World Destroying Demonic Emperor: Seven seven four: Lan Ling miracle! Destroy the end!

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This time, the 290,000 army of Lan Ling was a real soldier under the city, not 30 miles or 50 miles away, but Chen Bing under the city wall.

The highest point of Yun E Imperial City, Crown Prince Tian Sha looks down on the 290,000 army of Lan Ling.

“Anyone, any army, stick to their positions, never attack!” Crown Prince Tian Sha ordered: “Unless Lan Ling starts first, there must not be any attacks, fully enter the defensive state, all martial arts regiments, enter the front line defense ! “

Under the order of Crown Prince Tian Sha, Yun E Imperial City really became a turtle shell.

In the previous two battles, Crown Prince Tian Sha lost 400,000 Ghost Bat Legion , 290,000 Ground Monster Legion , and 530 Top Level martial artist.

But at this time, there are nearly three million troops in his hands, and nearly 10,000 strong people with Demon Grandmaster and above.

Enough to defend the entire Yun E Imperial City into a hedgehog, a sturdy turtle shell.

There are at least a dozen defenders behind every meter wall.

Moreover, tens of thousands of Top Level martial arts regiments are flying in the air on Ghost Ray, supporting any direction at any time.

Yun E Imperial City is on a huge plateau, and it is a stepped city. At this time, there are no people in the city. The city of hundreds of square kilometers is completely like a huge barracks.

Lan Ling closes its eyes and releases the powerful Spiritual Force to sense the defenders in Yun E Imperial City.

It’s really dense, it’s more trouble than iron turtles and iron hedgehogs.

Moreover, countless defenders all hid in huge castles and palaces.

If you do n’t use special methods, even with Strength on hand at Lan Ling, trying to capture Yun E Imperial City is very difficult.

“A considerable part of the enemy is hiding in the castle and the house, so it is not suitable for air combat.” Blood Wolf King said: “If the ground war depends on 10,000 Werewolf Warrior, 40,000 Wolf Rider, 30,000 Centaur Army, 12,000 Death Warrior group. Even if you can win, the casualties will be very, very heavy. “

Chi Yan Khan said: “The most difficult thing is still the Crown Prince Tian Sha Budo Corps. So, is it possible to fight against the Crown Prince Tian Sha Budo Corps by Death Warrior, Golden Warrior Armed Force, Golden Centaur Legion , breaking through the walls, destroying the enemy ’s Ground Monster Legion , Giant Legion , Ogre Legion, etc.

Lan Ling: “Blood Wolf King, can you stop Crown Prince Tian Sha?”

“Yes.” Blood Wolf King said: “However, once he transforms into a Ancestor Inheritance demon, then I should be difficult to hold him back. Of course, I can also transform, and both of us will enter a state of rampage, and I will slaughter crazy His martial arts regiment, he will also massacre your Death Warrior regiment. “

Lan Ling frowned!

The Death Warrior group kills Undying, but the Ancestor Inheritance demons can, because their energy levels are high.

Be aware that before the Di En elders exploded, they killed dozens of Demon Venerables and hundreds of Demon Ancestors. This lethality is too horrible, completely beyond the tolerance range of Lan Ling.

Blood Wolf King said: “Your Death Warrior regiment can wipe out the Crown Prince Tian Sha martial arts regiment. But … probably will sacrifice more than twenty Demon Venerable and three hundred Demon Ancestor.”

“Day!” Lan Ling swears.

If it is to defend Flame Demon City, Lan Ling is certainly willing to pay such a big price.

But this is just to recapture the Yun E Imperial City. It is for prestige. This price is too great.


Lan Ling close your eyes.

“Master, Small Rakshasa King alone repelled the 450,000 troops led by Princess Di Ning, saving the Flame Demon City crisis.” The voice of Gou Li suddenly sounded in the brain area of ​​Lan Ling.

Gou Li is in Flame Demon City and Lan Ling is in Yun E Imperial City, which is very far away.

However, she is Death Warrior of Lan Ling, so she can communicate in the brain.

Lan Ling and all Death Warrior are as if they are in a local area network, because they have a common will, Demon Emperor will!

“How many Doomsday Device are used?” Lan Ling asked.

