Xiling Empire Chapter 1180: Restarted device

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In the shining of the bright cutting beam, another metal gate that was blocking our eyes was hollowed out. Obviously, Pandora cannot continue to bombard with her hands in this place, so the work of opening the way It was handed over to the accompanying self-discipline machinery. Although the little brat used in these projects is not very intelligent, Shengzai can almost do all the complicated work, including exploring the road to open the door and go to the mine, and to relieve the boredom. We have moved to the second level of the workstation, and from this level, it seems that we should have discovered something.

No valuable things were found on the first floor. There should be the living and living areas of the Soldier and scientific researchers originally stationed here, as well as some empty temporary hanger. No research was found in those empty rooms. Facilities, and there are no important data recording equipment. Only two or three damaged data terminals were found in one of the dwelling cabins. They were seriously faulty and could not be opened at all. The accompanying engineers sent them to the mothership laboratory, hoping to stay there. Scientists can find a little information, but it is estimated that it will not be too important. The second floor seems to have entered the work area of ​​the workstation, and some isolation doors with Warning signs can be seen in the corridor. Most of them are areas for “general threat research” related to the abyss, and in this place, we Of course, the only possible research project that can be thought of is the deep diving plan.

A group of people walked through the hole in the gate and came to a place where the research site was suspected. This is a hexagonal hall: This is the same pattern as most research rooms. The ground in the center of the hall is slightly recessed. It seems that a set of important equipment was originally placed there, but now there are only some connection ports and crystal touch panels of unknown significance left in the recess, where the original equipment was taken away by packing, Based on the completeness of the remaining connection port and the fact that the scene is not too messy, I judged that the staff who evacuated here should be orderly-although this workstation was abandoned due to an accident, it seems to be the situation of the year It is not too urgent to be too serious. everybody has inspected many rooms and warehouses, most of the contents have been taken away, and the scene left is basically intact. Okay, this is a good one for those who evacuated. Phenomenon, but for those of us who came to explore …

“Nima, all the good things are gone …” Icetis sat down on a console next to me and spoke frustratedly of everyone’s heart. I slapped this whole brain to steal baby The female gangster who went back to sell hit down from the console, “At least don’t destroy the site of the ruins? Where do you sit and you don’t feel dirty Ah?

Icetis carefree patted on the body: “It’s okay, the dress of the concubine is Divine Artifact, and the highest attribute is not dust.”

…… Presumably everyone has not forgotten the definition of Divine Artifact, so the little knowledge about why Divine Artifact shines will not be explained here.

I ’m pulling my curiosity and may run away at any time. Looking around in this empty hall, the energy storm outside and the collapsed Universe seem to have become another distant World, this quiet place is basically I can’t feel the slightest movement outside. In this ancient building with a history of tens of thousands of years, everybody can still be properly protected. I have to say that the things made by Xiling Apostle are more durable than make one’s hair stand up in anger. Before being abandoned, this hall should be like a sample analysis room. The concave floor in the center looks like the base of a gravity-free shelving table, and around it, you can see many consoles fixed on the ground. It is more reminiscent of the terminals that display data in the sample analysis room. Above the hall, a large number of hexagonal crystal structures like a honeycomb can be seen on ceiling, extending to the place where it is connected to the wall, and then submerged into the alloy layer of the wall. to scan shows that this hexagonal crystal wraps the whole The room, even the gate that was cut just now, has crystals with the same composition. They are some kind of isolation means used to completely isolate the samples in the analysis room, and the space barrier in the analysis room surroundings fails (such as now , All equipment is shut down), after that, provide surroundings people with a buffer time for evacuation. From this, it can be judged that what is being studied here is definitely not a safe gadget. It is likely that the gadgets that the deep dive plan was salvaging from the abyss were placed in this place for research.

It’s a pity that the space barrier generators everywhere in the workstation are broken and can’t be damaged anymore. We can’t determine whether there are other places with higher security levels in this huge building, and whether they have already followed The space generator stopped and disappeared during the collapse of those artificial spaces. Only the empty research hall was left for everybody: this is certainly not the place for the analysis of the most high level-level samples. Although it looks very tightly protected, I know what the research center of Shadow City is. Those most high level sample analysis rooms will be completely placed in an environment completely isolated from the normal space. Once the space barrier generator is shut down, including the backup unit, the analysis room will be directly Throw it into Void for destruction: Only this decisive security method can be used to analyze the absolute dangers that are in contact with the abyss. The security level in this hall is obviously not enough.

