World Destroying Demonic Emperor: May four zero: Shameless Lan Ling! Go to war!

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“Why? Your uncle, don’t tell me, is there any inconvenience?” Du Yan sneered: “You are not willing to support the chief, what is the purpose of staying in the tribe don’t tell me?”

Du Yan ’s cold eyes stared at Suo Mo, as if to see clues on his face.

The Dina on the side changed his face and shook his body!

Are all good things don’t tell me just looking for just a mess?

At this time, she really wanted to smash Du Yan to pieces, she had never hated a person so much.

It is only one step away from the rebellion and the establishment of your own tribe. This former righteous brother and former fiancé completely shattered this beautiful dream.

External Clan Armed Force used to be the life and death brother of his Du Yan. Suo Mo was the righteous father who raised him from an early age.

At this time, Du Yan was going to put them all to death.

Suo Mo closed his eyes and forced himself to quiet down.

What should he do at this time?

Kill the beast of Du Yan and then rebel in advance?

It was too sudden, too fast, he was too late to notify the backbone brothers of External Clan Armed Force.

Moreover, as long as Suo Mo does not agree to the requirements of Du Yan and does not follow Du Yan to the Ghost Territory World peripheral military camp, then Constantine will soon know that Suo Mo and External Clan Armed Force are distracted.

At most two hours, or even less than two hours, Constantine will know.

The distance of two hundred and seventy miles, whether it is Flying Sparrow messaging or riding Griffin Beast, it takes less than an hour.

At that time, Constantine will definitely negotiate with Alfonso at the fastest speed to compromise, and then the army will return to the division and destroy External Clan Armed Force of Suo Mo.

Not only that, since Constantine suspects this, there is no doubt that his eldest wife, Second Madam, will hide it. Suo Mo wanted to take advantage of it and it was very difficult to seize the two as hostages.

Du Yan cold road; “Father, if you have any important things to leave the tribe, I can tell you the chief.”

Next, Suo Mo thought of the previous conversation with Lan Ling.

Lan Ling said that if Constantine is suspicious of Suo Mo and External Clan Armed Force, Suo Mo will definitely be transferred away from External Clan Armed Force.

Because as long as Suo Mo is absent, the remaining External Clan Armed Force cannot be rebelled.

For this situation, Lan Ling has long been expected.

His decision at the time was that although Suo Mo left External Clan Armed Force, he went to Chief Constantine.

And the rebellion of External Clan Armed Force, let him lead Lan Ling!

When Lan Ling came up with this plan, Suo Mo resolutely opposed it.

It’s too dangerous!

The key to the success of the rebellion is to seize the madam and Second Madam as hostages. Although cultivation of Lan Ling is advancing by leaps and bounds, it is still far from the opponent of the maid of Constantine, nor the opponent of the elders of the tribe.

Not only that, there are still more than 3,000 people in the Chimera Tribe ’s left army.

External Clan Armed Force has a thousand to three thousand tribal troops, there is no chance of winning.

So, at that time Suo Mo completely rejected this plan, which was too dangerous for Lan Ling, almost nine lives.

But now …

The betrayal of Du Yan directly destroyed all previous plans.

There are only two options left to Suo Mo, either kill Du Yan and rebel in advance.

Or, believe Lan Ling!

Uncle, please believe me, although I am an adventurous maniac, but there is no 40% sure thing, I will not do it.” This was the original Lan Ling.

This 40% grasp, I heard the Suo Mo terrified.

Take a deep breath, Suo Mo still chooses to believe Lan Ling, he suddenly said nodded: “Okay, I will follow you to support the chief.”

Du Yan was stunned. It was a joy or a disappointment to say nothing.

Suo Mo agreed to leave Chimera Tribe, which means that it is impossible to rebel. He did not rebel, that is, Du Yan was wrong, and he could not step on External Clan Armed Force‘s body.

“Okay, let’s start now.” Du Yan said.

Next, Suo Mo did not pack anything, just took a Great Sword and followed Du Yan away.

“Righteous Father …” Dina shouted tremblingly.

“Relax …” Suo Mo gently patted Dina‘s shoulder and said, “Trust me, trust Lan Ling, we will all be fine.”

