Xiling Empire Chapter 1070: Go to the south

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The world is unpredictable. I am afraid that Sagina and Sona never thought that they would one day be involved in such an event beyond common sense. They have always lived ordinary and unremarkable days, and lost World exploration, mining , Hunting, collecting medicine, digging, doing all the work that can maintain food and clothing, and living a poor but stable day, the only wave may be only the discrimination and brutal treatment that occasionally brought about by his “lizard man” status. I didn’t think about the long-term future. Being able to eat, drink, and warm in the present is the only thing that these two half-dragons girl who are used to living in hardships can care about.

Who can think that their destiny will change between days and nights–so there is an old saying, the sky will fall to the people, and they will definitely not greet you.

Sagina and Sona have decided to leave Sentu and “travel” with us. Once they come, now they have every reason to talk to Lynn together. Secondly, they have to receive 24/7 training from Lily. On the road to becoming an Dragon God spokesperson, they still have many things to master slowly. Many things are not as simple as they are taken for granted. The two poor girls who have never received any education and whose cultural level is limited to reading and writing ability suddenly have to The task is to shoulder the responsibility of creating a religion and leading race. This is basically a fantasy. It is impossible to let Sagina learn how to lead a religious group in a “plot need”.

In addition to these reasons, Sentu is now an unsuitable place for two half-dragon girls. Lily Na asked the cat lady who stayed in the Secret Law Society to inquire, and learned that all the mages and city guards in the whole city are now searching for Sagina and Sona, and there are chickens and dogs jumping everywhere. They have confirmed the identity and address of the two half-dragons girl. In the dark alley area, at least one hundred knights are stationed in the cabin surroundings where they live. Of course, the purpose of those Soldier may be to provide these two living ancestors, and serve them every morning and evening, to prevent the dragon from turning its head back to the living city, but Sagina and Sona will not appreciate this kind of life It has long been hostile to people like the city guards. It is absolutely impossible to accept the “protection” of the latter. What’s more, in the words of Icetis, the two half-dragon girls are now “carrying a sacred mission”, how can there be time to “indulge in the enjoyment of Human World“.

Anyway, that female gangster was bullshiting a set. As a senior Zealot, she and Lily Na both belong to the master-level character of Huyoujie.

Sagina and Sona have lived in Sentul for five or six years, and now they are about to leave suddenly, and may not come back for many years. It is impossible to say that there is no attachment, and we gave them two before leaving. For half a day, accompanied by Lily Na, let the two secretly return to the city to say goodbye to their few friends. With the help of Lily Na that ancient spirit strange guy, and then with the help of Divine Technique, they are all in the city Soldier She walked under her eyelids for a while, and when she came back, she took the catwoman named Rabbi: I almost forgot the cat. Her presence was too low.

The friends of Sagina and Sona are naturally the poor people who met in the dark alley area, and more than half of them are co-explorers. These two people who are familiar with themselves, the two poor girl, suddenly become a dragon. And it still feels unbelievable to talk so intimately with a golden dragon, but the tumultuous Soldier and nobles in the city made them have to believe this earth-shattering fact that Sagina and Sona suddenly appeared in front of these old friends. Frightened them and learned that the two were about to leave and embarked on the adventure of “re-seeking the glory of the dragon”, these explorers and poor people who were struggling with their daily lives have come up with what they think is the most useful. They want to bring Sagina to them and say that they can be used on the adventure, so when Sagina and Lily Na came back, they carried a lot of everything in disorder things: simple swords, common herbs, changing clothes, grinding Knife stone, food and water-piled up like a mountain.

The two do n’t have space with them for the time being, so these are still half-dragon girls carrying their huge backpacks and carrying huge backpacks: this has almost become a classic image of the two of them.

Bubble watched as Sagina and Sona counted the items there and calmed down aside tsukkomi/ridicule: “The protagonist sister who opened the main mission left the novice village and took the primary weapons armor and Item donated by the villagers A, B and D in the novice village. Ready to start your own Daguai upgrade map running tour-this is what the game says, but the game does not say that adventurers will carry such a big bag when they leave the novice village. “

I tilted the dead otaku girl who took the RPG that day: “So what are we?”

“Junior mercenary hired from Novice Village,” Bubble pointed at us, and then swiped on Lin, Icetis, Lily, and herself in turn, “There is no appearance after starting the main task, just in the big In the end, goddess, which accounts for two CGs, is in charge of tsukkomi/ridicule next to the battle. After the protagonist hangs up, he is responsible for helping the resurrected senior adventurer A, the adventure guide that he carries, and the plug-in strategy book. “

Obviously, this product has become serious.

