Xiling Empire Chapter 1222: Sneak inside

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According to the conversations of the three Melova officers, I have at least learned two pieces of information: the slave race brought to the Kingdom of God was used for some kind of “extraction” experiment, but I ’m not sure what was extracted, anyway. I’m sure this is absolutely inhumane; secondly, Brian has gained some power. It is very likely that the guy has cracked an important technology in the Old Empire era. I only hope that it is not the startup key of the Onee-sama Royal Fleet. I pondered these two questions for more than ten minutes, and found that I left them aside for a moment without any clue. Anyway, I guess I could solve one of these problems soon: what the slaves did.

After about an hour of regular voyage, the starship came to the “land of gods”, which is a dozen light-years away from the hometown of Anurili, which is the capital city star of the Melova people. The indigenous people on the slave donor planet may not understand it at all. The gods they worship are nothing but Alien creatures from another planet more than a dozen light years away-and they are also the second group of Alien creatures.

In the one-hour voyage, Lily Na has always been trying her best to play the role of acting cute coquetry, trying to make me realize that she is now a **** mature Pixie/Elf girl charm-of course more often she is analyzing Melova People’s Secondary Two behavior, and ridicule it. As a real and expert Zealot, Lily Na’s behavior towards Melova people is almost despised. In her words, this guy who pretends to be a ghost and makes himself happy and does not understand what is called a “God” at all Here is a group of monkeys wearing clothes and singing big plays. I think this kind of evaluation is a little out of the circle, but if you really want to compare the Melova people with the starry gods, perhaps this analogy is not bad …

“Boss, look, that’s the kingdom of God!” Lily Na observed the outside scene through the little spy Robot who has completely supervised the spaceship system. The data terminal in her hand projected a highly developed civilization Planet. A considerable area of ​​the planet ’s surface is covered with traces of artificial transformation. Alloy layers, energy shields, and various giant structures occupy nearly half of the planet ’s surface space, and the rest is rarely seen in nature. landscape. It seems that the Melova people completely transformed their parent star and used various artificial ecological equipment to maintain the planet ’s biosphere. They probably have no attachment to the natural environment. This mentality is very rare in most civilizations. However, thinking of the civilization foundation of the Melova people has been wiped out in the Old Empire era. Now they are equivalent to the direct development of a space civilization. This kind of behavior that has nostalgia for the natural environment can also explain one or two.

“Put this stuff away,” I turned off the Lily Na ’s data terminal, “It is estimated that someone will come soon.”

“Oh, by the way, boss, you will have to protect people if an accident occurs,” Lily Nashun crawled up on the ground, “The people are here, the charming and weak Pixie/Elf girl … “

“… You’re so embarrassed to say? Who was there just spreading the virus on the Melova mother star?”

Lily Na Yi lipped: “Cut, the old lady is a humanoid self-propelled, and the blackening does not affect the cuteness.”

My daily conversation with this girl has basically maintained this rhythm, it seems that it will not change …

At at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the cabin door. Lily and I quickly sat down and made a pair of bumpkin into the city, but almost at the same time. The cabin door was quietly opened, two The expressionless Melova Soldier appeared at the door: it was no longer any of the previous three. The two Soldiers looked at the situation in the cabin and waved to us just like the animals: “Come here and take you to open your eyes.”

Lily Na Chong squeezed her eyes and said in the spiritual connection: “Look, the show is over. I guess the infiltrators who were sent in in the past were executed shortly after leaving spaceship. Well, I smelled it Murderous. “

Lily Na and I chatted in a spiritual connection, while quietly following behind the two Melova Soldier. The two left spaceship in a hurry and were quickly transferred to an in-atmosphere shuttle. I originally planned to release two other detectors during this process, but in the end I dismissed the idea: there are extremely sensitive monitoring equipment nearby, and it is very likely that one-hundredth of a billion abnormal energy fluctuations will be released by to scan. The security level of the parent star is as strict as Shandora said. But I still took the time to look around the situation: it is located in the weak gravity area above the atmosphere, it is a geostationary transit mooring platform, where small and medium-sized starships temporarily pause and exchange goods and personnel with the platform. Before being urged to enter the shuttle in the atmosphere, I confirmed the distribution and structure of the several bridges connecting the platform, and found that this is just a small port with limited functions. To be sure, a port of this size is not in the regular army sequence, and combined with the information obtained from Turazzo, it is certain that the “turen” transported from the slave donor planet should enter the kingdom of God through channels independent of the regular army. Yes, the Soldier seen here should belong to Brian ’s own soldiers rather than the regular regular army-Brian does not trust his regular army, I do n’t know what else he can trust.