Then, Suo Mo left External Clan Armed Force camp, turned on his horse, left Chimera Tribe overnight, and went to the military camp of Constantine.

Little Ling, this heavy burden can only be given to you.” The Suo Mo riding on the war horse can’t help but look back at Great Gate of Chimera Tribe.

External Clan Armed Force‘s rebellion has nothing to do with him, everything can only rely on Lan Ling.

Suo Mo is extremely worried, but has no choice!

Lan Ling is just a Tenth Level demon warrior. Can he lead External Clan Armed Force with less than a thousand people to successfully break through the encirclement and rebel against himself?


In the Ankara Tribe army camp!

Chief Alfonso is facing a very entangled issue, is it retreat?

Although money is important, the army in your hand is even more important. Alfonso didn’t want to fight a battle that was confused and unsure of victory.

However, it ’s just a retreat, it ’s too useless.

“Can’t retreat!” female Shaman said: “Father, now you are already the most powerful chief within a few hundred miles. If you just retreat so embarrassed, it will do too much damage to your reputation. Everyone will think , You are afraid of Constantine, which is also very unfavorable to our complete acceptance of Wild Horse Tribe. “

Alfonso couldn’t help but glance at her devil’s figure, then looked away.

This woman’s figure is so enchanting, not only devours the man’s eyes, but also devours the man’s soul.

Alfonso sighed: “Yin Ji, why don’t I know this. But now it’s definitely not the time to go to war, there are all harms and no benefits.”

This female Shaman is called Yin Ji and is the most trusted person of Chief Alfonso.

Female Shaman Yin Ji said: “Father, you have to think of one thing, you do n’t want to fight, Constantine does n’t want to fight. So he can only give in, not you.”

Alphonse Ropeway: “What do you think?”

Female Shaman Yin Ji said: “We made a domineering look, continue to march, step by step *** forced Constantine to take the initiative to negotiate, forcing him to spend money to ask us retreat.”

Alphonse Ropeway: “How much gold coins shall we blackmail from him?”

“At least fifty thousand gold coins.” Female Shaman Yin Ji said: “In this way, even if we do not fight, we can get great benefits.”

Alfonso pondered for a moment, and said, “It is reasonable to do so.”

So, the army of Alfonso went on and approached the Constantine camp!


The Suo Mo and Du Yan drove, and after just three hours, they ran two hundred and seventy miles to the Constantine military camp.

Chief Constantine personally greeted him.

“Haha, my old friend, at this critical moment, it’s really uncomfortable for you not to be by my side.” Constantine slapped Suo Mo‘s shoulder and said: “You come, I will not be afraid, even I ’m not afraid to start a war with Alfonso. “

Suo Mo expressionlessly said: “The chief is serious.”

The arrival of Suo Mo really relieved Constantine.

He is really worried that Suo Mo will lead the rebellion, although he can lead the army back to the division to fight the rebellion as soon as possible. But in that case, I do n’t know what compromise Alfonso would make, at least 80,900,000 gold coins, or even more.

Now that Suo Mo has come to him by his own initiative, it means that there is no ghost in his heart, and there is no intention of rebellion, which is also in line with Constantine‘s judgment.

Suo Mo is a person who is almost pedantic, and is unlikely to commit rebellion.

At this moment, a horseshoe sound of cheats suddenly sounded in the north, and the dust shook the sky.

“Report that the chief, Alfonso ’s army, is approaching us, which is less than eight miles.” The scout came to report.

The face of Constantine has changed drastically. Is Alfonso crazy?


After an hour!

The 10,000 army of Alfonso arrived and confronted the army of Constantine from north to south. The distance between the two sides was no more than three miles.

The atmosphere of the two armies is very dignified, like a huge gunpowder barrel, which is almost instantaneous.

“This is blackmail, naked blackmail.” Constantine looked at Alfonso’s army, coldly said.

So, the two armies fell into a confrontation, fighting and not fighting, retreating and not retreating!

Alfonso ’s side wants to force Constantine to compromise first and come over to negotiate.

And on the Constantine side, they want to get the negotiation initiative, and they want Alfonso to take the initiative to talk.

Both armies scolded each other from the air, provoked each other, but no one took the initiative to attack.

The situation is deadlocked!


The Suo Mo at this time is also anxious!

