Xiling Empire Chapter 1278: Chi aid

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The battle is over, and the servants and reserve echelons begin to clean the battlefield, recovering and using valuable starships. The caster legion led by Odysseus and Reina has also just returned to the formation. Almost every Magic Vanguard and Arcane law enforcement officer has suffered a certain degree of damage, but none of them died. They have to say that their special fighting style It really works on certain battlefields. The main force echelon of the Sixth Fleet is now being reorganized, and battle losses are collected and counted. Although we finally won, and it looks good, we must admit that the fierce invasion of Fallen Apostles caused a lot of damage to the new empire this time, and the Sixth Fleet lost nearly one third of this battle.

The servant army did not launch a frontal attack, but its battle damage has almost reached this number.

At least in the recent a period of time, the Sixth Fleet is unable to appear on the frontal battlefield. They need to recuperate, replenish the destroyed battleship, and restore the missing personnel caused by the killed Soldier. Although Xiling Apostle has the resurrection ability, not every Soldier can be resurrected in the face of such a high-intensity battlefield. Many brave soldiers are killed in battle completely, and the military will be very busy in the future a period of time. It should be said that fortunately we have achieved a large advantage in the early stages of the battle and have maintained it. Otherwise, this vicious battle may even damage the entire Sixth Fleet. As the current new empire is fighting the main force army against Fallen Apostles, this situation is extremely bad.

When the fleet Commander began its routine finishing work, we finally had the power to focus on other things.

At the time of the battle, the intelligence officer reported a request for help from an unknown source. The requester said that they were being attacked by a group of extremely destructive enemies. We suspect that the attacker was the group and Empire Army The belligerent Fallen Apostles invading army. Because everyone was in a fierce battle at that time, coupled with Xiao Xue’s suggestion, this piece of information for help was temporarily put on hold. Now, we should look at it.

Sieves opened Hologram equipment on the officer ’s platform, which showed the translated text of the request for assistance and the coordinate and frequency information of this message. She reported to us: “Now it has been nearly nine hours before the information The response of the believer completely disappeared, and we did not detect a similar signal in the second paragraph. According to the prediction of Her Highness the Princess, the sender should be alive, but they hid. “

Pandora tried to stretch her body and lie in front of Hologram equipment, her expression was as if she was a general of Seves, and her at this moment had to at least make a strategic plan, but I did n’t expect any constructive comments from her : This dwarf gourd full of explosions only looks like a fool to any problem that cannot be solved by explosions. Instead, the twin sister Viska sitting next to her made some comments: “If we broadcast all Universe, it means that the battle is over, and it is safe to go outside now, let them out?”

I took a look at Viska, and the little girl looked back with her shiny **** cat pupil. She smiled happily and revealed two little tiger teeth: “Brother, is this a good idea?”

Her intelligence outside the cannon measures is a bit higher than that of Pandora. I shook my head: “For you, do you dare to believe?”

“In the third-party in the eyes, Empire Army and Fallen Apostles should be difficult to distinguish,” Sieves really shook his head. “Except for the abyss reaction, our army is basically the same as the Fallen Apostles army. This third-party force should be against the empire. Nothing is known about them, so they should be on the same level of vigilance and avoidance with Empire Army. It may be unrealistic to establish contact with them by conventional means. It may be that the power of Her Highness the Princess may find their hiding place … ”

“It can only be judged indistinctly,” Xiao Xue rubbed her forehead. The child was already very tired, but she still tried to determine the position of the helper. She operated the star map a few times and pulled the view away. Eventually A bright celestial body hundreds of millions of light years away is selected, “Roughly at this location, there is a super-massive celestial body that is rapidly collapsing, possibly a quasar, the super-strong electromagnetic radiation released and the natural gravitational distortion are a It is an ideal barrier. If my judgment is correct, they are somewhere in this quasar. But … they seem to have ability that shuttles World. If we rush to send people over, they may run away. It has become an embarrassing situation of chasing and fleeing. Although the Imperial Starship is not unable to catch up with them, just in case they jump into the macro World network, they may be in danger. This Universe is already close to the macro World network , And the other party is a group of bear children who have not carried the World navigation code. “

… It ’s so subtle to listen to the biggest bear kid in history saying that others are bear kids.

“We need a few spaceships that are not part of the empire camp, and …” I turned my head to look at the people around me, “There are also a few guys who are idle and hurt. 123, I am talking about you guys Come and help, let’s rescue the accident spaceship … “

My voice has n’t fallen yet, and Icetis shook it steadily, stretching his waist: “No concubine, no pain …”

I: “… you say a few words, no one takes you dumb!”