“Just one!” Gou Li said: “Moreover, he took back all the Starry Sky Demonic Force Meteorite powder and sent it back to the laboratory again.”

“It’s really a demon.” Lan Ling said.

“Yes.” Gou Li said: “Master, have you encountered a problem?”

Lan Ling said: “The decisive battle of Yun E Imperial City is coming, I must recapture Yun E Imperial City in a short time, otherwise I will suffer the disaster of extinction. But Crown Prince Tian Sha is very wise and can not stick to it at a critical moment, so I can not break each one. As a result, I want to forcibly break through Yun E Imperial City, and it will cost a lot of casualties. “

Gou Li was silent for a moment and said: “Master, I can bring you a few Doomsday Device. As long as it detonates within Yun E Imperial City, the problem is solved.”

This woman is so cruel.

This Doomsday Device is much more vicious than the atomic bomb.

Once detonated, the Yun E Imperial City will completely turn into a dead city within a few hundred miles, and there is no possibility of recovery in the next few hundred years or thousands of years.

Lan Ling was silent for a moment, but still rejected this tempting idea.

The Di Ning army attacked Flame Demon City and Lan Ling to use this super killer to save their lives.

And once he used this thing to attack the city, it was trampling on the bottom line, ensuring that Tian Sha King would personally kill Lan Ling.

However, this is the civil war of Demon Clan Territory, and it cannot cross the bottom line.

Is there no solution for Lan Ling?

He has a way, but I do n’t know if it can be done, or how long it will take.

What way?

There are still 210,000 Ground Monster Legion s in Yun E Imperial City, which are controlled by hundreds of Spirit Priest.

These Ground Monster have signed a contract with Spirit Master since childhood, and these Spirit Priest control them with a kind of Spiritual Force.

If Lan Ling can crack this Spiritual Force, then it can easily destroy this Spiritual Manipulation, making these 210,000 Ground Monster Legion into a frenzy and killing in Yun E Imperial City.

As a result, Yun E Imperial City will naturally break without attack.

However, cracking the Spiritual Contact password and cracking the Spiritual Force is a very, very, very difficult thing.

It’s not like ultrasound, it’s completely regular.

Spiritual Contact, Spiritual Force and other things are ever-changing.

It’s really like using an exhaustive method to crack thousands of passwords.

Even if it can be cracked, I do n’t know how long it will take. But Lan Ling has less than three days at most. After three days, the Di Nie Legion is coming. By that time, Lan Ling will either retreat or be hit back and forth.

The Spiritual Force password that controls Ground Monster is definitely the highest top secret of the Tiancha family, and it must be difficult to crack. The most terrible thing is that every Spirit Master Spirit password that controls Ground Monster is different, then … tragedy!

Therefore, there are two options before Lan Ling.

Regardless of casualties, break Yun E Imperial City.

Or, take the hardest path and crack the Spirit password that controls Ground Monster .

Lan Ling told Gou Li the situation in front of him, and then said: “You go to Tang Ren, tell him my thoughts, and ask him if it is feasible?”

“Yes!” said Gou Li.

After a while, Gou Li said: “After hearing your thoughts, Small Rakshasa King exclaimed and said you were crazy.”

Small Rakshasa King is always calm, and the things that can scream him are definitely terrible.

After a while, Gou Li said: “However, he said he could give it a try. Moreover, he said he would fly to Yun E Imperial City at the fastest speed to crack the Spirit password that controls Ground Monster Legion with you.”

Lan Ling said: “You told him that once we failed to crack, we could only hang our tails within three days and flee. Recapture of Yun E Imperial City was a complete failure, and he would have to commit suicide in public by then.”

Gou Li said: “He has taken off and headed to Yun E Imperial City!”

Crazy, this downright lunatic.


Small Rakshasa King has not come yet, Lan Ling himself started the work of cracking and controlling the Ground Monster Spirit password.

The first step is to find the captured Ground Monster beast.

This is easy. A few days ago, there were more than a few hundred Ground Monster captives for the purpose of research.

The hundreds of captive Ground Monster s had their tongues cut off, their limbs cut off, and they lost their attack.

At this time, they lie motionless on the ground and enter a state of deep sleep.

