Xiling Empire Chapter 1373: God ’s huge database

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Half a day has passed when I and Father God returned to the Glorious Gods Court.

Uncle Kuvain was bandaged and received us both in front of shrine, but it ’s amazing that Aunt Ai Sally did n’t seem to be hurt at all. When the first Void shock broke out, their couple at the same time was blown away by Father God’s , But now it seems as if the unscrupulous dad with only Icetis is bombarded with a life that he can’t take care of himself.

“Shadow protection only,” Uncle Kuvain is embarrassed, but still has a smile on his face, “I have carried the shock wave, I can’t let my wife ahead bear it, right?”

I looked at the bandage on his head, and I was particularly disturbed and whispered to Father God: “Xingchen, are n’t you getting a little bit harder?”

Icetis her dad ’s bandage has nothing to do with me. He was blasted by the shock wave released by the latter when I first competed with Father God. I ’m really didn’t expect and so on. Greet yourself with such a creative image.

Father God didn’t speak, and with a cheerful smile on his face, he stepped forward and pulled off the bandage on Kuvain‘s head: no farts.

“You use this trick to skip classes when you are young, and later use this trick to skip classes. Even Ai Sally was deceived by you with this trick. Why didn’t you improve at all in so many?” Father God When I was nagging, Aunt Ai Sally sighed and poked her husband’s waist: “I said it wouldn’t work, I can’t lie to Father God’s. You just asked me to beat me …”

I was stunned for a while, whispering to Icetis in the spiritual connection: “Your parents always like this?”

“Who do you think the concubine was educated by the disabled?”

I: “…” So did this female gangster know that she was already disabled!

Uncle Kuvain failed to cheat, and there was not much regret. He looked me up and down and found that it was no different than before, so he asked, “What, Icetis she …”

“It ’s done,” I smiled, and I could n’t help but fall on the Icetis (body) standing stunned not far away, “The assimilation process has been terminated, and then only waiting for is needed, and the soul of Icetis will be slow. Slowly liberated from me, this time should not be too long. “

Speaking of this, I couldn’t help but recall the previous fight with Father God’s, or bluntly, unilateral guidance.

The gap between my rookie and Father God is of course needless to say. This time, I also clearly know what this gap is reflected in: my understanding of my own strength is still in the shallow stage. Father God has no need to think about how to use your own ability. As he said, Void Creature does not require skills, strength, moves and ability. Everything that can be described accurately, no matter how powerful it is, is a secondary product of Void. I have been entangled in How to develop your own “skills”, this from the very beginning is equivalent to entering a dead end. As Void Creature, “Void” is the only thing I need, and it is at the same time all things. If you need strength, then Void is strength, if you need skills, then Void is skills, if you need enemy death, then Void is the death of the enemy, if you need a World fly, then Void is the result of this “World fly” . It is the final conclusion, the goal you want to achieve. No matter what process is needed to achieve this goal, it is not something that Void Creature should consider: the process and tools are prepared for race under Void.

A more irresistible force than “to have light” is that you are light itself, both heat and in this world all things, both for the results you need. I don’t know when I have to reach this level, but at least I have a direction now.

After half a day of discussion, I was exhausted and died, and Father God was tired and a little half dead. After all, the only purpose of the “fight” between the two was to consume my strength, so it is how to work hard to practice combat skills. Things like offensive power are meaningless. I played a long pile of wood for a long time, and finally got myself tired and fell down. This made me completely firm in my belief that no one can fight Father God in the future. His ability to fight is almost heartbroken, I really do n’t know how to treat myself Can you knock him down once or four times or five times?

As for the soul protection of Icetis … Well, to be honest, I still do n’t know how to do it. Just like what I said just now, Father God has detached from the stage of relying on “skills”, and he has nothing to do with it. Traces can be found, including protection against the soul of Icetis. When I got down, he said, “The protective layer is done, let’s go back.” Then it’s done.

“There is still some time now, we can go to the library tower to see,” Father God looked at the sky, and invited me, “Sovarei should have finished the data index, Kuvain, would you like to follow me?”

“We will not go!” Uncle Kuvain was excited, and the answer was called a rapid one, as if the library tower left him with a psychological shadow. Then he looked at me and found a reason, “Oh, Today Chen wants to live in our house, right? I went back to prepare the guests with Ai Sally, the two of you chat slowly … “

“Actually, I plan to let him live with me …” As soon as Father God was halfway through, the other party was already running fast. I only heard the voice of Uncle Kuvain talking to Icetis in the spiritual connection: “daughter|girl ah you first With Chen, I’ll go home with your mother … “

Icetis: “Well, go to yours.”

“That library is a terrible place?” I blinked and asked Icetis in an unbelievable spiritual connection.

God’s Domain is the first public library, and several floors are still dedicated to several large colleges. My dad was a scumbag.”

“… I can’t really see it, your dad is so advanced, you are still a school bully, I think he is at least God-level.”

