Xiling Empire Chapter 1387: Ghost ship

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Ishanah smiled happily, and suddenly remembered something like that, patted my arm: “Right, Emperor your majesty, have you heard about the ghost ship?”

“Ghost Ship?” I was taken aback by the problem of Yumeizi jumping off, and then instantly thought of her race, and clearly nodded, “Oh, you mean that kind of drifting in the sea is unpredictable and broken. The legend of the old unmanned old antique ship? Human Race is really a lot about the legend of the ghost ship. You mermaids are also concerned about this? Are those ships made by you? “

“No, not that kind of ghost ship,” Ishanah had a habit of flicking her tail when she was anxious, so I heard her flapping the floor, “Although I used to like a shipwreck when I was young Treasure hunt … Hey, it does n’t matter. I ’m talking about the legend which is quite popular in Hong World recently. It is said that a Empire Army ship that was withdrawn from the battlefield was dropped. The generals on spaceship and Soldier are missing, spaceship I flew back to the Empire District under the control of the host. Because I could n’t find the port, I always floated around each Universe and became a ghost ship. Occasionally, people who traveled between the stars saw the huge spaceship, They said that the ghost ship seemed to be dead, there was only a little light on the whole body, the engine was dim as if it was about to go out, spaceship was full of ragged scars, and if they were close enough, they could even be seen from those cracked openings. There is a black hole in the corridor. But no one can board the ship, because no one dares to approach it, and the ghost ship always disappears suddenly, as if the spaceship host is still trying to find a military port. Many people are I have seen that ship, especially the old crew members of the caravan that transported supplies for the servants, said that they met the ghost ship, but most people have no evidence, it should be bragging. “

Ishanah happily told the story of the ghost ship. At the beginning, I also increased my attention, thinking that what is this important information, and finally heard it slowly: This is basically a space version of Sailor ’s Adventure, just Like the old sailors in the sailing era, they sprinkled alcohol and bragging things in the port bar. The superstitious old sailors used to like to advertise their adventures with sea monsters and ghost ships, but now the boring crew who travel between the stars have more high-level talks: interstellar ghost ships, and even Void ghost ships.

This story is pretty creative: they directly use the Empire Army ship as the background of the story. This gimmick must be eye-catching. In the eyes of most civilians in Hong World and the family, the Empire Army ship is almost a legend, especially the large spaceship. Most people have only seen those behemoths on the brochures and screens. They longed for those powerful imperial machines, just like a 16th-century inland boy longing for a sail battleship with a 55-meter mast and 18-pound artillery. There was no chance to go to the empire station to see what Eternal Level looks like. Many people ca n’t even go to space in their lifetime, so they waited for the old crew who had gone to space or even shuttled World to return to the surface, mixing alcohol and epinephrine in the tavern. The story of the ghost ship made popular.

Ishanah immediately noticed that I did n’t pay much attention to this story. I heard a rattling sound under her chair: This is the fish girl flicking her tail again, she is not happy to watch Me: “The ghost ship is not necessarily fake? Although there must be some bragging, there are dozens of Worlds that have the legend of the ghost ship recently!”

Empire Army ship Trek? Then the navigation host can be turned on but can’t lead the way? Finally still floating around in the imperial area?” I laughed dumbfounded, “not to mention that no one outpost has detected this ship’s spaceship signal? Is it not me It ’s really not possible to destroy your fairy tale-we have several sets of backup navigation on our spaceship, and there is a ‘catastrophic damage discrimination agreement’ between each other, if all navigation equipment is faulty, spaceship It will immediately jump into a stable Universe and then lock the engine. This is to prevent the spaceship from flying to the enemy occupied area without navigation, resulting in information leakage. In addition, all the officers on spaceship and Soldier are missing. By the way, the Empire Army team has a clear operational process on the evacuation of abandoned ships. Unless all Soldiers die in spaceship before the evacuation, the military will not let a ship just be “lost”, either immediately or Before the spaceship was captured, it was destroyed by other friendly forces, or the captain exploded spaceship before evacuating. Anyway, we will not let a ship float out of sight. In addition-spaceship The identification signal transmitter on the board is as strong as a black box. If there is really a ghost ship, the local empire outpost has long discovered it. “

Ishanah listened to my explanation in a daze, and bowed his head in frustration: “Why don’t your technicians just save their dreams?”

Me: “…” This involves the victory or defeat of the national interest war, can you save face?

“But someone really submitted the video of the encounter with the ghost ship to your military department.” Ishanah thought about it, and suddenly to get agitated, “not only the video, but also the spaceship log, it is said that those who encountered the ghost ship also There is an officer of the servant army who met that thing while driving in a private spaceship. That was the most popular one-it is not always fake? “

Oh?” I got serious now, “Is there anything else?”

Ishanah nodded vigorously. The two white-bearded grandpas across the table also nodded. It seems that the two of them have also heard of these “stories” that have spread widely in World.

