Xiling Empire Chapter 1175: Original

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Original—When I first heard the word, my first reaction was to feel so good!

Because I did n’t understand what it meant, and based on experience, what I heard from the Tavel scientists and that I did n’t understand at all has always been great-by the way, I feel everything they say They are very powerful.

“What is the original body?” I couldn’t help but ask Shandora, now we are on the way to research center, accompanied by Lin Xue and Aurelia: we have been staying in Shadow City after returning from Kailudak .

Shandora thought for a while, and seemed to be thinking about explaining this kind of nouns that would require a lot of Beijing foreshadowing. Then she pointed to herself: “A’Jun, do you know the life form of Xiling Apostle?”

“Oh, half-energy construct,” I nodded, “Unformed life, body basic unit seems to be in a state between matter and entity, and can be individually ‘customized’ as needed, so it has a very strong The evolution of ability and the enhanced life form of ability seems to be because of this, only life and energy body life appear in at the same time in Xiling Apostle, and the two diametrically opposite life forms belong to the same race … ” I ca n’t help but go a little further. The life form of Xiling Apostle surprised me at the beginning, so I also studied the old time for a long time, such as doing body inspection for Pandora … um, talk about something, so in this regard Knowledge, but I have a rare deep understanding.

“Yes, non-fixed life, for the battlefield and evolution needs, but can” customize “their body,” Shandora nodded, “You also know that there are many tribes of Xiling Apostle, the difference between each tribe is so great It has almost become two independent species, just like armored scorpions and ravens, Alaya and Pandora. In common sense, they are almost independent race, life has no similarities in form, but in fact, all tribes are a race … … “

Shandora said, suddenly fell into silence, only a few seconds later lifts the head came, looked at my eyes and said: “A’Jun, do you think this life form may be a product of natural evolution?”

“What do you mean?” I didn’t respond for a while.

Xiling Apostle was made, I remember mentioned it to you a long time ago,” Shandora exhaled, “In order to defeat the enemy, an older race manufacturing … or Xiling Apostle was transformed, it is exactly Therefore, we have gained a strong foundation. Our current life foundation has evolved on an ancient custom mechanism that allows the life form of Xiling Apostle to adapt to the environment almost without limitation, as long as there is a little possibility , We can always transform ourselves, enough to face any kind of challenge we may encounter. In the long evolutionary process of Xiling Apostle, in order to defeat the enemy and the environment, there have been countless family-level ‘promotions’, we passed Turn yourself into another life to make yourself stronger, and in the process, the a great variety tribes you see now are born: armored scorpion, raven, artificial Angel, war machine, plastic Nengshi … The tribes that are independent because of the unique life form are all evolved actively in order to cope with a certain strong enemy. It is said that Xiling Apostle is a war virus. In fact, this is true. Our evolution and self-transformation ability is only stronger than the virus. In fact, even now, after the establishment of the new empire, Xiling Apostle is still in this kind of whole family Evolution-becoming the third God Clan’s promotion process is essentially nothing more than large scale promotion. This promotion has been with us for hundreds of millions of years. “

“Now, what the **** are you saying … what?” Lin Xue looked at Shandora and finally couldn’t help but speak.

“What I want to say is that the Xiling Apostle has been updated and updated countless times now, and the number of tribes has only increased in the process of countless updates. Before this happened, Xiling Apostle was just ‘made’ When I came out, in fact, the life form was single: at that time, we only had one Apostle(s) … “

“Original!” At this moment, I suddenly understood the noun that I heard from the Tavel mouth, and at this moment, everybody had also come to the door of Research Institute, the Tavel’s body was leading her high-level assistants to wait in person In front of the door, she quickly greeted me and Shandora with an excited look on her face: “your majesty is the original body, you can be sure, the sample within the body stores an initial serial number, and he has no signs of promotion all over his body! “

“Very good, take us now.” Shandora nodded, then motioned us to keep up. Although I had suffocated the problem within a few seconds just now, it seems that it is not the time to ask questions, so I can only pull on Young Lady Lin and follow Tavel to the place where they analyzed the remains.

This is a small comprehensive research room for the accurate analysis of smaller samples. The long platform in the center of the research room is fixed with the ancient body we found on Ankahe 5, the soldier The worn power armor has been carefully dismantled and placed on another platform in the corner of the room. It is accepting the to scan of the automatic equipment, while the armor-removed soldier lies lifeless on the platform in front of everybody, with On the textured skin between metal and plastic, there is a gleam of light everywhere.

