Xiling Empire Chapter 1255: Martial law

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To be honest, I really did n’t know that the council that looked at the character is strictly forbidden and talked and acted with one eye at a time was still such a wonderful end. The hundreds of personalities she reserved after becoming a consciousness community made hail as the best/acclaim as the acme of perfection: especially she put it The flexible way is more unbearable. However, I can understand that her symbiotic state of consciousness is different from that of the Great Warlord. Xiling Apostle is like a 100% accurate machine. They can gather all souls and personalities into together without loss, and form a unique and sober new consciousness. Most mortals race can do nothing about it control their own minds like a control program, so even if they form a consciousness community, they will retain a large number of self-inclination to prevent falling into chaos-the result is a set of hundreds of people such as parliament who share their lives in peace memory.

Before we had a normal relationship with the parliament, the exchanges were a bunch of diplomatic rhetoric. Of course, the parliament did not reveal too much self-personality, and now the two sides are already friends in a certain sense, so I instantly realized this The wonder of the bit.

After completing the handover of the relevant information of the human brain array host, and confirm that the Tavel’s quality projection and the local scientists can get along with each other (in fact, they are faster than I thought, and do research scientists have a common smell?) After that, we chatted with the parliament about a period of time for more than thirty minutes, talking about the current situation and future plans of the exiles. The parliament unceasing torrent: Personality No. 76 seems to be a slight reminder.

The symptoms of the second maniac under the Dragon God and Viska are milder, so I and Shandora said that the pressure was not too great.

Standing on the platform at the top of the parliament building, we looked down at the already vibrant city and the endless transportation underneath the tower ball building. The parliament was very emotional and relieved: “It seems that the wound healing is faster than expected Faster, if this home can really settle down for a long time, I think my people will thank the new empire. “

“It ’s already very satisfying to be able to abandon the previous suspicions,” I said honestly. “Now I feel that the mess I face is greater than expected, and the Old Empire black history is really piled up.”

The next Shandora coughed awkwardly, and then twisted the soft meat around my waist.

The Parliament has not noticed such small actions as the two empire Chief of state. She is already immersed in her vision of the future: “There is one thing I want to tell you, the Fourth and Fifth Fleet of Exiles have had two joint meetings, we A coalition government is about to be formed. This Universe order will soon become normal, and we will no longer be exiles in the future, but a normally developing civilization. “

Shandora stopped her hand, she looked at the eyes of the council: “This is of great significance.”

“Yes, we want to become a mixed civilization, just like the Galactic Civilization Community,” the parliament made a breath-taking move, although she is now only a translucent virtual projection, this action is still done by subconsciously Come out, “To be honest, the Community of Civilizations is impressive. I have contacted all the representatives of the servants of the Empire new generation, and only they feel like … It ’s just like the soldiers facing you. Maybe the complex will become the same in the future. Strong civilization, after all, we have also experienced hardships. “

“Complex?” I was suddenly attracted to the new word, “You have changed your name?”

“Yes, the Union of Revival Civilizations,” with a proud look on the face of Parliament, and based on the way she speaks now, I judge that the slightly broken personality of the 76th personality should have gone to rest, “ Now that the years of exile are over and compatriots of all races have settled down, we naturally cannot continue to call ourselves exiles and fleet numbers. This name was proposed by Kokokina, which was passed by two-thirds of the members during the meeting. Now All the race of the original 4th and 5th Fleet will become a common civilization, called the Union of Recovery Civilizations: it is very consistent with our experience, isn’t it? “

“Uh …” I got a bit of a pause in my speech. “It’s quite realistic, but I have a sense of sight …”

“Why? Does the name” Complex “have a special meaning in the Empire?”

Shandora has a subtle expression next to me, and my voice is more embarrassing: “No, it ’s just that Empire capital city World happens to have an organization called the Women ’s Federation … I am really didn’t expect and there will be a civilization that regards the complex (women) as its official name. . “

Although the names of the two are not the same, I ca n’t help but scroll in my heart tsukkomi/ridicule Oh!

“Does this name already exist?” The parliament opened eyes, “But it doesn’t matter, there are many civilizations, and the occasional repetition of the name is also can do nothing about it. I like the name of the complex and I voted for it. 127 votes … “

Shandora froze: “You voted 127 alone … Okay, I understand, but is this a fair way to vote?”

“Of course fair,” the parliament took nodded as a matter of course. “In addition, I voted 23 votes against and 16 abstentions.” Parliament “is fair. In the coalition government, I am not Acting as an individual, but as a parliamentary group, this is something accepted by all people. “

…… Should I continue the tsukkomi/ridicule Women ’s Federation, or should the tsukkomi/ridicule Parliament own at the same time cast three votes and the total number of votes is 166? It can only be said that this World is really wonderful … Daqian World is full of strange things, what weird race will appear.