“Pull, the school bully was forced out by the parents who had been scumming in the past, you have n’t heard of it,” Icetis complained, “My dad was promoted in a lifeless style. He is an army origin, of course, he has now stabilized at the top level. “

I followed Father God and soon came to the long-known “Book Collection Tower”, which is the location of the giant God Clan data library, and the Icetis‘s soulless body also followed me: I have to watch it now. With her, Icetis was afraid that my body would be lost by me. In fact, I had planned to let Uncle Kuvain take her back, and I could save myself a bit of dim sum, but the other party ran very fast …

The Book Collection Tower is a tower building located in the center of the “Garden” city. It is white, with elegant lines and light golden decorations. Its outer wall is slightly twisted with a spiral upward and flame-like shape. The to be full of is mysterious Beauty. In tower surroundings, you can see a lot of golden Rune walking around. If there are occasional wind bells occasionally passed into the ears, it makes people feel refreshed: this is a beautiful building, no matter the creativity or appearance are people’s hearts, but say To be honest, its scale is much smaller than I expected: this tower is only about three or four hundred meters high, and is located in the most prosperous section of the city. The space of surroundings is packed with buildings of its size. .

This is the largest database of God’s Domain?

“This is just the entrance,” Father God saw my confusion and patiently explained, “There are thousands of towers like this in God’s Domain. There is basically a tower where there is a settlement. The space inside them is shared. Yes, it leads to a huge special area, and that area is the real collection tower. Speaking of it, this is one of my most satisfying creations. It solves the problem that the gods have a long life and infinite knowledge, but there is no unified storage method. “

Through the colorful portal in front of the collection tower, I found myself in a magnificent hall where I could hardly see the edge. Sure enough, as Father God said, the inside of the collection tower leads to a special space. You can’t think that it is so vast inside.

The white arc-shaped wall extends from both sides to the end of the line of sight. From here, you can hardly see what the opposite side of the hall looks like. A fast-moving golden Rune can be seen at every distance on the wall. The ground under the feet is a kind of off-white crystal material. It looks as if it is covered with a layer of glaze. If you look closely, you can see that the golden light of the stars is walking on the crystalline ground. I found myself stepping on a wide On the sky blue line of the sky, so I looked along the sky blue line to the distance, and then I found that the ground had a very huge pattern: its scale was so large that I could not see it on the ground. What’s the whole picture, I’m afraid it can only be seen by flying to the ceiling of the hall. I looked up at the sky again, the dome of this hall was so high that I almost had the illusion that it was another piece of sky, and the slightly arched vault had a circle of radial skeletons extending from the center to the surroundings. Those skeletons can also be seen wandering Rune, and between the skeletons, the fan-shaped areas that are divided are exquisite reliefs.

The artistic standards accumulated by the gods in the infinite years make these reliefs extremely exquisite and elegant. They depict the story of the gods or the customs of each God’s Domain Continent. There are Angel flying wings, fierce fighting dragons, and scenery. In the picturesque Frozen Continent, there is “Jiajia here” that spans a small half of the dome.

Me: “…”

“This was left by Jiajia a long time ago,” Father God glanced up, a little helpless on her face, “She wrote the words so beautifully for the first time, so I didn’t want to shovel …”

Bear kids are everywhere, not bad, right?

You can see a lot of God Clan flying around in the lobby, and someone suddenly sends in or out at any time, but because space is quite large here, and I guess there may be more than this hall in the library, so here It still seemed very empty, and the God Clans who were busy in the hall seemed to highlight the empty feeling here. I followed Father God to the nearest column, and the body of Icetis continued to follow behind us silently, the latter still feeling emotionally passing in the spiritual connection: “I really miss it, I thought that the concubine was led in this hall. Those with diplomas can get their certificates in the Knowledge Hall of the Book Collection Tower, but it is not the treatment of the ordinary student. At that time, the concubines remembered clearly that all the Teachers and assistants in the college came. Although they were usually very annoying, everyone at the time I am very happy … hundreds of Teacher ahead stood in a row, and the concubine presented flowers to the tutor according to the rules from one end to the other. It was dark and the concubine got his graduation certificate … “

“That was their last chance in their life to toss the concubine this good student, really a **** book,” Icetis added later, “The Teacher standing at the end of the team kept the smiling face and insisted on eleven. Hours. “

This is how the story of Icetis and her hundreds of mentors fighting for wisdom and courage.

Father God laughed and listened to Icetis ripping there, while putting his hand on the white stone pillar in front of him, the golden Rune around him gathered more and more, and refreshed at a fast speed, which is probably the automatic God’s Domain Inquiry system. While Father God was operating, a golden holy light suddenly appeared not far in front of everybody, and quickly condensed into a tall and serious young man. It was Sovarei who bowed to Father God: “Lord, you are here. The information is already rough. After the statistics are completed, some useful things are screened out. “

“I saw it, it seems to be a big project,” Father God said softly, softly on stone pillar, “After the preliminary selection, the World that is out of date and obviously incompatible with the characteristics is excluded. The possible World is … “

His voice fell. At the moment of our surroundings, appeared large blockbuster light curtains. Numerous dense charts and God Clan text emerged from the light curtains. Instructions like numbers and arrows can also be seen between the charts.

so many.” Father God looks into the distance. The charts in front of us are just a small part. More things have been arranged 100 meters away. In order to show so much content, the surrounding space even deformed. This hall automatically expands the area of ​​stone pillar surroundings being used by Father God, so that the information he is consulting has enough space to be displayed.

