Xiling Empire Chapter 1309: Guess about the barrier

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(Dig a pit, dig some soil, bury it, count a few, two, three, four, five-you see my digging skills! I hold back more than a thousand chapters without mentioning this soldier ’s pit … In addition, Ask for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month.)

Cause Vengeance Army to be trapped in a different World-no matter what it is, whether it is a program or a top command-it is like a barrier, ruining the Shandora and her Soldier at that time from Old Empire Protected from the disaster of extinction.

So we finally decided to call it the “unknown barrier effect”, or simply “barrier”.

This barrier looks like a cage, but its real role may also be a safety cage for tourists in the ecological park. Although you are locked inside, its role is to protect you from outside beasts. Attack. The locks it has made to Vengeance Army now seem so targeted: it is prohibited to start across World devices, this is to prevent someone from returning to the abyss pollution area, and to prohibit communication behaviors beyond this Universe, this is to prevent someone from reconnecting accidentally Going to the Old Empire data network, it is forbidden to build all kinds of large-scale equipment. This is to prevent Vengeance Army from working out a method to break the barrier. Shandora believes that if the Bubbles’ function was not locked at that time, as long as there are enough mass production hosts, she will soon be able to pass the massive Calculate to find the abnormality of within the body of Soldiers, so as to lift the barrier, so in order to eliminate this unstable factor, the “barrier” simply locks all the functions of Xiling Host.

As for why Vengeance Army could n’t even leave a primitive planet at that time, I think it might be caused by a certain threshold setting of the “barrier”. For absolute safety, it locked the Vengeance Army to a very high degree. The high level even closed the ability of Xiling Apostle. This should be to minimize the chance of someone jumping out of World. There are various extreme environments in Universe. In the vicinity of giant celestial bodies with high energy and mass concentration, the stability of space will decline. In this distortion zone, it is easy to appear “holes” leading to other World, that is, space flash phenomenon In order to prevent Vengeance Army from approaching such a loophole, the barrier simply fixes everyone on a planet: it is not impossible.

Of course, if someone makes such a guess before today, I will definitely think that it is because the head is squeezed by the door. There is a one-way inference problem: “The barrier protects Vengeance Army” and “To protect Vengeance Army only The “barrier” is different. Without sufficient evidence, we can only say that the locked state at that time really saved the Shandora, but it cannot be said that the real purpose of this locked state is to protect the Vengeance Army officers and soldiers. But now that we have dug those mud plates from the two river basins, the situation is different.

The Soldier that jumped out of the “security zone” is forbidden to return, and is killed outside the barrier by a higher degree of “lock order”, which is obviously a typical measure used to fight the plague, and the “barrier conjecture” is obtained The most powerful support.

“I ’ve figured something out now,” Shandora said slowly. “We had such a barrier in the Old Empire era. Build isolation belts in the abyssal pollution area and place the wounded soldiers inside. If there are wounded soldiers accidentally Outside the isolation zone, we will directly send sanction drones to execute them-but this isolation zone is only used to protect the servants or local indigenous people. Xiling Apostle‘s self-purification ability is more effective than the isolation zone, so we never Use this measure on your own. “

“After the catastrophe, the abyss pollution in the empire is much more serious, your self-purification is not enough, so Xiling Apostle also needs isolation to bring protection,” I glanced at Shandora, “but no one thought of this at that time. . “

Shandora put a hand together: “can do nothing about it, that thing is too weird, who can think of it as a protective barrier? At first we didn’t know what was happening outside, it was completely shut down in a completely confused situation. Later After I figured out what was happening outside, I did n’t have much energy to study what was going on in the original “locked state”. If the fox dug up these lumps, I might have forgotten about it. ”

I turned my head to squeeze the ears of the demon fox girl as a compliment. Although she has degenerated into a Husky, although she is lazy every day, although she still digs through the yard today, she did a great job this time. I am thinking of rewarding her with a bag of bone cookies, but this girl may be violent and hurt someone, so after two days I will lead her to do a washing and blowing for the tail as a reward

The fox has been lying next to the coffee table and probed our heads to listen to the story that we did n’t understand at all: she did n’t know anything about Vengeance Army ’s events at that time, and she did n’t know what everybody ’s “lock” and “barrier” were. , But she knew that these topics were all for herself, so she showed great interest from beginning to end, which was amazing. She was so interested in a topic that she could not understand at all. I heard it from the beginning …

“It’s a problem now,” Onee-sama got up and took a glass of water, and came back to continue, “Who made this barrier? How come he has such a great ability to trap Shandora without knowing it?” “

“It may be another Emperor, or it may be some kind of” survivor cluster “,” Shandora guessed after a little thought, “We all know that although the disaster of Old Empire broke out quickly, it lasted for hundreds of years. The announcement is over. Many leader-level Apostle(s)s have persisted for a long time. During this time, they have carried out various self-help actions-you all remember the literature library. In fact, the literature library and the fifteen-day zone concept are all survivors. Self-help behaviors are only some successes and some failures. There may be some survivors we do n’t know have also taken action. Some survivors may find that Vengeance Army is just outside the contaminated area, so they cut off Vengeance Army for the first time. The communication with Empire Data Network has imprisoned us on the spot. “

“Cut, how do you feel that the rest of the story is completely patched up by brain repair,” Icetis rubbed his eyebrows a bit depressed, this guy disguised his brain for a long time, and now finally feels impatient, “I ca n’t Is there any real information? “

I quite understand the complaint of Icetis. After all, we really have very little information at hand. This discussion has been an inference contest since an hour ago, and it is for this reason that many of our inferences dare not say death— -What can be determined now is that only the fact that Vengeance Army was once protected by a certain “barrier effect”, everything else has yet to be determined.