This workstation is different from the completely closed imperial ruins that I have been in contact with before. Everything here is covered with a thick layer of powder. The composition of the powder is very complex, including metals, minerals and very The fine crystals, at the same time, do not exist in the list of substances commonly used by the Empire. And as far as I know, most of the things manufactured by Xiling Apostle will not be weathered-their main building materials are not using the “substance” in the normal definition, but Xiling Host is created out of thin air through information control. The “ideal materials” that came out (this can be seen by referring to the process of making base in Xiling Host. Of course, the buildings that the builders “painted” out of thin air, of course, the construction materials will not be mined from somewhere), although these materials may be It is close to some known substances, but you will never find the exact same molecular structure in any normal Universe. These ideal materials are given special properties to avoid weathering, fatigue, and physical and chemical properties. Change, which is also an important reason for the long life of Xiling equipment. In the past, as long as the imperial ruins we came into contact with were absolutely closed, there would be no weathering in them, nor would there be such serious “dust accumulation” here, so where did these powders come from?

A high-level technician speculates that since these powders are not on the list of commonly used substances in the empire, and here is a place similar to the sample analysis room, most of them are the samples of the year-so some dust samples were collected and transmitted as well To the scientific research ship, but to be honest, these samples are not reliable than those damaged data terminals. I really do n’t think that some experts can be smart enough to recover something from these dusts. This difficulty is simply to give you one. The grain of Sahara lets you recover from the northern hemisphere is a level …

“Speaking of it, Xingchen, you told me there was a place where Old Empire was suspected for deep diving,” I talked to Father God when the staff was busy tossing out the old equipment in order to find a startable individual , “How did you know you had a deep dive here? It seems that before we came over, you didn’t even know that there was an energy storm zone here?”

Father God shrugged: “We have been dealing with the abyss for many years: I do n’t know how many times longer than the history of Xiling Apostle. We have a special method for detecting the abyss. The team at that time can be sure that there is an abyss here. The World wreckage of the reaction, and there are traces of Old Empire activity near the wreckage. In the later detection, we sensed that the abyss reaction in the World wreckage is under control in an orderly state, which shows that it is a deliberate The preserved research objects. The remains of Old Empire, the preserved samples of the abyss, and the association of the Old Empire deep dive operations that you mentioned to me many times, I associate these things together. But it is depressing that we Finally stopped here: it can sense the existence of the abyss, but it is completely hidden by your reverse phase technology, which is really a headache technology, although I estimate that children should be able to find the end of this Universe Reverse method, but after thinking about it, I decided to find you directly to be more convenient. “

What should I say, I must sigh that the experience and heritage accumulated by God Clan is indeed enviable. In the experience of dealing with the abyss, I am afraid there is no one who can surpass this group of eternal guys-Huron God Clan It is estimated that the only exception is, but they will be tossed about by Old Empire‘s reverse phase technology, which is enough to show that there is no absolute thing in the world, and I am a little balanced in my heart. As for Father God mentioned that over time, their children can crack the empire reverse phase device, I understand it this way:

According to the God Clan’s time concept, if the time is right, wait for the Universe wreckage to finish naturally … they are so dumb enough that the cavemen can learn to walk upright …

“According to this storm structure-Xiaoxue said, it is specifically used to suppress the door of the abyss. The position of the door of the abyss should be at the bottom of the storm,” I opened my data terminal, halfway in front of me The model of “Universe” is projected in the middle. The tens of thousands of kilometers of black red energy storm occupies two-thirds of the entire picture, like a writhing funnel, and at the bottom of the funnel, due to the presence of a strong The energy field is currently the only area where the engineering team has not arrived. “After the work on the workstation side is finished, let’s go to the bottom to see.”

“But there is definitely a door to the abyss,” said an uncle behind Father God (should be a God Clan’s expert and scholar? Anyway, it looks very profound), “The reason we found this World wreck is that abyss The door has not dissipated. The red storm outside is suppressing the at the same time of the Abyss Gate, and it is completely protected. If it is forced to enter the bottom of the storm, it may destroy the energy balance there. The Abyss Gate will lose its suppression … “

The Father God at the same time and I looked at this somewhat cautious God Clan scholar. The latter looked at the two Void Creature in front of him, and talked about the corners of his mouth: “Okay, let ’s say in advance, I will hide away …”

I ’m going. Is the selection criteria for Father God outbound bandages enough?

your majesty, we found something!”

At at this moment, a high-level technician suddenly shouted in the distance, with a look of surprise on our face. We hurried over and found a group of experts surrounding a console that did n’t look much like surroundings. Busy, they cleaned up the dust on the console and were removing the side guards of this ancient device. When the guards were removed, the neat crystals and metal layers with complex patterns were exposed inside: I don’t understand what it means at all, but the absolute high science and technology, well, that’s how it feels.