The shuttle jumped into the atmosphere quickly and steadily headed towards the North Pole, where it should be in the direction of Brian ’s palace. During this process, Lily and I were thrown in the rear cabin, and there was no longer any Melova People appeared in front of us, performing God’s mercy and compassion. I silently looked at the scene outside the porthole, and looked at this luxurious, majestic but ice-cold dead planet. Those golden decorations and huge ornate buildings are spreading over the ground. The artificial atmosphere control tower has replaced all the plants on this planet. This whole planet is a magnificent God’s seat. Melova has cleaned the God’s seat except himself. All living things-I do n’t know if it means that they think they are already very noble, so they ca n’t live on the same planet with any lower living things.

“Boss, if you grow up, you should be able to kill this mother star directly?” Lily did n’t know what was going on beside her, the green light in her hand was constant, and she took the time to tell me, “At least we are going now There is no problem killing that Brian. “

“Really,” I was said to be thrilled, but I did n’t get my brain to really run out and open up, “But Barryan is probably not on this planet, because Turazzo said, that guy The cunning and prudence of the imagination are beyond imagination. In addition, even if the parent star is destroyed, it will not have much effect. The Melova people may be confused for a moment, and then they will react and cause greater damage-a fully functioning empire But it wo n’t be destroyed because the capital is destroyed, the game is deceptive. Even if this place is finished, their ruling machine must have a backup system that can quickly take over … Uh, for a long time, what the **** are you doing? ? “

I found that Lily Na has created two green light cocoons of one size in front of us. The light cocoons are pulsating regularly as she continues to input divine power, as if two hearts are beating. Although I don’t understand what is called life power, but this thing is indeed filled with a … life breath. This girl just rubbed for a long time, and just rubbed out these two things. I really don’t know what her big idea is.

“For Death One and Death Two.” Lily snapped her fingers, two light cocoons cracked in response, and two were drilled out of it … people came, one was Anuza and the other was Anurili.

The appearance is exactly the same as the original version, and even the look changes are exactly the same as the original version. Lily Na copied the Anuza sister in this short few minutes! I couldn’t help but be surprised: “Do you plan to let them replace us?”

“Yes, then I and the boss are hiding behind me,” Lily Na squeezed around her two new works, seems to be evaluating the quality of the meat, “Next Melova people should start Their ‘project’ is gone, I don’t know what they will do, in case they are killed directly? At that time, the two of us may show their feet, it is better to make two puppets, let’s look at them. “

Lily Na said very reasonable, this girl usually looks upside down and crazy, but in the bones is quite meticulous, and older than me, life experience of three lifetimes is not just for fun.

“By the boss, will you squeeze it?” I just sighed halfway. Lily pushed the copy puppet of Anurili over, and opened the clothes on the chest of the latter-it was a vacuum inside. Yes, “The opportunity is rare, Anurili is pretty pretty how to say it, you hurry to touch two, I guarantee that this is 100% the same as the original, and the feel is the same, I do n’t say to the Shandora big sister … they are right I’ll give you a whistle when you have plenty of time, and you can … “

I quickly withdrew all the sighs I just made and squeezed Lily ’s face to the sides …

Just at at this moment, the shuttle arrived.

I ended the trouble with Lily Na, and the two entered the highest state of concealment in time, watching the two Melova Soldier lead the dull dumb puppets out, it seems that at this point, Melova people no longer care about them Is the slave brought normal? Probably this signify has really little time to live. Lily and I quickly followed, and found that I had come to a base. This is probably a place similar to the research department, because the Soldier we saw along the way are basically guards, and the people walking around in base are almost all the researchers in white clothes-Melova people followed the Old Empire Xi Ling technician Uniform style.

Lily held a small black square in her hand and fiddled with the front **** team. I gave her a curious look: “What is this?”

“Handle,” Lily did not look back. “The puppet I just made hasn’t had time to install the system. I had to use the handle to control it. Fortunately, I used to exercise my hand speed when I was connected to the bubble, or APM. But Guan really can’t figure out this thing … hey boss, can’t you play? Anuza can punch out the black dragon wave before and after punching, and Anurili can punch out the Phoenix Tianba before and after punching … “

I: “…” I think the main reason why you are so busy is to put too many functions on puppets that are not used by farts Oh!

The **** team never imagined that they were followed by two strange and dangerous trailwalkers, so in front of us, they handed over “Anuza” and “Anurili” ​​to a few Researcher-like people, We followed closely, watching the two replica puppets being brought into a spacious laboratory, and under the operation of Lily Na, with a dazed and surprised attitude throughout the process (Yeah, Lily Na’s APM is quite high … but she really can’t use a smarter operation method?).

