World Destroying Demonic Emperor: One three eight: Qinshao regret, confession! Kill Blood Ghost , devour it!

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“Yes, every Heaven Capital of this memory tortured me, tortured me all the time, almost crashed me completely.” Gui Qinshao said.

Old man Divine Dragon Temple said: “Is it convenient to tell me, which point is torturing you? The human Spirit is very fragile and powerful, and can give infinite pain to memory, there are only three kinds, loss, regret, truth , What kind of girl is it? “

After hearing the old man ’s words, Gui Qinshao was shocked, and the other person ’s words pierced the heart instantly.

What is the source of your pain?

Is it lost? Have you lost the most precious woman’s innocence, is this the source of your pain?

Although she would like to admit that it is so clear and clean, but … in fact, this is not her most painful source.

Of course, this really left her body and heart with absolutely indelible marks, even scars.

But … this is not the most painful source.

Is that regret? Of course not. She has no regrets about her attitude towards Suo Lun. Whether it is retiring or insulting him, she must do it. For the family, for the father, and even for herself, he must do so.

Suo Lun is a lunatic, and he and his family cannot be buried with him.

So, is it the truth that brings pain to yourself?

The heart of Gui Qinshao suddenly jumped, yes … the truth is that it hurts you.

Suo Lun, this bastard, has released his ugly side of weakness, greed, and chastity.

Let her see her completely, she is not so proud, not so noble, not so strong.

I was so weak that I surrendered after being hungry.

After being so unfaithful, after being tarnished by Suo Lun, he not only did not commit suicide, but even … had no thought of suicide at all.

Even if you do n’t want dignity for a bad bun.

“Yes … is the truth …” Gui Qinshao wept: “The source of my pain is the truth. I used to think I was a firm, noble. Proud woman. However, there is a devil, let me admit Knowing himself, he completely released my ugly side. These pains completely destroyed my pride, and every Heaven Capital desperately swallowed my confidence. “

“Oh. The truth …” The old man said: “The truth is the most terrible. Can I share a story with you? A story about the truth.”

“Please.” Gui Qinshao said.

The old man said: “There is a 30-year-old man with an admirable identity and extraordinary achievements. From everyone’s perspective, he is as tall as the cloud. However, one day he came to tell me, He almost collapsed, and I asked him why? He said that every time he was admired by others, when he regarded himself as a success, he felt that he was a noble person, a strong person, an extraordinary person. But Some unbearable memory in his mind has always reminded him that all these are false appearances. The real one is an evil cowardly person. The reason why he now behaves so noble and refined is all in disguise. Just because of the real test It hasn’t arrived yet. These truths always destroy his pride and always remind him of his cowardice and cowardice. “

“What is the truth about him?” Gui Qinshao asked.

The old man said: “This man, when he was only ten years old, was absolutely curious about the opposite sex. He often peeked at his Elder Sister to take a bath. Not only that, he also made a hole in the wooden wall, and the hole was facing In the toilet room of the pro-aunt, he dug this hole in order to peek at the aunt ’s toilet. Although the aunt is the mother ’s sister, she was already 40 or 50 years old. ”

“Ah …, he, he’s so shameless.” Gui Qinshao said.

The old man said: “Yeah. It’s shameless, evil is at its extreme.”

Gui Qinshao said: “When he grows up, he must have become an inferior embryo.”

The old man did not answer, and continued: “This is the truth of his lewdness and his cowardly truth. When he became famous, he felt brave. Strong. However, when he was nineteen, Because the family is poor and ca n’t go to school, after work, I will sit in the garden of the county college and feel the atmosphere inside. There is a **** sitting on a bench, and a very kind and elegant male old man is beside him. Like a mentor in the college. The elegant old man treated him very well and talked with him to make him flattered. However, in the name of caring for the body, the elegant old man touched his body and reached into his clothes. He was sloppy inside. However, he dared not speak out or yell during the whole process, but only tolerated it. Until the old man ’s hand wanted to grab him somewhere, he broke free and escaped. “

“Incompetent, cowardly … disgusting man.” Gui Qinshao said angrily.

“Yeah, how incompetent and cowardly.” The Divine Dragon Temple old man said: “He told me that the old man’s hands were cold and soft like snakes. He was very sick and frightened. But the wretched old man had no chicken He could push him away with a light push. Even if he yelled, the wretched old man would run away. However, he did nothing, but just carried it cowardly, when it was finally unbearable. Only then can I escape. “

Gui Qinshao said: “This person is so weak and incompetent, it is really disgusting. I can’t believe how he succeeded in becoming famous. And even if he succeeds in becoming famous, it won’t last long, and it must be very failing.”