The spaceship outside the Imperial Starship is easy to find. The Sixth Fleet took a considerable number of servants when it was on the expedition, and soon we temporarily requisitioned an aircraft carrier and three carrier barges from the fleet of the Civilization Community: This is their biggest ship. Although we are not sure how many people send out help signals and how many things they carry, Xiao Xue said it would be good to bring a few big ships in the past. In addition to the original crew members on the ship, Xiao Xue and I and the God Clan squad of five will be accompanied by my personal sister, and my sister will stay in the Admiral to guard the battlefield, and by the way, watch the reserve echelon and the servants clean the battlefield-diligent family My sister, she likes to watch the scene of packing things at home. Before, she watched me put things in the refrigerator. Now she watches her fleet pour into the hangar. Universe spaceship ……

In addition, Pandora and Viska were also ordered to stay on spaceship. The two little brats were not interested in anything other than fighting, and they did not like the boring action of rescuing wreckage spaceship, and they also had to check their own cooling Here comes …

Riding on the aircraft carrier of the Community of Civilizations, after several mid-range jumps, we reached the target area. This is an extremely bright space area, where supermassive interstellar matter-more than half of which can be used as stellar fuel-accumulates together, which produces a fierce nuclear reaction, and the super radio and light radiation released can be in the tens of billions of light years It was observed from outside that the detector showed that the diameter of this mass of matter was 1.1 to 12 light days. Of course, this is the average diameter: its appearance is not very “regular”, it looks a bit like a wrinkled orange. This is a quasar, which looks a bit like a star when viewed from a distance, but its super strong light and heat radiation and its excessively large volume indicate that it is definitely not a thing with a star. at the same time is relatively “loose” The structure is also very different from a single planet in the ordinary sense. Because of the fuel enrichment and violent reaction, the absolute brightness and radiation intensity of this space spectacle are thousands of times or more than that of ordinary galaxies-of course far more than the dark nebula where the fleet was stationed before. We have to use a perception method other than vision to observe this planet, because its brightness is no longer suitable for presenting to the naked eye in the form of an image. Of course, this is not a problem for us. The World that the mind perceives is far more than the meat in the eyes‘s all things is more colorful. As for the other occupants on the aircraft carrier, those ordinary race from the civilized community, they need to use various equipment to filter the quasar’s light. Although these race have gone through the “promotion” of the empire, they are not yet powerful enough to be able to look directly at the light of quasars with the naked eye.

Of course, it is impossible to withstand the radiation of this hot object.

In addition to the space, which is occupied by quasars, it has been spreading for 50 million light years, and there is only vast dead space. There is no small-scale lone galaxy, no nebula material, and no ashes left after the above-mentioned celestial bodies burn. The quasar in front of us must have squeezed out all the material in the range at the beginning of its formation, and then in a short time The rest of the residue was blown away with its own radiant wind, and it swept out a clean courtyard for itself, so that the quietly settled down in space and settled down.

This civilized community carrier has a flat, wide and short hull. At the head of spaceship is a series of observation towers. We are now at the top of one of the observation towers. There is a rectangular hall here, which can let people Look at the outer space. With the slight friction of the machinery, the alloy shield of the observation tower fell slowly, and the light from the brightest Universe celestial body rushed in through the seemingly fragile observation tower crystal wall, just like the heat wave about to burn all However, the inner shield has filtered the heat of the quasar and 99% of the luminosity, and the flames formed by sunlight are only an illusion.

The aircraft carrier and three barges are crossing an area of ​​60,000 kilometers above the quasar. For such a huge celestial body, 10,000 kilometers is already equivalent to passing by, and the hot column from the surface of the celestial body below carries huge nuclear fuel. The debris rushed into space. One of the two-kilometre-long hot debris just wiped the observation tower and flew past. It looked like a burning Continent fell into space under the action of inverted gravity. It was spectacular.

“Hiding in the quasi-star within the body is nothing to the civilization across World,” Xiao Xue ’s eyes glowed with a white halo, and she was looking for those hiding in this light day Refuge with great interest Those “guests”, “Well, it seems that this is the place, I saw … one, two … three, three spaceship, with a unified logo on them, dark red painting, no similar weapons … Nothing at least … Obviously strong armed. It seems that it is not a battleship. If it is not the first exploration ship that left World, it will be separated from the armed guard. “

“Hah, I really envy you and your mother,” Icetis said to Xiaoxue. She has entered divine form and is now opening her gorgeous wings, stretching her waist in the light of the quasar, and then in In my speechless sight, this selfish female gangster simply hung herself on the huge observation window, “Sunbathing wings, sunbathing wings, girl should pay attention to maintenance …”

Then I saw Ilson, Monina and Kansas, and Shi Shiran also followed, and the four guys with a wingspan of three meters instantly occupied the half wall: bask in the sun under the light and heat of the quasar , These goods are really unprecedented. In the five-member group of God Clan, only Lin is quite sensible. This honest girl is standing behind me obediently, scratching her neck and coughing.

Oh, by the way, Icetis asked her to help open a hole in the enemy ’s flagship, so the girl snapped a hole in the interstellar alloy, and she was choking now. Come on?