There are a lot of together seats in the laboratory. The seats surroundings are a lot of identical and unknown crystal cubes. These crystal cubes give me a very bad feeling-just like seeing a handful Like the murderous lethal weapons, there is a kind of grudge entangled with the breath of death. A few Researchers, who seemed to be very gentle, let “Anuza” and “Anurili” sit on the two activated seats, and faced the puzzling voice of puppets under the control of Lily, one of them smiled: “Child, Rest assured, this is something that God has blessed you with. It may be a bit painful at first, but soon, you will be able to be with God ’s power, and you will get God ’s power and happiness from now on-start the system and start extracting! “

The low-pitched equipment humming began to sound in the laboratory, and the tone generated by the increased energy became higher and higher. The crystal cubes surrounding the seat lit up one by one and gradually floated into the air. The puppet’s space is symmetrically closed, and then I saw the crystallized data cable behind the seat appeared dedicated to high-speed data transmission-this crystallized data cable can be recognized at a glance, because this is 100% It is the original science and technology of the empire. In the at the same time activated by these devices, the two puppets in the seat also tremble violently. This is not because of the control of Lily Na, but the instinctive response of their body organization under the stimulation of strong energy, although it is only an empty The shell, their body structure is also complete, and therefore has the same neurological reflex as normal people.

However, in addition to this, the Researcher at the scene did not get anything they wanted. After a burst of equipment alarms, the two sets of seats at the same time stopped, and the crystal cubes dimmed and slowly returned to their original positions. Melova Researcher has been watching all this with a smile since just now, and now the smile is gone, they are starting to frustrate and angry look at each other in dismay.

“Chi—I’ve said that this kind of unreligious native has a strong sense of resistance, and the probability of failure is almost 50%! The guys do n’t understand science at all, they do n’t know these spirits. How slow the crystal grows-fortunately it did n’t burn this time. “

“Do n’t worry about your crystal! There are abnormal records here!”

A Researcher exclaimed while looking at the information display device in front of it. There were a bunch of graphics and data that everything in disorder could not understand. I can only recognize that the two middle figures represent the “Anuza” sitting in a chair. “And” Anurili “, all the Researcher have come together and made a surprising voice:” The soul extraction volume is zero? The extraction process is stuck at the first second of startup? Is there a problem with the device? “

“It’s hard to say that these Lingge crystals have failed once when they were used last time, and there may be unknown failures that we can’t find,” Researcher, who warned before, frowned and shook his head in distress. “It seems that these crystals can’t be used … Well, it must be a problem with crystals. There can be no soulless people, right.”

A Researcher walked to the chair where “Anurili” was sitting and checked the dim crystal cubes. Of course, he could not see any faults, so he quickly became very angry and finally flew a Kicked on the puppet: “Damn it! These bastards! It’s not useful at all, a complete waste! There are two sets of crystals wasted!”

A uniform is a little different. It may seem that Researcher, the person in charge of the laboratory, immediately waved his hand to stop this irritable guy: “Okay, do n’t break it, the software ca n’t be used and the hardware can be used. What about these materials. “

“Also,” Researcher mumbled, who broke up and hurt “person”, stepped away, looked up and down at the two “experimental samples” sitting on the chair, “It seems that the spirit has been completely annihilated, I hope my brain is not yet Burn it, I ’m going to call someone, it seems that I have to use some things to transport them. Today is really bad, I hope the next batch will be processed natives, do n’t use this low-quality raw materials to charge up, new unit The gap can be large. “

This Researcher got in touch with the outside world and called a group of Soldier to let them use two carts to send the two subjects that had been “burnt out” to another area. Lily and I hurriedly Keep up. Now there is the cover of the extraction failure just now. Lily does n’t need to control the two puppets anymore. She looks very happy. I also have time to discuss with her to discuss the situation just now: “It seems that they are extracting the souls of these slaves race. , didn’t expect, how dare they do it. “

didn’t expect they can do this,” Lily Na is another view, “the soul extraction is high science and technology, probably learned from Old Empire. But they are obviously not in place, the success rate is too low, and the tolerance is also low Low. No wonder they want to brainwash the race family of Anurili into that way, the fool ’s soul is best extracted, and it is easy to encode after extraction. “

I do n’t know much about the soul, but I know one thing: except for a few powerful race (such as gods and Xiling Apostle), once the soul of most creatures is controlled by another intelligent body, And you can use the device to intervene externally, so that this soul is equivalent to being enslaved forever, completely, and without return. It will be like a database with all the passwords cracked, and it can be used by anyone. There is no doubt that the Melova people are doing this-they can not leave a bit of freedom for those extracted souls. But what do they do with these souls?

The soul is a set of data with calculation rules, which can also be used as “software” after proper adjustment, but in addition to this complex calculation rule of Innate, the soul itself has little power, not to mention the indigenous people ’s Soul, what … what are they going to do?

With this question, Lily and I followed the Melova Soldier to another area of ​​the experiment base. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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