World Destroying Demonic Emperor: Nine Six Eight: Domineering sky! A journey to destroy the country!

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Lan Ling nodded means you know it!

“I can restore your beauty, do I need it?” Lan Ling asked.

Diewu shook his head and said: “Not for now.”

Obviously, she wants to test her husband. Will her ghostly face scare Wing Clan Crown Prince?

Outside the main hall, Wing Clan Crown Prince knelt down and knocked, said: “Senior Ling Yi see His Majesty, long live, long live, long live!”

Lan Ling said: “You come in Ling Yi.”

Ling Yi walked in with its head down and looking at the instep, so it looked down at the instep.

His relationship with Lan Ling should be considered very intimate. Among many courtiers, his relationship with Lan Ling is second only to Tang Ren.

First of all, of course, because of the relationship of Yaya, one is the biological father of Yaya, and the other is the adoptive father of Yaya.

More importantly, Ling Yi also possesses near-perfect character, courageous, just, noble, smart, and humble.

When he was the most painful and decadent, he did not forget to govern Wing Clan. Now that he is so close to Demon Emperor Lan Ling, he still fully abides by the courtesy of his courtiers, and there will never be any overstep.

If the bravery of fighting is not afraid of death, of course it is Wing Clan King, and if it is wisdom, it may be better Wing Clan Crown Prince Ling Yi. Like Tang Ren, he belongs to the cultural generation of Demon Clan prince.

That’s it, Ling Yi waited for the purpose of Lan Ling and kept looking down at the ground.

Suddenly, he felt a very familiar breath.

And Diewu is already trembling all over, unable to suppress it at all.

Wing Clan Crown Prince Ling Yi suddenly raised his head, and after seeing Diewu, he suddenly shuddered and could hardly believe his eyes.

The first is ecstasy, endless ecstasy, as if dreaming.

Next, when I saw Diewu‘s half body, most of his faces were scorched and ugly, and he was extremely distressed.

He opened his mouth to call his name, and his throat was completely hoarse, making no sound.

After a while, his tears burst out.

At this time, Diewu no longer cares about the test husband, and immediately rushes over and throws himself into his arms.

“Yi …” Diewu cried.

Ling Yi hugged his wife tightly, and the tears really burst out, crying more than women. She did n’t cry at first, and later she cried.

Little Wu, sorry, sorry …” you Ling Yi shouted side by side.

Next, Lan Ling was very surprised to find that Diewu was crying holding Ling Yi‘s head.

“Okay, don’t cry …” Diewu said.

Then she came directly to Lan Ling and knelt down and said, “Your Majesty, his test passed. For his consideration, please help me restore my appearance.”

Lan Ling held out his palm, the light of one thread Nihility Bloodline floated in the air, and then lightly spilled.

“Your Majesty, this gift is too heavy …” Ling Yi was startled.

Thirty thousand Centaur Legion , only tens of thousands of Death Warrior groups received a drop of blood mist and bloodline from Lan Ling, and Imperial Concubine Naxue only received a drop of Nihility Bloodline from Lan Ling.

And Diewu alone, was given one thread Nihility Bloodline alone.

A blaze of light shone down, and all the evil poisons in the Diewu body disappeared. Both the evil poison imprisoned in magma and the evil poison experimented on Devil Laboratory were cleaned by Nihility Bloodline.

In a short time, Diewu‘s body was instantly upright, and her scorched face and body suddenly completely restored to the original beauty.

No, it becomes more beautiful.

The beauty of Diewu is very generous and gorgeous, even with one thread overbearing and free and easy.

True flamboyance ca n’t be squeezed. Such a beautiful and beautiful woman is rarely seen in Lan Ling.

Wing Clan Crown Prince Ling Yi was originally very handsome, but at this time, under the glamour of Diewu, it seemed a bit bleak.

When she saw that she had recovered her beauty, Ling Yi watched her eyes obsessively, without concealing her obsession with his wife.

Lan Ling can be seen, in this relationship between Ling Yi and Diewu, the woman occupies a strong position, Ling Yi is passive.

Not only that, a purple energy burst into the palm of Lan Ling, and the energy light and shadow of Diewu projected violently.

“Boom …”

All of a sudden, the entire hall shook tremblingly.

The cultivation hurricane of Diewu directly broke from the peak of Demon Venerable to the peak of Demon Saint, and then broke through Sub-King again.

Wing Clan King and Wing Clan Crown Prince are not Sub-King, and Diewu directly breaks through Sub-King.

This is because Lan Ling has already given one thread Nihility Bloodline, so do n’t waste it. Simply increase the cultivation of Diewu to Sub-King. Moreover, her affection for Lan Ling is too great. Of course, some people may say that Lan Ling also saved her daughter, but this kind of affection cannot be exchanged, and she suffered such a big crime in order to save Zhi Ning mother and son and Ashi Liren.