“Okay, it ’s time to go,” Sagina confirmed that he did n’t miss anything, so he carried his backpack back and took the gold scales of Dragon God in one hand (Lin really helped them put a handle on the back of the scales, now Sagina And Sona has used the scales of the Dragon God oath as a shield), and asked us, “Where to go next? If you go to Tower of Sky, you have to wait two days. Its entrance has not been opened, and the entrance of Tower of Sky will not appear directly. On Continent, it can only jump from other lost World. “

Bubble hugs his chest with both hands and said: “Girl, go look for Slime in the grass nearby … Hey! Child her dad! Let me down, I won’t take you to play like this, Do you want to let two first-level trumpets directly challenge the big devil … “

Bubble that has entered the state of secondary two was thrown aside, where he was whispering like a grudge, and I took the time to understand what the so-called Tower of Sky is.

Tower of Sky is one of the latest ruins to be discovered,” Sagina said to these quirky lost Worlds, and there are two kinds of lost World. One can be directly connected to motherland, according to the stable The transmission area is projected in the motherland period. The earliest found in such places, the other lost World accounts for about one-third of the number. They never intersect with motherland, but intersect with other lost World. You can only jump from other lost World, so that the probability of the second type of World found is greatly reduced, and it is very difficult to summarize the rules. This type of lost World is basically not fully controlled by people, even now. There is no new World that has not been discovered-some Worlds need to jump three or even four times to arrive, and there is only one jump route, unless you are lucky or have more than ten years to investigate each one. Bifurcation point, otherwise no one can find the kind of World. Tower of Sky is a place that needs to be jumped, but it is still easy to deal with, as long as the jump can be reached, average person We all passed through the canyon, but since you are in a hurry, let ’s start from the Xuankong River. It is stated in advance that the Xuankong River leads to the back door of Tower of Sky, where there are a lot of guards, and it may take some battle to pass, so the average explorer simply Dare not go from there. “

Sona added a sentence: “Some scholars guess that there should still be World that will never be discovered. They will never have any contact with motherland, whether it is direct contact or jump.”

theoretically said that this is almost 100% possible.” Shandora nodded. “Although none of them have been checked, the outer space fragmentation of this World is much more serious than what you see, I do n’t know. How many fragment(s) are floating away from the main space, what is there in God knows. “

Probably a remnant that can never be reached … Anyway, the biggest impression this World gave me is the word “remains”.

“If you want to go to the Xuankong River, you will have a chance after three days,” Sona drew a booklet from her side. The booklet was a bit shabby and filled with notes, “Go south and go to Syria Sub-Plain, there is a teleport to the Hanging River. It’s quite far away, but I don’t think you can care about distance with your skills? “

Lily Na ran to Sona, grabbed each other ’s hands and jumped up and down: “Let me see let me see … Oh! Syrian Plain! Who, our saints are all in Syria Is it on the edge of the plain? “

Lily Na was talking to the daring little cat lady who kept her head down and stunned. The latter stunned, looked up at us carefully, and whispered: “My name is Rabbi-Sandu is indeed It was in the Syrian Plain, and the teleportation point was next to a large town nearby, I know. But I heard that the teleportation point is not safe … “

“There is no unsafe place in this World,” Lily Na waved her hand, pulled out a branch from her pocket, and summoned a twisted portal in the air, “In the end, you still have to go to the South, boss, You will soon see Santo! “

I asked humbly: “Holy capital? Which Ah?

“Hi, it’s the place where the little birds preach,” Lily Na’s cheerily look, “Did I tell you, that small town next to the mine, I renamed it Santo, the book Is n’t it all written like this, God ’s guesthouses in all Worlds are uniformly called the Holy Capital, although the place is still a small town, but it will one day become a big city. It’s … “

Lily Na tweeted, and then pulled me and walked into the portal. After a while, we had come to another strange plain. This is a completely different view from the northern area: gravel and wild grass in all directions, the soil presents a dark red, the air is filled with the smell of dust, it feels a bit like the edge of the Gobi Desert.

This piece of Continent‘s southern land is barren, and the soil contains much metal, which is not suitable for growing crops. This is what Lily Na told me.

“Oh, this is the south, the air doesn’t seem to be very good.” Saeko was the last one to walk out of the portal, frowning and whispering. Next to her, Sagina and Sona were bending over to vomit.

Mo Nina glanced at Lin: “You have to put your two new bishops’ physical fitness on the agenda first.”

“There are more things you will get used to in the future,” Lily Na patted on the two dizzy half-dragon girls, and instantly relieved their body discomfort, “such as Divine Technique and Magic, you never After using that stuff, the first time to guide the power of God into body is definitely not more comfortable than the current transmission. “

Magic?” Sagina eased his breath and asked curiously, “Can we still learn Magic? Half-long people are not …”

“You are not restricted anymore,” Lin explained quietly on the side, “It was lifted four hours ago. Now the half-dragon of World can already learn Magic, well, it can’t be called Magic, it should be faith Bring a variety of ability similar to Magic, and slowly you will find yourself with these potentials. If you master it, believer of Dragon God can even become a dragon Oh.