“Uh … maybe it is,” the old Divine Dragon Temple said.

Gui Qinshao said: “Where is this wicked and cowardly person now?”

Old Divine Dragon Temple said: “It’s right in front of you.”

Gui Qinshao suddenly looked at him in disbelief as soon as these words came out.

The old man in front of him is one of the highest Spirit and Cultivator of Divine Dragon Temple. He has the supremacy and is almost a **** walking in this world. Even His Majesty the King, he comes to visit him every year.

However, the wicked cowardly man in his mouth turned out to be … himself.

How can he become such a great man with such wicked cowardice?

After a long time, Gui Qinshao murmured and asked: “Then … how did you overcome these painful truths?”

The old man thought for a while, and said, “Forget it, I stepped forward without knowing it.”

Gui Qinshao: “There are always some ways.”

The old man said: “Probably just to admit that you are wicked and cowardly, and admit that you are not so powerful and not so noble.”

“Ah, that’s it!” Gui Qinshao said: “I thought that you would completely defeat the adultery and cowardice of the past. For example, what a fatal crisis has happened, let you prove that you are brave and noble at the cost of life.”

“No.” The old man said: “Nothing happened, just passed! Although I told myself over and over again at that time. I have to face the weakness of my human nature, and then completely defeat it and win back again My pride. However, my life is too mediocre. I have not encountered the opportunity to overcome these human weaknesses, so time hastily passed. “

The old man in front of him is almost one of the greatest people in the world, yet he says he has a mediocre life.

Suddenly, Gui Qinshao really felt his deep wisdom. Broad and broad mind.

Gui Qinshao hesitated for a moment and said: “I know what you mean, but you can let the time pass, and I can’t, my youth is just these years. And these memory have been torturing me, let me never again I can’t be confident, I can’t be proud anymore. “

Old man said: “Do you care about your pride?”

Gui Qinshao nodded and said, “I … I am naturally proud, just like a peacock, it would be better to kill me if I don’t open the screen. But those painful memory have made it impossible for me to open the screen. Every time I open the screen to pride, those truths will always tell me. You are just a woman who is greedy for life and death, and you are just a chastity. Then my confidence and self-confidence are completely eliminated. A peacock who ca n’t be proud ca n’t open the screen and ca n’t release her beauty. ”

The old man didn’t reply.

Gui Qinshao said: “Master, am I superficial, is it a vanity?”

“Yes.” The old man said: “But this is human nature, real human nature, you can not face it, but you cannot deny its existence.”

Then, the silence returned to the hall.

The old man asked again: “Female Tan Yue, you have understood what I said. Are you sure you want to wash this memory?”

Gui Qinshao closed his eyes and thought, trying to memorize this painful memory again.

Suddenly, that painful and endless attack came over, bringing all his pride. All confidence is completely destroyed.

She quickly opened her eyes and nodded vigorously: “Yes, I want to clean this memory, I must clean it.”

Spirit Temple Old Man said: “Well, please open your eyes, and then reproduce this memory in your brain. I will read it with Spirit Technique, and find its specific storage location, and then wash it away thoroughly. “

So, Gui Qinshao had to recall that unforgettable picture again.

Self and Gui Qinzhong led the Marines to attack Rubble Island. As a result, they lost all their previous efforts and were captured.

Suo Lun abused itself and ruined the pain when he was innocent.

Own hunger, own weakness.

There is also the rancid bun that almost broke the line of his dignity.

Finally, Suo Lun gently patted his back with a soft sigh.

These memory are reproduced in the brain like a movie.

Spirit Temple Grand Cultivator uses Spirit Technique to read this memory through Gui Qinshao‘s eyes and find the location of this memory in the brain domain.

“I have found a place. Next, I will use the powerful Spiritual Energy to thoroughly wash out all the memory signals in this brain region.” The old temple said.

Gui Qinshao forcefully nodded.

The old man began to condense the powerful Spiritual Force, and his pupils began to contract quickly, almost condensing into a little.

As long as it is suddenly released, the powerful Spirit can be shot into the brain area of ​​Gui Qinshao through the eyes and complete the cleaning of related memory data.

“I started to count down, and once started, I will lose this memory forever, and I can’t save it.” The old man said.




At this moment, Gui Qinshao suddenly said: “Slow!”

The old man said: “Did the girl change her mind? This is good. Only by facing your own weaknesses can you overcome it.”