This is not the movement of the Lan Ling, but once they enter a certain range, they will be immediately controlled by the Tiancha family Spirit Master.

At this time, all Ground Monster Legion are sleeping.

Why sleepy, because once the Ground Monster wakes up, it will definitely enter a state of killing. So unless there is a war, Ground Monster will always be asleep.

That is to say, the Ground Monster animal brain captured by Lan Ling can continue to receive the Spirit command of Spirit Priest.

The second step, Lan Ling will intercept these Spirit commands.

How to intercept? Capture Spirit signal in the air? This is impossible.

All Lan Ling needs to do is to invade the brain domain of Ground Monster , find the part of the brain domain where it signs Spiritual Contact, and then replace it, to accept the Spirit command of the Tiancha family Spirit Priest.

This is an unprecedented idea, and it ’s crazy.

So, Small Rakshasa King will say that Lan Ling is crazy, and then rushed over the first time.

Because, this kind of thing is too awesome, too creative, too wise, too naughty, how can he lose his Tang Ren?


Entering Ground Monster Legion ’s brain domain is very simple, because this stupid Spirit defense is almost zero.

But the trouble is that when he needs to open his eyes, Lan Ling‘s Spiritual Force can invade its brain domain. At this time, it has been sleeping.

So, these Ground Monster must be awakened.

Blood Wolf King, you use one energy Fist Light to critically attack the walls!” Lan Ling said: “However, don’t attack.”

“Yes!” Blood Wolf King said.

Then he swung his fist violently and smashed it out.

“Boom …” A purple Fist Light burst into the air and hit the wall.

With a loud noise, the city wall tens of meters later cracked into numerous cracks.

Crown Prince Tian Sha was shocked, thinking that Lan Ling was at war.

Suddenly, all the defenders are ready to fight.

All Spirit Master, instantly awakened Ground Monster , ready to fight.

Including Ground Monster captured by Lan Ling, he suddenly opened his eyes and woke up.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lan Ling‘s Spiritual Force darted into its brain through Ground Monster ‘s eyes.

Crown Prince Tian Sha raised his ears, but Lan Ling saw no further offensive actions.

After a stalemate for another quarter of an hour, Crown Prince Tian Sha released the battle.

All Spirit Master sent out the Spirit instruction again, so that all Ground Monster went to sleep. Because these Ground Monster want to kill when they are awake, Spirit Master must suppress them, which is very consuming Spiritual Force.

After the Spiritual Force of Lan Ling invaded the brain domain of Ground Monster , it began to search the area where Ground Monster signed Spiritual Contact.

This area is Ground Monster branded by Spirit left by Spirit Master at a very young age, that is, this area accepts the Spirit command of Spirit Master.

Spiritual Force of Lan Ling swims in the brain domain of Ground Monster .

Fortunately, Ground Monster is a cruel but simple species, so the brain world is relatively simple and not large.

But even so, this is an endless world of Spirit.

Lan Ling Spiritual Force is constantly searching, searching, searching …

Three hours, five hours, seven hours …

Nine hours!

Lan Ling only found the place to sign Spiritual Contact in the brain domain of Ground Monster beast.

Sure enough, there is a continuous flow of Spirit signals in this area. These are the commands of the Tiansha family Spirit Priest.

“Shoot …”

Lan Ling intercepted the signal of this Spirit command very quickly.

The first step is finally complete!

When he opened his eyes, it was already dark!

Small Rakshasa King Tang Ren has come, right next to Lan Ling, he is doing the same thing as Lan Ling, invading the brain area of ​​Ground Monster Legion , intercepting the command signal of Spirit Master.

Blood Wolf King said: “Tang Ren has come two hours, and he gave me the same order as soon as he came, Fist Light bombarded the city wall. He said you can communicate with him at the Spirit level anytime after you wake up Spirit defense is not set. “

Lan Ling stepped forward and directly told Small Rakshasa King the coordinates of the contract area where the Ground Monster animal received the Spirit signal.

After a while, Small Rakshasa King opened his eyes.

Lan Ling said: “You madman, you are holding your life and making jokes. Once we have not cracked these Spirit signals in time, you will have to commit suicide in public.”

Small Rakshasa King said: “This thing is really interesting, how can you get it done!”