“Every entry is a World,” said Sovarei quietly, which can scare people’s urine. The engineering volume seems to have no effect on his mood at calm and composed. “The book collection tower ancient spirit is still counting. The information will also increase by one third. Lord, you need to increase the manpower. This is the most large scale inquiry we have ever conducted. “

I totally see such a spectacular scene in didn’t expect, the number of freaks, the scale of this make one’s hair stand up in angersurroundings hundreds of meters of space is occupied by dense documents, and new information is constantly being refreshed. Father God touched again on the white stone pillar. The space of our surroundings also changed rapidly. The upper dome and the ground underneath disappeared. Instead, a little star-like bright spot. I reached out at subconsciously, and the nearest spot was sharply approaching. And fell on his palm. At the moment of contact with it, the illusion-like picture poured into my mind.

It is an empty and old Universe with a deep background, sparse stars and dim nebula. I seem to be standing in the space of this old Universe, watching the stars evolving and disappearing quickly, and occasionally I can see a flash Traces of the passing civilization, the Universe aboriginal spacecraft flew by in front of my eyes, and I reached out to touch them, only to find that it was just a phantom after shrinking.

“These are snapshots of World,” the sound of Father God’s awakened me from the illusion, and I found myself back in the knowledge room of the Book Tower, where the gods came and went in the distance. “Every World entry has a snapshot file folder, which records every historical moment of Universe since its birth, including the birth of the first life, the first civilization out of the cradle, and the first jump out of Universe race-if there is, of course, there is also the last afterglow before the end of World. These snapshot files are important signs to judge whether they are the same World as the ancestors of Xi Ling. But the snapshot file is not comprehensive, you The information brought is also too vague. Many Universes have similarities in the basic rules and substance lists, especially the World located in the same quadrant. Simply look at the snapshot, basically each one can match the information you bring Number. “

“As long as there is a 30% match, it will be regarded as a high probability target,” Sovarei explained with a zombie face on its side, “This is a comprehensive consideration of the mortal memory error and World evolution error. After that, get the best matching rate. “

“Mommy …” I muttered to myself, looking at the small star-like light spots above and below my head, and now their number has increased to dazzling, because Father God is still constantly arranging these materials In combination, these “stars” are also circling fast, and they look almost like the fast-paced view of the Milky Way. “You think the probability of finding your hometown World from here is …”

“As long as the information is accurate, and Xiling’s hometown is indeed recorded in the huge database, it can always be found,” Sovarei is not surprised. “For you and me, time should not be a problem to consider, but If the information is inaccurate … “

“Then all the suspected targets can be listed, and then send someone to eliminate them one by one,” Father God said slowly. “These Worlds have all been written off, the time is too long, and it exceeds the limit of any normal Universe. Life, and if your hometown World really exists, it can only be near the Universe listed here, not one of them, which causes a lot of trouble to the investigation work, and the detection team is not looking for one coordinate, but a large area of ​​coordinate surroundings that has disappeared. “

I thought about it for a while, and I feel that this may solve the employment problem of Xingyu plus half of the Empire ’s population in an instant: if we have an employment problem.

“Is there no more accurate information?” Father God may also think that this kind of fuzzy query is too unreliable, so he looked at me with anticipation.

“The ancient equipment for recording sailing logs is completely over,” I smiled bitterly. “It’s a miracle to revive the ancestors. How dare I expect to repair the navigator they used to by the way. Now these The logs are all dictated by the ancestors based on memory. I also know how far this kind of data is from the real shipboard log … I may bring more detailed information when I come next time, but you have to be mentally prepared , It ’s not much more accurate than it is now, at most … a little more detail. “

The sound of Father God dragged on for a while, and the sound was still not so slow, slow, or in a hurry: “That ’s okay, just have the information. As for now … let the library tower ancient spirit be ruled out again, it should be able to reduce it. Half the number. “

Then Father God turned to Sovarei again: “You work harder, gather more people to come, by the way, all ancient spirit of the library tower are used, anyway, recently they are all idle.”

ancient spirit is enough, but manpower …” Sovarei seems a little difficult.

“Is n’t it a holiday recently,” Father God thought about it, “Notify God’s Domain to all colleges, add an additional holiday homework, come to the collection tower to help organize the information, student can participate voluntarily, people who take the final exam plus 10, Teacher also Able to participate, active work can be rated as advanced. “

Me: “…”

God’s Domain is also popular? !

“Perhaps we should go to the virtual storage area to see,” Father God suddenly said thoughtfully, “I suddenly thought of something else … Timeline” , This should be an important clue. “

I looked at Father God puzzled, and the other party did not explain, but just opened a portal: “Come with me, let ’s go to the other floor of the library.”

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