Gui Qinshao said: “No, I just want to ask, can you just wash away the memory behind, that is, the memory that exposes my ugly weakness in human nature. But … he ruined my innocent memory and kept it, me, me Do n’t want to forget this. “

“Cough …” The Spirit old temple stunned, then coughed for a while.

Gui Qinshao blushed and said: “If even this memory was washed away, I wouldn’t hate him that much. I want to retain my unforgettable hatred against him, keep my fighting spirit of revenge, and resolve to cramp him.”

The old man looked at her eyes for a long time, and then sighed softly: “As you wish. I am Divine Dragon Temple, it should be helpful.”


In the underground lair of Poison Snake Sand Thief .

Within half an hour, either meet Blood Ghost or die!

Suo Lun crashes immediately. Without hesitation for a second, she threw her directly on the gold coins all over the ground, kissing her with a mad kiss.

Although he has never experienced such a thing, his theoretical knowledge is already very rich. There are not a thousand love action movies but eight hundred.

Demon Star. I am using Spiritual Attack, can I destroy her sanity in an instant?” Suo Lun asked in my heart while being affectionate.

Demon Star said: “No, she is High Rank Warrior, Spiritual Force defense is also very strong, and she must perform Spiritual Attack when her Spirit loses.”

When will people lose Spirit? Of course, when we reached the peak of happiness, the human brain was blank at that moment.

Demon Star said: “Let her reach the peak of love / desire, and Spirit loses her instantly. This is your only chance to kill her.”

Suo Lun said: “But no man can do it. I think I am not talented. So I can’t do it either.”

Demon Star said: “She can’t reach the peak of joy, it should be the physical reason.”

Suo Lun said: “Unlike it, looking at her fierce and fierce look, she is full of desire, not like she is born cold.”

Demon Star said: “The parts of the human body responsible for desire and peak happiness are different.”

Suo Lun is surprised, Demon Star is very reasonable, this is based on scientific evidence.

Accurately, it is the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland that are responsible for desire. The brain and nerves are responsible for pleasure.

And the performance of Blood Ghost . Prove that she is not born cold. That can only prove one thing. Some nerve damage in her body is blocked, so she can’t convey pleasure to her brain, so she can never reach the peak.

Suo Lun quickly asked: “Demon Star. If some nerves in her body are blocked, can you reopen it?”

“Yes.” Demon Star said: “But you want me to enter her veins and veins first. It is still the old way. The blood of the two of you blends. I use the blood as a medium to enter her body.”

Suo Lun said: “Once you enter her blood veins, can’t she devour her cultivation?”

But soon Suo Lun rejected his own statement. This can indeed swallow the Dragon Force of Blood Ghost , but the other party will find out instantly and then kill Suo Lun the first time.

The reason why Meng Tuo Luo did n’t kill him that day was because she discovered the secret of Demon Star. She wished to destroy Demon Star, so she spared Suo Lun.

And Blood Ghost , absolutely does not spare any possibility of Suo Lun. Besides, after killing Blood Ghost , devouring her Dragon Force cultivation is a surefire.


Suo Lun is really dual-purpose. Suddenly there is a pain in his face, but he is slapped hard by Blood Ghost .

“You are incompetent, not only can’t satisfy me, but even my passion is receding.” Blood Ghost coldly said.

Next, her gold dagger pressed against Suo Lun‘s neck and said coldly: “You are intimate on the surface, but you don’t really do things. I don’t think I will waste time, I will kill you now.”

Then, her dagger slammed, and Suo Lun had a pain in her neck. She was cut open and blood bleed out. In case she really cut her aorta, even Demon Star couldn’t save him.

Blood Ghost , angrily, does not hide murderous aura in her eyes, she really kills people.

At this time, the gold sand in the crystal hourglass has already run out of half. If you don’t do anything, Suo Lun will be able to live another half an hour at most.

Suo Lun looked at Blood Ghost ‘s eyes and said seriously: “Give me a quarter of an hour, and I will guarantee that you will be sent to heaven!”

Blood Ghost cold road: “It’s not a big deal, you are a chick. I don’t think you have to waste time, just kill you, and cook and eat meat.”

“I swear, I can do it, and can make you go to heaven in a quarter of an hour.” Suo Lun said.

“If it can’t be done?” Blood Ghost said.

“Kill me and cook meat.” Suo Lun said.

“Okay, I’ll give you a quarter of an hour.” Blood Ghost closed his eyes again and said, “If you can do it, I will not only let you survive, but also let you live a life that has been fascinated and glorious. “

“Then I will start.” Suo Lun said.

“Come on.” Blood Ghost can’t wait to speak, and there is no trust in his words.

