so Can only contact Shandora: “Girl, I found a phenomenon that is not easy to understand-is it right for you to grind your claws?”

Shandora seems to have been choked for a while, and he answered awkwardly after a while: “Oh … grinded … A’Jun, what did you find?”

“A vortex should be the source of the energy in this place, but I ca n’t understand how it produces energy. There are one, two, three, four … there are many Void cracks in the same way as the pencil, Chrysanthemum … sunflower-shaped arrangement … “I described the scene I saw in detail.” The energy comes out of these cracks. For the first time, I saw Void cracks release phantom energy instead of Void power. This thing is amazing. “

Shandora was silent for a while: “Isn’t that the inner liner of the Youneng Reactor?”

Me: “… Ah?

“is the most central part of the reaction core, the inner liner of the Youneng reactor is this structure, but what you see is only the inner liner, its most important decay components should still be in the different space, those decay components Let the Void crack release the Youneng … I think, you are close to the original output end of the Youneng reactor, so the original coordinate of the energy output is near you. If there is a serious space tear in the local area, there is indeed a certain There is a chance to expose the reactor liner to Real World. It seems that the power of this explosion is really great. Not only did it break down the control center, but also pushed the reactor body that was originally in Void into Real World … ”

“No …” I replied slowly, “I’m afraid it’s not caused by an explosion … Well, don’t worry about this, I just turn off this thing, is it okay? It’s the focus of abnormal energy here.”

“If the Void crack is directly blocked, the operation of the reactor will be stopped, but its part in Void will definitely collapse completely … Well, turn it off, anyway, these reactors cannot be recovered.”

Oh, I closed the Void fissures that constantly released powerful energy. This huge vortex in dynamic equilibrium suddenly became unstable after losing its core power, and its internal rotation slowly stopped. The external energy sparks that span hundreds of meters outside began to jump irregularly, and Shandora at this moment suddenly remembered something, busy reminding: “By A’Jun, there may be a shock wave if the liner is emergency stopped. You ’d better first … “

The whole of me was stuck on the alloy beam behind me, I felt I was at least one-third of the depth, and I pulled out my head a little later: “You said it was late, I was just blown up. . “

“How come your hands are so fast!”

Me: “Void Creature instinct, seeing those cracks is like seeing relative(s), touch them and they are all closed.”

Shandora ignored this, I had to go forward in a pretending manner. Now the energy storm that has blocked the road has stopped, and the surrounding energy concentration is rapidly falling at a speed that can be clearly perceived, but the energy accumulated in the surroundings crystal network and the charged metal plate will not disappear for a while. Will disappear, and the blue light they emit will not darken here anytime soon. The corridor shattered by the energy storm was empty in front of it, and a hundred meters in front was the only trace left at the other end of the corridor: it was like a piece of burnt gum, which was stuck on the alloy shield with a dead skin.

It should be that the “bullet” that attacked the platform ripped space here, resulting in the exposure of the inner reactor liner to Real World-this is the most likely judgment that can be made based on the status quo.

According to the direction of the “tornado” just now, I attached it to the protective cover and carefully looked for the trace of the breakdown. It should be within a circular area of ​​no more than ten meters around the end of the corridor. This search did not take too much effort, the hole that was penetrated was very conspicuous, and I almost saw it at a glance.

Sure enough! When the explosion occurred, the control center platform was penetrated by something from outside!

Will it burst out of the door of the abyss? It is still unknown, but I guess Tavel will jump up excitedly when it knows this news. The research value of this discovery is beyond doubt. According to the simple rule of two points and one line, I marked both the first breakdown point and the breakdown point in front of my eyes, and then the data terminal marked the possible landing point of “that stuff” on the navigation map. .

Through the hole in the protective cover, I have officially left this lower level area. In front of me is a large continuous piece of metal module structure. Many parts of those metal modules have been damaged, exposing the crystal grid with the dim blue light underneath, and in the distance, you can see that this structure is no longer complete, it should be destroyed by a big explosion-this is the control center The energy release buffer unit, which is placed between the lower energy display group and the upper equipment group, is regarded as an ultimate protector, but now this protector is also overloaded and destroyed.

The target point displayed on the data terminal is just tens of meters ahead, and now I have seen it.

Obviously, there is a black hole, and the hole surroundings still has some melting marks: this is another breakdown. But this time the horrible “warhead” was finally stopped. It was imprisoned in the melting crystal grid and turned into a blue “amber” like a small insect that fell into the resin. I moved forward. , Stunned to see the culprit main culprit wrapped in a crystal.

