World Destroying Demonic Emperor: Seven nine one: Yin Ji ending! Nuclear umbrella!

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When I heard Lan Ling, the pale and haggard Yin Ji was crumbling.

“Second sentence, you are more talented in internal affairs. When Flame Demon Tribe started, you are more valuable. But now my Flame Demon Banner can be described as talented, so you have no value for Flame Demon Banner.” The second sentence of Lan Ling The words are longer.

Hearing Lan Ling‘s cold and ruthless second sentence, Yin Ji fell directly to the ground, and his eyes almost lost focus.

“The third sentence, I am Suo Lun. You will know about it sooner or later. I originally wanted to enlarge your stomach and let you know after giving birth.” Lan Ling said: “My three sentences say Finished. “

Yin Ji is very cute and beautiful.

But Lan Ling‘s pity and affection for women seems to have been used up in Human State.

“My words are finished.” Lan Ling said: “How do you decide?”

Yin Ji sat on the ground as if completely defeated, completely motionless.

She was completely distraught and did not want to make any decisions at all. And she has a resentment, very resentment.

However, it is not Lan Ling, but Meng Tuo Luo.

Why does this mean woman, this vicious woman, tell herself? Why tell yourself?

This narrow-minded woman must be looking at her happiness, so she wants to avenge herself and ruin her happiness.

But no matter how, Lan Ling is Suo Lun, it is his own father and enemy.

What should I do?

The first option, as nothing happened, continue to share the bed with Lan Ling.

Second option, suicide.

The third option is to fly away.

Yin Ji directly abandoned the third option. She finally felt at home, and she did n’t want to go far away, or to drift away. And after leaving Flame Demon City, she really became a solitary ghost.

So the first option, as if nothing happened, continue to share the same bed with Lan Ling or even give birth to him?

She really can’t do it, she really can’t be so shameless.

Lan Ling glanced at her, and did not mean to step forward to help, without any consolation, just turned around and left.

When I saw him so ruthlessly, Yin Ji was heartbroken and tears came out, and I suddenly felt that all my thoughts were gray.

It has never been so uncomfortable, so painful, so heartache.

If there is no conscience, Lan Ling‘s ruthless expression will bring her heartache even more than the moment she knew that Lan Ling is Suo Lun.

She then sat on the ground, really cold and silent.


Demon King Jing Zi: “Master, the woman you brought, she … cracked all my Spiritual Energy formations easily.”

The woman it said was of course Misfortune Goddess Shui Hongshao.

The Demon King Jing Zi campaign on Spirit was never defeated, but it was defeated by Shui Hongshao.

In fact, the first time Shui Hongshao entered Flame Demon City, it was attracted by the Spiritual Energy array of Demon King Jing Zi.

Then she spent a quarter of an hour cracking the Spiritual Energy array of Demon King Jing Zi, and then another quarter of an hour, confining the Spiritual Force core of Demon King Jing Zi. Finally she came to the top of the mountain and got control of the Demon King Jing Zi Spiritual Energy array.

However, Demon King Jing Zi is not completely passively beaten.

It also gained a lot of new knowledge and new energy methods from Spiritual Energy of Misfortune Goddess Shui Hongshao. The two of you are coming and going, fighting happily.

In addition, Demon King Jing Zi also needs to share some thoughts to communicate with Corpse Ghost.

Because Corpse Ghost likes to make poetry, Lan Ling tempts it with the famous poems on Earth.

The result is totally useless. It likes to express poetry because it likes to express mood, and it does n’t have much love for verses.

Moreover, it seems to be looking for something, but it does not know what it is looking for. So, use his mad devil’s thoughts everywhere to find a scale of claws.

It seems to be looking for a certain memory, it seems to be something, and it seems to be someone.

I do n’t know, so I want to travel all over the world, see more people, see a lot of things, see if I can find a little inspiration, arouse some kind of thought in my brain, and know what I am looking for.

Demon King Jing Zi is probably the “person” who has seen the most people, the most things, and the most places.

Although it can’t go anywhere, it has countless Spirit slaves for tens of thousands of years. Everything these Spirit slaves have seen, everything they have experienced, and where they have been, will become memory of Demon King Jing Zi.

Moreover, among the Spirit slaves of Demon King Jing Zi, there are few lunatics.

So, Demon King Jing Zi can almost communicate with Corpse Ghost. Moreover, it generously opened the memory picture to Corpse Ghost, allowing him to experience the thousands of landscapes of the whole world in the illusion, to see if it can evoke some of its memory marks, and let it know what it is looking for.

Lan Ling asked: “Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation, how is it going?”

Demon King Jing Zi said: “Very, very unstable, very, very uneven.”

