World Destroying Demonic Emperor: Six six four: miserable Ji Xiuning! Lan Ling breaks Demon Ancestor!

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Where is the Demoness country?

Even for the vast majority of Demon Clan, this is a secret.

The only thing everyone knows is that it is in the great desert of Southern Wild.

This desert is at the southernmost part of Southern Wild, with an area exceeding tens of thousands of miles, and there is really nothing in this desert, there is no oasis, no water, no life.

The desert of thousands of miles is the legal territory of the Demoness country.

However, countless people came to this ten thousand mile desert adventure, trying to find the legendary country Demoness, but totally nothing.

The women of the Demoness country have been living away from the world, and ordinary people rarely see it. The last time the women of the Demoness country appeared on a large scale was three thousand years ago when the Demon Clan coalition resisted Ghost King Empire.

Since then, the Demoness country has rarely appeared in front of the world.

Only occasionally, they will walk on the land of Southern Wild, some for collecting important materials, and some for important silk market.

Every time the Demoness woman walks outside, it will cause a huge sensation.

Because they are so beautiful, not only are they beautiful in appearance, but also because they are full of magical charms.

So, in the hearts of many Demon Clan men, the Demoness kingdom is like heaven.

There are only women in the whole country, no men, and they are all beautiful. This is not what paradise is.

So for thousands of years, Demon Clan men who have gone to explore Demoness have succeeded.

It can be said that the entire desert has been ruined, but the country of Demoness has never been found.

There is only one description of the Demoness country, that is the mirage.

So where is Demoness really?

The answer is heaven, really a mirage!

The territory of Demoness is an island floating in the sky.

These islands have everything, dense woods, countless animals, sweet clear water, and so on.

In short, if there is a fairyland in the world, it must be in the Demoness country.

Why do the islands of the Demoness country float in the sky? This is a huge mystery. Perhaps these islands contain some very mysterious Strength.

The Demoness country is the same as Rakshasa Clan, Tiansha, and Desha Clan , with a field led by 13 flags.

Blue Sea Banner of Lan Qi Commander is one of the thirteen flags of Demoness.

The real territory of Blue Sea Banner is an island floating in the air, about tens of thousands of square kilometers, only one-twentieth of the Rakshasa Clan Black Demon Banner territory, and the population is even smaller.

The population of Demon Clan in the Rakshasa Clan Black Demon Banner territory is about 12 million.

The total population of the Blue Sea Banner territory of the Demoness country, which is about one hundred thousand, is only equivalent to a large tribe of Rakshasa Clan.

The total population of the entire Demoness country is less than 2 million, only about 1% of the Rakshasa Clan field.

The reason why Blue Sea Banner has this name is because this heavenly island is very close to the seashore, and sometimes even these heavenly islands will float to the sky above the sea.


Blue Sea Banner Archipelago floating in the air.

There are beautiful pavilions everywhere, waterfalls everywhere, and lakes like Jingzi(Mirror) everywhere.

It will always be spring and autumn.

There are different flowers and different fruits throughout the year.

In short, this is Wonderland!

The surface of the body of Ji Xiuning is covered with a layer of energy Crystal Stone. Petrification is not like petrification, and freezing is not like freezing.

Banner Lord Lan Qi ordered the capture of Ji Xiuning and brought it to the azure islands.

She tried everything to torture Ji Xiuning.

Using highly toxic and flames, thrown from a height of tens of thousands of meters, cut with a knife and cut with an axe.

With a million pounds of heavy hammer.

In short, she can use the Ji Xiuning torture that she can think of.

However …

Always cannot penetrate the energy Crystal Stone shell on the surface of her body, and cannot cause any damage to her.

The angry Lan Qi took her to the terrible Chi Yan Sea fire, and threw her into the special magma of tens of thousands of degrees.

However, the Crystal Stone shell on the surface of the Ji Xiuning body is still intact. After the fish is removed, this layer of energy Crystal Stone shell feels even cold.

This is really amazing.

This energy is not only invulnerable, but also immune to any energy.

The unwilling Banner Lord Lan Qi placed her again on the highest peak of Southern Wild, and then led the world lightning to her.

Because Lightning Energy can ignore any energy defense, it can certainly penetrate these energy Crystal Stone shells to burn Ji Xiuning into coke.

Results …

She was disappointed again!

The layer of energy Crystal Stone on the surface of Ji Xiuning‘s body is still intact.

The Demoness elders of the entire Blue Sea Banner are completely surprised. What is this?

The Demoness country is also considered to be one of the most mysterious areas, with countless treasures and various energy Crystal Stone.

But the energy Crystal Stone, which ignores any energy like this, has never really been seen.

Even if it is Crystal Stone uncertain, it may just be some kind of energy body in the shape of Crystal Stone.

