Xiling Empire Chapter 1209: Melova World

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The Void white area has a long distance from the border of the empire. This area known as the far front is actually the Void territory of the empire with the ability fleet, but there is no spare time to care for it. The degree is evident. In addition, the speed of the large fleet is limited by its huge size, so even with the imperial Void navigation technology, it took us two full days to reach the destination under the condition of continuous high-speed jumps.

The good news is that the Melova people seem to have not had the slightest warning so far. The single immigration ship that appeared on their borders the other day and the missing Soldier at that time failed to arouse the suspicion of the other party. This has to be said that the sky is about to die. The block cannot be blocked-on the day the fleet arrived, we began to blockade the entire Melova.

This is a work that needs to be cautious, because the other party has the empire science and technology, plus they have been following the empire for countless years, they must have learned a lot, so Shandora judges the Void navigation and observation technology of Melova people. It must be very high. If the large fleet we bring is too frequent, the Void information overflow caused by it may be observed.

According to the available information at hand, the territory of the Melova people is composed of thirteen Universe, which is a high-level civilization across Universe, and has Void support technology. These traitors seem to be trying to build a magnificent country like the former empire. They also have their own servant army, and let these servants they called “slave race” support all the work of entire Empire-except the army and culture. Of the 13 Universes included in the Melova country, six of them are of little value in our in the eyes. According to the information disclosed by the two prisoners of war, these Universes seem to be purely a place of production of slaves and a small part of specialty resources. They exist out of the ground, they are poor and backward, and even the garrison is extremely poor. In these Worlds, the number of Melova people is very small, and they basically exist as the highest ruler and monitors. Except for them, the rest It is the so-called “inferior race” which serves as a large number of labor and “materials”. We first ruled out the plans to go to these World, because it makes no sense. The staff estimated that the battle against these World would only take an hour or two to end, and they could be placed last.

The remaining seven Universes are more developed and can be regarded as the “inland” areas of the Melova country. Among them, the Melova capital city and the two Universes called “net boundaries” are more noticeable. A World seems to be the ruling center and industrial and military center of the Melova people. Shandora first ordered the dispatch of a large number of empire agents to the three Universes. Later, we randomly selected a planet in capital city Universe, and “explored the enemy” by ourselves as a group The first stop. Of course, this random selection is also made by Young Lady Lin, so it probably has some extraordinary meaning … who knows.

The fleet continued to perform missions in Void Domain, and the highest fleet of Commander came to the enemy ’s planet for sightseeing. This thing really made people unable to bear tsukkomi/ridicule. Anyway, after the halo was sent away, I could n’t help but whisper. Get up: “After all, you just want to bring some souvenirs back …”

My whispering object is of course Young Lady Lin, from the very beginning is what this girl suggested everyone to come down, although her reason is sound, but it ca n’t hide the essence of this guy ’s curiosity.

“If you want to talk nonsense, you go back.” Ojou-sama has long been innocent and threw me lightly, and then looked at the distant scenery with interest. “Well, there is not much deviation from the calculation. , We went to a place where there was no one to go. “

At this time, I had some time to look around. The landing site chosen by everybody is a colonial planet in Melova capital city Universe, which is sixteen light-years away from the capital city galaxy of the Melova people. It should be counted as a village in the capital … What a metaphor … Just understand it. According to the information previously obtained with the probe to scan, the basic parameters of this planet are not far from most high level degree ecological planets. The gravity here is slightly larger than that of Earth, but the atmosphere is thinner. The atmospheric composition is also very different from Earth. Although it can basically maintain the survival of Earth life, the ordinary earthling should be very uncomfortable to survive here-but this is already It is quite rare. After all, the delicate and fragile things such as the life environment are extremely rare in Universe. carbon-based-supported ecological planets like Earth are even more rare. At present, this planet is a naturally formed life planet. Thanks to the natural environment here, this planet has a rich native ecological structure and a highly evolved native life-these were all obtained through the probe to scan before landing. Where we are now is a relatively gentle hill, but in the distance you can see the rolling mountains, so it is roughly the border between hills and mountains. The sky is bright and clear, and there is a very, very light blue-green in the clouds-this is a unique landscape caused by the natural volatilization of some of the planet’s atmospheric components that will be decomposed by sunlight. I looked around and saw that the whole area was covered with vegetation, and the most surrounding one was similar to wild grass, but the leaves were like half-slender and fluffy hairs, and they were indigo shiny plants. These plants were not as high as the ankles, and stepped on like The carpet is just as soft, Shandora pulls up a piece of grass, blue light flashes in eyes: “The shape of life is completely different from on the Earth, and there are several kinds of overweight elements. The average radiation of this planet is several of the Earth environment. Times, it and this entire galaxy must have been generated in the environment of heavy element clouds accumulated after several supernova explosions. “

