World Destroying Demonic Emperor: Seven seven six: Rakshasa King, you abdicate!

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Lan Ling‘s Death Warrior group, Golden Warrior Armed Force, Centaur Legion , Ghost Ray Legion , Monster Clan Allied Army frantically chase down the army of Crown Prince Tian Sha fleeing north.

On the way, corpses were slain across the field.

Fully chase thousands of miles to chase down all the surviving cavalry and infantry of the Crown Prince Tian Sha legion.

In the end, Crown Prince Tian Sha only took seven thousand martial arts regiments, and several tens of thousands of Ghost Ray Legion successfully fled north, and the rest of the army was almost completely clean.

At this time, the slaughter of Yun E Imperial City continues.

The remaining 780,000 Ground Monster Legion is still slaughtering all life in King City.

This slaughter lasted a few hours.

Finally, calm and calm!

Two hundred and ten thousand Ground Monster Legion , which killed a total of twelve hours, slaughtered half of the army of Crown Prince Tian Sha, and they themselves killed more than 70%, only survived less than 60,000.

Lan Ling and Small Rakshasa King released the Spirit order to return these full-bodied Ground Monster to the cave and fall into a deep sleep.

At this point, the Yun E Imperial City battle is officially over.

The three and a half million troops led by Crown Prince Tian Sha were almost completely destroyed, and fewer than one hundred thousand fled to the Tiancha tribe.

In less than a month, Crown Prince Tian Sha fell from a paradise-like victory to a hell-like defeat.

And the root of all this comes from the ultrasonic attack of Ghost Bat Legion being cracked.

In just one month, Crown Prince Tian Sha killed more than six million troops.

Almost one-third of the Ghost Bat Legion and more than one-third of the Ground Monster Legion have been lost. Giant Legion , Ogre Legion, Demon Leopard Legion and Thunder Wolf Legion losses all exceeded one third.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Crown Prince Tian Sha took away the 7,000 Budo Corps, but even so, the Buda Corps of the Tiancha tribe lost more than a quarter.

The Tiansha tribe has accumulated hundreds of years of strategic resources, and has lost more than a quarter at a time.


When Lan Ling entered Yun E Imperial City, there was really a urge to vomit.

There is blood everywhere, meat puree everywhere, and stench.

Centaur Legion , Werewolf Warrior Legion, Wolf Rider Legion , to bear the smell, and stationed the Yun E Imperial City wall with the fastest speed.

Death Warrior group, Golden Warrior Armed Force, Monster Clan Allied Army entered a short break.

Yun E Imperial City is a hot potato, you should try to hand it in.” Small Rakshasa King said.

Lan Ling nodded.

There is no doubt about it. For Demon Empire United Battlefront, Yun E Imperial City is an absolute strategic core and is absolutely determined to be obtained.

Now, Crown Prince Tian Sha is lost, and the core of this Southern Wild will fall into the hands of Lan Ling, and Tian Sha king will definitely send troops to recapture crazy.

Either let Crown Prince Tian Sha regain the command of the army again, or take the lead.

Even if you let Crown Prince Tian Sha take over, the next time you come, it may be even more terrifying Strength.

Especially the Budo Corps, there may be five or even more Demon Saint-class strongmen.

The Rakshasa Clan has five great respecters, all of whom are Demon Saint strong.

De Sha Clan has eight Demon Venerable, all Demon Saint level strong.

Of course, these thirteen Demon Saint venerables, almost all sit and watch this battle. After Princess Di Nie occupied De Sha Clan, and the Eight Great Venerables on the ground were in a state where they did not violate the river water. Now twenty days have passed.

So how many Venerables are there?

Fourteen Venerables!

Unlike De Sha Clan and Rakshasa Clan, the martial forces of the Tiancha tribe are completely subject to the king of Tian Sha . There is no way, the first king Bingren is too terrible. It beats the invincible hand all over the world. It is supported by one hand and suppressed by the other. The martial power of the Tiancha tribe is not so transcendent.

Before Crown Prince Tian Sha led the army south, the martial arts corps used were all drawn from the royal family and various magic flags. Now that he has lost to Lan Ling so badly, even the elders of Di En have sacrificed, the king of Tian Sha will definitely be violently thundered. When the comeback is coming again, the fourteen lords will definitely be out of the game.

It is conceivable that the future Yun E Imperial City will become a hell-level battlefield, so it ’s better to return it to Crown Prince Yun E early or Demon Clan Alliance. In short, you ca n’t keep it in your hands.

However, it cannot be withdrawn yet.

Because the reinforcements sent by Princess Di Nie are already on the way, and there will be three hours before they arrive at Yun E Imperial City. At least this wave of attacks must be resisted, otherwise they will be thrown away just after they are captured, and Rakshasa King will definitely not admit it.

“I hope you don’t need to fight this battle.” Lan Ling said.

“I wish …” Small Rakshasa King said.


After three hours!

At dawn, the 200,000 reinforcements sent by Princess Di Nie appeared on the horizon.

One hundred thousand Demoness Country Warrior , fifty thousand Wing Clan Legion , and fifty thousand Ghost Bat Legion .

The reinforcement Commander is Wing Clan Crown Prince and the deputy coach is Demoness Rainbow Banner Lord.

Wing Clan Crown Prince is the pinnacle of Demon Venerable, and Rainbow Banner Lord is the strongman of Demon Saint level.