At this time, I noticed that the “horizon” outside the observation tower was rising, and the broadcast of the spaceship shipborne host came: “Positioning is complete, confirm the mass coordinate … The ship begins to sink, the shield and Each filter level is increased to 10%, there may be a slight shock, and all staff are prepared for routine anti-impact … The boundary of the concentration of contact substances. “

Slightly violent shaking came from underneath, and the aircraft carrier touched the gaseous crust of the quasar and began to sink quickly. For celestial bodies such as quasars, the outer layer is not solid but gaseous, so it does not have a “shell” in a real sense. However, there is still a more obvious dividing line on its surface. The intense nuclear reaction and the super strength of the quasar itself Gravity saws each other, forming a boundary of extremely dense gas material on the surface of the star. Violent cyclones and turbulent heat waves quickly rotate on this boundary, thus creating a dynamic balance and forming an unstable “shell”. . This shell is always changing, and occasionally it will expand tens of thousands of kilometers outward or contract tens of thousands of kilometers inward. The vibration from the foot of everybody was caused by the aircraft carrier contacting the cyclone on this dividing line. If it is a conventional civilization-those spaceship made by civilizations that have not yet mastered the space anchoring technology and special shields, it is basically 100% to disintegrate at this level. However, the spaceship of the Civilization Community will only be a little shocked in this environment. Of course, if we are driving in an imperial starship, I am afraid that there will be no vibration: the space interrupter made by Xiling science and technology can easily block this storm on the surface of the quasar, without even letting the shield consume even 100% One of the energy.

Looking out through the crystal window of the observation tower, I ca n’t see anything at all by naked eyes. The light far beyond the imaging threshold fills all space of surroundings. Looking at it with the naked eye, you can only see that the quasar within the body is an endless storm composed of light and heat. The eyes of ordinary creatures takes only one millisecond in this environment. Will be burned, and even us, it is difficult to “see” something in this dazzling environment.

However, we can use our mind to see things. Within the scope of spirit to scan, we have not yet found the figures of those seeking help.

“They should have noticed us, but they didn’t run,” Xiao Xue looked directly at the thermonuclear flames that stretched hundreds of thousands of kilometers outside the window. Her eyes penetrated the endless light and heat ocean and reached the interior of the quasar. , “By signal, it means we are here to rescue.”

We have deciphered the request for help from the other party before, so we know the frequency and coding method required to establish communication with the other party. Soon, a message indicating friendliness and humanitarian assistance is sent out, and it is almost instantaneous. Get a response: It seems that the other party has been waiting for us to speak for a long time.

“They asked about the” chaser “,” Xiaoxue knew the other party’s response in advance before the communication center’s report came over. She looked up at me and said, “These are Fallen Apostles.”

“I just said I was run away, do n’t say anything else, it ’s too complicated to explain.”

After some communication, the two sides reached preliminary trust. Of course, the requester also asked how we found this place: because they did not send any information outside after hiding in this quasar, but we still find Come up. In this regard, Xiao Xue directly used the science and technology drop to confuse the past. The biggest advantage of the two different civilizations that have never been in contact is that both sides can talk casually. Of course, the disadvantage is that both parties basically do n’t believe the other ’s **** … it ’s not important, anyway, now the other party believes we do n’t hostility.

“Note that the Force Field barrier is detected. After 30 seconds, the target enters the traction range of Force Field … The probe has been deployed. The target can be observed after ten seconds … The signal can be observed after five seconds … Successfully received. “

As the voice of the ship’s mainframe fell, the observation hall dimmed, and the surrounding protective walls closed again. The huge appeared Hologram projection in the hall, three spaceships from strange civilizations appeared on the projection.

These quietly are suspended in the surging thermonuclear storm of the quasar within the body, and their scale does not seem to be large: the long axes of the three ships are between two and three kilometers-well, for ordinary civilizations this It’s already a big spaceship, but I have seen more of the tremendously formidable battle fortresses made by the Empire. subconsciously feels that these spaceships are really small. The shape of the three ships is similar. They are generally long and narrow in front and wide at the back. They have a symmetrical hull with a strong line style and black and white and red colors. The spaceship style is unknown.

The three ships do n’t seem to be battleships. This is the same as Xiao Xue said. Although they have suspected weapons on the surface, according to their size and distribution, this should be just self-defense firepower.

I called the aircraft carrier command room: “Take the channel and we will talk directly with the other party Commander.”

A momentary interference noise came from the communicator, and then appeared communication was successfully transferred on the status display window. We have established a connection with the three unknown third-party spaceship.

“This is the supreme commander of Xiling Empire, where are you from?”

“This is the supreme commander of the Fiyali Empire, where are we?”

at the same time almost queried twice in the communicator, one is mine, and the other is the voice of a young woman.

everybody: “…”

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