After seeing the whole body of this warrior, his characteristic of connecting to close combat puppets, or ordinary Robot is more obvious. There is an obvious interface at his joints, and blue can be seen in the interface Mosaic: Now I know that that is the original Youneng Adaptation Module, which is used to allow the body to directly use Youneng, and now the Xiling Apostle within the body, this adaptation module has evolved into their basic body unit, even high-level Apostle(s) does not need You can use Youneng directly with this kind of module.

The above knowledge was explained when Tavel introduced us to her findings. While listening to the introduction of Tavel’s, I looked at this ancient Xiling Apostle called the “original body”, and this at the same time is a lot of people Confused doubts also hovered in his mind, and it became increasingly uncontrollable.

“The original body is the first generation of Xiling Apostle, right?”

I looked at Tavel and asked, the latter thought for a while: “Not very accurate, because creating a race from scratch is not completed in an instant. The old race that made Xiling Apostle was not that powerful. Power, so the original Xiling Apostle was manufactured in batches over a relatively long period of time, so ‘first-generation Xiling Apostle‘ is just a general term. The original body refers to the original The Xiling Apostle was born, they have not been evolved, but were completely designed by the creators of Swire. The original body retains all the characteristics of the original birth, and at the same time also retains all the defects. As you can see, this warrior even It is similar to a war puppet. In fact, many components of his within the body are not very suitable for the actual situation, or they are far from being designed to achieve the best effect. theoretically is like this. “

Tavel explained that I understood the characteristics of the original body, but did not weaken the inner confusion at all: “Why do people in Melova want to infect an original body?”

“The meaning is unclear,” Shandora said softly. “The originals have a special meaning for Xiling Apostle, but they are old design after all, and they are seen from a practical perspective. Even the most powerful original is not as powerful as the current one. Ordinary soldiers, and the technology contained in the original itself … should not make the Melova people much interested. They have followed the empire for many years, and they have something higher science and technology on their hands. I just want to know why there are still The original body exists and will drift to such a distant place … “

“Speaking of this, I remembered it,” I slapped my head and remembered that I had a doubt before I could ask, “Shandora, the original body should be a very important thing for Xiling Apostle, just like the ancestors, but … when you first saw the original body when you were on Ankahe 5, why didn’t you recognize it? “

I still remember the expression of Shandora when I first saw the coffin and the remains in the coffin. It was simply surprised and puzzled. At that time, there were many Xiling Apostles, but no one recognized the original. The identity, this soldier was still verified after being sent to Research Institute, which is really a bit puzzling.

“I know you will definitely ask this,” Shandora gave me a light smile, “because of the information about the original … As long as I don’t know how many years ago, it was almost a legend for us. “

Me: “Ah?

“Even a powerful civilization like Xi Ling bumped into it,” Aurelia said next to it. “In the first years, we also had displacement, destruction of our homes, exile of the clan, and even the most difficult. At that time, there was n’t even a planet that could live in peace, and the inheritance of data was fragmented. The record about the original … was gradually interrupted in that situation. “

Lin Xue and I were dumbfounded and listened to the Aurelia story in a state of complete fascination: the other party was talking about an era we had never thought of. An Xiling Apostle has not yet reached the peak, and it is far from being able to be called in Void. In a powerful era, Xiling Apostle, known as the third deity, is a time when it will compete with the gods in the future. It has also been an era of struggle and survival.

It ’s not difficult to imagine, in fact, it should be said that it is expected: as a civilization that has developed all the way from the mortal stage, even if it is strong at its peak, it will be impossible to compete with the rich second generation of God Clan at the beginning. I was born tyrannical, but despite knowing this, I never really understood the history of the empire, so at first glance I felt that to be full of is not real-probably as if you suddenly knew that Bill Gates I’ve also brushed the bowl for people. Onyxia also felt like an egg. Although there was nothing wrong with it, could it not stop the psychological impact at all?

“Most of the history of the initial birth period has been unverifiable, including where did the ancient race that created us come from, what did they encounter before they decided to create the super life such as Xiling Apostle, and what was the fate of our original hometown, These things are now only sporadic, and are stored here-“Shandora points to his forehead,” in the basic memory library. We only know that the ancient race died after creating the lifeApostle(s)‘ By the way, they put all their culture and knowledge into the database of Apostle(s), which is equivalent to handing over the entire civilization to their creation, and then disappeared in Void. Their civilization and the mission before dying are on their creation. Continuation, so we call ourselves Apostle(s), not ‘Hilling people’, although many people with unknown affiliations often confuse the two, and in some occasions some people will simply refer to Xiling Apostle as the Helling people, but we never do it ourselves. Say. The Greeks are extinct, and we are Xiling Apostle … “

“Is Apostle(s) created to fight the abyss?” Lin Xue suddenly asked what he thought.

