Xiling Empire Chapter 1372: Guide

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(Anyway, I ’m idle and I ’m still idle. I ’ll continue to ask for the monthly pass. Everyone will check and check their monthly pass inventory)

I always thought that the God’s Domain sky is like a normal atmosphere with floating clouds and sunlight, and I never flew to Zenith to see what kind of scene there is. As for the reason … this is someone else How is your home? Would you please go to the neighbor’s house and walk on the ladder to see the number of chandeliers? The lack of heart is not so lacking.

“The space structure of God’s Domain is very special. In the more remote areas, the truth is replaced by the illusion that is enough to erode reality, and the situation is more obvious near the border. The sky you see on the ground is just it “Needs” looks like it, if you don’t really get close, you can’t think of what it looks like, “Father God took me all the way to God’s Domain Zenith, we were fast, and we quickly crossed the thick clouds and moved forward While introducing the special environment of God’s Domain in the spirit connection, “Part of this distortion is the original design, and part is the evolution of God’s Domain. This is a changed World. The” information “is very unstable here. The power of the gods can easily change reality, even God’s Domain can not save this change, so its boundary is always changing, from amorphous, now you witness this strange place with your own eyes. “

I have already felt that the surroundings environment is not unusual: we have risen all the way all the way, over the water-saturated clouds. Until then, the four Monday are still at least true, but moving forward, this sense of reality is getting more Weak, I began to feel that the oncoming strong winds were intermittent, and my progress seemed to be stepping on on the spot: However, visually I can certainly be sure that I was still going to Zenith, surroundings began to show some inexplicable sound, clear and clear, but I could hear Thunder came from afar, and I could hear turbulent turbulent water in the distance, and I heard the sound of screaming through the sky continuously sounding hundreds of meters away, and then these sounds also slowly silenced-it was silenced, and Not far away, as if someone had turned down the sound volume. I looked down, and the God’s Domain pieces of Continent were all covered by clouds, and I couldn’t see any more … No, it shouldn’t be clouds. I remembered that I didn’t see such dense clouds in the sky when I set off. Those things look even and heavy, like a deliberately arranged blind curtain, has completely covered God’s Domain.

“Look up and see.” Father God suddenly floated over and patted my shoulder, and I looked up in the direction of his finger.

See countless floating Continent and put it upside down on Zenith.

Brilliant, magnificent, familiar — that is the God’s Domain Continent we just left!

No, it ’s not the same: Although I knew at a glance that the sky ’s drooping land was God’s Domain through the familiar terrain, they were full of lifelessness. The green on the jadeite Continent was a kind of cold in manner Green, must say …

Like a lifelike plastic flower basket, no matter how real it looks, it is also plastic.

And they all hang down to Zenith, as if those Continents have diametrically opposite gravity. According to the direction they came from, these lands are obviously distributed symmetrically like the mirror image of God’s Domain below, are they shadows?

“That’s the inverse God’s Domain, you probably guessed it, they are symmetrically distributed like the shadow in the mirror with the real God’s Domain,” Father God said with a smile. “But this is only one of the scenes that the God’s Domain margin may show, sometimes This is an endless storm, sometimes looks like Void here, sometimes here only has a large block of aurora-I can’t say what it will look like, pure random. “

“It’s amazing,” I nodded again and again, “I can’t see it below, there’s something in between.” As I said, I summoned a chaotic energy and thrown it to the sky, this energy instantly Hitting the overhanging ground caused a violent explosion.

“I’ll **** … don’t you say that they are all mirror images ?!” I thought the energy arrows would pass through those air and land as if they were across the water, and didn’t expect actually hit it, looking at a tent The huge cloud of upside-down mushrooms slowly spread over the floating Continent, and I was dumbfounded. “Aren’t you going to pay me?”

“Why can’t the mirror be true?” Father God glanced at me with a smile, “The boundary between true and false is already very vague. in this world all things is all information, and things that can be modified have no meaning to tangle between true and false. “

I inexplicably remembered Monina ’s uncanny and unpredictable power of shadow, using shadow as a weapon, and even destroying the real dark **** by attacking the shadow and even the name. Probably it is the realm that controls this detached real and false boundary.

I slowly release my power and change my shape. The normal and limited five senses are replaced one by one by the super-sensory of Void Creature. The images of the surrounding things no longer enter the mind through the sensory organs, but directly echo through the information In my mind, the unreal feeling of the edge of God’s Domain brought back to me slowly. I “looked” at Father God and gave him a ready look.

Father God was stunned, and kindly reminded: “… then, you have no facial features now, I can’t see your expression.”

I: “… Uh, I mean I’m ready-two seniors over there, can you back off?”