The eyes of Sagina and Sona lighted up, and they began to make up their minds about how eye-catching should be when they turned into a dragon, while Raven suddenly ran around me in a circle and happily pointed A vague black mine in the distance: “Here!”

“You become Raven!” Shallowly rubbed the little Raven‘s face unexpectedly, “Then take us to fly over!”

“Gay!” Silly Bird happily nodded, so a static crackling sound suddenly sounded in the surrounding air, countless blue and white sparks began to gather from all directions, and soon a large thunderstorm cloud formed, tight Then the wind, the thunder, the flames, and the black hurricane covered the half-kilometer radius. Fortunately, I had the foresight to know that the stupid bird was a stunned guy. As soon as she “ga” finished, I put up the energy shield Sagina and Lin are still asking about what happened to the dragon. at this moment was stupid and didn’t know what happened. They could only watch the lightning storm outside the shield that was the same as the end of World. After a few seconds, the gusty wind and thunderstorm gathered together in an instant, forming a huge storm Raven in front of everybody.

The giant Raven glanced down at us and issued a thundering tweet: “Ah!”

This time it ’s finally not the duck crying …

As usual, the “small” Raven first lowered his head and pecked on the ground, swallowed his Human Race half-length, and then hiccupped with satisfaction, patting his wings happily, and the result was suddenly not controlled, instantly At two hundred meters, it formed two tornado columns wrapped with lightning and magma. I quickly suppressed these two tornadoes: Okay, this guy is a mobile disaster generator.

“So I gave her a death order,” the sister pointed to the magma lake two hundred meters away, and said helplessly, “It is strictly forbidden to transform in the crowd. The little Raven will be excited after the transformation, control. Very low. “

“This … what is this Oh!Sagina and Sona hug together, staring at the giant bird with a dumbfounded voice.

Let ’s say the eye-catching level, Lin ’s golden double-headed dragon form is superior, but to say the scary level, the stupid bird is second to none because her feathers are flowing with the never-extending shadow flame and lightning storm There are also a variety of energy torrents that touched and died, standing next to the little Raven is like looking directly at the surface of hell. This psychological impact is not ordinary.

“God of Raven,” Lily Na said of course, “Did you not tell you, Medyvh is the **** of ravens. Or, you were pitted by the girl’s harmlessness? I thought I was kidding? “

Sagina and Sona looked at the God of Crow, who was dropping Martians, and looked at the weak girl Lin, who is humming out of tune, outer space, and finally accepted this strange Set it, and then point to the back of the giant Raven that is surging storms, and again unanimously: “Wo n’t ride on it!”

“It’s okay, there is a shield, you can’t die.” Icetis waved his hand and picked up the two half-dragon girls one by one, jumping into the giant Raven after a series of exclamations dissipated in the sky Back, when we went up, we found that the female rogue had set up a stable holy light barrier with Divine Technique. The barrier looked at least 50 to 60 square meters, with a carpet, coffee table, sofa, rocking chair, and even a slip of bookshelf. Familiar, and finally remembered: It seems that Lin has a family on her back after turning into a dragon …

I suddenly felt that the huge body of God Clan is really a very hard thing. Not only will it be used as a means of transportation, but also the teammates who show off their pit fathers may be used as DIY vehicles, or the body has not changed much. Good, although it is not as good as eye-catching like Dragon and Raven God, but at least it will not be used for travel dinners like tablecloths …

I was thinking about it like this. Della suddenly got out of his pocket. He held a set of mini tea set and a small cloth head in his hand, and then flew over my head: it ’s her afternoon tea now. time.

Me: “…”

Okay, it seems that as long as you meet your teammate, your fate has nothing to do with yourself.

In the storm Raven, we quickly arrived at the “Holy Capital” in Lily Nakou, a small and ruined town located near an abandoned mine.

Looking from the sky, the most striking thing about the town is, of course, the “Holy Tree” covering one-third of the town on the central square, and the almost transparent barrier that envelopes the town The existence of these two things filled with high energy and mysterious atmosphere can be said to be incompatible with the messy and messy buildings below: the town below looks like a slum.

“The town is being rebuilt. The speed of the mortal, of course, cannot be built so fast,” Lily Na explained to us, “The Holy should be laid by the hands of these ordinary believer bricks and tiles, which is very Importantly, it can bring a sense of belonging to the first batch of believer here, and in the years to come, this sense of belonging will slowly penetrate into every in the bones of the residents of the Holy City and become part of the faith. ”

A lot of times I have to admit that Lily Na ’s little brain gourd did think very thoughtfully, and-very long-term.

The giant Raven landed on an open area far away from the town. When we jumped down, we found that a large group of people had ran out of the town. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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