The entire Demoness country has only one million people. However, among the eight Demon Clans, the Demon Saint-level strongmen in the Demoness country, the magic Venerable Level strongmen, and the Demon Ancestor-class strongmen are almost the most.

For example, Blue Sea Banner, which captured Ji Xiuning, is the smallest and weakest of the thirteen magic flags of Demoness, but it has five permanent residents of Demon Venerable and fifty-nine permanent residents of Demon Ancestor level. There is also a strong cloud traveler, a strong face wall.

And the most powerful Demoness King City, because it is close to the Devil ’s Fountain, it is even more powerful.

Because this is the purest race, a pure martial race.

While the Wing Clan warrior is not as good as the Demoness country, Martial Arts cultivation is naturally amazing, which is amazing.

They need to kill the Lan Ling Death Warrior group, Golden Warrior Armed Force mount, basically in an invincible position.

So, Demoness Country Warrior and Wing Clan Samurai are the real air ace legions.

Small Rakshasa King closes her eyes, feels the opponent ’s martial power, and then takes a breath.

“How much?” Lan Ling asked.

“One hundred and thirty-nine Demon Venerable and one hundred and nine hundred Demon Ancestor, countless Demon Grandmaster!” Small Rakshasa King said: “This is just Demoness Country Warrior , not Wing Clan Samurai.”

Lan Ling grinned.

The warriors of the Demoness country are really good. No wonder a Blue Sea Banner patrol in every district can defeat the Ji Xiuning Skyguard Samurai Regiment.

“Can you agree?” Small Rakshasa King said.

Lan Ling nodded and said: “Yes, but … I can not fight, it is best not to fight.”

“Confused by their beauty?” Small Rakshasa King‘s.

“One thing.” Lan Ling said: “It was the first time I saw so … so many beautiful women.”

Lan Ling is true. The beauty of Demoness, even the least beautiful, exceeds Dina and A Li.

And Dina and A Li are already pretty 80s.

It can be seen how beautiful the beauty of the Demoness country is.

One hundred thousand Demoness Country Warrior rides a red phoenix, which all looks shocking.

An Demoness country woman walking Demon Clan Territory will cause turmoil, and countless people will be overwhelmed, not to mention so many beauty appearances?

Not only Lan Ling, but almost all Monster Clan Allied Army s are overwhelmed.

And what Harpie is most afraid of is the Wing Clan people. I was really afraid of being killed. When I saw fifty thousand Wing Clan warriors, tens of thousands of Harpie shrank instinctively and lost their fighting spirit.

Even Centaur Legion , looking towards Demoness Country Warrior is full of pity.

So, it is best not to fight in this battle, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble.

Lan Ling, as long as you defeat Di Nie, these Demoness Country Warrior , these Wing Clan samurai, will allegiance to you, as long as you can prove that your Demon Blood pulse is more noble and pure than Di Nie.” Small Rakshasa King said.

“That will be the future, at least how does this pass now?” Lan Ling said: “Do you know the Commander of this Demoness Country Warrior ? Should you talk about it?”

Lan Ling just talked about it casually, but I did n’t expect Small Rakshasa King to be nodded, saying: “I have had a deal, I will try it.”

Lan Ling said: “You really make friends all over the world.”

Small Rakshasa King said: “I … just happened to be a guest in Demoness.”

As soon as this word came out, Lan Ling admired it even more, because Demoness country never welcomes foreigners, let alone men, and Small Rakshasa King went as a guest.

Then, Small Rakshasa King single-handedly flew towards Demoness national army on Ghost Ray.

He said a few words to the absolutely gorgeous Rainbow Demon Banner Lord, and then salute each other.

Finally, the scene that made Lan Ling speechless appeared.

One hundred thousand Demoness Country Warrior , fifty thousand Wing Clan warriors, and fifty thousand Ghost Bat Legion have just left.

The 200,000 powerful reinforcements of Princess Di Nie have just arrived on the battlefield, so they left without fighting.

Lan Ling is really amazing, even to the point of worship.

Can this Small Rakshasa King Tang Ren be better?

The point is that this is not a three-inch tongue, just a word, this … Is this don’t tell me also a personality charm?

After Small Rakshasa King flew back, Lan Ling could n’t help but ask: “To be honest, are you with Demoness country Commander Rainbow Banner Lord?”

“Nothing, nothing.” Small Rakshasa King denied.

“So, what did you say?” Lan Ling said: “They didn’t fight in a fight, so they retreated?”

“I told her that we will soon hand over Yun E Imperial City to Demon Clan Alliance, and then you will be able to **** it away without any effort, without having to fight us to death.” Small Rakshasa King said: “She heard After that, nodded withdrew the troops. “

Lan Ling looked at Small Rakshasa King for a while, and said: “I think you two still have a leg.”

Small Rakshasa King quickly denied it again, but it was obviously somewhat guilty.

“Okay, you stay behind for a few more days, I fly back to Rakshasa Palace , and let Demon Clan Alliance receive Yun E Imperial City as soon as possible.” Small Rakshasa King said.


After seven hours!

Small Rakshasa King appears in the Demon Clan Alliance headquarters.

“Your Majesty Demon King, Lan Ling has recaptured Yun E Imperial City, please go and receive it.” Small Rakshasa King said.

Next, he looked to Rakshasa King and said: “Father, you should honor your oath, abdicate, and let me reign as king!”


Note: The second one is sent to you, please ask for support, thank you great family.

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