He must let Lan Ling know quickly that he is no longer in Chimera Tribe, and he can no longer lead External Clan Armed Force to rebel, and Lan Ling should be prepared early.

So, he yelled angrily towards the Ankara army: “Afonso, what do you mean by not fighting, not retreating?”

The cultivation of Suo Mo is so amazing, this roaring sound is enough to spread a few miles away, so that Lan Ling can hear clearly.

At this time, Lan Ling in Ghost Territory World energy shield is sitting and closing his eyes, waiting for the opportunity.

After hearing the sound of Uncle Suo Mo, he woke up suddenly!

The worst situation appears!

Constantine became suspicious and summoned Uncle Suo Mo to his side, leaving External Clan Armed Force camp.

It is impossible to rebel with External Clan Armed Force without the head of the dragon.

Lan Ling even suspected that Du Yan reminded Constantine, so this situation appeared.

This shameful traitor should really cramp him.

However, this worst situation is still within the plan of Lan Ling.

He is a man of no measure, and he ca n’t even take this accident into account.

Now there is no choice but to lead the External Clan Armed Force rebellion by his Lan Ling.

Lan Ling took a deep breath and stood up!

Standing up and looking down, the two armies of Constantine and Alfonso are only three miles away, as if they are about to touch.

Lan Ling wants to lead External Clan Armed Force to successfully rebel, there must be two premises.

The first premise, Constantine and Alfonso, must actually fight.

This is too close to Chimera Tribe. Constantine cavalry can return to Chimera Tribe at the fastest speed at any time. Only after he and Alfonso’s war started, his army would be dragged down and could not return to the tribe’s nest.

However, it is difficult to want them to go to war.

Do n’t look at the two armies shouting and killing, but one hundred are unwilling to fight.

Basically, 90% of the possibilities are impossible.

So, Lan Ling must think of a way to make the two armies forced to fight directly!

And about this, Lan Ling has already been planned.


Ankara’s army.

Alfonso anxiously said: “Otherwise, I will send someone to negotiate at Constantine.”

“No.” Female Shaman Yin Ji said: “At this time, whoever takes the initiative to negotiate first will show cowardice and become passive.”

“What should I do? Do you want to continue to use it like this?” Alphonse Ropeway said.

Female Shaman Yin Ji said: “In this way, you ordered the archer to shoot arrows at the Constantine army!”

Alfonso shuddered: “What if the war between the two sides is caused, and the consequences are unbearable.”

“Trust me, it won’t.” Female Shaman Yin Ji said.

Alfonso was silent for a moment and said, “Okay, I believe you.”


After half an hour, the horn of the Ankara Tribe army suddenly sounded.

Then, the Ten Thousand Army continued to advance, advance, and advance.

Suddenly, Constantine was extremely nervous here, and the Chimera Tribe army around him also met.

“What does Alfonso want to do? Blackmail, or blackmail.” Constantine said.

Alfonso ’s 10,000 army is getting closer and closer, getting closer and closer, and finally only about a mile away.

“Get ready!” Alfonso yelled.

Suddenly, thousands of soldiers were facing the sky, bending their bows and arrows!

Constantine jumped sharply. Is Alfonso crazy? Is don’t tell me really going to war?

“Release!” With Alfonso’s order.

Thousands of soldiers shot arrows sharply.

The arrow rain slammed down. Although far apart, the 10,000 army of Constantine still shook his heart.

“Pā … “

The black rain of arrows hit the ground directly, splashing the dust all over the sky.

The nearest arrow is only a dozen meters away from the Chimera Tribe army.

This is really terrifying!

“Go ahead …” Alfonso ordered that his 10,000 army advance once again a hundred meters.

This time, the distance between the two sides is only 400 meters, and has reached the strongest Archer killing range.

“Ready!” Alfonso ordered.

Suddenly, thousands of Ankara Tribe troops, once again bow and arrow, aimed at the Constantine army!

Once the arrow is shot this time, it will cause casualties, then Constantine will fight without fighting.

At this point, it ’s totally shit.

“Crazy, crazy …” Constantine yelled, and under Alfonso’s crazy pressure, he could only compromise first. Who made him inferior?

“Alfonso, you madman, immediately stopped, I sent someone to negotiate.” Constantine shouted.