In addition, I can know how many active personalities there are in the parliament: 166, of course, she cannot be a regenerative body merged by 166 consciousnesses. This number should be the number of Nad spiritual leaders in that year. But … I study this dry hair?

“Speaking of it, I have a plan recently,” looking at the busy city air traffic below, and those who see the Empire shuttle parked on the parliament building will not show a repulsive look, but some people are looking here curiously. Citizens, I think maybe the time is right now, “The new enrollment of Empire Army School of Events has already started. Do you want some places?”

“Cultural output? Or the next generation of transformation?” The parliament picked up the sentence almost at the moment when my words fell. I turned my head dumbfounded and found that she had a playful smile on her face: This What a keen nerve!

However, without this mindset, it is impossible for Parliament to become the supreme commander of the Fourth Fleet, and it is impossible to lead so many refugees to build their homes to such a degree in a short time. I was broken by this powerful woman‘s own plan, and I didn’t feel any embarrassment, because since she didn’t care about putting this sentence on the table, it means that she didn’t mind my little ideas.

“There are reasons for this, the Empire and the Liu … The complex needs the efforts of new generation citizens to improve relations,” Shandora said lightly, “but otherwise, this is also good for you, not You should know what kind of place the Empire Army Academy is, where you can study, and for some race, it is even worth the history. In many cases, a macro World civilization only has a few places for further education each year, some The backwardness of the civilization is not enough. The World cannot even win the registration opportunity. More importantly, the knowledge gained from the study … “

The Council took over the second half of Shandora’s ’s sentence: “The knowledge gained from the study is a system, and it is completely your own. What the Empire directly supports will destroy our science and technology tree. I understand this very well. Old Empire in the exile fleet The servant army experienced a very sighing recession. They originally had the highest science and technology. After those empire equipments were shut down, they almost became the primitive people in the combined fleet. Even if other members of the fleet helped, they used It took only two or three generations to slow down. So we know what kind of embarrassment the science and technology tree is locked by the high level civilization, but the knowledge gained in that college will be systematic, although not very cutting-edge , But at least it has great value for a civilization like ours … a very cost-effective thing, why should I object? “

Shandora and I both smiled when we heard the words: It seems that the attitude of the Parliament is better than expected.

“I will take this as a proposal and propose it to other race representatives at the next joint meeting,” Parliament nodded, “On the issue of candidates, there will probably be many new generation citizens interested in it, as to whether it will be passed … should not worry, other race representatives will have no conflicts on this kind of issue, and I personally will vote for 150 votes in favor, 10 votes against and 6 abstentions … “

I: “… I feel weird every time I hear you say this … what does it feel like to vote your own negative vote?”

“It’s like you woke up early to get rid of the tofu in your brain,” the council glanced at me, then added, “Oh, yes, this is the metaphorical way I saw from the Empire Data Network , What is that tofu brain? “

Me: “… Don’t ask this, it’s easy to fight.”

Next Parliament about Empire Army We have consulted with us on the admission criteria and course standards Shandora I haven’t paid much attention to this matter, so I will answer it on my behalf: in any case, I am also hanging up as an honorary chairman in the school. Empire Army The admission criteria of the School of International Affairs are actually very loose, because it is facing him at the starting line of hundreds of thousands race , Each student may come from life Species with completely different forms and thinking patterns, so the school is right student There are only two requirements: the intelligence reaches the level that can accept the basic courses, and the active thinking can be accepted beyond them world outlook Knowledge instilled. The second request is not difficult, which race There is no lack of active thinking teasing … genius student , The first requirement is less of a problem: every member of the complex race But they have all developed World For sailing technology, they absolutely have no lack of intelligence.

And just at the end of this topic, an emergency communication from the Avalon command suddenly interrupted the conversation between us and the Parliament. It was the voice of Artemis Jr .: “your majesty, about unknown intruders Things, found anomalies. “

“What’s wrong?” The council asked curiously when she saw a slight change in my complexion.

“I have something to tell me to go home,” I replied casually, “I originally wanted to rub a meal … it seems I have to go back first.”

Parliament: “… Emperor your majesty is still so kind …”

Shandora and I hurriedly bid farewell to the parliament, and a moment later entered the portal to capital city World. Ten minutes after the emergency communication of Artemis, the two rushed to the central area of ​​Avalon space.

The central area of ​​Avalon space is the only “city” here. Della’s shrine and the Empire’s management center in this space are located in the same area. On this great plain, the pyramidal Xiling Base, the huge World Tree shrine and the death The garden control centers are arranged next to each other, and their respective resident personnel directly develop a city with a mixture of science and technology and mysterious style. This city has no name, and we usually use a symbolic building here to refer to this place, such as the big shrine or the secluded garden. When we arrived with Shandora, our first reaction was: martial law.