In short, Divine Dragon Temple is far more powerful than expected.

Obviously, with this layer of energy meditation shell protection, the direct subordinate characters of Divine Dragon Temple have the last life-saving means.

Banner Lord, I have an idea!” Suddenly, a young Demoness Warrior said.

She is only 16 years old this year, but has been listed as one of the candidates for the next Banner Lord.

Yes, the 13th Banner Lord of Demoness are all selected.

This is a collective society. After each Demoness reaches its age, it will drink God Demon Springs, so that it can get pregnant and have children.

Of course, every child born is a girl.

These children were raised collectively, not whoever was born.

Every elder of the Magic Banner carefully observed when these children were very young, and found those very talented girls to train as the next generation of Banner Lord candidates.

When these girls grow up, they need to complete a lot of things, and then choose, and the person with the highest vote becomes the Banner Lord of this magic flag!

Lan Mei, you said.” Lan Qi Banner Lord said.

At the blink of a sixteen-year-old Lan Mei, she showed amazing beauty at a young age. The exquisite face is even more beautiful than Yin Ji.

If she goes to the world below, she will really reverse all sentient beings, and countless men will probably go crazy at a glance.

“Pour a cup of God Demon Springs towards her thighs!” Lan Mei ’s big eyes flashed with a devil ’s light: “I heard that God Demon Springs can penetrate everything to make a woman pregnant, maybe it can dissolve this shell on the surface of Ji Xiuning ’s body. . In case she is pregnant, it would be better. Saintess of Divine Dragon Temple made a group of women get belly up. When Ji Xiuning wakes up, we lie to her. We let the boar man blast her and make her pregnant … “

As I said, Lan Mei felt very interesting and could not help applauding.

“Nunny …” Lan Qi Banner Lord showed annoyed and loving eyes, then smiled and said: “Also, Little Mei, don’t be fooling. Although your talent is amazing, but you practice for three days and fish for two days. The internet is about to be caught up soon, and the candidate will not be on Banner Lord, so do n’t cry. “

“I do n’t want to choose Banner Lord. After I am 18 years old, I will leave the territory and go to the ground to harm men.” Lan Mei begged: “Banner Lord, the method I said is really possible, I can I feel that it was the inspiration given to me by His Majesty Demon Emperor. “

Lan Qi Banner Lord said: “Although it is very ridiculous, but … you can try. If Divine Dragon Temple‘s Saintess is pregnant by us, it is a revenge!”


In Tomb of Ghost King, the mood of Lan Ling can’t calm down for a long time.

This Ghost King turned out to be Hell Knight or Hell Knight.

For this, Lan Ling had doubts early.

Because Ghost King is a ghost energy, this feature is very similar to Hell Knight.

Moreover, the energy source of both is Underworld hell!

However, Lan Ling never thought that Hell Knight‘s fourth son, that is, the bloodline of His Majesty Ghost King, after tossing and turning, came to Nai’er.

After coming to Southern Wild, Lan Ling misses more and more people, including Nai’er, which is almost the same level as his son and daughter.

She is really the cutest and most beautiful girl in the world.

What happened to the Nai’er of Hell Knight Demon Blood ? Is it safe? Has it fallen into the claws of Divine Dragon Temple?

In the Lan Ling miss and daze, the energy of Ghost King Armor and Sword of Ghost King in the coffin is constantly floating!

He woke up immediately, took a deep breath, picked up his leg armor and put it on.

No energy enters the body.

He then picked up his upper armor and put it on again.

There is still only a cold feeling without any energy flowing in.

He took the helmet and put it on his head.

This set of armor is very small. It is really tight on Lan Ling.

After putting on a full set of armor, there is no energy at all into the body.

This armor looks obviously full of extremely powerful energy.

After taking a deep breath, Lan Ling picked up the Sword of Ghost King and held it with both hands.

Suddenly …

“Booming …”

In the armor, it looks like an energy nuclear bomb exploded.

Explode directly inside the soul of Lan Ling and Spirit!

Unprecedented energy bombardment.

Unprecedented energy explosion.

This is no longer engulfing energy, but this extremely powerful energy and Lan Ling are completely exploded and blended together!

Almost instantly …

Lan Ling has a bright soul, a bright body, and a bright heart.

Then, in reality, a bright burst of light burst out of his heart.

“Shoot swoosh …”

A lot of energy, flying around, hitting the surrounding Misfortune Demon Capital ruins to the bones of identity.

This picture represents only one thing.

Lan Ling has broken through Demon Ancestor!

In this way, without any struggle, it broke through Demon Ancestor easily.


Note: The second one is sent to you, beg for support, and beg for the monthly pass.

I’m too sleepy. I’m going to sleep, bye. (To be continued.)

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