I turned my head helplessly and looked at the Kuvain couple. Only the two of them came together. The others were honestly below waiting for. I ca n’t understand this kind of lively mentality (after all, Icetis is also lively and not like a bastard. (Character), just followed by two people, just to see me being drilled by Father God, this psychological pressure is simply a disaster.

I have no doubt that my interaction with Father God’s is actually a unilateral exercise: I still know how much I weigh a few pounds, I claim that the three big hitters of Void still have the talent of race, and there are only three people in the whole family It ’s cheap, I have no doubt that the smiling human and animal harmless buddy across the board has ability in a bowl of instant noodles, blasting any creatures other than King Huron into Void: including Chen, who is known as Void third . In this case, Icetis puts too much pressure on the unscrupulous parents and watching them …

“It’s okay, we’ll step back after you start playing, to ensure that it will not affect the discussion,” Uncle Kuvain said, and did not know where to find two packs of melon seeds, handing Icetis her mother a pack, “Come , This is the special product of Human World that our daughter|girl brought back last time … “

“I’ll pretend to dodge later,” Father God leaned over and whispered, “You just hit them hard, you’re welcome.”

Me: “…”

A strong shock wave suddenly spread out. Father God and I pulled apart by the power of the shock wave. The Kuvain couple, who was still watching waiting for, ran away in the blink of an eye.

“Well, the vigilance is very high,” Father God’s sound came into my mind when I stood firm from the shock wave, “and instantly let myself out of the entity, avoiding the moment of the strongest shock, I have basically mastered Now this form of body. “

“Thanks for praise-I felt something wrong when you leaned in. I laughed too fakely.” I grinned my teeth and tried to keep calm. I just reacted at that moment, but it was not so easy at all. I do n’t even know why there was a shock wave out of thin air: it was n’t an explosion, and I did n’t see Father God taking any action, just at the moment he came over Relying on instincts to feel that something was wrong, body had already taken emergency measures first when the response came. What was that shock wave?

It ’s not like air … well, that ordinary shock wave ca n’t make you feel a sense of crisis.

“It’s your turn.” The Father God’s voice reminded myself not to be in a daze. I shook my head and locked the figure standing hundreds of meters away, which seemed to be completely defenseless, and then summoned it around me. Dense and dense Void cracks resembling a cobweb. These destructive fissures are intertwined into a huge spherical shape, and a sharp whistling sound in the thin air environment. Then the ball and I rushed to the opposite side like a shell.

I probably could n’t think of the skill of being handsome and cool, and I ’m arrogant in my life. This trick was called by Lin Xue as “Bowling Wrath” …

“Oh, in addition to Wang Ba Quan, you have also researched a lot of tricks in this form,” Icetis‘s voice sounded freely, and there was no tension in the stormy eyes at all, “but put Do n’t you feel stupid when you shoot yourself as a cannonball? ”

I have no time to fight against this female rogue, shield her tsukkomi/ridicule directly in your head, and you will blink within hundreds of meters. The storm ball interwoven by the Void fissure hits Father God firmly, and then all The fissures have been lifted out of control. This time, the real big shock came: the power of Void surged into the order World and began to destroy every inch of space in the range. Everything in the line of sight began to twist, deform, dissipate, and gradually dark The Zenith of God’s Domain was eroded, and in this broken space storm, the Father God’s figure was completely motionless: he did not know what method to completely isolate the damage caused by the space split.

Of course, this is not what I expected. If such a simple and straightforward attack will work, then Father God will be live for so many, but I ca n’t see that he has used any skills or power. It ’s that simple. The damage is shielded by the ground, which makes people entangled: an opponent who has no way of understanding, even as a sparring partner, he ca n’t start Oh!

“You just treat me like a stake, just open it,” Father God stood in the ground in the frantic space fissure, with a slightly dull smile on his face, “I’m not very good at guiding people, But it’s very resistant. “

Me: “… 吔 我 Void Rising Dragon Fist!”

Icetis sighed: “Mommy, after narrowing it down, is there really only Wang Ba Quan.”

I have expanded the Void Domain, but it seems useless for Father God, so a simple and straight-forward Rising Dragon fist blasted away. This is not just as simple as boxing. I try to condense the erosive power of Void in During the attack, the black shadow seemed to hit a small tornado with the fist. If it is ordinary secular material, once it is exposed to this attack, it will be instantly restored to the basic information element.

But it did n’t work. Father God blocked it with his arm, and the deliberately condensed Void flood disappeared.

I still do n’t see what special power or skill the opponent used, and I do n’t know what happened.

I pulled away a little distance, and really tried the attack skills I can master one by one like a stake, and Father God is as good as he said. It is 100% accepted and cannot be said that these attacks are invalid. : I can be sure that my attack is a threat to Father God, because the expression on his face is serious, and it will be difficult to block or use “some unseen power” to counter the attack. I dare Surely, if you really come with the other party, even if the other party is Father God, you must be injured: after all, we have the same position on the Void ladder, Void Creature‘s “damage reduction” talent is invalid between us.