The city has launched an autonomous martial law program!

The energy shield on the edge of the Great Plains has risen. The almost transparent city shield covers this magnificent building complex. There are three light beams parallel to the earth that are constantly circulating across the sky. This is The signal for the city to enter air traffic control is now implemented in three levels of air traffic control: non-military vehicles are prohibited from entering flight altitude, and at the same time prohibits single persons other than military personnel from flying over the control area. The city entrance on the plain is already in a multi-level inspection state, and a large number of imperial Soldier are patrolling the outpost to check all the personnel passing through the city entrance. It is estimated that Avalon civilians can no longer enter or leave this place at will. According to the current state of martial law, non-military personnel working in the city may not be allowed to leave.

Atlantis is on the top, which is also a state of martial law.” Shandora glanced up. Behind the high-altitude clouds, what appeared looming is the conspicuous inverted cone Continent base of Atlantis. It hovered over the martial law city where air control has been carried out, and there is only one possibility: the air island is also under the same state of control.

“Fat trough, we just went out, not far away, why suddenly became so serious …”

I looked up and watched the Atlantis, which should normally slowly cross the sky, abnormally standing still at high altitudes, and could n’t help whispering to Shandora, who frowned, but said something else: “The capital city special zone is only in one Only under the circumstances, the state of autonomous martial law without the consent of Emperor is allowed, that is, the uncontrolled invasion of appeared in military units … “

At this time, I saw several figures coming out of the teleportation point at the entrance of the city. At the front was the little Artemis in a Pixie/Elf style hunting suit, and behind her were the Empire Army department. Several officers of Avalon space and two burly Atlantis soldiers like giants.

Different from the Shadow City where most areas are civilian areas, only the central fortress is militarized. Avalon space is a semi-military place, and its security level is higher, so this space is managed by the military. It is composed of two parts: the Artemis is in charge of the latter. She is equivalent to the landlord and civil affairs manager of Avalon space. She manages the affairs of the civilian population of Avalon daily. She also maintains the space order as a high-level priest of the goddess denomination ( Avalon is the place where Della is made, so goddess teaches believer to undertake maintenance work), and the Atlantis soldiers and Empire Military Officer behind her are the military manager: Now the two persons in charge at the same time appear, and the expressions on their faces are very serious .

“The military area is under martial law,” I waited for Artemis to come to me and said, “What’s the matter?”

“Excuse me carefully,” the capable blonde girl quickly replied, “After receiving the order, we began to monitor the entire space ’s personnel flow in search of the mysterious” intruder “. At first, we found nothing, but in about Two hours ago, a stranger was suddenly reported on Atlantis Continent. The stranger wandered near the power system of the empty island. I did n’t know how to cross the defense line guarded by Atlantis, and even wandered to the power stove! “

Atlantis ?!” I was startled and looked up at the empty island in the clouds, “And mixed into the power furnace?”

The situation is more complicated than expected. The towns of Atlantis and Yokai are different. It is an absolute military zone! The Atlantis family is all soldiers, and their city is managed according to the security level of the military camp, and the empty island itself is also a war vehicle. The security level of its power furnace is the highest on the empty island except for the control room and weapon dispatch center. Where, now, the stranger is actually mixing into the power furnace of Atlantis!

“God, please lower the punishment.” Behind Artemis, the two burly Atlantis soldiers stepped forward, kneeling on one knee, and said with a loud voice, it seems that they should be responsible for the power furnace at that time. Captain of the sentry.

“The question of punishment will be discussed later,” Shandora waved his hand. “First figure out what the intruder is, and then judge whether you are dereliction of duty-look at what you are now, the stranger must have not caught it?” /

“Yes, the intruder disappeared,” replied a Atlantis warrior, “just under our eyelids, she turned the protective grille of the power stove and disappeared, and there was no passage behind the protective grille. No signs of space gate opening were found at the scene. In addition, we have checked the access records of all entrances and exits near the power furnace, and the equipment shows … Every pass is normally authorized. “

We understand at least one thing: the “intruder” actually had an authorization to unimpeded military facilities!

Do you want to screen all the root directories of the empire?

I turned my attention to Shandora, and at at this moment, Artemis seemed to have something to say, she coughed a little: “cough cough, your majesty, and one other thing is the direct cause of martial law. The situation seems to be more than The expected complexity is many times … the stranger who appeared in the power stove … is an Atlantis woman, which is inconsistent with the situation reported by the town of Yokai. “(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian. com) vote for recommendation, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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