Next, Small Rakshasa King said: “Let’s talk with Spirit to see if the intercepted signal fragments are the same. If they are the same, it is largely proved that all Spirit passwords that control Ground Monster Legion are the same.”

Lan Ling and Small Rakshasa King released the intercepted Spiritual Force fragments.

Yes, it ’s good news, it ’s the same.

“If it turns into a number, what is the approximate number?” Small Rakshasa King asked.

“Almost a thousand …” said Lan Ling.

Small Rakshasa King grinned and said: “Fuck!”

This is equivalent to cracking a thousand-digit password, too, terrible.

“I’m responsible for cracking 25% of the Spirit password in front of you, and you’re responsible for 75% of the back.” Small Rakshasa King said: “Although I am stronger than Spiritual Force, you have a pervert in your brain.”

“Okay.” Lan Ling said: “Blood Wolf King, then we will enter a state of meditation, and we must never awaken us unless we go to war.”

“Yes!” said Blood Wolf King.

He then led dozens of Demon Venerables in a circle, protecting Lan Ling and Small Rakshasa King in the middle.

Next, Lan Ling and Small Rakshasa King enter the state of meditation as quickly as possible.


In Contemplation World, time keeps getting slower, slower, and slower.

Ten times, one hundred times, three hundred times, five hundred times …

This is to crack the thousands of Spirit passwords. Two days of time is definitely not enough. At least it needs to be in units of years, so you must enter the deepest meditation.

Only Lan Ling and Small Rakshasa King like the evil spirits can enter such a deep meditation, so that they can work in such a crazy, perverted, complicated, Spirit field.

For other people, Lan Ling could n’t find a second person to complete this matter, or even find the second person able to understand him.

Only Small Rakshasa King, Lan Ling is not needed at all, he understands directly because his thoughts are exactly the same.

In the world of meditation, Lan Ling and Small Rakshasa King have entered the craziest decryption work.

This is the most boring and craziest thing.

This is really painstaking.

The hardest and hardest is the first step, unlock the first!

In Contemplation World, Lan Ling took a full three months to unlock the first place.

After making countless mistakes, I finally determined the absolute properties of this Spiritual Force, and really determined the first place.

Nine months later, Lan Ling cracked 30%.

Eleven months later, Lan Ling cracked 50%.

Fifteen months later, Lan Ling cracked 75%.

At this time, he can choose to continue cracking, or he can choose to wake up.

If he believes in Small Rakshasa King, he will wake up, if he does n’t trust him, he will continue to crack alone.

Lan Ling chose to wake up.

His choice is right. Small Rakshasa King has already woken up, which proves that he has completed 25% of his.

The two people merged the work results and completed 100% Spirit password cracking.

The next thing is simple.

Lan Ling and Small Rakshasa King have obtained the Spirit password to control Ground Monster .

“Are you coming, or me?” Small Rakshasa King said.

“Let’s get together!” said Lan Ling.

Small Rakshasa King nodded.

Then, the two released a powerful Spiritual Force.

In an instant, this Spiritual Force enveloped within a few dozen miles.

The Tiansha tribe needs hundreds of Spirit Priest to control hundreds of thousands of Ground Monster , but the Lan Ling and the Spiritual Force of the small Rakshasa are hundreds of them.

So, the Spiritual Force of only two people easily covered all Ground Monster Legion .

After including the remaining 210,000 Ground Monster Legion into the Spiritual Force envelope.

Lan Ling and Small Rakshasa King simultaneously release the Spirit command.

“Wake up!”

Hundreds of captured Ground Monster around Lan Ling suddenly opened their eyes.

The 210,000 Ground Monster of the Yun E Imperial City hole ** opened their eyes at the same time.

“Offense!” Lan Ling and Small Rakshasa King simultaneously released a second Spirit command.

Then a terrifying, terrifying and shocking scene appeared.

Two hundred and ten thousand Ground Monster Legion rushed out, biting wildly, and attacking the Crown Prince Tian Sha legion in Yun E Imperial City.

At this point, the annihilation of Yun E Imperial City is a foregone conclusion!


Note: The second one is sent to you, beg for support, beg for the monthly pass, thank you great family!

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