Then, Constantine recruited her daughter Ninian and asked her to negotiate with Alfonso.

“Father, what is our bottom line?” Ninian asked.

Constantine Road: “30,000 gold coins , no more.”

For 30,000 gold coins , Constantine is already bleeding.

Ninian said in silence for a moment: “Father, of course I can stick to the bottom line of 30,000 gold coins , but Alfonso will never be satisfied. His bottom line should be 50,000 gold coins.”

“He might as well grab it.” Kai Constantine shouted angrily.

Fifty thousand gold coins, this is slashing in his heart.

“If there is no 50,000 gold coins, Alfonso will really open fire, will you fight or not?” Ninian said: “According to my idea, give him 50,000 gold coins, anyway, we still have five Ten thousand, plus our savings, is enough for me to marry the dowry of Young Barbarian King. As long as I succeed in marrying Young Barbarian King, I will spit out how much Alfonso eats by then. “

Constantine closed his eyes in pain, struggling.

He is really reluctant to accept the blackmail by Alfonso, but now it seems that he has no choice!

“Okay, just give him fifty thousand!” Constantine gritted his teeth and said: “After you marry Young Barbarian King, I will definitely let Alfonso spit out in a positive way.”


The Chimera Tribe flower Ninian, solo ride, leave the formation and proceed to the Alfonso formation to negotiate.

It’s just that it wasn’t Alfonso who negotiated with her, but a female Shaman Priest Yin Ji.

“Twenty thousand gold coins!” Ninian said: “We are willing to pay twenty thousand gold coins to let you retreat!”

Female Shaman Yin Ji glanced at Ninian.

I do n’t know why, Ninian feels the contempt of the other party, whether it is contempt for his face, reputation, body, and all aspects.

Not only that, Ninian also felt jealous.

Although he ca n’t see the appearance of this female Shaman, her figure is really enough to kill herself. Ninian has barely seen such a devil-shaped figure.

Moreover, there is a mysterious and **** atmosphere in the other party.

“Is Ninian?” female Shaman Yin Ji said: “Do n’t waste time bargaining, I know your bottom line is 50,000 gold coins, and our bottom line is also 50,000 gold coins. If you do n’t get this number, we are willing to go to war directly Blackmail, it will be more difficult for both parties to step down, and fifty thousand gold coins … no … fifty thousand gold coins! “

“You are too bully.” Ninian said angrily.

“Five thousand and twenty thousand gold coins …” female Shaman Yin Ji further increased the price, and said coldly: “Either pay, or go to war.”

Ninian felt that he had been completely suppressed, and in his heart he hated the **** girl Shaman in front of him to the extreme.

“When I marry Young Barbarian King, I will definitely make you slut thousands of dollars, let a thousand people ride, tens of thousands of people.” Ninian said coldly, then stared at the woman in front of him, said: “Okay , Fifty thousand two thousand gold coins, in exchange for your retreat! “

“One word is final!” said female Shaman Priest Yin Ji.

Suddenly, the two parties reached an agreement.

Fifty thousand and two thousand gold coins for Constantine in exchange for Ankara Tribe retreat.

The two sides settled peacefully, no longer fighting!


How can the despicable Lan Ling allow both parties to negotiate so peacefully?

Just after the negotiations between the two parties have ended and an agreement has been successfully reached.

Lan Ling suddenly drove a carriage or two out of energy shield of Ghost Territory World and appeared in front of everyone.

This carriage is full of four horses.

A huge mountain was piled up on the huge carriage.

Countless gold coins piled up into a mountain.

How much is gold coins? Fully one hundred thousand gold coins!

And the **** is that the gold coins carriage of Lan Ling is not the army rushing towards Constantine, but appears in the middle of the two armies, even closer to the army of Alfonso.

Alfonso and Constantine stayed.

gold coins looking at white flowers, piled up like a mountain of gold coins.

One hundred thousand gold coins!

After the two looked at each other, they shouted: “Go on, **** gold coins, anything is blocking, don’t talk about killing!”

So, the two armies charged wildly, rushing towards the middle gold coins carriage.


Note: More than 5,000 words are sent to the second, and today two are nearly 10,000 words, please beg for great family support, beg for the monthly ticket, thank you brothers, thank you! (To be continued.)

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