“Let ’s first assume that the” barrier “conjecture is correct,” Shandora ignored Icetis‘s nagging. “This barrier obviously has many signs of ‘catch up’. It can’t judge whether the people who escaped the barrier are infected. It seems that there is no way to judge whether the World outside the barrier is safe: after the end of the abyss 70,000 years ago, the barrier has not disappeared, indicating that it does not even have a shutdown process. This should be due to the tight time when the barrier is set up Right. “

“So, is Vengeance Army a kind of fire protected by some Emperor surviving that year …” The sister was very emotional. “It’s a pity they didn’t have the opportunity to explain the situation with Shandora.”

Shandora nodded: “The entire mental network is contaminated, so I can only isolate Vengeance Army and me without knowing it. If they contact me at that time, I am afraid that they will be defeated in a flash.”

“However, how come this barrier was suddenly lifted?” Shallow whispered incredulously, “Isn’t it saying that it did not sense ability? After the abyss shock, it has been stubborn for nearly 70,000 years. Then suddenly it disappeared … “

The shallow voice fell, and the whole family ’s eyes focused on me. I pointed at myself inexplicably: “Ah?

“Your friend Void Creature is online,” the voice of Bubbles’ came from the crack (because she was too small), “As soon as the child and her dad are online, the Internet is equivalent to being reshuffled, barriers, After all, it works by blocking channels or interfering with key equipment. At that time, Pandora was equivalent to an external network for a barrier. The barrier wanted to prevent the connection between the internal network equipment and the external network, so it would naturally jump out, and then her father Lost that thing in seconds. “

I scratched my hair: “Uh … why am I not impressed?”

I felt a glimpse from the child’s mother in the slit: “You have not impressed many things-it is better to say that there are a few things you have impressed from the throne to the present.”

I thought about it, especially grievedly.

In fact, there are still many unclear explanations of this “barrier” statement. For example, how did the Emperor who survived that year (if they really existed) how to quickly establish a barrier without Shandora being aware of it? Yes: This is impossible in the Xiling authority system. An Emperor cannot exceed the power to control other Emperor troops, let alone control other Emperors themselves. In this regard, Shandora believes that it is very likely to be attributed to the abyss: the abyss shock of that year almost destroyed everything in the Old Empire spiritual network, and perhaps at a certain time, even the permission system was briefly shut down. Perhaps the person who erected the “barrier” took advantage of this loophole to imprison all Vengeance Army staff-well, I know this is still unclear, but at least it is a reason?

The discussion on the “barrier” is now over. Even if you continue to reason, you won’t get more information. Shandora decided to let the Soldier who were trapped in the outside world with her carry out a full-body examination, and even she did an internal to scan to see if she could find the “barrier” clues. Although this is of little significance, it is better than Do nothing to be strong.

When everybody got up and busy themselves, Onee-sama suddenly sighed a little: “The people who set up the barrier should not be there anymore.”

Shandora silently sighed for a few seconds: “Maybe even worse: they may already be on Fallen Apostles‘s side.”

This was originally an unpleasant guess, but I thought of something else instantly: “Wait, if they are on the Fallen Apostles side, it might be a good thing, you forget that I still have …”

I have n’t finished talking yet, Icetis just slapped my palm: “Yes, the prodigal turned back and punched his face!”

I: “… Can you not mention this name?”

Shandora eyes is also lit up, because for the new empire that has mastered the key technology of “reverse transformation”, Fallen Apostles is not a completely unsaved polluter now, as long as it can successfully capture it, me and Xiaoxue can reverse them into normal Xiling Apostle. If the fact that Vengeance Army was imprisoned in another World was really a consciously established “barrier”, and the creator of this barrier was still alive, then they were almost 100% in the Fallen Apostles camp, according to their time when the disaster came. The fact that such a barrier is created in a sober state will be a group of powerful leaders, and they will also have considerable influence in the Fallen Apostles camp today-this points us to a clear future action.

“I will call the headquarters meeting tomorrow,” Shandora said sharply. “The future battle against Fallen Apostles will capture the enemy leader as much as possible. I must understand what happened in the past!”