I am thinking: there are videos, spaceship logs, and even a witness record of a servant officer. If a “ghost ship story” is detailed to this point, it may not be as simple as folk rumors.

Could it be the same as the “ghost ship” that encountered the exile fleet in the Hong World channel, and it was also a flying vehicle scattered into Void in the Old Empire era? But this time it’s not race in exile, but a Old Empire warship out of control?

“I go back and check what’s going on, to see if there are any official sighting reports from the military department,” I and Ishanah nodded turned around to look outside: it’s not too early now, the streets have already been filled with lanterns, so I stood up , “Then I will withdraw first, you are free.”

Ishanah waved his hand: “I don’t give it away if I have any inconvenience in jumping up.”

Me: “…”

When I left, I suddenly saw the two white-bearded grandpas again. I remembered something very important: “You two are better not to stay outside too late, the military academy is closed at night, two Now how to say student … “

“It’s okay, I will send in.” Uncle Baibei said on the 1st, and Baibei 2 also followed nodded: “I’ll go over the wall.”

As an institution with the ultimate goal of student hard power, the Empire Army College has such a rule: whether it is over the wall or truancy, whether it is cheating or leaving early, as long as you can get it by your own means and it is not discovered by Teacher, then There will be no punishment, and even confession afterwards may even increase points. So I smiled and talked to the two high-energy grandpas nodded: “Then wish you good luck.”

As soon as I went out, I sent a message to the Defense Department of the Military Academy: “Tonight the college strengthens the closure of the school, and all the walls are powered up. By the way, the space imprisonment field is opened to the stratosphere …”

I feel refreshed when I hang up the communication. Hidden and invisible, when I was in the second middle school, my teacher ’s teaching director was in a good mood. It turned out that this feeling was really good …

Today, I came home later than usual, but just like every time in the past, as long as I do n’t say to eat outside, the family will have waiting for. Those who have not returned home will have dinner together. The signature huge dining table surroundings seated a large circle of people, and the battle seemed like a small banquet. The only empty space between Pandora and Viska, it seems that the sisters struggled with others to win this feng shui treasure, The first thing I sat down was to pinch each sister ’s face to show intimacy, and then pinch two wild Dellas dozing off the plate in front of me and set them aside: this meal is thirty or fifty The rhythm of beansprout goddess is accompanied by eating, there are already a few clever little brat falling on the shoulders of Onee-sama or Kansas uncle waiting for others have fed them.

“You can be counted back!” I heard a blaring reproach from my right hand across the Pandora’s position, but I couldn’t see anyone. I looked up and saw a Gothic Doll sitting only a few dozen centimeters tall. On the chair, holding a small knife and fork to protest, because of the size, this little brat is really about to sit down, almost surrounded by the backrest and armrests of the chair, so she has a large stack of books under her **** for a look I was worried that little brat would fall. Of course, Pandora and Viska are also covered with books …

“Meet an acquaintance,” I explained to the little girl, and when I raised my chopsticks, I thought I would pour water and snacks in the teahouse back and forth this afternoon, “Ah …”

“What’s wrong with the owner? The food is not good?” Anveena’s‘s head immediately emerged from the soup bowl in front of me, looking steaming. “Today there is a leek stuffed bun that the owner likes to eat.”

I watched a ghost head floating on the table but I was used to it for a long time, and smiled a little embarrassedly: “No, I ate some snacks before coming, not very hungry.”

The third bowl of rice porridge has been emptied by my talking Kung Fu Shandora.

“Speaking of … the phantom ship, Shandora, do you know?” I remembered what Ishanah told myself before, and I looked up at Shandora, who swallowed a bun hard and rolled his eyes. Lulu asked me: “Oh Ning Huan (Ghost Ship)?”

“It is said that there is a Empire Army ship of unknown origin appearing in the macro World,” I picked out the stuffing from the bun to feed the Della in front of me and a wild Della I do n’t know (otherwise they wo n’t eat it Knowing that there is stuffing in the buns), while slowly saying, “The gods are said to be very gods, many interstellar voyagers said they met the ship. According to the description, it should be a large mother ship, but it is not like Eternal Level, spaceship. Severely damaged, no active signal, no call, and still retain the ability sailing across World. At first I thought it was something like urban weirdness, but I heard that even the servants in the army have witness records of officers. Ask if you have heard of it. “

“I heard that there are people reporting to the military, and there is indeed a report from the servant army.” Shandora nodded, the action in my hand stopped suddenly: “Is there really a ghost ship?!”

The two beansprout goddess saw no one to feed them, so they ran for food by carrying two toothpicks.