Shandora thought a bit and then nodded: “Although there is no direct record, but considering that the initial memory of our memory library is the data for fighting the abyss, this should be the truth of the year. We were created to fight the abyss. , Perhaps it should be called a war weapon, but no one knows why the creators have to achieve this level: they completely replaced their position with ‘Apostle(s)‘, and gave up their entire civilization … They are mortal race, It has created Apostle(s), an life that can evolve in the direction of God, which makes us feel incomprehensible. Research on the creator has not been interrupted throughout the Old Empire era, but until the empire collapsed, there was no progress in this research. The period of the empire became an impossible project. “

“The record about the original body is also in a similar state,” Aurelia continued. “The original body and the creator are basically in the same era. We have always speculated that in the original a period of time, the original body may even be the same as the creator. Having lived with a period of time together, maybe the creators made the final improvement and modification of the original body during that time, but later they found that they could not understand these super self-improving super life, so they chose to leave-these are all Scholars’ guess. After the creator completely disappeared, the original body became the successor of the Xiling civilization. They continued to search for traces of the abyss, fought everywhere, and in accordance with the original instructions: evolution, strengthening, and elimination of the three principles of the abyss, Continuous development, unscrupulous development. In this process, there should have been several disasters that almost caused the civilization to be interrupted. The records about them are also interrupted in those super battles. But each disaster failed to defeat the original body, and they ignored all obstacles. Evolved, customizing its own life form, occupying everything that can bring value to them, and then According to the local environment, it evolved again. Eventually, the appeared ‘branch tribe’, after the ‘primitive body’, once again made the whole Greek civilization change dramatically. The single evolutionary primitive body was replaced by the tribe tribe, and the primitive bodies needed to change themselves according to race. Divided into several groups, each group undergoes a transformation of “use, advance, waste and retreat” towards a fixed function. The original original body is comprehensive, and the creators integrated all their race talents in the original body, let They have the a great variety battle mode, but the tribes chose to abandon this intricate and intricate route and return to the state of specialization and differentiation like the creators, and do it more thoroughly-armored scorpions, ravens, Heavy Armored soldiers, etc. Apostle(s), which determines the arms, appeared in batches and opened the era of tribes. The history after this is the clear information in database, and the records of the original body are basically the same as my story, similar to the story. “

After Aurelia is finished, Lin Xue and I are standing next to the “primitive”. quietly looks at the latter’s simple and primitive ghost parts: “This is throughout history, the first original that appeared in front of you, Really? “

Aurelia, Tavel and Shandora silently nodded.

“Why do Melova people know that the original body exists?” I suddenly asked this question, “You have talked about the original body with your vassal race? It should be impossible.”

“The Melova people may have found records of the original body from some of the imperial equipment they stole,” Aurelia said. “When inventorying Heaven Sector City supplies, we found that a considerable part of the lost facilities were scientific research facilities. It is not surprising that the Melova people knew the original body from the information. “

“That question is back to the original point: What is the use of Melova people for the original body?” This time even Lin Da Prophet was confused, she spread her hands around each of us, “They also want to make Original? Is it possible? “

Lin Xue ’s words gave me a slight shock, and I instinctively felt that this Prophet may have touched the truth again with accidentally, but Aurelia immediately denied it: “It ’s meaningless, it ’s meaningless to copy the original, this is too obvious From our current perspective, the original body is actually more limited than the war puppet. Melova people are not fools, even if they get the original body. From the original body’s body architecture, even if the research is to the limit, they can only be copied as they are. A war puppet comes out: because more and deeper knowledge cannot be obtained from the original body itself, the materials at the beginning of creation have been lost with the demise of the creator. Not to mention that even the Melova people copied and modernized The body like Apostle(s) can only make a group of super Soldier. I know a little about that race. They admire power and think highly of themselves because of their ancient qualifications. Therefore, they must also have ambitions that are consistent with their heart. What they’re after … I’m afraid it’s something bigger. “

“For example …” I thought for a while, “They also want to be Xiling Apostle?”

The scene calmed down, and after a few seconds, Shandora even smiled: “Because the **** is dead, did the servant think that he would sit on the altar … This is indeed an interesting ambition.”

“I’m just a guess,” I opened my hand, “but Aurelia also said that from the research of the original body to the limit, only the war puppet can be copied, and the core technology used to create the original body at that time was only creation. Only then do people know that the ambitions of Melova people will always be ambitions. “

“With this ambition, and the actions they have made for this,” Shandora narrowed his eyes to eyes, “It is already guilty.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start ( qidian.com) Voting recommendation and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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