It’s a black artifact with a gloss between metal and plastic. Despite some damage, it can still be judged at a glance to have a smooth and round shell. This man-made object is not very large, it is only a few meters long and slender like a shuttle. Two ring-shaped grooves can be seen at both ends, and a faint and regular red light glows in the groove. In addition to this, the black shuttle surface can not find any lights and iconic things.

The look of this thing is too familiar-isn’t this the “black shuttle” we found from the God Clan site!

The black shuttle, inextricably linked to the door of the abyss, is suspected to be a detector or envoy machine from the “civilization of the other side”. science and technology is also currently unresolved by the Empire, we have captured a black shuttle, and this one in front of us is the second one.

That’s it, it penetrated the energy group of the Deep Diving Port Control Center and caused this major accident.

Shandora, I have made a major discovery, a major discovery of Super NB …” I called Shandora in the spiritual connection, and the latter’s voice immediately responded: “I also have a super major discovery on this side-I have seen You are now. “

Following the sensation of feeling, I saw the figure of Shandora’s approaching quickly from a distance. In the blink of an eye, Her Majesty the Queen had come to herself. Her expression was very dignified. Subvert the three views.

“Look at this first,” I pointed to Nunu mouth, “Black shuttle, the civilization on the other side fired the detector again, but this time the protective layer outside the black shuttle did not seem to persist, and it also took our space station is fried like this. “

Shandora Obviously didn’t expect will see such a thing here, for a moment dumbfounded, and then contact Tavel: “Tavel, the energy field below has been weakened, you can let the working group come down later. In addition-prepare Well your laboratory, we found something amazing. “

“First find a way to get it out,” I leaned up to observe the black detector that had been embedded in the crystal as if it were a sandwich of fruit. Its shell was damaged a lot, but it did n’t seem to hurt it at all. Also remember that the black shuttle I obtained before could not be opened at all, and there was something suspected of self-destructing equipment that made people’s brains hurt, and now this shell has become like this, it has not exploded, maybe the self-destruction equipment is malfunctioning Of, “Shandora, use your claws …”

In fact, I want to say that let Shandora use Youneng saber and her superb cutting technology, and when it comes to the mouth, it becomes her claws: this is because the claws of Her Majesty the Queen have been so high just now What?

Shandora certainly did n’t think of so many. I did what she said, and the black mist rose around Her Majesty the Queen. Then her right hand had turned into a sharp and terrifying abyssal claw. She flew past the metal plate beside Flick your fingertips, get familiar with the feel, and then plop (the vacuum here, puff is an image statement) suddenly insert the finger thorn deeply into the seemingly solid crystal, and then you can spark the crystal The debris is flying, and the Shandora’s claws are sharper than ordinary sabers-although the shape of the finger thorn is not a blade, but it burns the flames of the abyss, plus Shandora has some of her original skills, this mining efficiency I estimate only from the blue Xiang high-level excavator major graduated with a perfect score, it was a battle, and soon she hollowed out the surroundings crystal, and carefully stripped the black shuttle with a layer of crystal shell: the shell is for protection Safety, wait for it to let Tavel lead her gang of professional demolition experts to beat it slowly.

I put the black shuttle into my portable space, and then suddenly remembered that Shandora also made a major discovery: “Oh, you just said what did you find in the computer room?”

Shandora‘s face fell, and I knew it mattered. She first asked a question: “A’Jun, do you think such a small detector can penetrate four layers of armor and two sets of shields all the way? ? “

I was stunned, and this time it came back: this is a big doubt!

How much firepower is needed to penetrate four layers of armor and two sets of ghost shields? Not to mention, this work platform is built next to the door of the abyss. The protection system it uses is simply make one’s hair stand up in anger. The armor plate of the Royal Fleet may be comparable to the building materials in this place. What about the black shuttle? It is just a detector.

We already have a black shuttle on hand. Of course, we know the approximate level of “civil civilization”. Their technical strength may be stronger than that of the current new empire, but they are not much worse. The incredible distance sailing in the abyss is only the high end of its “deep diving technology”, in terms of structural strength …

Although this thing is sturdy, it can never reach the point where it hits the so many barrier, and is it not so powerful?

Shandora saw that I had found the key to the problem, so nodded: “Seeing this black shuttle, I want to understand a lot of things. If it is something else I have not seen, maybe I will still doubt our enemies. Some kind of super weapon has been researched, but this detector is well-known for its weight and weight. If it hits directly on the control center with normal protection, let alone penetrate, it will be burned on the first shield Ash. “

I heard a key word: protection is normal.

“The protection of the control center has been abnormal for a while,” Shandora looked dignified. “I just found a device in the host room that has not been completely scrapped. There is a system log on the bottom of the large platform. The log shows that the platform Before the explosion, the shield was automatically closed, and all the charged armor was released! “

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