I thought about it, and I feel that Shandora is really easy to talk about. With the new empire fighting strength and Fallen Apostles direct combat, it has been quite reluctant, and now I still ask to catch the generals back every time I fight-you might as well count on the opposite side Now come to dozens of Emperor to join the army to surrender. Of course, Shandora can think of this too, so she picked up a little bit of excitement and smiled embarrassedly at us: “It’s just a general direction, just a general direction … try your best.”

This discussion of making people ’s heads swell is finally over. All that remains is to make some fine-tuning of various military operations in the future based on the newly acquired information, and to start arranging a general examination for all Vengeance Army personnel, Shandora decided I personally supervised this matter, but I could have fun with it. Ji Shanxing got up and started to clean up the mud version of the table. These baby bumps are not very useful to us, but Ji Shanxing seems to like them quite. This flat chested little man very rarely hummed a song that is not tuned, as if it was light. Same as enmity.

“It’s nice, these things are your darlings?” I patted Ji Shining’s head casually.

“Are n’t you happy when you see something familiar?” Ji Xuanxing threw a pile of lumps into his handy space, and then looked at me with special vigilance, “Wait! You wo n’t be Do you want to hand over these clay editions to Human Race? You are doing this kind of thing … “

I thought about it, it makes sense that Ji Shanxuan was so worried: these clay editions are part of the Earth culture, and it seems reasonable to give them to Human Race. But I didn’t have this plan at all, because we have been working to erase the traces of the empire from on the Earth. Until earthling is sufficiently developed, they will not be exposed to any “impact” beyond the necessary. For this reason, there are no fewer than dozens of Ancient times remnant dismantled or removed by the Loveless Borderless Organization (you look at the research team that threw incombustible garbage at that time!), And now there are too many obvious disclosures on these mud plates. Alien civilization information, they will have extremely bad influence on Earth civilization: Make earthling think that they are captive race made by Alien, which is obviously a bad inducement.

Although we hope to guide earthling into space as soon as possible, the stimulation of something like Xiling Empire is still too strong: this can easily lead the fragile Earth civilization to go astray.

Of course, the more important reason is: I find it troublesome.

“Since these things on the clay version have not become the mainstream of Sumerian culture, it means that they eventually become small branches that have been eliminated in the history of Human Race. Do n’t let these branches disturb earthling. Energy. “

According to my commitment, Ji Xianshuang was excited and ran away with her lumps on the second floor-but soon she ran down again and again because there were still a lot of mud plates in the yard.

“You look a little bit like the ancestors now,” Icetis sat on the sofa next to the dragon, watching the dialogue between me and Ji Shanxing with cold eyes, “From a higher perspective, for mortal civilization Consider the problem … “

I immediately frowned: “Why do you say that, I feel strangely uncomfortable: as if I have become a villain?”

“Because you feel that you have interfered in the process of mortal?” Icetis chuckled, “Don’t be too sensitive, this is an inevitable phenomenon. When you are strong enough, even if you breathe, it will be enough for the secular World, you It is impossible to have no influence on World like ordinary people-even if you are cautious, it is useless. The concubine gives you a recent example: three days ago, the concubine listened to Shandora, in order to build a new Void laboratory, You approved to fine-tune the speed of light of a certain World. Do you know what this one-tenth of a fine-tuning signify? signify In that Universe, there are millions of wisdom race who have never been exposed to the empire will choose another science and technology tree in the future For you, this is the side effect of accidentally. For those mortals, this is-destiny. “

Me: “…”

“That’s how it is. If you are so strong that it is destiny for another race, then you will never be able to get rid of this responsibility. We God Clan spent countless years to study this problem, and finally we are under the guidance of Father God’s Understand God’s heavenly responsibilities: God does not involve the world, it is not that God does not touch mortals at all, but that God does not distort the wishes of mortals according to his own wishes. In addition, you have more or less that effect on World, Leave him to dry eggs. “

Icetis finally patted my shoulder bravely: “Remember the concubine’s heartfelt words: the greater the power, the more TM things.”

Me: “…”

This product is really my life mentor, from the heart.

Actually, sometimes, I also think that Icetis is a pretty good female hooligan–although she is fierce, violent, and arrogant, and she goes out to find things every three to five times and spends my money, but otherwise … What are the advantages …

In short, I mean, Icetis can always stand up and give me some pointers or relief when I get confused, especially because of major issues such as strength and responsibility. This female gangster looked at Diao Erlang when she was on a weekday, but she accumulated more than biceps over hundreds of millions of years. Her consciousness in terms of power and responsibility, power and mission is not worthy of the name of goddess, I ca n’t remember How many times have she been enlightened by her, her enlightenment is full of ruff, but it is suitable for my carefree personality: if you look for a strict teacher who is a good teacher, I may not hear it. .

Perhaps the female gangster hides a soft and delicate heart beneath the corners of her body. I just hypnotize myself so well, which can effectively filter the sand content in her words.

Looking at Icetis swinging his arm toward the gate, I looked like I was going out to spend some time. I shouted at the back: “Thank you, Icetis.”

Icetis waved his head without looking back: “Save it, you will want to kill when the concubine buys it back …”

Me: “…”

The sand content is still quite large.

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