Suddenly Lan Ling moved his head and said, “Ling Yi, have you ever thought of leaving Wing Clan Legion ? Your father’s injury is all healed, he is full of vitality, and I don’t know if he can fight for decades. He is very overbearing. You have a hard time working under him. “

Wing Clan Crown Prince Ling Yi is certainly not good for saying bad things about your father, but the facts are indeed as Lan Ling said. Wing Clan King is really overbearing. In Wing Clan, it is said that no matter whether it is correct or incorrect, it is completely inaudible.

“In this way, you go to Ling Cha Chau!” Lan Ling said: “You do the control of Ling Cha Chau.”

Wing Clan Crown Prince Ling Yi was shocked. His father Wing Clan King was Commander of Flame Demon Empire Airborne Legion . There were 100,000 Wing Clan warriors, 100,000 Ghost Ray Knight , and hundreds of thousands of Airborne Legion and Commander million troops.

And Ling Yi is the chief of one hundred thousand Wing Clan warriors. Of course, under the hegemony of Wing Clan King, it is difficult for him to master the military power. He is fully responsible for the logistics of this million Airborne Legion , as well as tactical theoretical work.

So, his current position is equivalent to the chief of staff of the Flame Demon Empire Air Force. Is it too fast to be promoted to the control of a continent?

Although Ling Cha Chau was baptized by war, it still has hundreds of millions of people. This is equal to that he immediately passed the position of his father, which is equivalent to the previous Demon King character.

The Ling Yi certainly has the joy of being valued, but it is more stressful, afraid of not doing well.

“There are probably thousands of civil servants, and a million troops follow you into Lingchazhou.” Lan Ling said: “Demon King Jing Zi Doppelganger, even Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation, and Crystal Stone Cannon are all in place.”

“Your Majesty let me try, I will try.” Ling Yi said.

Lan Ling said: “Okay, you will go to Lingchazhou after five days. Diewu will stay in Flame Demon City for a period of time, and then reunite with you after about two or three months. Because of Zhi Yu, Zhi Ning, and Yaya is definitely not willing to leave her so early. “

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Ling Yi said.

“Go, take your wife to see your baby girl.” Lan Ling laughed.


“Did Gou Li, Tian Sha have yet to leave for office?” said Lan Ling.

The Flame Demon Parliament and Prime Minister government reported that Lan Ling had also passed, let King Tian Sha go to Yun E Continent for control. This is of course a low position for King Tian Sha . After all, he was once the first king of Demon Clan.

But he is really not dissatisfied, because what he is most afraid of is that he cannot find his place in Flame Demon Empire.

Moreover, the one continent control is also a huge challenge for him. Moreover, he still led the prince rank as the Yun E Continent control, second only to the Tian Sha continent control Empress Di Nie in the six major controls.

“Not yet.” Gou Li said: “Still kneeling there.”

Where is kneeling?

The father and son of Tian Sha kneel in the middle of the most popular civilian square in Flame Demon City, where there is hustle and bustle, and countless people pass by every Heaven Capital . There is a statue there, the statue of Demon Emperor Lan Ling, and the father and son of Tian Sha kneeled there for half a month.

Every Heaven Capital , countless people saw the father and son kneeling there and confessed their sins, which became an anecdote of Flame Demon Empire.

Who punished kneeling? Of course it is not Lan Ling. As an emperor, he is not a good servant, especially Tian Sha king surrendered when the situation of Flame Demon Empire is not good.

It is the father Bingren of King Tian Sha !

After Bingren returned, he learned what Tian Sha had done before. At that time, he pulled out his sword to kill all the father and son of Tian Sha and cleaned the portal, then knelt and asked Lan Ling to revoke the title of Prince Tian Sha , and he was in the Tian Sha family. Only recognize Di Ning little princess.

Bingren is really going to kill his son and grandson.

The father and son of Tian Sha , kneeling there motionless, without any resistance.

After Lan Ling learned the situation, it blocked Bingren for the first time. Although the life of the father and son of Tian Sha was rescued, he was also beaten to death by Bingren, and then he was fined for kneeling in the Flame Demon City square. One kneeling was half a month.

Bingren said, it must be seen by everyone in Flame Demon Empire, and everyone in the world must know that the Tian Sha family has such a pair of scum, and the descendants of Bingren have humiliated this pair of scum.

As the emperor, Lan Ling is really not very persuasive about this family matter.

Because Bingren really feels ashamed and distressed for this.

And Lan Ling also found that Bingren is more independent and proud than other Hell Knights, and has extremely high quality.