“It’s hard to tell whether it’s true or false. The sailing logs and video files do exist, but the investigation team sent by Empire Army and all monitoring sites have not captured direct evidence, so the case is still pending,” Shandora shook his head, “only It can be said that this matter is highly suspected. I have more detailed information here: the sighting report mentions that the ghost ship is a special model that has not been recorded in the empire’s active spaceship library, but it has obvious Greek characteristics, the ghost ship It is larger than Eternal Level, it is an interstellar giant ship over 100 kilometers, but because of the broken head, it is not sure how big it is when it is in good condition. spaceship may be deeply converted on the scale of Eternal Level, and it is also possible It is a part of the structure that integrates Eternal Level. The first half is very similar to the charging section of the main gun of the Galaxy. In addition, the surface power supply network of the ghost ship should have been paralyzed. It was witnessed that its servant officers risked death and approached the ghost ship to test the latter. The outer equipment found that all its peripherals were not turned on, but before the support unit called by the officer arrived, the ghost ship suddenly jumped out of World as if it sensed something. , And when the ghost ship had been submitted you are God’s Domain, so you do not know these things are normal – fox, vinegar me “

A fluffy big tail curled up in a vinegar pot across half a table and stretched out in front of Shandora. On the way back, it also took a bun: Lord Fox Immortal has more and more functions.

Shandora shared a part of the report of the ghost ship. I watched the sighting pictures taken in a hurry on my data terminal. Most of these pictures come from private sightings. Each picture carries a note. Witnesses range from workers on cargo ships to tourists on commercial cruise ships. I even saw the picture below from a picture from lumei920 Typeface. Of course, there are some pictures taken by spaceship‘s automatic observation equipment, this effect will be more clear.

The angle of most of the pictures is not very good, and the image is distorted because of the hastily zoomed in lens, and there is a picture that is full of pressure: a large silver-gray and devastated armor belt takes up almost three-quarters of the picture Area-The witness who took this picture was sent to the infirmary for a heart attack on the spot, because the ghost ship was directly brushed out within a distance of less than 100 meters of the spaceship surroundings he was riding …

It took me a lot of effort to put together these fragmentary sightings from various angles in my mind, and it took me a long time to figure out the overall image of the ghost ship: a broken and ruined imperial starship, It has a similar bow part as Eternal Level, the rear half is a triple-hull arranged in parallel, the main armor belt is silver-gray, and the remaining one-quarter part has black paint, you can see the Empire Army emblem in the middle of spaceship, However, the part with a certain Emperor private emblem seems to have been lost with the damage of the ship’s hull, so Shandora can’t judge who this spaceship once belonged to.

Then I turned the data to the end, and I saw a large picture of a ghost ship with a complete and clear tens of millions of pixels, followed by a short video …

Me: “…”

Anyway, the existence of the ghost ship is true, and it seems to be the same as my guess: it is a lost starship from the Old Empire era. After all, the New Empire has never built such a ship, and it is obviously not Fallen Apostles. The biggest problem now is that this ship does not release any signal, and does not rule out the possibility that all the crew members are missing. It is certainly impossible to establish contact with it by conventional means. And it is running around everywhere-to find one such spaceship in countless Universe, it is as difficult as finding Della on the prairie of Inner Mongolia, worry.

I can only wait for more sighting reports to come out and summarize the appearance of the ghost ship. After reading these reports, I think the ship still seems to have a little sailing law. After all, Universe is so big, but it has many times. It just happened to pass by other spaceship, this should not be pure coincidence.

That ’s how I left the ghost ship aside. After dinner, Onee-sama and An Weina were busy packing things up. Lin, who wanted to help, was ordered to watch by the side, a few small except Pandora All of them are owners who will run away after eating, and I am too lazy to manage them, anyway, most of them are playing hide-and-seek with the mini Medyvh in the yard: they are keen on this recently.

Slightly read the ghost ship information for a long time, and soon lost interest in this thing. She threw the data terminal aside, turned on the TV, and changed the station, and found it for a long time. I finally found a program that was a bit interesting: a foreign translation of a documentary about the life habits of foxes.

Adult Fox Xian, who was eating and drinking and was lying beside me, taking a nap instantly became energized, his ears were rimmed to listen to the movements in the TV, he watched the TV for a while, and suddenly his brain hole widened: “A’Jun A’Jun, What do you say about foxes? “

When I thought about it, I thought it was really a very difficult question to answer. It seems that not many people have heard anything about the fox’s call-of course, if you say “Da Chuxing, Chen Shengwang”, it belongs to It’s a mess-what’s the fox calling?

On this issue, I completely gave out the everything in disorder thing like ghost ship in my head to driving out. I frowned for a long time, until a big golden tail mischievously wrapped my neck before suddenly awakening. : Isn’t there a fox next to me!

I ca n’t blame my slow response. The main reason is that the fox immortal is a girl shape except for her ears and tail. Even if she is lying next to me, I have n’t connected her Qianqian’s problem with her for a while.

“Fox, what do you usually call?” I patted Master Fox Fairy’s tail.

The demon fox girl looked at me in confusion, hesitating for a while before making a careful voice: “Wow Oh! ←← like this?”

I suffocated: “… I asked you how to call the fox, but I didn’t ask how you called the human form!”

The second big tail slammed on my face, and the demon fox girl stretched lazily lazily: “Do not call for more than a thousand years, forget.”

Me: “…”

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