As mentioned before, Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation is the highest defense mechanism of Flame Demon City! Because whether it is Demon Empire United Battlefront or Princess Naxue, Lan Ling belongs to the weakest side, and even Flame Demon City has a very weak defense.

So, Lan Ling thought about whether to amplify Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation and become a strategic guardian of Flame Demon City.

The original Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation was created by Small Rakshasa King and is an Energy Array composed of sixteen Shadow Warriors.

The sixteen Shadow Warriors are all powerful Venerable Level . If they fight a Demon Saint, there is only one ending, it is to be broken by each.

So Small Rakshasa King thinks of a way that the energy of sixteen Shadow Warrior condenses and undergoes qualitative change.

This is not simply one plus one equals two, not to make the energy line thicker, but stronger. For example, two three Baidu flames are superimposed together, but a thicker flame is still three Baidu, not six Baidu.

And Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation is to make it into a four or five Baidu flame, to make it qualitative change. Let the Shadow Warrior energy attack of sixteen magic Venerable Level condensate and sublimate to become Demon Saint level energy.

The Small Rakshasa King is undoubtedly extremely extreme, he actually succeeded.

However, this is only a small magic array after all.

Lan Ling will magnify it hundreds of times, thousands of times, and it will cause problems.

When the number of Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation exceeds 99, it will be very unstable. Not only is the energy utilization rate very low, but it is also prone to energy conflict and energy overflow.

“After more than 99 people, the probability of an accident is 27%.”

“The number of people exceeds 399, and the probability of an accident is 43%.”

“The number of people exceeds 799, and the probability of an accident is 100%. Moreover, there must be energy spillover and energy conflict.” Demon King Jing Zi said: “We have experimented more than 400 times and blew up 1,000. There are more than one hundred explosions in Mirror Mountain in many houses. “

For Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation of Lan Ling, when the most, tens of thousands of Hell Warriors are required to participate, so as to become a super destructive weapon, a strategic defensive weapon, and protect the safety of Flame Demon Banner in two huge forces.

“You communicate more with Misfortune Goddess Shui Hongshao, try to make her interested in the drawings of Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation, and then the two of you will continue to improve this formation.” Lan Ling said.

“Yes!” Demon King Jing Zi said.

Lan Ling said: “In short, before the end of the duel between Netherworld(Wuming) and me, this Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation must be established, otherwise … we either have to kneel down, or there will be a disaster. Anyway, I do n’t want to kneel down. “

“Yes …” Demon King Jing Zi said.

Misfortune Goddess Shui Hongshao, the key of Flame Demon Empire, the first task is to complete a truly large Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation, because this is the first strategic weapon of Flame Demon Empire.

At least in Southern Wild, its role is equivalent to a nuclear umbrella.

With the arrival of Princess Naxue, the situation of Southern Wild has completely changed, becoming the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and Lan Ling has become the weakest party.

He either knelt down and loyal to one side, or stood proudly.

And now whether it is Princess Naxue, or Demon Empire United Battlefront led by Tian Sha King and Di Nie, Lan Ling Flame Demon Banner can be easily extinguished a hundred times.

The strength of Flame Demon Banner is really only a few tenths of the other two.

Not to mention anything else, Princess Naxue does not need to go out, just let Di Ming lead the five great respecters out of the nest, you can destroy Flame Demon Banner.

Now the Five Great Venerables are not only Demon Saint, they are also Undying Unextinguish, and their men have become the Vampire Demon Clan army of almost Undying Unextinguish.

At that time, what should Lan Ling do? Let Small Rakshasa King control Starry Sky Demonic Force Meteorite powder to defend against the enemy?

The last time Starry Sky Demonic Force Meteorite powder was manipulated, Small Rakshasa King had only left half a year of life. This time again, it takes about half an hour, Small Rakshasa King will be wiped out.

Of course, now there are two more decisions under Lan Ling expert, Misfortune Goddess Shui Hongshao, Corpse Ghost Peerless.

However, these two strong Peerless are not controlled. And even if these two people join, Di Ming will lead the five venerable forces to annihilate Flame Demon Banner, Death Warrior group, Golden Warrior Armed Force, Centaur Legion will be at least more than half dead.

This is the price Lan Ling cannot afford.

So, this Inferno Condensing Demon Great Formation is the nuclear umbrella of Flame Demon Empire. With it, Lan Ling can be one of the three kingdoms. Without it, Lan Ling would either kneel down to loyalty to Princess Naxue, or it would only die.

The negotiations with Di Ming have proved that it is impossible to cooperate with Princess Naxue on an equal footing at least now. At least the cooperation must be performed after showing extremely powerful strength.