Suo Lun looked at her enchanting face and opened her mouth to bite her arm fiercely, bleeding directly.

“Are you looking for death?” Blood Ghost suddenly opened her eyes and slammed in the palm.

“Poof …” Suo Lun flew out directly. A mouthful of blood spewed out.

Fortunately, Blood Ghost didn’t mean to kill him at this time, otherwise he would be killed.

“Give me an explanation, otherwise I will cramp you immediately.” Blood Ghost said coldly.

Suo Lun struggled to get up from the ground and wiped the blood from the corner of your mouth: “Your body is special. You must see blood. And even if my cultivation is ten times as strong as 100 times, I ca n’t kill you. What are you afraid of?”

Blood Ghost coldly stared at him for a while, then closed his eyes lazily and said, “You are running out of time. Go ahead.”

Suo Lun stepped forward and kissed the wound on her arm with her **** lips, and the blood of the two immediately blended.

With blood as the medium, Energy Claw of Demon Star quickly drilled into the veins of Blood Ghost . Because this Strength is almost equivalent to the static level of the body, Blood Ghost is not known.

The speed of Demon Star is very fast. In a short moment, the muscles and nerves of Blood Ghost are freed.

“Did you find it?” Suo Lun asked.

“Found.” Demon Star said: “Master, you guessed right, this woman’s body is very special and should be destroyed by some kind of energy. She has many nerves blocked. Among them There is a pelvic nerve. “

Yes, this is the nerve that is responsible for pleasure transmission.

“Can you reopen her blocked pelvic nerve?” Suo Lun asked.

“No problem.” Demon Star said: “And this woman has been suppressed for more than ten years. Once the conduction nerve is broken, it will burst instantly and enter the peak. At that time, her Spirit will completely fall behind, which is the best way to kill her Timing. “

“Okay.” Suo Lun said: “I count down three, and then you instantly get through her nerves.”

“Yes.” Demon Star said.

“Three, two, one.” Suo Lun finished counting down. Then said: “Get through.”

Demon Star releases a burst of energy to instantly open up the pelvic nerve where Blood Ghost is blocked.

At the same time, Suo Lun kissed Blood Ghost ‘s mouth violently and kissed deeply.

“Ah …” Blood Ghost snarled sharply. Then the whole person stood up like a swan that was shot.

Her nerves were blocked for more than ten years, and the moment she got through, she suddenly became extremely sensitive. Even a deep kiss is enough to make her tremble, let alone Suo Lun. Do your best.

In an instant, the unparalleled pinnacle of the peak attacked instantly, like a storm.

In that moment, her brain was completely blank, and the entire Spirit was completely lost.

Kill this woman, just at this moment, the opportunity is inevitable!

Demon Star tentacles quickly returned to Suo Lun, and then began to condense Spiritual Force.

Suo Lun kissed her deeply while staring at her lost eyes.

Demon Star condenses, condenses, and condenses Spiritual Force to the extreme.

Then … violently release, attack!

“Shoot …” The powerful Spiritual Force condensed into a bunch, slammed through the eyes of Blood Ghost and penetrated into her brain.

Without Blood Ghost without Spirit defense, the entire brain domain was instantly broken down.

All her will, all her sage, all her memory, were instantly destroyed.

As if irradiated by a high-energy laser, Blood Ghost ‘s brain was instantly devastated.

Without any screams and no response, she directly became a walking dead.

This is Spiritual Force Attack, or the most common one, which can instantly destroy a person’s soul. It can be seen how terrible the really powerful Spiritual Attack will be.

Suo Lun opened Blood Ghost ‘s eyelids, her pupils had dispersed, and she slapped her face, and nothing happened.

However, her heart is still beating. Her body is still alive, but her soul is dead.

Looking at her venomous snake tattoo, and the disappeared arrow wound, Suo Lun said: “Maybe, you have many secrets in my body, but I ca n’t find it.”

Finally, he took the gold dagger in Blood Ghost ‘s hand, pointed it at her heart, and slammed it down.

The heart was pierced in an instant, and blood burst out.

Without any screams, this frightening Blood Ghost immediately died.

At the same time, her bloodline Dragon Force overflowed frantically.

Demon Star turned into a terrible black hole, swallowed frantically, swallowed!

This is a complete High Rank Warrior Dragon Force, which will definitely bring Suo Lun a huge cultivation breakthrough.


Note: The first six thousand words were sent, and it was written until eight o’clock in the morning. It was really speechless. Begging for monthly tickets, begging for support. (To be continued.)

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