“Kneeled for half a month, it’s almost the same.” Lan Ling said: “Go and let Bingren come over.”

“Yes!” Gou Li said.

A moment later, Hell Knight Bingren entered the hall, using a fanatical and painful mouth Qi path: “Chen Bingren, see master, long live, long live, long live!”

The Bingren, like other Hell Knight, only has a light and shadow formed by a dark flame, and has lost its body.

His descendants really tarnished his reputation, making him unable to lift his head under His Majesty the Emperor.

“I know you are very angry and feel that your children are not good.” Lan Ling said: “However, I think Tian Sha finally held the root.”

“No, Your Majesty …” Bingren groaned: “My servant was forced to surrender Flame Demon Empire. Mo Tuo Empire and Divine Dragon Temple must let him be a puppet with half of the walking dead, and he would surrender to His Majesty. , Not at all because of loyalty or inner justice. “

“Yes, but he still longs for it.” Lan Ling said: “It is because you left too early to continue to protect him. He will become that way in order to survive. If you have been by his side , Then he will also fully inherit your noble qualities. So I think he should be given another chance, and the empire is in vain, especially after the Yun E Continent battles, now it has almost become a white land, originally a population of more than 100 million people, now left Less than three Ten Million. Among the eight continents of Flame Demon Empire, the reconstruction of Yun E Continent is the most difficult, so I gave him the guts. Letting him kneel in the big square to accept the swearing of countless people is of course a soul baptism. But in the Empire In construction, it is also a kind of soul reconstruction in blood and fire. “

That being said, Bingren still has a hard time getting through the hurdles in his heart. He simply does not know how to wash the shame of his children and grandchildren.

“Okay, let them get up, let Tian Sha go to Yun E Continent as soon as possible.” Lan Ling said.

Bingren knelt down and said: “Your Majesty, please give up the title of Prince Tian Sha . In the future, if his contribution in Yun E Continent is large enough, return this Prince to him.”

Lan Ling didn’t know how to interface all of a sudden, and he was really a little helpless in the face of a courtier with such high integrity.

However, it is still the Tian Sha king who has eliminated this embarrassment of Lan Ling himself, and he asked to oust the title of Prince.

Before going to work at Yun E Continent , King Tian Sha went to kneel outside the door of Bingren all night. He only asked to see his father before leaving.

However, Bingren never opened the door.

“When will you regain pride and nobility, you will see me again.” Bingren said coldly.

Suddenly, the king of Tian Sha cried silently, knocked heavily outside, and then left Flame Demon City overnight to go to Yun E Continent .


Lan Ling did not receive the messenger of Di Motuo. Although the other party was Jing Pang, one of the princes of Vampire Demon Clan, he was not qualified to see Lan Ling.

Di Motuo south expedition Flame Demon Empire, thirteen Bloodsucker prince, ten people followed Di Motuo south expedition, and now they have all been captured and become a Sub-King Level Death Warrior.

And this Jing Pang is the Prince Bloodsucker who stays behind Mo Tuo Empire.

“My excellency Prime Minister, does the villain really have a chance to see your majesty?” Prince Bloodsucker said beside the well: “The minister really respects the majesty of your majesty, even if you look at it from a distance.”

Tang Ren and Di Ming next to each other glanced at each other, then smiled: “What do you say is the same as I said, Your Majesty has given me this matter to me.”

Bloodsucker Prince Jing Pang said: “Your Majesty Di Motuo ordered me to offer the National Book. My Mo Tuo Empire is willing to withdraw the empire and change it to a kingdom. I want His Majesty Demon Emperor to become a protagonist. Crown Prince Xiao Bai stays in Flame Demon City as a proton, and I urge the emperor to seal up Di Motuo.”

Mo Tuo Crown Prince Xiao Bai is dead.” Tang Ren wrote lightly.

Suddenly, Bloodsucker Prince Jing Pang shuddered, and then said: “It is my Mo Tuo Empire who has violated His Majesty Tianwei, and all sins are in our country. Please tell your Majesty, my Mo Tuo Empire said that the heart of the minister is extremely humble and sincere.”

Tang Ren said: “Your Majesty said, Di Motuo wants to surrender. You can completely revoke the country name and become the northern continent of Flame Demon Empire. Your Majesty is willing to enclose him as Mo Tuo Crown Prince , but to serve in Flame Demon City, only the title of Prince, without any land . “

Di Ming added on the side: “In short, Mo Tuo Country must be destroyed. Either you abolish the country name and save your life. Or, I Flame Demon Empire North Expedition, help you destroy it.”


Note: The second is sent to you, beg for support, and beg for the monthly pass.

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