I ’m not interested in the origin of the planet, I ’m just busy watching the different alien scenery. Although I have seen the wonderful scenery of the alien planet countless times, this experience of constantly witnessing the new life spectacle seems to always be Not boring. Although the planet in front of me is very different from the Earth environment, the landscape will not give people too much impact. It is suitable for travel and vacation … Is it a bit too relaxing? This seems to be the territory of the enemy, and it is still near the capital …

I do n’t know what to study on the ground, at this moment suddenly pulled it out of his pocket, and then took out one … took out a ten centimeter high mini Medyvh! She pulled two grasses from the ground, cleaned the dirt and fed them to the super-small crow **** lying on her palms, who was holding the grass leaves and biting twice, making a crunchy sound like chewing plastic, and then Yuck yelled out all over and waved his fist in protest.

I was shocked: “… Why do you carry such a small thing with you girl!” Said Medyvh should be left to be a housekeeper, right? What happened to this little Raven in the shallow pocket? !

“I borrowed it from the little bird,” with a smile on his face with a little heart and little lungs, and picked up the little Raven who was still in “Bah Bah” and rubbed his face twice, “Della” Every day I’m tired of crooking together, people look very envious … “

A small head was immediately drilled from my pocket: “So Della is the most powerful! Everyone loves Della!”

I was shocked again: “… Why did you follow me too! Didn’t you hear Icetis say that God Clan can’t intervene?!”

Della grabbed the side of his pocket and turned his head to look at me in a difficult posture: “Della knows, so Della will try to sleep when A’Jun is fighting, and will definitely not help …”

“This … how did this from the very beginning get like this …” Shandora was still busy testing the planet’s environmental parameters just now, but at this moment looked blankly at me and some other three-incher. , “Do you still have a sense of urgency?”

Della recognizes the bed and can’t sleep in another place …” The little thing looked at Shandora timidly and muttered.

I do n’t say anything about starting to take off my coat, so the little thing has the following text: “It wo n’t work on a hanger, Della also recognizes a mattress …”

I: “…” You have seen the mattress lying on the back of the bed … no! Isn’t my TM itself a mattress? !

Looking at the mad look on my face, Shandora and Young Lady Lin at the same time sighed heavily. The latter waved his hands tiredly: “Forget it, you still have this little thing, otherwise she can make you both worship. Anyway, I guess this little thing is also a whole acting cute goods. “

“Then where are we heading?” I shrugged, put the little thing on my head, and looked down on the mountains in the distance, “We seem to have reached a place with a good environment, here is either Melova people environmental awareness High, or it is a non-industrial planet. Well, Shandora helps to scan to find out where there is a Human Race gathering area nearby. “

“Two kilometers away from the east, there is a small settlement,” Shandora pointed at the foot of the mountains. “The probe has already checked the situation one step before. It seems to be the place where Melova vassal race lived. I did n’t see it. To the pure-blooded Melova people. But … saying that the planet is all kinds of weird, seeing a lot of people who care about the scene. “

“What?” I looked at Shandora curiously.

“No,” Shandora smiled mysteriously, “You will know in the past, Melova people … really boring guy.”

I shrugged unclearly and walked in the direction indicated by Shandora. The distance of two kilometers is not too far away. This place has nice scenery, so I walked to Quandang for sightseeing. Qianqian and Lin Xue immediately followed up happily, and these two went out to play together. They had never been serious. It seems that the interest of the two winter melons Pandora and Viska is not high: they have always had a good expectation in their hearts, that is, after leading the fleet here, they immediately fought with the rebels, and now this beautiful dream seems to have to be postponed a bit. ——I do n’t know if these two dwarf melons can help save the war-maniac fever. Information collection and early deployment should be common sense for marching. Because it is a small computer, when the unified birth was born, did you think that the circuit was not enough …

Shandora has spread the probes all over the planet. On the way, she always analyzes the pictures returned by the probes with a weird smile and asks her what is going on. She did n’t say it-it dispelled me. Throw a few probes out and check out the thoughts of the investigation, how to say, Shandora may have found something interesting, so I have to keep this mystery temporarily, and when there are some surprises in the settlement. Lin Xue went all the way like taking a trip to the mountains and taking pictures with his own data terminal. He also took pictures of himself on the background of mountains in the distance. I took a look Look, I found that she is hanging on the XL Shadow City channel. There is a line of text under the photo I just sent: I am in the hinterland of Melova. The enemy did not find us. This feeling of digging into the mountains behind the enemy is really exciting ~~ Seeking Fan seeking attention ~~

I have no expression on my face: “… Your fans have exceeded the length of the screen. Still asking for fans?”

“You don’t understand the fun of playing Weibo,” Lin Xue said categorically. “Talk about the Shadow City Weibo channel that Qiansha created, you find her.”