But the crux of the matter is that he can’t see how he defends! Block by hand? Carried it directly? Is there an invisible shield around? Father God has never used a skill that can be called “skill” from the beginning to the end, he is just like ordinary people facing the ball hit by the head, and he is blocked. Even in dangerous situations, he does not use special power and can’t see it at all. Through, I don’t know exactly what he is …

At? Do? What?

“How the **** are you defending?” I finally couldn’t help it. I stopped bombarding Father God’s and asked surroundings‘s space to repair it a little automatically, asking with doubt.

“I see it, you seem to have a deviation in your understanding of strength,” Father God also slightly relieved, even if there is a gap in strength, the attack from Void Creature is also can do nothing about it as much immune as ordinary attacks, so he It was quite strenuous just now, “You seem to be too focused on the so-called skills or ‘tricks’.”

“No tricks?” I shook my hand, and suddenly came to the spirit, “You mean there are no tricks at this time? There are tricks in your heart? Moves in your heart as you want them? Natural way of doing things along the way? Oh yeah. , It turns out that this unconscious thing is really useful Ah?

Father God was stunned by me for a while. It took a while to catch up: “Now, you understand quite well, but I do n’t mean that, I mean as long as you can win, why do you need the process ‘What? “

I am glad that I am a complete facial paralysis now, as long as my body is not trembling, even if I am embarrassed, I look very calm.

“So how did you do it?”

Father God thought for a while: “Oh, it ’s not easy to explain, let me ask you a question first: What is the essence of Void power?”

“The essence of Void?” My didn’t expect topic has reached this height, “Well … The starting point of all things? The origin of information? Where is all the knowable and unknown things mixed with together?”

“No need to explain such trouble, the essence of Void is” essence “, you can say whatever it is, because it is everything, it is” essence “itself, your power-not power, but more fundamental Sexual things, so-called tricks, skills, and strength are meaningless, Void Creature does not need these, “Father God reached out to the flopped Continent in the sky,” For example, what would you do if you were to separate that piece of Continent ? “

I seem to understand, look up at the sky: “Just cut the piece of Continent? Use energy to impact, the high-end points use space fissure, you can also use the virtual front without limit power …”

Father God shook his head, just raised his finger to Continent, which was far away from Gaotian, and said casually, “Split.”

The Continent in the air changes into two halves silently, without any warning, without any process, without sound, without light and shadow effects, without any energy or space fluctuations, from the Father God, I even a little “change” I didn’t feel it, just like an ordinary person raised his hand. The first thing I thought about was the power of the gods to “speak the law and follow the law”, but then they rejected this conjecture: even if the “speak the law and follow the law”, it is also possible to perceive the “fluctuation”, the change of concept, the law Changes, the emergence of power, changes in the flow of information, these should be something that can be noticed, usually Icetis casually a “requires light” I can feel the “twisted” change of Real World, but Father God’s action, can not find any Clues.

The reality is not distorted, and the film Continent has not experienced any process of change, but Father God said “divided”, so the reality directly switched to the state where Continent was separated.

“Cut a Continent or a World is essentially the same, and should be able to do it for you,” Father God is looking here, “but you are constrained to use some kind of skills ‘Or’ means, why should it be restricted? Void is the origin of all things, then ‘divided Continent‘ or anything else you can think of and can’t think of is just part of Void, why do you have to resort to trouble The process to achieve what you already master? Mortals need to use a knife to cut things, but if you are a knife itself, or you are a concept of ‘cutting’, why do you have to find a knife? “

I still seem to understand something, but this time, I seem to have vaguely grasped some context.

Like many previous guidances, Father God has taken me a new step forward, and this step is bigger than any previous one. I do n’t know how long I need to digest completely This knowledge.

“I used it for hundreds of years to figure it out myself, and then used it for hundreds of years to master how to do it,” Father God looked at me with a smile, “So you do n’t have to rush for success, just remember a little : No process, no need for extra actions. If you want a result, then you are the result. Just work towards this goal. As for now … you are almost at rest, continue. “

I think about it too, so I put aside things that I did n’t understand for a while, and lifted my spirit again, spreading the power of Void all over the body, turning them into weapons, into attacks, into injuries, no longer entangled in What kind of trick skills should be simulated with Void-there is no need to downgrade the Void that was originally at the commanding height to the so-called “stroke”, and then condense the whole body strength …

Father God noticed this slight change and nodded slightly.

“Look at my Void Rising Dragon Fist!”

Icetis is finally unable to control his anger and corruption: “How is your grandfather still doing this trick!”

The violent impact and the big storm sweeping the entire God’s Domain Zenith flooded the roar of the female rogue …

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