“We have to find a way to restore the energy supply in this hall,” high-level technicians pointed to other dead console arrays next to them. Several assistant technicians have split their heads to check the rest of the consoles. “Most of these devices It has been completely scrapped, but some, like this one, have a 50% assurance that it can be run for a while. This kind of on-site analysis equipment generally has a memory body with a small capacity to record those that are easily The instantaneous information ignored by the process flow recorder, if the last analysis task was performed here shortly before it was abandoned, then the data should still be readable. “

It is not so simple to restore the energy supply of this abandoned building for a long time. Due to the special security requirements of the hazard research site, all its energy channels are closed, especially the sample analysis room In this way, the place where the abyss pollution is most likely to be leaked. All equipment cannot be connected to external energy sockets. They will only call dedicated energy from inside the building. The engineers quickly encountered such trouble. The external Nether Energy Core they brought on these devices Unrecognized, a security barrier will be activated before those consoles are activated, and then block all unrecognized connection requests.

high-level technicians are certainly very clear about the principle: “Labs that study the abyss have security codes, and all connections to it are marked by the security codes, even including the energy supply-perhaps it should be found first The built-in reaction furnace of this workstation probably can supply energy to the sample analysis room. “

I suddenly remembered the protective equipment on the top of the workstation I saw before.

Since the equipment is still usable, it means that there must be at least one reactor still in operation somewhere in the workstation. In this case … Maybe you do n’t need to find the reactor, you can directly use the energy on the shield generator and then do n’t know whether it will work. According to the research facility ’s B-level security strategy, the building shield and the laboratory unit should use the same energy. In order to ensure that the shield can be sacrificed to maintain the shielding of dangerous samples in the case of a sudden “power failure” in the research room. I hope that this workstation does not use a Class A strategy. The Class A strategy is suitable for extremely high-risk sample research. Its severity even requires that each sample analysis room in the same facility use an independent line to connect its own energy inside the facility. It is not allowed to be universal-these knowledges were mentioned when she chatted with Tavel before, because the glasses lady will only be interested in these topics in addition to scientific research results, so she has a deep impression. Of course, there is another reason why she does n’t understand other topics she told me …

All teams active in the workstation immediately received a new order and went to the shield generator on the top of the workstation. The original layer was meaningless to the exploration team, because there was only one shield and two groups have been shut down. The space distortion equipment, didn’t expect now the most worthless things have come in handy. Soon, the medium-less energy supply chain used in a short distance was connected to the top shield equipment. Several self-discipline machines around us began to act as energy broadcasting towers, diverting the energy from the shield generator. Concentrated on this hall.

Probably our reaction furnace for this old antique building is expected to be too high. Almost at the same time, the strength of the shield of the workstation itself began to decline sharply. Even with the anchor of the site space, there were signs of loosening, and it was stronger than a wave of shaking. Feelings came from under my feet.

“Dad, it seems that we pinched off the last energy quota in this place,” Xiao Xue hugged the torso of a self-regulatory machine next to him to stabilize body. “It is almost torn by an energy storm outside!”

Facing this somewhat unexpected situation, Monina reacted decisively and immediately slapped 123 on the shoulder: “Brother, go!”

Ilson also wanted to protest: “Why is it me again!” So Monina kicked off with a kick-in contrast, I think my sisters are so cute!

The 10,000-year blood cow MTIlson protested a total of five words and was kicked outside the workstation. The shield wall completely covered the huge building like a hill. The energy storm he suffered suddenly increased from a single level. To the legion level: He now has at least more surface area than several World Trade Centers under attack. So the next second, the sound of wailing from Ilson echoed through the hall: “Oh, yeah! You ca n’t do this! I ’ve worked for God’s Domain, I ’ve stood for Father God! I demand equal treatment and let me go to see Father God ——Dare you come to see how big the movement is here, dare you come to see it personally! ”

Monina’s mouth twitched stiffly: “Brother, Father God is watching here, can’t you make a long face?”

“Eh, I forgot,” the voice of Ilson changed suddenly, and the next second was heated up, “I am War God Ilson! My body is indestructible! All challenges are coming to me! My body is holy light, I Name is victory! Invincible battle is invincible! Father God gives me strength! Burn it, my little X Zhou! Forthelight! Victoryandglory! Strong and victory! Кабвыйграць! “

He was so passionate and bloody. I thought he was about to kill him by listening to his voice. Monina opened her wings and blocked her face. It is optimistic that she had no face to see.

However, Ilson did a lot of help. After all, he blocked his mouth anyway. It was a bit of a grudge. Under the protection of the strong shield wall, the situation of the workstation stabilized. The high-level technicians on the spot here were Start trying to start the equipment after emergency repair.

Finally, the first console made a low buzzing sound without disappointment, and the blue light sphere representing the system startup appeared in the Hologram projection area. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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