I turned my head silently and found that the shrubs ran shallowly and went not far away to pick leaves. This girl has been doing this thing along the way: pulling wild grasses and wildflowers that look strange like Shennong tastes a hundred herbs, but Shennong eats it herself. She feeds her little Raven in her arms. It is said that this mini crow **** who is smaller than Della is a group of silly guys, and it is not remembered. As long as it is shallowly fed to the mouth, then the little brat will come to the mouth and refuse to grab it. , But basically every time it was crunching two bites, and then spit it all out: the plants growing on this planet obviously do not fit this little brat appetite. Shallow has always been happy there, so the little girl in her arms also poked all the way … Said this kind of memory and stubborn character really inherited from her mother, the little Raven is not in bed now. The nest ca n’t sleep …

As for the last Lily in everybody, this girl did n’t have her mouth idle along the way, she whispered to everyone, preaching her great plan to use religion to counter all servants of Melova: this guy ’s occupational disease It ’s a crime again. As long as you go to a new World, and the creature of this new World is smart enough to understand her teachings, then Lily will fall into a complete missionary fanaticism. sometimes I ca n’t stand her annoyance. She went to the cross and put it on the firewood for two days … too disturbing.

Just like this, I walked slowly and slowly. When the sky was a little dark, the settlement mentioned by Shandora finally appeared in everybody in the eyes: It turned out that this settlement was located in a slightly depressed area, and it was far away. not see.

Standing on the high ground at the edge of this settlement, we looked down at the village below. Except for Shandora and Lin Xue, who knew everything, everyone fell into a daze.

Including the Lily Na who kept her mouth quiet all the way.

“This is … this is the planet ruled by a super civilization that spans the Universe colony ability …” Looking at the village built of rough wood and adobe below, and the original tools visible everywhere in the village, There are also indigenous people who dress like they came out of the Middle Ages. Lily was stunned. “You said this is Melova‘s film and television base. I believe it. I will take a costume film here …”

Slightly scratching her chin, she has another idea: “Maybe this is exactly the backward mountain area on the planet? on the Earth now also has primitive tribes!”

“No, the entire planet is like this. Ninety-nine percent of the planet has Human Race inhabited, and it looks like this,” Shandora exhaled. “This is a planet maintained in its original stage , The highest creation of the indigenous people here is still made of wood and wrought iron wheels and human-powered mills … they do n’t even know that the planet under their feet is round. “

“But … how is this …” I find the situation in front of me incomprehensible. If this is just a forgotten planet in the desolate corner of Melova Universe, then everything is still easy to understand. Most of the forgotten planets in the backcountry have not been baptized by advanced civilizations. They have just left the tribal stage for their native development-there are also a large number of such planets in the empire. It ’s not that as long as the Universe ruled by the empire, every one of the planets that survives will be able to punch Nandou Altman and kick Beitian Namike. In our database, a lot of them are in the clan stage, tribal stage or It is normal for civilizations in the Continent expedition stage to survive in the imperial zone. But this one in front of me …

“In the coordinate Curry of the fighter plane, this planet is clearly marked as a directly controlled planet, in other words, Melova people directly rule this planet, and a long-term planetary government is established here,” Young Lady Lin has a lot of interest on his face Application, “However, you see, the indigenous people here seem to be living in the early feudal era. The Melova people deliberately kept this place in this state. Guess what they want to do?”

“Let’s take a look, Lin Xue’s suggestion is right, Melova people’s behavior style is really … interesting.” Shandora said lightly, jumped off the high ground first, and appeared directly at the village entrance after a flash.

everybody followed, a group of people came to the entrance of this small settlement, I am not worried about what kind of riots caused by such a sudden act of my own group: Shandora’s The golden shimmer is not obvious in the hair, She has distorted the perception of all sapient creatures nearby, and now what she shows the other party is disguised based on the inner subconsciousness of the affected person. This is a technique that makes full use of the other party ’s brain complement to achieve disguise. race, can almost never be seen.

Two or three Aboriginal people walking through the village carrying tools saw us, but the other party was not surprised that so many people appeared out of thin air: In fact, in their in the eyes, our group probably came naturally They came from a distance, and they used brain supplements to correct all the violations in front of them.

A male villager in his 40s and 50s dressed in a coarse brown coat and a dark face, said something, carrying a tool in his hand (perhaps some kind of farm implement? Although it looks like an iron hook) Wooden stick) came to us and said kindly: “Traveler? It’s getting late, come to the village to spend the night?”

We have n’t spoken yet, the other party is nodded: “Oh, that ’s the case, that ’s okay, I ’ll go talk to the village chief.”

The villagers turned their heads away and Shandora shrugged at us: “What are you willing to do? Our actions are always reasonable in the eyes of the other party.”

… so I often say that Shandora’s ability is a bugOh! that cannot be turned over when facing a slightly weaker enemy (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) Referrals, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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