And Lan Ling wants more than equal cooperation, he wants to ride on Princess Naxue.

At this time, Princess Naxue wanted to make Lan Ling her running dog. Therefore, there is no room for discussion.


In a cold room!

Yin Ji still slumped on the ground, confused and cold.

I do n’t know how long she thought, she could n’t find a suitable way to make a choice.

The third option is to go far away. The first choice, as if nothing happened, it is impossible to continue to share the same bed with Lan Ling, the father and enemy.

So, there is only one way left.

Actually … Yin Ji doesn’t want to die, even in the most desperate moment, she doesn’t want to die.

And now, in fact, there are a lot of concerns in her heart, she does not want to die. However, the cold and unforgiving look of Lan Ling really made her despondent, so that she did not have the courage to survive.

“Still dead … Anyway, nobody cares about you!” Yin Ji muttered to himself.

Hesitated for a long time …

Yin Ji burst into tears, took out a bottle of dark poison, and took a deep breath.

Lan Ling, you bastard, you **** …”

With endless courage, Yin Ji pulled out the stopper, poured the dark poison into his mouth, and drank it down.

Then, lie quietly on the ground and wait for death.

That feeling is coming soon.

First of all, there was a terrible pain in the stomach. The kind of pain that turned the river and the sea like it completely shredded all the internal organs.

It seemed to be a fire that burned all the internal organs, and it seemed to be concentrated sulfuric acid, which corroded the entire stomach, and like countless knives, poked the internal organs wildly.

Although Yin Ji has suffered a lot, it has never been so painful.

It’s really much more painful than death.

“Ah … ah …” Yin Ji rolled desperately, screaming.

The hell-like torture lasted for a few minutes, and then the pain gradually faded.

Then darkness and cold struck, gradually devouring her vitality.

Yin Ji knows that death is coming soon.

At this time, his body was no longer conscious, even painless.

I am going to die soon …

However, the tears of Yin Ji continue to shed.

Despite her unwillingness to admit it, she has been looking forward to her heart. After she committed suicide by take, Lan Ling will rush to rescue her.

However … not.

Lan Ling let her take poison herself and let her die.

Lan Ling, I hate you, I hate you …” Yin Ji murmured and closed his eyes.

Then her Spirit fell into darkness completely.


Yin Ji opened his eyes again, as if he was in the sun, warm.

She was lying on the bed, sitting next to Dina, feeding something in her mouth spoon by spoon. And A Li, gently wiped her body.

“I … I’m not dead?” Yin Ji shook his head before the words were finished, and tears poured out again.

“It didn’t die, but the next time you commit suicide, we won’t stop you, nor will we save you.” Dina said: “You even take dark water soaked in Starry Sky Demonic Force Meteorite, it seems that you are real I want to die. “

Yin Ji‘s beautiful, thin face twitched: “What’s the point of me living like this?”

“Are you wholeheartedly seeking death because you know your husband is your father’s enemy, or because of his ruthlessness?” Dina asked.

Yin Ji did not speak, but she knew there were more reasons behind.

Dina said: “The softness and concession of our husband has been used up in Human State, and we will not use excess pity on us. If you are tough against him, you will only get cold and unsympathetic.”

Yin Ji continued to cry silently.

Dina said: “If you want to avenge your parents, then I think it should be unnecessary. The Suo Lun that killed your parents and the Suo Lun of Human State are already dead. They were pierced into the heart and burned into coke , Now your husband is Lan Ling, not Suo Lun. Someone has revenge for you. “

Suo Lun is dead?” Yin Ji trembles: “Who killed him?”

“His wife, Princess Zhi Yan, which is now Queen Zhi Yan.” Dina said.

“Ah …” Yin Ji exclaimed, feeling so painful that he couldn’t breathe.

She is very clear about the relationship between Zhi Yan and Suo Lun.

Everything Suo Lun did was for Zhi Yan, including the death of her parents. He completely defeated Zhi Li with the support of Divine Dragon Temple and Hidden Island and put Princess Zhi Yan on the throne completely by himself.

And Princess Zhi Yan … killed him!

“So, don’t expect the husband to compromise with us, and have too much pity for us, his feelings for women have been exhausted.” Dina said: “I don’t care much about this, because I love him very much, he Being able to accept my love, I am already very satisfied. “

“If you still decide to commit suicide, then you can die completely, because the husband can no longer pierce his heart and drip Golden Demon Blood to save you.” Dina said: “Because he has already gone to Rakshasa King city, Going to duel with Netherworld(Wuming)! “


Note: The first is sent to you, beg for support, beg for the monthly ticket, thank you great family!

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